1974 21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 21. [Introduction]...21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 1974 301; 21. [Introduction] From Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer Lib / Dream Machinesis - [PDF Document] (2024)

1974 21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 21. [Introduction]...21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 1974 301; 21. [Introduction] From Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer Lib / Dream Machinesis - [PDF Document] (1)

21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines



21. [Introduction]

FromComputer Lib / Dream MachinesComputer Lib / Dream Machines is the most important book in the history of new media.

Nelson’s volume is often called the first personal computer book, probably because it arrived shortlybefore the first personal computer kit (the Altair) and was later recognized to have predicted theeffects of its coming. This, however, was only one of the many visions, prescient and influential,offered in the volume.

Computer Lib / Dream Machines is a Janus-like codex that joins two books back to back; in themiddle, the texts of the two bound-together books meet. The “Computer Lib” side, its cover featuringa raised fist with a computer in the background, didn’t simply predict that personal computers werecoming, but effectively challenged the popular notion of what computers were for, at a fundamentallevel. As Stewart Brand wrote in his foreword to the 1987 edition, Ted Nelson is “accurately depictedas the Tom Paine of the personal-computer revolution. His 1974 tract, Computer Lib / DreamMachines, had the same effect as Paine’s Common Sense—it captivated readers, informed them, andset them debating and eventually marching, rallying around a common cause many of them hadn’trealized was so worthy or even a cause before. . . . The enemy was Central Processing, in all itscommercial, philosophical, political, and socio-economic manifestations. Big Nurse.” Nelson’s bookraised the cry, “Down with Cybercrud!” He exhorted his readers to defy the computer priesthood,and its then-leader IBM, and to never accept, “The computer doesn’t work that way” as an answeragain. “Computer Lib” was in writing what the Altair and Apple II became in engineering: an artifactthat destabilized the existing computer order, that brought about a conception of the computer as apersonal device.

The volume’s other side, “Dream Machines,” had even greater significance for new media’sdevelopment. Nelson wrote in the “Dream Machines” introduction, “Feel free to begin here. Theother side is just if you want to know more about computers, which are changeable devices fortwiddling symbols. Otherwise, skip it.” He wrote this believing his most essential message was notabout computers, but about media and design. He believed the importance of computers lay not intheir capacity for calculation, but in the fact that they would enable new generations of media. Inthe pages that followed, Nelson reported on some of the most important work in new media up tothat time, such as that of Doug Engelbart (◊08, ◊16) and Ivan Sutherland (◊09), and set forth hisown unique twofold vision.

First, he argued that computer experiences were media to be designed, and that this designshould be both a creative process and undertaken with the audience (users) in mind. His moststirring essay on the subject (“Fantics”) is reprinted here, along with a small selection of Nelson’sown designs. These are founding documents for the field now called human-computer interaction.They caused Nelson’s book to be passed around, borrowed, stolen, and made a totemic object inearly new media businesses. One former Apple Computer designer tells the story of having a copyof CL/DM placed in her hand the first day she reported for work.

Second, Nelson proposed that these new, designed media experiences be placed in a radical, openpublishing network. A network that supported the reconfiguration, comparison, andinterconnection of his 1965 hypertext proposal (◊11), in addition to complex version managementand powerful user interface conventions. In pages reprinted here, he envisions the resultingexplosion of knowledge radically altering the daily experiences of everyone from students toscientists. This vision and the project to realize it—Xanadu—made Nelson the butt of jokes for 20

Mitch Kapor, Designer ofLotus 1-2-3, Cofounder ofthe Electronic FrontierFoundation:

I spent a lot of the early1970’s prowling around thebookstores and newsstandsof Harvard Square. By day,I was a very juniorcomputer programmer andoccasional teacher ofTranscendental Meditation.I stumbled upon ComputerLib on a nocturnalexcursion and was instantlybewitched. Here was a manwho dreamed my dreamsbefore I did, who gavevoice to a radicallydifferent concept ofcomputers as other thangiant calculating machines.Computer Lib inspired meas no other book hasbefore or since andsustained me over the nextfew years until I boughtmy first Apple II. Itpointed me in the directionof a career in the as-yetthen-uninvented field ofpersonal computers. Forwhich I am eternallygrateful.





1974 21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 21. [Introduction]...21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 1974 301; 21. [Introduction] From Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer Lib / Dream Machinesis - [PDF Document] (2)

21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines



years: he was called a crackpot (and worse) for his strong conviction that Xanadu’s fundamentalsrepresented the future of media and culture. The general belief was that there simply was notdemand for a public, hypertext-enabled publishing network. This belief was resisted, however, bysmall groups around the world who created and worked with various types of hypertext-enablednetworks. Although we have not yet reached Xanadu, when one of these systems, the World WideWeb, began to explode in popularity during the 1990s (◊54), the voices of Nelson naysayers weredrowned forever in a flood of international hypertext publishing.—NWF

Original Publication

Self-published, 1974. 2nd ed., Redmond, Washington: Tempus Books/Microsoft Press, 1987.

Dream Machines (2):

It matters because we livein media, as fish live inwater. (Many people areprisoners of the media,many are manipulators, andmany want to use them tocommunicate artisticvisions.)

But today, at this moment,we can and must designthe media, design themolecules of our new water,and I believe the details ofthis design matter verydeeply. They will be with usfor a very long time,perhaps as long as man hasleft; perhaps if they are asgood as they can be, manmay buy even more time—or the open-ended futuremost suppose remains.

Further Reading

Nelson, Ted. “A ConceptualFramework for Man-MachineEverything.” ProceedingsAFIPS National ComputerConference and ExpositionM21-M26, June 4–8, 1973,New York. Montvale, N.J.:AFIPS Press, 1973.

Nelson, Ted. “The Right Wayto Think about SoftwareDesign.” The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design,235–243. Ed. Brenda Laurel.Reading, Mass.: Addison-Wesley. 1990.

Rheingold, Howard. Tools forThought: The People andIdeas Behind the NextComputer Revolution. NewYork: Simon & Schuster,1985; Cambridge: MIT Press,2000.


1974 21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 21. [Introduction]...21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 1974 301; 21. [Introduction] From Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer Lib / Dream Machinesis - [PDF Document] (3)

21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines


Any nitwit can understand computers, and many do.Unfortunately, due to ridiculous historical circ*mstances,computers have been made a mystery to most of the world.And this situation does not seem to be improving. You hearmore and more about computers, but to most people it’s justone big blur. The people who know about computers oftenseem unwilling to explain things or answer your questions.Stereotyped notions develop about computers operating infixed ways—and so confusion increases. The chasm betweenlaymen and computer people widens fast and dangerously.

This book is a measure of desperation, so serious andabysmal is the public sense of confusion and ignorance.Anything with buttons or lights can be palmed off on thelaymen as a computer. There are so many different things,and their differences are so important; yet to the lay publicthey are lumped together as “computer stuff,” indistinct andbeyond understanding or criticism. It’s as if people couldn’ttell apart camera from exposure meter or tripod, or car fromtruck or tollbooth. This book is therefore devoted to thepremise that


It is intended to fill a crying need. Lots of everyday peoplehave asked me where they can learn about computers, and Ihave had to say nowhere. Most of what is written aboutcomputers for the layman is either unreadable or silly. (Someexceptions are listed nearby [on pp. 6–7 of the first edition,not reprinted here]; you can go to them instead of this if youwant.) But virtually nowhere is the big picture simply enoughexplained. Nowhere can one get a simple, soup-to-nutsoverview of what computers are really about, withouttechnical or mathematical mumbo-jumbo, complicatedexamples, or talking down. This book is an attempt.

(And nowhere have I seen a simple book explaining to thelayman the fabulous wonderland of computer graphicswhich awaits us all, a matter which means a great deal to me

personally, as well as a lot to all of us in general. That’sdiscussed on the flip side.)

Computers are simply a necessary and enjoyable part oflife, like food and books. Computers are not everything, theyare just an aspect of everything, and not to know this iscomputer illiteracy, a silly and dangerous ignorance.

Computers are as easy to understand as cameras. I havetried to make this book like a photography magazine—breezy, forceful and as vivid as possible. This book willexplain how to tell apples from oranges and which way is up.If you want to make cider, or help get things right side up,you will have to go on from here.

I am not a skillful programmer, hands-on person oreminent professional; I am just a computer fan, computerfanatic if you will. But if Dr. David Reuben can write aboutsex I can certainly write about computers. I have written thislike a letter to a nephew, chatty and personal. This is perhapsless boring for the reader, and certainly less boring for thewriter, who is doing this in a hurry. Like a photographymagazine, it throws at you some rudiments in a merrysetting. Other things are thrown in so you’ll get the sound ofthem, even if the details are elusive. (We learn most everydaythings by beginning with vague impressions, but somehowencouraging these is us not usually felt to be respectable.)What I have chosen for inclusion here has been arbitrary,based on what might amuse and give quick insight. Anybright highschool kid, or anyone else who can stumblethrough the details of a photography magazine, should beable to understand this book, or get the main ideas. This willnot make you a programmer or a computer person, though itmay help you talk that talk, and perhaps make you feel morecomfortable (or at least able to cope) when new machinesencroach on your life. If you can get a chance to learnprogramming it’s an awfully good experience for anybodyabove fourth grade. But the main idea of this book is to helpyou tell apples from oranges, and which way is up. I hope youdo go on from here, and have made a few suggestions.

I am “publishing” this book myself, in this first draft form,to test its viability, to see how mad the computer people get,and to see if there is as much hunger to understandcomputers, among all you Folks Out There, as I think. I willbe interested to receive corrections and suggestions forsubsequent editions, if any. (The computer field is its ownexploding universe, so I’ll worry about up-to-dateness atthat time.)


1974 21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 21. [Introduction]...21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 1974 301; 21. [Introduction] From Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer Lib / Dream Machinesis - [PDF Document] (4)

theNEWMEDIAREADER21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines


Summary of This BookMan has created the myth of “the computer” in his ownimage, or one of them: cold, immaculate, sterile, “scientific,”oppressive.

Some people flee this image. Others, drawn toward it,have joined the cold-sterile-oppressive cult, and propagate itlike a faith. Many are still about this mischief, making peopledo things rigidly and saying it is the computer’s fault.

Still others see computers for what they really are:versatile gizmos which may be turned to any purpose, in anystyle. And so a wealth of new styles and human purposes arebeing proposed and tried, each proponent propounding hisown dream in his own very personal way.

This book presents a panoply of thingsand dreams. Perhaps some will appeal tothe reader . . .

The Computer PriesthoodKnowledge is power and so it tends to behoarded. Experts in any field rarely wantpeople to understand what they do, andgenerally enjoy putting people down.

Thus if we say that the use of computersis dominated by a priesthood, people whospatter you with unintelligible answers andseem unwilling to give you straight ones, itis not that they are different in this respectfrom any other profession. Doctors,lawyers and construction engineers are the same way.

But computers are very special, and we have to deal withthem everywhere, and this effectively gives the computerpriesthood a stranglehold on the operation of all largeorganizations, of government bureaux, and everything elsethat they run. Members of Congress are now complainingabout control of information by the computer people, thatthey cannot get the information even though it’s oncomputers. Next to this it seems a small matter that inordinary companies “untrained” personnel can’t get straightquestions answered by computer people; but it’s the samephenomenon.

It is imperative for many reasons that the appalling gapbetween public and computer insider be closed. As thesaying goes, war is too important to be left to the generals.Guardianship of the computer can no longer be left to a

priesthood. I see this as just one example of the creeping evilof Professionalism,* the control of aspects of society bycliques of insiders. There may be some chance, though, thatProfessionalism can be turned around. Doctors, for example,are being told that they no longer own people’s bodies.** Andthis book may suggest to some computer professionals thattheir position should not be as sacrosanct as they havethought, either.

This is not to say that computer people are trying to louseeverybody up on purpose. Like anyone trying to do acomplex job as he sees fit, they don’t want to be botheredwith idle questions and complaints. Indeed, probably anygroup of insiders would have hoarded computers just as

much. If the computer had evolved from thetelegraph (which it just might have), perhapsthe librarians would have hoarded it conceptu-ally as much as the math and engineeringpeople have. But things have gone too far.People have legitimate complaints about theway computers are used, and legitimate ideasfor ways they should be used, which should nolonger be shunted aside.

