Dihydropyridine-induced Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ pools in human skeletal muscle cells (2024)

  • Journal List
  • J Physiol
  • v.525(Pt 2); 2000 Jun 1
  • PMC2269958

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Dihydropyridine-induced Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ pools in human skeletal muscle cells (1)

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J Physiol. 2000 Jun 1; 525(Pt 2): 461–469.

PMCID: PMC2269958

PMID: 10835047

Lukas G Weigl, Martin Hohenegger, and Hans G Kress

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  1. Dihydropyridines (DHPs) are widely used antihypertensive drugs and inhibit excitation-contraction (E–C) coupling in vascular smooth muscle and in myocardial cells by antagonizing L-type Ca2+ channels (DHP receptors). However, contradictory reports exist about the interaction of the DHP with the skeletal muscle isoform of the DHP receptor and E–C coupling in skeletal muscle cells.

  2. Using the intracellular fluorescent Ca2+ indicator fura-2, an increase in [Ca2+]i was observed after extracellular application of nifedipine to cultured human skeletal muscle cells. The rise in [Ca2+]i was dose dependent with a calculated EC50 of 614 ± 96 nm nifedipine and a maximum increment in [Ca2+]i of 80 ± 3.2 nm. Similar values were obtained with nitrendipine.

  3. This effect of DHPs was restricted to differentiated skeletal muscle cells and was not seen in non-differentiated cells or in PC12 cells. In spite of the observed increase in [Ca2+]i, whole-cell patch clamp experiments revealed that 10 μm nifedipine abolished inward Ba2+ currents through L-type Ca2+ channels completely.

  4. Similar to nifedipine, (±)Bay K 8644, an agonist of the L-type Ca2+ channel, also increased [Ca2+]i. This effect could not be enhanced by further addition of nifedipine, suggesting that both DHPs act via a common signalling pathway.

  5. Based on the specific mechanism of the skeletal muscle E-C coupling, we propose the stabilization of a conformational state of the DHP receptor by DHPs, which is sufficient to activate the ryanodine receptor.

Primary skeletal muscle cells are widely used as a model system for investigations in muscle physiology (Liebermann et al. 1987). Under appropriate conditions, satellite cells isolated from native muscle tissue form multinucleated myotubes and differentiate. Such myotubes express specific muscle proteins () and show excitability and contractility upon stimulation. In skeletal muscle cells excitation-contraction (E-C) coupling involves the fast release of large quantities of Ca2+ from intracellular stores. The triggering of this mechanism needs the participation of the skeletal muscle-specific isoforms of the dihydropyridine-sensitive L-type Ca2+ channel (DHP receptor) of the plasma membrane and the intracellular ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ release channel (ryanodine receptor) of the sarcoplasmic reticulum. The DHP receptors are located at high density in the transverse tubuli, invagin*tions of the plasma membrane. Most probably, a direct interaction of the DHP receptor/voltage sensor with the associated ryanodine receptor opens the Ca2+ release channel (; ). Recently, regions of the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor have been identified that interact directly with the intracellular loop between the second and third repeat domain of the skeletal muscle α1S-subunit (; Nakai et al. 1998). Peptides derived from this region of the L-type Ca2+ channel have previously been shown to activate the skeletal muscle ryanodine receptor in single channel recordings in a voltage-independent manner (Lu et al. 1994). Thus, there is strong evidence that direct contact between the DHP- and the ryanodine receptor is essential in the skeletal muscle type E-C coupling.

Whereas the effects of 1,4-dihydropyridines on the voltage-sensitive L-type Ca2+ channels are well documented, their effects on E-C coupling in skeletal muscle are not fully understood, with reports that DHPs can have both stimulatory (Kitamura et al. 1994) and inhibitory effects on E-C coupling (; ; Neuhaus et al. 1990; ; Lüttgau et al. 1992; Schnier et al. 1993; ).

To better understand how DHPs are able to stimulate E-C coupling under certain conditions but inhibit it under others, we studied the effects of DHPs on E-C coupling in primary human skeletal muscle cells. We found that DHPs are capable of inducing Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive stores by a mechanism involving the DHP and the ryanodine receptors. The detailed investigation of this effect revealed the existence of a distinct state of the DHP receptor that is stabilized by DHPs and that activates the ryanodine receptors.



Sera and media for cell culture were obtained from PAA (Linz, Austria), trypsin, EDTA, glutamine, penicillin, streptomycin, gentamicin and amphotericin B were obtained from Gibco, xestospongin C from Calbiochem, aprotinin from Bayer AG (Wuppertal, Germany), Pefabloc from Boehringer Mannheim (Mannheim, Germany) and nifedipine from Sigma Chemical Co. and Calbiochem. (±)Bay K 8644 was a generous gift from Bayer (Austria). All other chemicals were from Sigma Chemical Co.

Cell culture

The study conformed to the code of ethics of the World Medical Association (Declaration of Helsinki) and was approved by the Ethics Committee of the General Hospital Vienna. After informed and written consent was obtained from the patients, waste material of muscle biopsies (200-900 mg) was obtained from individuals undergoing the in vitro contracture test to verify susceptibility for malignant hyperthermia (MH). For the present study cells from 13 individuals who were found to be MH non-susceptible were used. Human skeletal muscle cell culture was performed according to the method of Brinkmeier et al. (1993). In brief, muscle tissue was freed from fat and connective tissue, cut into small pieces and digested in three 20 min steps, first with trypsin (0.05 %) and EDTA (0.02 %) and then twice with collagenase (Type IA, 200 U ml−1 in Hanks’ balanced salt solution). The cell suspension was centrifuged at 250 g and resuspended in wash medium (Ham's F12 supplemented with 20 % horse serum). The resuspended material was