In no way do I mean to condemn computerpeople in general. (Only the ones who don’twant you to know what’s going on.) The fieldis full of fine, imaginative people. Indeed, thenumber of creative and brilliant people knownwithin the field for their clever and creative

contributions is considerable. They deserve to be known aswidely as, say, good photographers or writers.

*This is a side point. I see Professionalism as a spreading diseaseof the present-day world, a sort of poly-oligarchy by which variousgroups (subway conductors, social workers, bricklayers) can bringthings to a halt if their particular new increased demands are notmet. (Meanwhile, the irrelevance of each profession increases, inproportion to its increasing rigidity.) Such lucky groups demandmore in each go-round—but meantime, the number who arepermanently unemployed grows and grows.

**Ellen Frankfort, vagin*l Politics. Quadrangle Books.Boston Women’s Health Collective, Our Bodies, Ourselves. Simon &Schuster.

1974 21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 21. [Introduction]...21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 1974 301; 21. [Introduction] From Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer Lib / Dream Machinesis - [PDF Document] (5)

21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines


This is the flip side of Computer Lib.(Feel free to begin here. The other side is just if you want

to know more about computers, which are changeabledevices for twiddling symbols. Otherwise skip it.)

(But if you change your mind it might be fun to browse.)In a sense, the other side has been a come-on for this side.

But it’s an honest come-on: I figure the more you know, thereadier you’ll be for what I’m saying here. Not necessarily toagree or to be “sold,” but to think about it in the non-simpleterms that are going to be necessary.

The material here has been chosen largely for itsexhilarating and inspirational character. No matter whatyour background or technical knowledge, you’ll be able tounderstand some of this, and not be able to understandsome of the rest. That’s partly from the hasty preparation ofthis book, and partly from the variety of interests I’m trying

to comprise here. I want to present various dreams and theirresulting dream machines, all legitimate.

If the computer is a projective system, or Rorschachinkblot, as alleged on the other side, the real projectivesystems—the ones with projectors in them—are all themore so. The things people try to do with movies, TV andthe more glamorous uses of the computer, whereby it makespictures on screens—are strange inversions and foldovers ofthe rest of the mind and heart. That’s the peculiar origami ofthe self.

Very well. This book—this side, Dream Machines—ismeant to let you see the choice of dreams. Noting that every

company and universityseems to insist that itssystem is the wave of thefuture, I think it is moreimportant than ever tohave the alternativesspread out clearly.

But the “experts” arenot going to be muchhelp; they are part of theproblem. On both sides,the academic and theindustrial, they are beingpainfully pontifical andbombastic in the jarring

new jargons. Little clarity is spread by this. Few things arefunnier than the pretensions of those who profess to dignity,sobriety and professionalism of their expert predictions—especially when they, too, are pouring out their own personalviews under the guise of technicality. Most people don’tdream of what’s going to hit the fan. And the computer andelectronics people are like generals preparing for the last war.

Frankly, I think it’s an outrage making it look as if there’sany kind of scientific basis to these things; there is anunderlevel of technicality, but like the foundations of acathedral, it serves only to support what rises from it. THETECHNICALITIES MATTER A LOT, BUT THE UNIFYINGVISION MATTERS MORE.

This book has several simultaneous intentions: to orientthe beginner in fields more complex and tied together thanalmost anybody realizes; nevertheless, to partially debunkseveral realms of expertise which I think deserve slightly less


“Computers are catching hell from growing multitudes whosee them uniformly as the tools of the regulation andsuffocation of all things warm, moist, and human. Thecharges, of course, are not totally unfounded, but in theirmost sweeping form they are ineffective and thereforeactually an acquiescence to the dehumanization which theydecry. We clearly need a much more discerning evaluation inorder to clarify the ethics of various roles of machines inhuman affairs.”

Ken Knowlton in “Collaborations with Artists—aProgrammer’s Reflections,” in Nake & Rosenfeld, eds.,Graphic Languages (North-Holland Pub. Co.), p. 399.

1974 21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 21. [Introduction]...21. Computer Lib /Dream Machines 1974 301; 21. [Introduction] From Computer Lib / Dream Machines Computer Lib / Dream Machinesis - [PDF Document] (6)


attention than they get; and to chart the right way, which Ithink uniquely continues the Western traditions of literature,scholarship and freedom. In this respect the book is muchmore old-fashioned than it may seem at the gee-whiz, very-now level.

The main ideas of this book I present not as my own, butas a curious species of revealed truth. It has all been obviousto me for some time, and I believe it should be obvious aswell to anyone who has not been blinded by education. If youunderstand the problems of creative thinking and organizingideas, if you have seen the bad things school so often does topeople, if you understand the sociology of the intellectualworld, and have ever loved a machine, then this book saysnothing you do not know already.

For every dream, many details and intricacies have to bewhittled and interlocked. Their joint ramifications must bedeeply understood by the person who is trying to createwhatever-it-is. Each confabulation of possibilities turns outto have the most intricate and exactly detailed results. (Thisis why I am so irritated by those who think “electronic media”are all alike.)

And each possible combination you choose has differentprecise structures implicit in it, arrangements and unitswhich flow from these ramified details. Implicit in Radio lurkthe Time Slot and the Program. But many of thesepossibilities remain unnoticed or unseen, for a variety ofsocial or economic reasons.

Why does it matter?It matters because we live in media, as fish live in water.

(Many people are prisoners of the media, many aremanipulators, and many want to use them to communicateartistic visions.)

But today, at this moment, we can and must design themedia, design the molecules of our new water, and I believethe details of this design matter very deeply. They will bewith us for a very long time, perhaps as long as man has left;perhaps if they are as good as they can be, man may even buymore time—or the open-ended future most supposeremains.

So in these pages I hope to orient you somewhat tovarious of the proposed dreams. This is meant also to recordthe efforts of a few Brewster McClouds, each tinkeringtoward some new flight of fancy in his own sensoarium.

But bear in mind that hard-edged fantasy is the corner oftomorrow. The great American dream often becomes the

great American novelty. After which it’s a choice of style, sizeand financing plan.

The most exciting things here are those that involvecomputers: notably, because computers will be embraced inevery presentational medium and thoughtful medium verysoon.

That’s why this side is wedded to the other: if you want tounderstand computers, you can take the first step by turningthe book over. I figure that the more you know aboutcomputers—especially about minicomputers and the wayon-line systems can respond to our slightest acts—the betteryour imagination can flow between the technicalities, canslide the parts together, can discern the shapes of what youwould have these things do. The computer is not a limitlesspartner, but it is deeply versatile; to work with it we mustunderstand what it can do, the options and the costs.

My special concern, all too tightly framed here, is the useof computers to help people write, think and show. But Ithink presentation by computer is a branch of show biz andwriting, not of psychology, engineering or pedagogy. Thiswould be idle disputation if it did not have far-reachingconsequences for the designs of the systems we are all goingto have to live with. At worst, I fear these may lock us in; atbest, I hope they can further the individualistic traditions ofliterature, film and scholarship. But we must create our bravenew worlds with art, zest, intelligence, and the highestpossible ideals.

I have not mentioned the emotions. Movies and books,music and even architecture have for all of us been part ofimportant emotional moments. The same is going to happenwith the new media. To work at a highly responsivecomputer display screen, for instance, can be deeply exciting,like flying an airplane through a canyon, or talking tosomebody brilliant. This is as it should be. (“The reason is,and by rights ought to be, slave to the emotions.”—BertrandRussell.)

In the design of our future media and systems, we shouldnot shrink from this emotional aspect as a legitimate part ofour fantic (see p. 317) design. The substratum oftechnicalities and the mind-bending, gut-slamming effectsthey produce, are two sides of the same coin; and tounderstand the one is not necessarily to be alienated fromthe other.

Thus it is for the Wholiness of the human spirit, that wemust design.

21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines


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21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines



DreamsTechnology is an expression of man’s dreams. If man

did not indulge his fantasies, his thoughts alone

would inhibit the development of technology itself.

Ancient visionaries spoke of distant times and places,

where men flew around and about, and some could

see each other at great distance. The technological

realities of today are already obsolete and the future

of technology is bound only by the limits of our

dreams. Modern communications media and in

particular electronic media are outgrowths and

extensions of those senses which have become

dominant in our social development.

How Wachspress, “Hyper-Reality.”© Auditac Ltd. 1973.

“When you’re dealing with media you’re in showbusiness, you know, whether you like it or not.”

“Show business,” he said. “Absolutely. We’ve gotta be inshow business. We’ve gotta put together a team thatwill get us there.”

I made a mental note to use the show businessmetaphor again, and continued, “IBM’s real creativetalent probably lies in other areas . . .”

Heywood Gould, Corporation Freak (Tower), 23.

(The following article appeared in the September, 1970issue of Computer Decisions, and got an extraordinary amountof attention. I have changed my views somewhat—we all gothrough changes, after all—but after consideration havedecided to re-run it in the original form, withoutqualifications, mollifications or anything, for its unity.Thanks to Computer Decisions for use of the artwork by Gansand for the Superstudent picture on the cover, whose artistunfortunately insists on preserving his anonymity.

An interesting point, incidentally, is that people read this alot of different ways. One Dean of Education hilariouslymisread it as an across-the-board plug for CAI. Others read init various forms of menace or advocacy of generalizedmechanization. One letter-writer said I was a menace but atleast writing articles kept me off the streets. Here is myfundamental point: computer-assisted instruction, appliedthoughtlessly and imitatively, threatens to extend the worstfeatures of education as it is now.

Ladies and gentlemen, the age of prestidigitativepresentation and publishing is about to begin.Palpitating presentations, screen-scribbled, willdance to your desire, making manifest the manymysteries of winding wisdom. But if we are torehumanize an increasingly brutal anddisagreeable world, we must step up our efforts.And we must hurry. Hurry. Step right up.

Theodor H. Nelson, “Barnum-Tronics.”

Swarthmore College Alumni Bulletin, Dec 1970, 12–15.

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by Theodor H. NelsonThe Nelson OrganizationNew York

Some think the educational system is basically all right, andmore resources would get it working again. Schools would dothings the same way, except more so, and things would getbetter.

In that case the obvious question would be, how cancomputers help? How can computersusefully supplement and extend thetraditional and accepted forms of teaching?This is the question to which present-dayefforts in “computer-assisted instruction”—called CAI—seem to respond.

But such an approach is of no possibleinterest to the new generation of critics ofour school system—people like John Holt(Why Children Fail), Jonathan Kozol (Deathat an Early Age) and James Herndon (TheWay It Spozed to Be). More and more, suchpeople are severely questioning thegeneral framework and structure of theway we teach.

These writers describe particularly ghastly examples of ourschooling conditions. But such horror stories aside, we arecoming to recognize that schools as we know them appeardesigned at every level to sabotage the supposed goals of edu-cation. A child arrives at school bright and early in his life. Bydrabness we deprive him of interests. By fixed curriculumand sequence we rob him of his orientation, initiative andmotivation, and by testing and scoring we subvert his naturalintelligence.

Schools as we know them all run on the same principles:iron all subjects flat than then proceed, in groups, at a forcedmarch across the flattened plain. Material is dumped on thestudents and their responses calibrated; their interaction andinvolvements with the material is not encouraged nor takeninto consideration, but their dutifulness of response iscarefully monitored.

While an exact arrangement of intended motivations forthe student is preset within the system, they do not usuallytake effect according to the ideal. It is not that students areunmotivated, but motivated askew. Rather than seek toachieve in the way they are supposed to, students turn tochurlishness, surliness, or intellectual sheepishness. A generalhuman motivation is god-given at the beginning and warpedor destroyed by the educational process as we know it; thuswe internalize at last that most fundamental of grownup

goals: just to get through another day.Because of this procedure our very notion of

human ability has suffered. Adult mentality iscauterized, and we call it “normal.” Most people’sminds are mostly turned off most of the time. Weknow virtually nothing of human abilities except asthey have been pickled and boxed in schools; we needto ignore all that and start fresh. To want students tobe “normal” is criminal, when we are all so far belowour potential. Buckminster Fuller, in I Seem to Be aVerb, says we are all born geniuses: Sylvia Ashton-Warner tells us in Teacher of her success with thispremise, and of the brilliance and creative potentialshe was able to find in all her schoolchildren.

Curricula themselves destructively arrange thestudy situation. By walls between artificially segregated“studies” and “separate topics” we forbid the pursuit ofinterest and kill motivation.

In ordinary schooling, the victim cannot orient himself tothe current topic except by understanding the official angleof approach and presentation. Though tie-ins to previousinterests and knowledge are usually the best way to get aninitial sense of a thing, there is only time to consider theofficially presented tie-ins. (Neither is there time to answerquestions, except briefly and rarely well—and usually in away that promotes “order” by discouraging “extraneous” tie-ins from coming up.)

The unnecessary division and walling of subjects,sequencing and kibbling of material lead people to expectsimplifications, to feel that naming a thing is understandingit, to fear complex wholes; to believe creativity means

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recombination, the parsing of old relations, rather thansynthesis.

Like political boundaries, curriculum boundaries arisefrom noticeable features of a continuum and becomeprogressively more fortified. As behind political borders,social unification occurs within them, so that whollydissimilar practitioners who share a name come to thinkthey do the same thing. And because they talk mainly to eachother, they forget how near is the other side of the border.

Because of the fiction of “subjects,” great concern andconsideration has always gone into calculating the “correct”teaching sequence for each “subject.” In recent years radicalnew teaching sequences have been introduced for teachingvarious subjects, including mathematics andphysics. But such efforts appear to have beenmisinformed by the idea of supplanting the“wrong” teaching sequence with the “right”teaching sequence, one which is “validated.”Similarly, we have gone from a time when theinstructional sequence was a balance betweentradition and the lowest common denominatorof each subject, to a time when teachers may pick“flexible optimized strategies” from textbooks.And this all ignores a simple fact: all are arbitrary.Instructional sequences aren’t needed at all if thepeople are motivated and the materials are clearand available.

Testing as we know it (integrated with walledcurricula and instructional sequences) is a destructiveactivity, particularly for the orientation which it creates. Theconcerns of testing are extraneous: learning to figure out

low-level twists in questions that lead nowhere, underpressure.

The system of tensions and defenses it creates in thestudent’s personality are unrelated to the subject or the waypeople might relate to the subject. An exploitive attitude isfostered. Not becoming involved with the subject, thestudent grabs for rote payoff rather than insight.

All in a condescending circ*mstance. Condescension isbuilt into the system at all levels, so pervasive it is scarcelynoticed. Students are subjected to a grim variety of put-downs and denigrations. While many people evidentlybelieve this to be right, its productivity in building confidentand self-respecting minds may be doubted.

The problems of the school are notparticularly the teacher’s fault. The practice ofteaching is principally involved with managingthe class, keeping up face, and projecting theimage of the subject that conforms to theteacher’s own predilections. The educationalsystem is thereby committed to the fussy andprissy, to the enforcement of peculiar standardsof righteousness and the elevation ofteachers—a huge irrelevant shell around thesmall kernel of knowledge transmitted.

The usual attacks on computer teaching tendto be sentimental and emotional pleas for thealleged humanism of the existing system. Thosewho are opposed to the use of computers to

teach generally believe the computer to be “cold” and“inhuman.” The teacher is considered “warm” and “human.”This view is questionable on both sides.

Some premises relevant to teaching

1. The human mind is born free, yet everywhere it is in chains. The educational system serves mainly to destroy for most people, invarying degrees, intelligence, curiosity, enthusiasm, and intellectual initiative and self-confidence. We are born with these. They are goneor severely diminished when we leave school.

2. Everything is interesting, until ruined for us. Nothing in the universe is intrinsically uninteresting. Schooling systematically ruinsthings for us, wiping out these interests; the last thing to be ruined determines your profession.

3. There are no “subjects.” The division of the universe into “subjects” for teaching is a matter of tradition and administrativeconvenience.

4. There is no natural or necessary order of learning. Teaching sequences are arbitrary, explanatory hierarchies philosophically spurious.“Prerequisites” are a fiction spawned by the division of the world into “subjects;” and maintained by not providing summaries,introductions or orientational materials except to those arriving through a certain door.

5. Anyone retaining his natural mental facilities can learn anything practically on his own, given encouragement and resources.

6. Most teachers mean well, but they are so concerned with promoting their images, attitudes and style of order that very little else canbe communicated in the time remaining, and almost none of it attractively.

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The computer is as inhuman as we make it. The computeris no more “cold” and “inhuman” than a toaster, bathtub orautomobile (all associated with warm human activities).Living teachers can be as inhuman as members of anypeople-prodding profession, sometimes more so.Computerists speak of “freeing teachers for the creative partof their work;” in many cases it is not clear what creativetasks they could be freed for.

At the last, it is to rescue the student from the inhumanteacher, and allow him to relate directly and personally to theintrinsically interesting subject matter, than we need to usecomputers in education.

Many successful systems of teacherless learning exist inour society: professional and industrial magazines;conventions and their display booths andbrochures; technical sales pitches (mostremarkably, those of medical “detail men”);hobbyist circles, which combine personalacquaintance with a round of magazinesand gatherings; think-tanks and researchinstitutes, where specialists trade fields;and the respectful briefing.

None of these is like the conventionalclassroom with its haughty resource-chairman; they are not run oncondescension; and they get a lot across.We tend to think they are not “education”and that the methods cannot betransferred or extended to the regions now ruled byconventional teaching. But why not?

If everything we ate were kibbled into uniform dogfood,and the amount consumed at each feeding time tediouslywatched and tested, we would have little fondness for eating.But this is what the schools do to our food for thought, andthis is what happens to people’s minds in primary school, sec-ondary school and most colleges.

This is the way to produce a nation of sheep or clerks. If weare serious about wanting people to have creative andenergetic minds, it is not what we ought to do. Energy andenthusiasm are natural to the human spirit; why drown them?

Education ought to be clear, inviting and enjoyable,without booby-traps, humiliations, condescension orboredom. It ought to teach and reward initiative, curiosity,the habit of self-motivation, intellectual involvement.

Students should develop, through practice, abilities to think,argue and disagree intelligently.

Educators and computer enthusiasts tend to agree onthese goals. But what happens? Many of the inhumanities ofthe existing system, no less wrong for being unintentional,are being continued into computer-assisted teaching.

Although the promoters of computer-assisted instruction,affectionately call “CAI,” seem to think of themselves as beingat the vanguard of progress in all directions, the field alreadyseems to operate according to a stereotype. We may call this“classic” or “conventional” CAI, a way of thinking depressinglysummarized in “The Use of Computers in Education” byPatrick Suppes, Scientific American, September, 1966,206–220, an article of semi-classic stature.

It is an unexamined premise of this article thatthe computer system will always decide what thestudent is to study and control his movementsthrough it. The student is to be led by the nosethrough every subject, and the author expressesperplexity over the question of how the systemcan decide, at all times, where to lead the studentby the nose (top of col. 3, p. 219). But let us notanticipate alternatives.

It is often asserted (as by Alpert and Bitzer in“Advances in Computer-Based Education,” Science,March 20, 1970) that this is not the onlyapproach current. The trouble is that it seems tobe the only approach current, and in the

expanding computer universe everyone seems to know whatCAI “is.” And this is it.

Computer-assisted instruction, in this classical sense, is thepresentation by computer of bite-sized segments ofinstructional material, branching among them according toinvoluntary choices by the student (“answers”) and embeddingmaterial presented the student in some sort of pseudo-conversation (“Very good. Now, Johnny, point at the . . .”)

CAI: Based on Unnecessary PremisesAt whichever level of complexity, all these conventional CAIsystems are based on three premises: that all presentationsconsist of items, short chunks and questions; that the itemsare arranged into sequences, though these sequences maybranch and vary under control of the computer; and finally,that these sequences are to be embedded in a framework of

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dialogue; with the computer composing sentences andquestions appropriately based on the student’s input and thebranching structure of the materials. Let us call such systemsSIC (Sequenced-Item Conversational) systems.

These three premises are united. For there to be dialoguemeans there must be underlying graph structure ofpotential sequences around which dialogue may begenerated; for there to be potential sequences meansbreakpoints, and hence items.

Let us question each of the premises in turn.

1 Is dialogue pleasant or desirable? Compulsory interaction, whether with a talking machine or astereotyped human, is itself a put-down or condescension.(Note that on superhighways there is often a line of carsbehind the automatic toll booths, even when the mannedones are open.) Moreover, faked interaction can be anannoyance. (Consider the green light at the automatic tollbooth that lights up with a “thank you.”) Moreover, dialogueby simple systems tends to have a fake quality. It is by nomeans obvious that phony dialogue with a machine willplease the student.2 Is the item approach necessary? If the student were in control, he could move around in areasof material, leaving each scene when he got what he wanted,or found in unhelpful.3 Are sequences necessary? Prearranged sequences become unnecessary if the studentcan see what he has yet to learn, then pursue it.

CAI: Unnecessary ComplicationThe general belief among practitioners is that materials forcomputer-based teaching are extremely difficult to create, or“program.” Because of possible item weakness and the greatvariety of possible sequences within the web, extensiveexperimentation and debugging are required. Each item mustbe carefully proven; and the different sequences open to astudent must all be tested for their effectiveness. All possiblemisunderstandings by a student need to be anticipated andprevented in this web of sequences, which must be designedfor its coverage, correct order, and general effectiveness.

CAI: General WrongfulnessComputers offer us the first real chance to let the humanmind grow to its full potential, as it cannot within thestifling and insulting setting of existing school systems. Yetmost of the systems for computer-assisted instruction seemto me to be perpetuating and endorsing much that is wrong,even evil, in our present educational system. CAI in itsconventional form enlarges and extends the faults of theAmerican educational system itself. They are:

• Conduciveness to boredom;

• The removal of opportunities for initiative;

• Gratuitous concerns, both social and administrative(“subject,” “progress” in subject);

• Grades, which really reflect commitment level, anxiety, andwillingness to focus on core emphasis;

• Stereotyped and condescending treatment of the student(the “Now-Johnny” box in the computer replacing the onethat sits before the class);

• The narrowing of curricula and available materials for“results” at the expense of motivation and generalizedorientation;

• Destructive testing of a kind we would not permit ondelicate machinery; and,

• An overt of hidden emphasis on invidious ratings. (Ungradedschools are nice—but how many units did you completetoday?)

There are of course improvements, for instance in theeffects of testing. In the tell-test, tell-test nattering of CAI,the testing becomes merely an irritant, but one certainly notlikely to foster enthusiasm.


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But Isn’t CAI ‘Scientific?’ Part of CAI’s mystique is based upon the idea that teachingcan become “scientific” in the light of modern research,especially learning theory. It is understandable thatresearchers should promote this view and that others shouldfall for it.

Laymen do not understand, nor are they told, that“learning theory” is an extremely technical, mathematicallyoriented, description of the behavior of abstract andidealized organisms learning non-unified things underspecific conditions of motivation and non-distraction.

Let us assume, politely, that learning theory is a full andconsistent body of knowledge. Because of its name, learningtheory has at least what we may call nominal relevance toteaching; but real relevance is another matter. It may berelevant as Newtonian equations are to shooting a goodgame of pool: implicit but without practical bearing.

Because of the actual character of learning theory, and itsgeneral remoteness from non-sterile conditions, actualrelevance to any particular type of application must still be

demonstrated. To postulate that the theory still applies indiluted or shifted circ*mstances is a leap of faith. Humanbeings are not, taken all together, very like the idealizedpigeons or rats of learning theory, and their motivations andother circ*mstances are not easily controlled. Studiesconcerned with rate of repetition and reinforcement arescarcely relevant if the student hates or does not understandwhat he is doing.

I do not mean to attack all CAI, or any teaching systemwhich is effective and gratifying. What I doubt is that SICsystems for CAI will become more and more wonderful aseffort progresses, or that the goal of talking tutorial systemsis reachable and appropriate. And what I further suspect isthat we are building boredom systems that not only makelife duller but sap intellectual interest in the same old way.

Should Systems ‘Instruct?’Drill-and-practice systems are definitely a good thing for theacquisition of skills and response sets, an improvement overworkbooks and the like, furnishing both corrections andadjustment. They are boring, but probably less so than theusual materials. But the CAI enthusiasts seem to believe thesame conversationalized chunk techniques can be extendedto the realm of ideas, to systems that will tutor and chide,and that this will provide the same sort of natural interestprovided by a live tutor’s instruction.

The conventional point of view in CAI claims that becausevalidation is so important, it is necessary to have astandardized format of item, sequence and dialogue. Thisjustifies turning the endeavor into picky-work within itemsand sequence complexes, with attendant curricular freeze,and student inanition and boredom. This is entirelypremature. The variety of alternative systems for computerteaching have not even begun to be explored. Should systems“instruct” at all?

‘Responding Resources’ and ‘Hyper-Media’At no previous time has it been possible to create learningresources so responsive and interesting, or to give such freeplay to the student’s initiative as we may now. We can nowbuild computer-based presentational wonderlands, where astudent (or other user) may browse and ramble through avast variety of writings, pictures and apparitions in magicalspace, as well as rich data structures and facilities fortwiddling them. These we may call, collectively, “responding

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resources.” Responding resources are of two types: facilitiesand hyper-media.

A facility is something the user may call up to performroutinely a computation or other act, behaving in desiredways on demand. Thus JOSS (a clever desk calculatoravailable at a terminal) and the Culler-Freed graph-plottingsystem (which graphs arbitrary functions the user types in)are facilities.

Hyper-media are branching or performing presentationswhich respond to user actions, systems of prearranged wordsand pictures (for example) which may be explored freely orqueried in stylized ways. They will not be “programmed,” butrather designed, written, drawn and edited, by authors, artists,designers and editors. (To call them “programmed” wouldsuggest spurious technicality. Computer systems to presentthem will be “programmed.”) Like ordinary prose andpictures, they will be media; and because they are in somesense “multi-dimensional,” we may call them hyper-media,following mathematical use of the term “hyper-.”

A Modest ProposalThe alternative is straightforward. Instead of devisingelaborate systems permitting the computer or itsinstructional contents to control the situation, why notpermit the student to control the system, show him how todo so intelligently, and make it easy for him to find his ownway? Discard the sequences, items and conversation, andallow the student to move freely through materials which hemay control. Never mind optimizing reinforcement orvalidating teaching sequences. Motivate the user and let himloose in a wonderful place.

Let the student control the sequence, put him in control ofinteresting and clear material, and make him feel good—comfortable, interested, and autonomous. Teach him toorient himself: not having the system answer questions, alltyped in, but allowing the student to get answers by lookingin a fairly obvious place. (Dialogue is unnecessary even whenit does not intrude.) Such ultra-rich environments allow thestudent to choose what he will study, when he will study itand how he will study it, and to what criteria ofaccomplishment he will aim. Let the student pick what hewishes to study next, decide when he wishes to be tested,and give him a variety of interesting materials, events andopportunities. Let the student ask to be tested on what he

thinks he knows, when he is ready, selecting the mostappropriate form of testing available.

This approach has several advantages. First, itcircumvents the incredible obstacles created by thedialogue-item-sequence philosophy. It ends the danger tostudents of bugs in the material. And last, it does whateducation is supposed to do—foster student enthusiasm,involvement, and self-reliance.

Under such circ*mstances students will actually beinterested, motivated to achieve far more than they haveever achieved within the normal instructional framework;and any lopsidedness which may result will be far offset bythe degree of accomplishment which will occur—it beingmuch better to create lopsided but enthusiastic geniusspecialists than listless, apathetic, or cruelly rebelliousmediocrities. If they start soon enough they may even reachadulthood with natural minds: driven by enthusiasm andinterest, crippled in no areas, eager to learn more, and farsmarter than people ordinarily end up being.

Enthusiasm and involvement are what really count. This iswhy the right to explore far outweighs any administrativeadvantages of creating and enforcing “subjects” andcurriculum sequences. The enhancement of motivation thatwill follow from letting kids learn anything they want tolearn will far outweigh any specialization that may result. Bythe elimination or benign replacement of both curriculumand tests in an ultra-rich environment, we will prevent theattrition of the natural motivation of children from itsinitially enormous levels, and mental development will bethe natural straight diagonal rather than the customaryparabola.

Is It So Hard? Some IdeasCAI is said to be terribly hard. It would seem all the harder,then, to give students the richer and more stimulatingenvironments advocated here. This is because of thecramped horizons of computer teaching today. Modest goalshave given us modest visions, far below what is now possibleand will soon be cheap.

The static computer displays now associated with CAI willgive way to dynamic displays driven from minicomputers,such as the IDIIOM, IBM 2250/4 or Imlac PDS–1. (The lastof these costs only $10,000 now; by 1975 such a unit willprobably cost $1,000 or less.) Not only will computers be

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much cheaper, but their usability will improve: a smallcomputer with a fair amount of memory will be able to domuch more than it can now, including operate a complexdisplay from its own complex data base.

It is generally supposed that systems like these need bigcomputers and immense memories. This is not true if we usethe equipment well, organize storage cleverly, and integratedata and display functions under a compact monitor. This isthe goal of The Nelson Organization’s Project Xanadu, asystem intended to handle all the functions described hereon a mini-computer with disk and tape.

Discrete Hypertexts“Hypertext” means forms of writing which branch orperform on request; they are best presented on computerdisplay screens.

In ordinary writing the author may break sequence forfootnotes or insets, but the use of print on paper makessome basic sequence essential. The computer display screen,however, permits footnotes on footnotes on footnotes, andpathways of any structure the author wants to create.

Discrete, or chunk style, hypertexts consist of separatepieces of text connected by links.

Ordinary prose appears on the screen and may be movedforward and back by throttle. An asterisk or other key in thetext means, not an ordinary footnote, but a jump—to an

entirely new presentation on the screen. Such jumpableinterconnections become part of the writing, entering intothe prose medium itself as a new way to provide explana-tions and details to the seeker. These links may be artfullyarranged according to meanings or relations in the subject,and possible tangents in the reader’s mind.

Performing HypergramsA hypergram is a performing or branching picture: forinstance, this angle, with the bar-graph of its relatedtrigonometric functions. The student may turn the angleupon the screen, seizing it with the light-pen, and watch therelated trigonometric functions, displayed as bar charts,change correspondingly.

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Hypergrams may also be programmed to show theconsequences of a user’s prod—what follows or accompaniessome motion of the picture that he makes with a pointingtool, like the heartbeat sequence.

Stretchtext™ Fills in the DetailsThis form of hypertext is easy to use without getting lost. Asa form of writing, it has special advantages for discursive andloosely structured materials—for instance historicalnarratives.

There are a screen and two throttles. The first throttlemoves the text forward and backward, up and down on thescreen. The second throttle causes changes in the writingitself: throttling toward you causes the text to become longerby minute degrees. Gaps appear between phrases; new wordsand phrases pop into the gaps, an item at a time. Push backon the throttle and the writing becomes shorter and lessdetailed.

The stretchtext is stored as a text stream with extras,coded to pop in and pop out at the desired altitudes:

Hypermap Zips Up or DownThe screen is a map. A steering device permits the user tomove the map around the world’s surface: a throttle zooms itin. Not by discrete jumps, but animated in small changes, themap grows and grows in scale. More details appear as themagnification increases. The user may request additionaldisplay modes or “overlays,” such as population, climate, andindustry. Such additional features may pop into view onrequest

Queriable Illustrations: a Form ofHypergramA “hypergram” is a picture that can branch or perform onrequest. In this particular example, we see on the screen aline-drawing with protruding labels. When the studentpoints at a label, it becomes a sliding descriptive ribbon,explaining the thing labeled. Or asterisks in an illustrationmay signal jumps to detailed diagrams and explanations, asin discrete hypertexts.

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Dissection on the ScreenThe student of anatomy may use his light-pen as a scalpel fora deceased creature on the screen. As he cuts, the tissue parts.He could also turn the light-pen into hemostat or forceps,and fully dissect the creature—or put it back together again.(This need not be a complex simulation. Many keyrelationships can be shown by means of fairly simpleschematic pictures, needing a data structure not prohibitivelycomplicated.)

Hyper-comics are FunHyper-comics are perhaps the simplest and moststraightforward hyper-medium. The screen holds a comicstrip, but one which branches on the student’s request. Forinstance, different characters could be used to explain thingsin different ways, with the student able to choose which typeof explanation he wanted at a specific time.

‘Technicality’ Is Not NecessaryProponents of CAI want us to believe that scientific teachingrequires a certain setup and format, incomprehensible to thelayman and to be left to experts. This is simply not true.“Technicality” is a myth. The problem is not one of technicalrightness, but what should be.

The suggestions that have been given are things thatshould be; they will be brought about.

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Ah, Love! could you and I with Him conspireTo grasp this sorry Scheme of Things entire,Would not we shatter it to bits—and thenRe-mould it nearer to the Heart’s Desire!

Edward Fitzgerald.

Almost everyone seems to agree thatMankind (who?) is on the brink of arevolution in the way information is handled,and that this revolution is to come from somesort of merging of electronic screenpresentation and audio-visual technologywith branching, interactive computersystems. (The naïve think “the” merging isinevitable, as if “the” merging meant anythingclear. I used to think that too.)

Professional people seem to think thismerging will be an intricate mingling oftechnical specialties, that our new systemswill require work by all kinds of committees and consultants(adding and adjusting) until the Results—either specificproductions or overall Systems—are finished. Then we willhave to Learn to Use Them. More consulting fees.

I think this is a delusion and a con-game. I think that whenthe real media of the future arrive, the smallest child willknow it right away (and perhaps first). That, indeed, shouldand will be the criterion. When you can’t tear a teeny kidaway from the computer screen, we’ll have gotten there.

We are approaching a screen apocalypse. The author’s basicview is that RESPONSIVE COMPUTER DISPLAY SYSTEMSCAN, SHOULD AND WILL RESTRUCTURE AND LIGHT UPTHE MENTAL LIFE OF MANKIND. (For a moreconventional outlook, see box nearby, “Another Viewpoint.”)

I believe computer screens can make people happier,smarter, and better able to cope with the copious problemsof tomorrow. But only if we do right, right now.

Why?The computer’s capability for branching among events,controlling exterior devices, controlling outside events, andmediating in all other events, makes possible a new era ofmedia.

Until now, the mechanical properties of external objectsdetermined what they were to us and how we used them.But henceforth this is arbitrary.

The recognition of that arbitrariness, and reconsiderationamong broader and more general alternatives, awaits us. Allthe previous units and mechanisms of learning, scholarship,arts, transaction and confirmation, and even self-reminder,were based in various ways upon physical objects—theproperties of paper, carbon paper, files, books and

bookshelves. To read from paper you mustmove the physical object in front of you. Itscontents cannot be made to slide, fold, shrink,become transparent, or get larger.

But all this is now changing, and suddenly.The computer display screen does all thesethings if desired, to the same markings we havepreviously handled on paper. The computerdisplay screen is going to become universal veryfast; this is guaranteed by the suddenly risingcost of paper. And we will use them foreverything. This already happens whereverthere are responding computer screen systems.(I have a friend with two CRTs on his desk; one

for the normal flow of work, and one to handle interruptionsand side excursions.) A lot of forests will be saved.

Now, there are many people who don’t like this idea, andhuff about various apparent disadvantages of the screen. Butwe can improve performance until almost everyone issatisfied. For those who say the screens are “too small,” wecan improve reliability and backup, and offer screenseverywhere (so that material need not be physically carriedbetween them).

The exhilaration and excitement of the coming time ishard to convey on paper. Our screen displays will be alivewith animation in their separate segments of activity, andwill respond to our actions as if alive physically too.

The question is, then: HOW WILL WE USE THEM? Thusthe design of screen performances and environments, and oftransaction and transmission systems, is of the highestpriority.


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The French Have a Word for ItIn French they use the term l’Informatique to mean,approximately, the presentation of information to people byautomatic equipment.

Unfortunately the English equivalent, informatics, has beenpreempted. There is a computer programming firm calledInformatics, Inc., and when I wrote them about this in theearly sixties they said they did not want their name tobecome a generic term. Trademark law supports them in thisto a certain extent. (Others, like Wally Feurzeig, want that tobe the word regardless.) But in the meantime I offer up theterm fantics, which is more general anyhow.

MediaWhat people don’t see is how computer technology nowmakes possible the revision and improvement—thetransformation—of all our media. It “sounds too technical.”

But this is the basic misunderstanding: the fundamentalissues are NOT TECHNICAL. To understand this is basicallya matter of MEDIA CONSCIOUSNESS, not technicalknowledge.

A lot of people have acute media consciousness. But somepeople, like Pat Buchanan and the communards, suggest thatthere is something shabby about this. Many think, indeed,that we live in a world of false images promulgated by“media,” a situation to be corrected. But this is amisunderstanding. Many images are false or puffy, all right,but it is incorrect to suppose that there is any alternative.Media have evolved from simpler forms, and convey thebackground ideas of our time, as well as the fads. Mediatoday focus the impressions and ideas that in previous eraswere conveyed by rituals, public gatherings, decrees, parades,behavior in public, mummer’ troupes . . . but actually everyculture is a world of images. The chieftain in his palanquin,the shaman with his feathers and rattle, are telling ussomething about themselves and about the continuity of thesociety and position of the individuals in it.

Now the media, with all their quirks, perform the samefunction. And if we do not like the way some things aretreated by the media, in part this stems from notunderstanding how they work. “Media,” or structuredtransmission mechanisms, cannot help being personalized bythose who run them. (Like everything else.) The problem isto understand how media work, and thus balance ourunderstanding of the things that media misrepresent.

Thoughts about Media:1 Anything Can Be Said in Any MediumAnything can be said in any medium, and Inspiration countsmuch more than ‘science.’ But the techniques which are usedto convey something can be quite unpredictable.

2 TransposabilityThere has always been, but now is newly, a UNITY OFMEDIA OPTIONS. You can get your message across in a play,a tract, a broadside, a textbook, a walking sandwich-board, aradio program, a comic book or fumetti, a movie, a slide-show, a cassette for the Audi-Scan or the AVS–10, or even ahypertext.

(But transposing can rarely preserve completely thecharacter or quality of the original.)3 Big and Small ApproachesWhat few people realize is that big pictures can be conveyedin more powerful ways than they know. The reason theydon’t know it is that they see the content in the media, andnot how the content is being gotten across to them—that infact they have been given very big pictures indeed, but don’tknow it. (I take this point to be the Nickel-Iron Core ofMcLuhanism.)

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People who want to teach in terms of building up from thesmall to the large, and others who (like the author) like topresent a whole picture first, then fill in the gaps, are takingtwo valid approaches. (We may call these, respectively, the BigPicture approach and the Piecemeal approach.) Big picturesare just as memorable as picky-pieces if they have stronginsights at their major intersections. 4 The Word-Picture ContinuumThe arts of writing and diagramming are basically acontinuum. In both cases the mental images and cognitivestructures produced are a merger of what is heard orreceived. Words are slow and tricky for presenting a lot ofconnections; diagrams do this well. But diagrams give a poorfeel for things and words do this splendidly. The writerpresents exact statements, in an accord-structure of buts andindeeds, molded in a structure of connotations having (if thewriter is good) exact impreciseness. This is hardly startling:you’re always selecting what to say, and the use of vaguewords (or the use of precise-sounding words vaguely) issimply a flagrant form of omission. In diagrams, too, thechoice of what to leave in and out, how to representoverweening conditions and forces and exemplary details, arehighly connotative. (Great diagrams are to be seen in theScientific American and older issues of Time magazine.)

This word-picture continuum is just a part of the broadercontinuum, which I call Fantics.

FanticsBy “fantics” I mean the art and science of getting ideas across,both emotionally and cognitively. “Presentation” could be ageneral word for it. The character of what gets across isalways dual; both the explicit structures, and feelings that gowith them. These two aspects, exactness and connotation,are an inseparable whole; what is conveyed generally hasboth. The reader or viewer always gets feelings along withinformation, even when the creators of the informationthink that its “content” is much more restricted. A beautifulexample: ponderous “technical” manuals which carry muchmore connotatively than the author realizes. Such volumesmay convey to some readers an (intended) impression ofcompetence, to others a sense of the authors’ obtuseness andnon-imagination. Explicit declarative structures neverthelesshave connotative fields; people receive not only cognitivestructures, but impressions, feelings and senses of things.

Fantics is thus concerned with both the arts of effect—writing, theater and so on—and the structures andmechanisms of thought, including the various traditions ofthe scholarly event (article, book, lecture, debate and class).These are all a fundamentally inseparable whole, andtechnically-oriented people who think that systems tointeract with people, or teach, or bring up information, canfunction on some “technical” basis—with no tie-ins tohuman feelings, psychology, or the larger social structure—are kidding themselves and/or everyone else. Systems for“teaching by computer,” “information retrieval,” and so on,have to be governed in their design by larger principles thanmost of these people are willing to deal with: the conveyanceof images, impressions and ideas. This is what writers andeditors, movie-makers and lecturers, radio announcers andlayout people and advertising people are concerned with; andunfortunately computer people tend not to understand it forbeans.


John B. MacdonaldResearch Leader, ComputerApplications: Graphics,Western Electric Company,Engineering Research Center

Problems, Perils, and Promises of Computer GraphicsI would begin with some definitions which may be obvious butbear repeating.

1. Engineering is the application of science for ($) profit,

2. Computer graphics does not make possible anything thatwas previously impossible; it can only improve thethroughput of an existing process,

3. A successful application of computer graphics is whenover a period of five years the cost savings from improvedprocess throughput exceed the costs of hardware, software,maintenance and integration into an existing process flow.

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In fantics as a whole, then we are concerned with:

1. The art and science of presentation. Thus itnaturally includes

2. Techniques of presentation: writing, stage direction,movie making, magazine layout, sound overlay, etc.and of course

3. Media themselves, their analysis and design; andultimately

4. The design of systems for presentation. This will ofcourse involve computers hereafter, both conceptuallyand technically; since it obviously includes, for thefuture, branching and intricately interactive systemsenacted by programmable mechanisms, i.e. computers.Thus computer display, data structures (and, to anextent, programming languages and techniques) areall a part.

Fantics must also include

5. Psychological effect and impact of variouspresentational techniques—but not particular formalaesthetics, as of haiku or musical composition. Wheredirectly relevant fantics also includes

6. Sociological tie-ins—especially supportive anddysfunctional structures, such as tie-ins withoccupational structure; sponsorship and commercials;what works in schools and why. Most profoundly ofall, however, fantics must deal with psychologicalconstructs used to organize things:

7. The parts, conceptual threads, unifying conceptsand whatnot that we create to make aspects of theworld understandable. We put them into everything,but standardize them in media.

For example, take radio. Given in radio—the technologicalfundament—is merely the continuous transmission ofsound. Put into it have been the “program,” the serial (andthus the episode), the announcer, the theme song and themusical bridge—conventions which are usefulpresentationally.

The arbitrariness of such mental constructs should beclear. Their usefulness in mental organization perhaps is not.

Let’s take a surprise example, nothing electronic about it.Many “highways” are wholly fictitious—at least to begin

with. Let’s say that a Route 37 is created across the state: thatnumber is merely a series of signs that users can refer to asthey look at their maps and travel along.

However, as time goes by, “Route 37” takes on a certainreality as a conceptual entity: people think of it as a thing.People say “just take 37 straight out” (though it may twistand turn); groups like a Route 37 Merchants’ Association, oreven a Citizens to Save Scenic 37, may spring up.

What was originally simply a nominal construct, then,becomes quite real as people organize their lives around it.

This all seems arbitrary but necessary in both highwaysand radio. What, then, does it have to do with the newelectronic media?

Simply this: till now the structures of media somehowsprang naturally from the nature of things. Now they don’tanymore. Radio, books and movies have a natural innerdynamic of their own, leading to such constructs. While thismay prove to be so for computer media as well (—as I arguedin “Getting It Out of Our System”), then again it may not. Inother words, WE MUST ACKNOWLEDGE THAT WE AREINVENTING PRESENTATIONAL TECHNIQUES IN THENEW MEDIA, not merely transporting or transposingparticular things into them, because they seem right. Thepsychological constructs of man-machine systems may turn out tobe largely arbitrary. Thus bringing to terminal systemsconventions like dialogue instruction (“CAI”), or arbitraryrestrictions of how things may be connected, presented orwritten on the computer may be a great mistake.

The highway-number analogy continues. The olderhighways had numbers for convenience, and our travelsbecame organized around them, and particular highways(like “U.S. 1” and “Route 66”) came to have special character.But now with the Interstates, a highway is a planned, sealedunit, no longer just a collection of roads gathered togetherunder a name.

This unit, the Interstate, is not merely a psychologicalconstruct, but a planned structure. Knowing what works andwhat doesn’t in the design of fast highways, the Interstateswere built for speed, structured as closed units. Designingthem with limited access has been a conscious decision in thesystem design for well-based reasons, not a chance structurebrought in from horse-and-buggy days.

Now, the constructs of previous media—writing, films,other arts—evolved over time, and in many cases may havefound their way to a “natural” form. But because of thepeculiar way that computer media are currently evolving(—under large grants largely granted to professionals whouse very large words to promote the idea that their original

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professions are largely applicable—), this sort of naturalevolution may not take place. The new constructs ofcomputer media, especially computer screen-media, may nothave a chance to be thought out. We need designs for screenpresentations and their mixture—vignetting, Windows,screen mosaics, transformed and augmentedviews, and the rapid and comprehensiblecontrol of these views and windows. We arestill just beginning to find clever viewingtechniques, and have hardly begun to discoverhighly responsive forms of viewability andcontrol (cf. collateration in “Thinkertoys,” p.330), and Knowlton’s button-box (oops,omitted). (See T. Nelson, “A ConceptualFramework for Man-Machine Everything,”and material on controls, below.)

The Mind’s UnificationOne of the remarkable things about the human mind is theway it ties things together. Perceptual unity comes out ofnowhere. A bunch of irregular residential and industrialblocks becomes thought of as “my neighborhood.” A mostremarkable case of mental unification is afforded by thevisage of our good friend Mickey Mouse. The character isdrawn in a most paradoxical fashion: two globelikeprotrusions (representing the ears) are in different positionson the head, depending on whether we view him for the front

or the side. No one finds this objectionable; few people evennotice, it seems.

What this shows, of course, is the way the mind can unifyinto a consistent mental whole even things which areinconsistent by normal rules (in this case, the rules of three-

dimensional structure).Even perceptions are subject to the same

principle of unification. The fingernail is anexcrescence with no nerves in it; yet somehowyou can feel things with your fingernails—tyingtogether disparate sensations into a unifiedsense of something in the world (say, a coinyou’re trying to pick up). In the same way, anexperienced driver feels the road; in a very realsense, the car’s wheels and suspension becomehis own sensory extensions.

This principle of mental unification is whatmakes things come together, both literally and

figuratively, in a fantic field. A viewer sees two consecutivemovie shots of streets and unifies them into one street;controls, if you are used to them, become a single fusedsystem of options; we can have a sense of a greater whole, ofwhich oneview on ascreen is apart.

Controls: Their Unification and FeelControls are intimately related to screen presentation, just asarbitrary, and just as important.

The artful design of control systems is a deeplymisunderstood area, in no way deconfused by calling it“human factors.” There are many functions to be controlled,such as text editing operations, views of the universe on ascreen, the heading of a vehicle, the tilt of an aircraft, thewindage and adjustments of artillery, the temperature of astove burner and any other controllable devices. Andnowadays any conceivable devices could control them—pushbuttons, knobs, cranks, wheels, levers and joysticks,trigger, dials, magic wands, manipulation by lightpen on CRTscreens, flicks of the finger, the turning of the eyes (as in someexperimental gun-aiming devices), the human voice (but thatintroduces problems), keyboards, electronic tablets, Engelbartmice and chord writers, and so on.


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The human mind being as supple as it is, anythingwhatever can be used to control systems. The problem ishaving it be a comprehensible whole.

As already remarked, our ability mentally to unify thingsis extraordinary. That we somehow tie together clutch, gear,accelerator and brake into a comprehensible controlstructure to make cars go and stop should amaze andinstruct.

Engineers and “human factors” people speak as thoughthere were some kind of scientific or determinate way todesign control systems. Piffle. We choose a set of controls,much like an artist’s Palette, on the basis of generalappropriateness; and then try best and most artistically to fitthem to what needs doing.

The result must be conceptually clear and retroactively“obvious”—simply because clarity is the simplest way to keepthe user from making mistakes. Clear and simple systems areeasier to learn, harder to forget, less likely to be screwed upby the user, and thus are more economical—getting moredone for the resources put in.

There is a sort of paradox here. The kinds of controls aretotally arbitrary, but their unification in a good system is not.Smoothness and clarity can come from disparate elements. Itis for this reason that I lay particular stress on my JOTsystem for the input and revision of text, using a palette ofkeys available on the simplest standard computer terminal,the 33 Teletype. I cannot make the final judgement on howgood this system is, but it pleases me. JOT is also animportant example because it suggests that a conceptuallyunified system can be created from the artful non-obviouscombination of loose elements originally having differentintended purposes.

Mental analogy is an important and clear controltechnique. We tend to forget that the steering wheel wasinvented, separately replacing both the boat’s tiller and theautomobile’s tiller. We also forget that the use of suchsteering mechanisms must be actually learned by children.Such continuous analogies, though, require correspondingcontinuities in the space to be controlled—an importantcondition.

Simplicity and clarity have nothing to do with theappearance of controls, but with the clarity and unique locata-bility of individual parts. For this reason I find deplorable thearrayed controls that are turning up, e.g., on today’s audio

equipment. Designers seem to think rows of things aredesirable. On the contrary: the best designed controls I everused are on the Sony TC-50 pocket tape recorder

but of course this is now phased out; instead most cassetterecorders have five or six stupid buttons in a row. (Was it toogood to last?)

Spurious control elegance comes in many guises. ConsiderBruce McCall’s description of the Tap-A-Toe FuturoidicFootless De-Clutching™ system. This was offered on thefictitious 1934 Bulgemobiles, and allowed you to drive thecar with one pedal, rather than three (see box p. 328).

Careless and horrible designs are not all fictitious. Oneegregious example also indicates the low level of designcurrently going into some responding systems: computerpeople have designed CRT writing systems for newspaperswhich actually have a “kill” button on the console, by whichauthors would accidentally kill their stories. In a recentmagazine article it was explained that the eventual solutionwas to change the program so that to kill the story you hadto hit the “kill” button twice. To me this seems like a beautifulexample of what happens when you let insulated technicalpeople design the system for you: a “kill” button on thekeyboard is about as intelligent as installing knives on thedashboard of a car, pointing at the passenger.

There is another poor tendency. When computerprogrammers or other technical people design particularsystems without thinking more generally, things are notlikely to be either simple or combinable. What may result areintricate user-level controls for one particular function,controls that are differently used for another particularfunction, making the two functions not combinable.

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What makes for the best control structures, then? There isno simple answer. I would say provisionally that it is a matterof unified and conspicuous constructs in the mental view of thedomain to be controlled, corresponding to a well-distinguished and clearly-interrelated set of controllingmechanisms. But that is hardly the last word on the subject.

The Organization of WholenessIt should be plain that in responding screen-systems, “whathappens on the screen” and “how the controls respond” arenot really distinguishable. The screen events are part of theway the controls respond. The screen functions and controlfunctions merge psychologically.

Now, there is a trap here. Just as the gas pedal, clutch,gearshift and brake merge psychologically, any controlstructure can merge psychologically. Clutch and gearshift donot have, for most of us, clear psychological relevance to theproblem of controlled forward motion. Yet we psycho-logically integrate the use of these mechanisms as a unifiedmeans for controlling forward motion (or, like the author, getan Automatic). In much the same way, any system of controlscan gradually come through use to have a psychologicalorganization, even spuriously. The trap is that we so easilylose sight of arbitrariness and even stupidity of design, andlive with it when it could be so much better, because of thispsychological melding.

But useful wholeness can be helped along. Just as what Ihave called the accordance-structure of writing moves italong smoothly, fantic design that builds from a well-organized internal dynamic should confer on a fantic systemthe same momentum and clarity that carefully-organizedwriting has.

This contribution of wholeness can only occur, however, ifthe under-level complications of a system have been carefullystreamlined and smoothed back, at least as they affect theuser. Consider the design of the JOT text editing system (p.332): while it is simple to the user, computer people oftenreact to it with indignation and anger because it hides whatare to them the significant features of computer textediting—explicit preoccupation with storage, especially thecalling and revision of “blocks.” Nevertheless, I say it is thedetails at this level which must be smoothed back if we are tomake systems for regular people.

The same applies to the Th3 system, which is designed tokeep the user clear-minded as he compares things in multipledimensions. The mechanisms at the computer level must behidden to make this work.

Fantic SpacePudovkin and Eisenstein, great Russian movie-makers of thetwenties, talked about “filmic space”—the imaginary spacethat the action seems to be in.

This concept extends itself naturally to fantic space, thespace and relationships sensed by a viewer of any medium, ora user in any presenting or responding environment. Thedesign of computer display systems, then, is really the artfulcrafting of fantic space. Technicalities are subservient toeffects. (Indeed, I think computer graphics is really a branchof movie-making.)

Fantic StructureThe fantic structure of anything, then, consists of itsnoticeable parts, interconnections, contents and effects.

I claim that it is the fantic unity—the conceptual andpresentational clarity of these things—that makes fanticsystems—presentational systems and material—clear andhelpful, or not.

Let us take an interesting example from a system forcomputer-assisted instruction now under implementation. Iwill not identify or comment on the system because perhapsI do not understand it sufficiently. Anyway, they have anarray of student control-buttons that look like this:


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The general thinking in this system seems to be that thestudent may get an overall organizing view of what he issupposed to be learning (MAP); information on what he iscurrently supposed to be about (OBJ); canned suggestionsbased on what he’s recently done (ADVICE). Moreover, hecan get the system to present a rule about the subject or givehim practice; and for either of these he may request easierrules or practice, or harder rules (i.e., more abstrusegeneralities) or harder practice.

For the latter, the student is supposed to hit RULE orPRACT followed by HELP, HARDER or EASIER, viz.:

Now regardless of whether this is a well-thought-out wayto divide up a subject—I’ll be interested to see how it worksout—these controls do not seem to be well-arranged forconceptual clarity. It seems to be the old rows-of-buttonsapproach.

I have no doubt that the people working on this system arecertain this is the only possible layout. But consider that thestudent’s options might be clearer to him, for instance, if weset it up as follows:

Or like this:

What I am trying to show here is that merely thearrangement of buttons creates different fantic constructs. Ifyou see this, you will recognize that considering all the otheroptions we have, designing new media is no small matter.The control structures merge mentally with thepresentational structures. The temptation to settle on short-sighted designs having shallow unity is all too great.

Fantic DesignFantic design is basically the planning and selection of effects.(We could also call these “performance values”—cf.“production values” in movies.)

Some of these intended effects are simply thecommunication of information or cognitive structure—“information transfer,” to use one of the more obtuse phrasescurrent. Other desirable effects include orienting the userand often moving him emotionally, including sometimesoverwhelming or entrancing him.

In the design of fantic systems involving automaticresponse, we have a vast choice among types ofpresentational techniques, tricks that are just now becomingunderstood. Not just screen techniques and functions, butalso response techniques and functions.

(If “feelie” systems are ever perfected, as in Huxley’s BraveNew World, it’s still the same in principle.)

In both general areas, though—within media, and designingmedia—it seems to me that the creation of organizingconstructs is the most profound problem. In particular, theorganizing constructs must not distract, or tear up contents.An analogy: in writing, the inventions of the paragraph,chapter and footnote were inventions in writing techniquethat helped clarify what was being expressed. What we needin computer-based fantic design is inventions which do notartificially chop up, constrain, or interfere with the subject(see box, Procrustes, p. 328).

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I do not feel these principles are everywhere sufficientlyappreciated. For instance, the built-in structures of PLATOdisturbs me somewhat in its arbitrariness—and the way itscontrol keys are scattered around.

But there is always something artificial—that is, someform of artifice—in presentation. So the problem is todevise techniques which have elucidating value but do notcut connections or ties or other relationships you want tosave. (For this reason I suggest the reader consider“Stretchtext,” p. 315) , collateral linkage (p. 330), and thevarious hypergrams (p. 314-16). These structures, whilesomewhat arbitrary and artificial, nevertheless can be usedto handle a subject gently.)

An important kind of organizing construct isthe map or overall orienting diagram. This, too,is often partly “exact” and partly “artifice”:certain aspects of the diagram may have unclearimport but clear and helpful connotation.

Responding systems now make it possible forsuch orienting structures to bemultidimensional and responding.

Fantic design, then, is the creation either ofthings to be shown (writing, movie-making,etc.) at the lower end, or media to show thingsin, or environments.

1. The design of things to be shown—whether writing,movie-making, or whatever—is nearly always a combinationof some kind of explicit structure—an explanation orplanned lesson, or plot of a novel—and a feeling that theauthor can control in varying degrees. The two are deeplyintertwined, however.

The author (designer, director, etc.) must think carefullyabout how to give organization to what is being presented.This, too, has both aspects, cognition and feelings.

At the cognitive end, the author must concern himselfwith detailed exposition or argument, or, in fiction, plot. Butsimply putting appropriate parts together is not enough: theauthor must use organizing constructs to continually orientthe reader’s (or viewer’s) mind. Repeated reference to mainconcepts, repeated shots (in a movie) of particular locations,serve this function; but each medium presents its ownpossible devices for this purpose.

The organization of the feelings of the work criss-crossesthe cognitive; but we can’t get into it here.

Selection of points and parts contributes to both aspects.If you are trying to keep the feeling of a thing from beingponderous, you can never include everything you wanted, butmust select from among the explicit points and feeling-generators that you have thought of.

2. The design of media themselves, or of media subsystems, isnot usually a matter of option. Books, movies, radio and TVare given. But on occasion, as for world’s fairs or verypersonal projects, we have a certain option. Which allows

thing like:

• Smellavision or whatever they called it: movies with a smell-track, which went outinto the theater through odor generators.

• Branching movies.

• “Multi-media” (Multiple audio tracks andsimultaneous slide projections on differentscreens).

• Stereo movies.

And so on. The thing about the onesmentioned is that they are not viable ascontinuing setups for repeated productions.They do not offer a permanent wide market;

they are not stable; they do not catch on. Which is in a way,of course, too bad.

But the great change is just about now. Currenttechnicalities allow branching media—especially thoseassociated with computer screens. And it is up to us now todesign them.

3. MENTAL ENVIRONMENTS are working places forstructured activity. The same principles of showmanshipapply to a working environment as to both the contents ofmedia and the design of media. If media are environmentsinto which packaged materials are brought, structuredenvironments are basically environments where you use non-packaged material, or create things yourself. They might alsobe called “contentless media.” The principles of wholeness instructured environments are the same as for the others, andmany of our examples refer to them.


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The branching computer screen, together with theselfsame computer’s ability to turn anything else on and offas selected by the user, and to fetch up information, yields arealm of option in the design of media and environment thathas never existed before. Media we design for screen-basedcomputer systems are going to catch on widely, so we mustbe far more attentive to the options that exist in order tocommit—nationally, perhaps—to the best.

In tomorrow’s systems, properly unified controls can giveus new flexibilities. If deeply well-designed, these promisemagnificent new capabilities. For instance, we could allow amusician to “conduct” the performance of his work by acomputer-based music synthesis system, perhaps controllingthe many qualities of the performance on a screen as he goes,by means of such techniques as dimensional flip. (Thetradition of cumulative audio synthesis, as practiced in thefifties by Les Paul and Mary Ford, and more recently byWalter Carlos and Mike Oldfield, will take on a new fillip asmultidimensional control techniques become common.)

One of the intents of this book has been to orient you tosome of the possibilities and some of the options, consideredgenerally. There is not room, unfortunately, to discuss morethan one or two overall possibilities in detail. The mostsuccessful such system so far has been PLATO; others

New Media to LastWhat’s worse, we are confronted not merely with the job ofusing computers to present specific things. The greater taskis to design overall computer media that will last us into amore intelligent future. Adrift in a sea of ignorance andconfusion, it is nevertheless our duty to try to create a wholetransportation system that everybody can climb aboard. Forthe long run, fantic systems must be treated not as customsystems for explicit purposes, but as OVERALL GENERALDESIGNS WHICH WILL HAVE TO TIE TOGETHER ANDCATCH ON, otherwise collapse and perish.

Final ConsequencesIt seems to me certain that we are moving toward ageneralized and universal Fantic system; people can andshould demand it. Perhaps there will be several; but if so,being able to tie them together for smooth transmission isessential. (Think of what it would be like if there were twokinds of telephone?) This then is a great search and crusade;to put together truly general media for the future, systems atwhich we can read, write, learn and visualize, year after yearafter year. The initiatives are not likely to come from themore conventional computer people; some of them are partof the problem. (Be prepared for every possible form ofa*ggressive defensiveness from programmers, especially: “Whywould you want that?” The correct answer is BECAUSE,damnit!)

But all this means that interior computer technicalitieshave to be SUBSERVIENT, and the programmers cannot beallowed to dictate how it is to behave on the basis of theunder level structures that are convenient to them. Quite thecontrary: from the fullest consideration of the richest upper-level structures we want, we the users-to-be must dictatewhat lower-level structures are to be prepared within.

But this means you, dear reader, must develop the fanticimagination. You must learn to visualize possible uses ofcomputer screens, so you can get on down to the deeper levelof how we are going to tie these things together.

The designer of responding computer systems is creatingunified setups for viewing and manipulating things—andthe feelings, impressions and sense of things that go withthem. Our goal should be nothing less than REPRESENTINGTHE TRUE CONTENT AND STRUCTURE OF HUMANTHOUGHT. (Yes, Dream Machines indeed.) But it should besomething more: enabling the mind to weigh, pursue,synthesize and evaluate ideas for a better tomorrow. Or forany at all.


Theodor H. Nelson, “A Conceptual Framework for Man-MachineEverything.” Proc. NCC 73.

_____, “Computopia and Cybercrud.” In Levien (ed.), Computers inInstruction, The Rand Corporation, 1971.

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Another application of the present invention is also in thearea of pictorial display, but offers a greatvariety of potential user choices in a simplecirc*mstance. I call this the “walking net” systembecause control is effected through a changingnetwork of choices which step, or “walk,” aroundthe screen.

The problem of intricate computer graphicsmay be phrased as follows: given that a digitalsystem can hold a wide variety of graphicalmaterials ready to present, how may the usermost simply and conveniently choose them?Indeed, how may the user keep track of what ishappening, where he is and where he has been?

The external mechanism I have selected forthis facility paradoxically combines great versatility forsophisticated presentations with great simplicity before thenaïve user. The idea is this: the user may command acontinuing succession of changing presentations, makingonly one simple choice at a time, yet receiving intricate andrich animations with extremely clear continuity on thescreen.

The exterior mechanism is this: along with an arbitrarygraphic presentation on the screen, the user is conti-nuously presented with the image of a forking set oflabeled arrows, e.g.:

The pip is a conventionalright-pen cursor. The“current shank” is a linewhose implicit gradationscontrol developments in thepicture; and the choice of arrows at the end of the currentshank determine a discrete choice between alternatives thatare to transpire.

The user, seizing the pip with the lightpen, moves it(through the usual lightpen techniques) sideways along thecurrent shank. Moving it in the “forward” direction causes

progressive developments in the picture, moving it“backward” causes a reversal of animations and otherprevious developments.

When the pip reaches the choice point in the forwarddirection, the user may drag it (through the usual lightpentechniques) along either of the beckoning alternatives. Thisthen causes further developments in the presentationconsonant with the line selected.

“Developments” of the picture here include expansion,contraction, sliding movements and frame-by-frame animation.

(These materials will have been, of course,explicitly input by authors and artists.)

In a sample employment, consider apresentation on the subject of volcanoes. Letthe first shank of the control net control the“rise of a volcano from the sea”—anundulating ocean surface pierced first by awisp of smoke, then a growing peak, withrivulets of lava seen to run down its sides anddarken as they contribute to its growth.

At the end of the first shank, the user maybranch to two arrows, labeled respectively

WORD ORIGIN and INTERIOR. Either option continues thepresentation without a break, retaining much of the picture

on the screen. Selection of WORD ORIGIN causes the wordVOLCANO to change to VULCAN, and a picture of the godVulcan is seen to seize a lightning bolt rising from the crater;text appears to explain this. Alternatively, if the user choosesINTERIOR, the tubes and ducts within the volcano appear,and explanatory text also.


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(The path unchosen fades from the screen, as does theprevious shank.)

Either of these alternatives may continue with its owndevelopments and animations under the control of its ownshank.

Several features of this control application are of specialinterest. One is that the presentation may be continuous inall directions, aiding in continuous user orientation. Anotheris that presentations are reversible in various ways, an aidboth in user orientation and self-study. (Not only is a demon-stration reversible within a given shank, but the user mayback the pip through an intersection into the antecedentshank—which reappears at the juncture as the lightpenbacks up—and the user may continue to reverse thepresentation through that preceding shank, or to re-enter theintersection and make another choice, “the path not taken.”)These features allow the user clearly to repeat demon-strations as often as he likes and to explore numerousalternatives.

The displayed control net is thus to be understood as alarge network of choices, mostly unseen, whose currentlyvisible portion “walks” around the screen as use progresses.Within this system, then, numerous variants are possible. Forinstance, the currently visible portion of the net may itself bewhimsically incorporated in a picture, viz.:

The Greeks told of a giant named Procrustes (rhymes withRusty’s) who was very hospitable to passing travelers. Hewould invite, indeed compel them, to sleep in his bed.Unfortunately, because it was a very odd bed, he had to cutthem up first . . .

Procrustes has haunted conversations ever since; and anytime we are forced to use categories that don’t properly fit asubject, it seems like an invitation to the Procrustean bed.

Hypertext systems at last offer total freedom fromarbitrary categorizing and chopping; but in some systems forstoring and presenting information, I can’t help hearing thewhisk of Procrustes’s knife—

“Take new Tap-A-Toe Futuroidic Footless De-Clutching. Instead of old-fashioned gas, brake andclutch pedals that kept your feet busier than a dancemarathon, Tap-A-Toe Futuroidic Footless De-Clutching offers the convenience of Single PedalPower Control—combines all foot functions in onesingle pedal!

“Think of it: one tap—you go, moving off faster thana barfly after Repeal.

“Two taps—you change gears, as smooth andautomatic as a mortgage foreclosure.

“Three taps—you stop quicker than the U.S. economy.

“And that’s all there is to it. Tap-A-Toe FuturoidicFootless De-Clutching with Single Pedal Control is aseasy and effortless as the Jap march on Manchuria!”

Bruce McCall,“1934 Bulgemobile Brochure,”National Lampoon, May 74, 76–7.

A nice example of a unified presentational system wouldallow you a “feelie” glove along with your computer display—the sort of thing Mike Noll has been doing at Bell Labs.

Now, suppose you are playing with a diagram of a star on acomputer display screen. It’s all very well to see its layers,flowing arrows representing convection currents,promontories and so on—but some things you ought to beable to feel. For example, the mechanical resonance-propertiesof stars. It would be nice to be able to reach and grasp thestar, to squeeze it and feel its pulsations as it regains its shape.This could be done in the glove—at the same time the imageof the glove grasps the star on the screen, and the star issquished.

Of course, to build such a responding glove, particularlyone that gave you subtle feelings back in your fingers, wouldprobably be very expensive. But it’s the kind of possibilitypeople should start considering.

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First of all, I feel that very few people understand whatinteractive computer systems are about. It’s like the story ofthe blind man and the elephant—each thinks it’s a differentthing (based, usually, on his own technical specialty).

But I think it’s all show business. PENNY ARCADES arethe model for interactive computer systems, not classroomsor libraries or imaginary robot playmates. And computergraphics is an intricate branch of movie-making.

Okay, so I wanted a term that would connote, in the mostgeneral sense, the showmanship of ideas and feelings—whether or not handled by machine.

I derive “fantics” from the Greek words “phainein” (show)and its derivative “phantastein” (present to the eye or mind).

You will of course recognize its cousins fantastic, fantasy,phantom. (“Phantom” means what is shown; in medicalillustration it refers to an opaque object drawn astransparent; a “phantom limb” is an amputee’s temporaryfeeling that the severed limb has been restored.) And afantast is a dreamer.

The word “fantics” would thus include the showing ofanything (and thus writing and theater), which is more orless what I intended. The term is also intended to cover thetactics of conveying ideas and impressions, especially withshowmanship and presentational techniques, organizingconstructs, and fundamental structures underlyingpresentational systems.

Thus Engelbart’s data hierarchy, SKETCHPAD’sConstraints, and PLATO’s fantic spaces are fanticconstructions that need to be understood if we are tounderstand these systems and their potential usages.

Livermore Labs, those hydrogen-bomb design people,will have a “Laboratory for Data Analysis,” an opulentfacility for experimenting with multidimensionalvisualization.

One of your jolly ironies. I have seen pictures ofbeautiful multibutton control handles which weredesigned for project SMASH, would you believeSoutheast [Asia] Multisensory Armament System forHelicopters. Aargh.

The best with the worst.

Everything is deeply intertwingled.

Designing screen systems that focus the user’s thought onhis work, with helpful visualizations and no distractions, isthe great task of fantic design.

In a system I designed for CRT motion-picture editing, theuser could manipulate written descriptions on the screen(corresponding to the usual yellow-pad notes). To see theconsequences of a particular splice, for instance, the editorwould only have to draw a line between two annotated linesrepresenting shots. Trim variations could be seen by movingthis cut-line (illustrated).

Not long after, CBS and Memorex did introduce a systemfor movie editing by CRT—but I’ve heard that in theirsystem the user has to actually deal with numbers. If so, thisis missing the whole point.


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Our greatest problems involve thinking and the visualizationof complexity.

By “Thinkertoy” I mean, first of all, a system to help peoplethink. (‘Toy’ means it should be easy and fun to use.) This isthe same general idea for which Engelbart, for instance, usesthe term “augmentation of intellect.”

But a Thinkertoy is something quite specific: I define it asa computer display system that helps you envision complexalternatives.

The process of envisioning complex alternatives is by nomeans the only important form of human thought; but it isessential to making decisions, designing, planning, writing,weighing alternate theories, considering alternate forms oflegislation, doing scholarly research, and so on. It is alsocomplicated enough that, in solving it, we may solve simplerproblems as well.

We will stress here some of the uses of these systems forhandling text, partly because I think these are ratherinteresting, and partly because the complexity and subtletyof this problem has got to be better understood: the writtenword is nothing less than the tracks left by the mind, and sowe are really talking about screen systems for handling ideas,in all their complexity.

Numerous types of complex things have to be inter-compared, and their relations inter-comprehended. Here are afew of the many types:

Under examination these different types of inter-comparison seem to be rather different. Now, one approachwould be to create a different data structure and viewingtechnique for each different type of complex. There may be

reasons for doing that in thefuture.

For the present, however,it makes sense to try to findthe most general possibleviewing technique: one thatwill allow complexintercomparisons of all thetypes mentioned, and anyothers we might run across.

One such technique iswhat I now call collateration,or the linking of materials

into collateral structures,* as will be explained. This is fairlystraightforward if you think enough about the problem;Engelbart discovered it independently.

Let us call two structures collateral if there are linksbetween them, connecting a selected part of one with aselected part of the other. The sequences of the connectedparts may be different. For simplicity’s sake, suppose eachone is a short piece of writing. (We will also assume thatthere is some convenient form of rapid viewing andfollowing between one end of a link and another.)

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Now, it will be noted first off that this is an extremelygeneral method. By collateral structuring we can easilyhandle the equivalents of: tables of contents; indexes;comments and marginalia; explanations, exegesis,explication; labeling; headings; footnotes; notes by thewriter to himself; comments and questions by the readerfor later reference; and additional details out of sequence.

Collateration, then, is the creation of such multiple andviewable links BETWEEN ANY TWO DATA STRUCTURES,in principle. It is general and powerful enough to handle agreat variety of possible uses in human intellectual endeavor,and deserves considerable attention from researchers ofevery stripe.**

The problem then, is how to handle this for rapid andconvenient viewing and whatever other work the userwants to do—writing and splicing, inter-comparing,annotating and so on. Two solutions appear on this spread:The Parallel Textface™, designed as a seminal part of theXanadu system (see p. 335), which I hope will be marketedwith that system in the near future, and a more recentdesign which I’ve worked on at the University of Illinois,the 3D Thinkertoy or Th3.

Clarity and PowerWe stressed on the other side of the book that computersystems must be clear, simple and easy to use. Where thingslike business uses of computers are concerned, which areintrinsically so simple in principle, some of the complicationsthat people have been forced to deal with in ill-designedcomputer systems verge on the criminal. (But some computerpeople want others to think that’s the way it has to be. “Yourfirst duty is to keep your job, right?” one computer personsaid to me recently. “It wouldn’t do to set up systems so easyto use that the company wouldn’t need you anymore.”)

But if it is desirable that computer systems for simple-minded purposes be easy to use, it is absolutely necessary thatcomputer systems for complicated purposes be simple to use.If you are wrangling over complex alternatives—say, in chess,or in a political simulation game, or in the throes of trying towrite a novel, the last thing you will tolerate is for yourcomputer screen to introduce complications of its own. If asystem for thinking doesn’t make thinking simpler—allowing you to see farther and more deeply—it is useless, touse only the polite term.

But systems can be both powerful and simple at the sametime. The myth that things have to be complicated to doanything for you is pernicious rubbish. Well-designedsystems can make our mental tasks lighter and ourachievements come faster.

It is for this reason that I commend to the reader thesetwo designs of mine: as examples of user-level control andviewing designs—fantic environments, if you will (see p.317)—that are pruned and tuned to give the user greatcontrol over the viewing and cross-consideration of intricatealternatives, without complication. I like to believe that bothof these, indeed, are ten-minute systems—that is when we getthem running, the range of uses shown here can be taught tonaive users, in ten minutes or less.

It is because of my heartfelt belief in this kind of simplicitythat I stress the creation of prefabricated environments,carefully tuned for easy use, rather than the creation ofcomputer languages which must be learnt by the user, as dosuch people as Engelbart and DeFanti.

Now, their approach obviously has considerable merit forsophisticated users who want to tinker repeatedly withvariant approaches. For people who want to work incessantlyin an environment, and on other things—say writers—andare absent-minded and clumsy and nervous and forgetful(like the present author), then the safe, prefabricatedenvironment, with thoroughly fail-safe functions and utterlymemorable structural and control interrelationships, is theonly approach.

*In my 1965 paper (see bibliography) I called collateral structureszippered lists. [included in this volume (◊11)]

** A group at Brown University has reportedly worked along theselines since I worked with them, but due to certain personalanimosities I have not kept up with their developments. It will beinteresting to see what kind of response they can get out of theIBM systems they are using.


Theodor H. Nelson, “A File Structure for the Complex, the Changingand the Indeterminate.” Proc. ACM 65, 84–100.

_____, “Simplicity Versus Power in User Systems.” Unpublished.


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Decision/Creativity Systems [Thinkertoys]Theodor H. Nelson19 July 1970It has been recognized from the dawn of computer displaythat the grandest and most important use of the computerdisplay should be to aid decisions and creative thought. Thework of Ivan Sutherland (SKETCHPAD) and DouglasEngelbart have really shown how we, may use the display tovisualize and effect out creative decisions swiftly and vividly.

For some reason, however, the most important aspect ofsuch systems has been neglected. We do not make importantdecisions, we should not make delicate decisions, serially andirreversibly. Rather, the power of the computer display (andits computing and filing support) must be so crafted that wemay develop alternatives, spin out their complications andinterrelationships, and visualize these upon a screen.

No system could do this for us automatically. What designand programming can create, however, is a facility that willallow us to list, sketch, link and annotate the complexities weseek to understand, then present “views” of the complexitiesin many different forms. Studying these views, annotatingand refining, we can reach the final designs and decisionswith much more in mind than we could otherwise holdtogether in the imagination.

Some of the facilities that such systems must have includethe following:

Annotations to anything, to any remove.

Alternatives of decision, design, writing, theory.

Unlinked or irregular pieces, hanging as the user wishes.

Multicoupling, or complex linkage, betweenalternatives, annotations or whatever.

Historical filing of the user’s actions, including eachaddition and modification, and possibly the viewingactions that preceded them.

Frozen moments and versions, which the user may holdas memorable for his thinking.

Evolutionary coupling, where the correspondencesbetween evolving versions are automaticallymaintained, and their differences or relations easilyannotated.

In addition, designs for screen “views,” the motion,appearance and disappearance of elements, requireconsiderable thought and imagination.

21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines


Here’s how simple it is to create and edit text with the JOT system. Since your typewriter is now a JOT machine, not every key does what itused to. [When Nelson wrote much “word processing” was through modified typewriters, wihtout graphic displays—eds.]

CREATING TEXT: just type it in.You type: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.It types: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

REVIEWING A SENTENCE YOU JUST TYPED: the back-arrow takes you back, the space bar steps you through.You type: ← sp sp sp spIt types: (bell) The quick brown fox

DELETIONS AND INSERTIONS: the RUBOUT key rejects words you don’t want. To insert, merely type.You type: ← sp sp RUBOUT lithe sp sp sp sp sp spIt types: (bell) The quick /brown/ lithe fox jumps over the lazy dog.

REARRANGING TEXT: first we make three Cuts in the text, signaled by free-standing exclamation points.You type: sp ! sp ! sp ! foxIt types: The ! quick ! lithe ! fox

TO REARRRANGE IT, YOU TYPE: LINE FEED key. This exchanges the two pieces between the cuts.CHECK THE RESULTS:

← sp sp sp sp(bell) The lithe quick fox

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The object is not to burdenthe user, or make him awareof complexities in which hehas no interest. But almost everyone in intellectual anddecision pursuits has at some time an implicit need for someof these facilities. If people knew they were possible, theywould demand them. It is time for their creation.

A full-fledged decision/creativity system, embracing bothtext and graphics, is one of the ultimate design goals ofProject XANADU.

This user-level system is intended to aid in all forms ofwriting and scholarship, as well as anywhere else that weneed to understand and manipulate complexclusterings of text (i.e., thought). It will alsowork with certain animated graphics.

The parallel Textface, as described here,furnished the initial impetus for thedevelopment of the Xanadu™ system (see p.335). Xanadu was developed, indeed,originally for the purpose of implementingsome of these functions, but the two splitapart. It turned out that the Parallel Textfacerequired an extremely unusual data structureand program techniques; these then becamethe Xanadu system. As developed in the finalXanadu design, they turn out to handle some

very unusual kinds of screenanimation and file retrieval. Butthis grew out of structuring a

system to handle the functions described here.Thus the Parallel Textface basically requires a Xanadu

system.It is hoped that this system can be sold complete

(including a minicomputer or microprocessor—noconnection to a large computer is required) for a fewthousand dollars by 1976 or 1977. (Since “business people”are extremely skeptical as to whether anybody would wantsuch a thing, I would be interested in hearing expressions ofinterest, if any.)

As shown here, the screen presents two panels of text;more are allowed. Each contains a segment of a longerdocument. (“Page” would be an improper term, since theboundary of the text viewed may be changed instantly.)

The other odds and ends on the screen arehidden keys to control elements which havebeen made to fade (in this illustration), just tolessen the distraction.

Panel boundaries and control graphics maybe made to appear by touching them with thelightpen.

Roving FunctionsThe text moves on the screen! (Essential.) The lower righthand corner of each text panel contains an inconspicuouscontrol diagram. The slight horizontal extension is a movablecontrol pip. The user, with his lightpen, may move the pip upor down. “Up” causes the text to move smoothly upward(forward in the material), at a rate proportional to how faryou push the pip; “down” causes it to move back. (Note thatwe do not refer here to jerky line-by-line jumps, but tosmooth screen motion, which is essential in a high-performance system. If the text does not move, you can’t tellwhere it came from.)


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DERIVATIVE MOTION: when links run sequentially,connecting one-after-the-other on both sides, the contents ofthe second panel are pulled along directly: the smoothmotion in one panel is matched in the other. This may becalled derivative motion, between independent text (beinghandled directly with the lightpen) and dependent text(being pulled along). The relationship may be reversedimmediately, however, simply by moving the lightpen to thecontrol pip of the other panel, whose contents then becomethe independent text.

Irregularities in the links will cause the independent textto move at varying speeds or jump, according to an averageof the links’ connectivity.

If no links are shown, the dependent text just stops..

Collateral links between materials in the two panels aredisplayed as movable lines between the panels. (Text omittedin this diagram; panel boundary has been made to appear.)

Some links may not have both their endpoints displayed atonce. In this case we show the incomplete link as a brokenarrow, pointing in the direction of the link’s completion.

The broken arrow serves not merely as a visual pointer,but as a jump-marker leading to the linked material. Byzapping the broken arrow with the lightpen, the usersummons the linked material—as shown by the completionof the link to the other panel. (Since there has been a jump inthe second panel, we see that in this case the other link hasbeen broken.)

When such links lead to different places, both of thesedestinations may nevertheless be seen at once. This is doneby pointing at both broken links in succession; the systemthen allows both links to be completed, breaking the secondpanel between the two destinations (as shown by dotted lineacross panel).

21. Computer Lib/Dream Machines


*Oddly, this has the same logical structure as time-travelin science-fiction.

There are basically three alternative premises of time-travel: 1) that the past cannot be changed, all eventshaving preceded the backstep; 2) that the past can bechanged; and 3) that while time-travelers may be deludedinto thinking (2), that (1) is really the case—leading tovarious appointment-in-Samarra plots.

Only possibility (2) is of interest here, but there arevarious alternative logics of mutability and time-linestepping. One of the best I have seen is in The Man WhoFolded Himself by David Gerrold (Popular Library, 1973):logic expounded pp. 64–8. I am bemused by the parallelbetween Gerrold’s time-controls and these, worked outindependently.

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Fail-Safe and Historical FeaturesIn systems for naive users, it is essential to safeguardthe user from his own mistakes. Thus in text systems,commands given in error must be reversible. Forinstance, Carmody’s system requires confirmation ofdeletions.

Another highly desirable feature would allow theuser to view previous versions, to see them collaterallywith the corresponding parts of current versions, andeven go back to the way particular things were andresume work from the previous version.

In the Parallel Textface this is all comprised in the sameextremely simple facility. (Extremely simple from the user’spoint of view, that is. Inside it is, of course, hairy.)

In an egregious touch of narcissistic humor, we use thevery trademark on the screen as a control device (expandedfrom the “X” shown in the first panel).

Actually the X in “Xanadu™,” as it appears on the screen, isan hourglass, with a softly falling trickle of animated dots inthe lower half, and Sands of Time seen as heaps above andbelow. These have a control, as well as a representative,function.

TO UNDO SOMETHING, YOU MERELYSTEP “BACKWARD IN TIME” by dagging theupper part of the hourglass with the lightpen.One poke, one editing operation undone.Two pokes, two operations.

You may then continue to view and makechanges as if the last two operations hadnever taken place. This effectively creates analternative time-line.* However, if you decidethat a previously undone edit operationshould be kept after all, you may step

forward—stepping onto the previous time-line—by usingthe lower half of the hourglass.



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We see this clarified in a master time diagram or RevisionTree which may be summoned to the screen, never mindhow. In this example we see that three versions are still“current,” various other starts and variations having beenabandoned. (The shaggy fronds correspond to short-livedvariations, resulting from operations which were thenreversed. In other words, “excised” time-lines, to use Gerrold’sterm—see footnote.)

The user—let’s say he is a thoughtful writer—may definevarious Versions or Drafts, here marked on the Revision Tree.

He may, indeed, define collateral linkages betweendifferent versions defined at various Times in the Tree . . .

. . . and see them displayed collaterally; and revise themfurther.

Materials may be copied between versions. (Note that inthe copying operation of the Parallel Textface, you actuallysee the moved text moved bodily as a block.)

Getting AroundThe user may have a number of standby layouts, withdifferent numbers of panels, and jump among them by stabsof the lightpen.

Importantly, the panels of each can be full, each havingwhatever the contents were when you last left it.

The File Web™ is a map indicating what (labeled) files arepresent in the system, and which are collaterated..

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The File Star™ is a quick index into the contents of a file. Itexpands as long as you hold the lightpen to the dot in thecenter, with various levels of headings appearing as itexpands. Naturally, you may jump to what you point at.

EditingRather than giving the user anything complicated to learn,the system is completely visual. All edit controls arecomprised in this diagram, the Edit Rose™. Viz.:

Separate portions of the Edit Rose invoke various editoperations. (You must also point with the lightpen to thenecessary points in the text: once for Insert, twice for Delete,three or four times for Rearrange, three times for Copy.)

GeneralityThe system may be used for comments on things,

for organizing by multiple outlines or tables of contents;

and as a Thinkertoy, organizing complex alternatives. (Thelabels say: “Conflicting versions,” “New account of conflicts,”“Exposition of how different accounts deal with objections,”“Improved, synthesizing account.”)


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In other words, in this approach we annotate and labeldiscrepancies, and verbally comment on differences inseparate files or documents.

In ways this may seem somewhat obtuse. Yet above all it isorderly, and the complex of collateral files has a clarity thatcould be all-too-easily lost in systems which wereprogrammed more specifically to each problem.

The fundamental strength of collateration, seen here, is ofcourse that any new structure collateral to another may beused as a table of contents or an outline, taking the userinstantly to parts which are of interest in some new context.

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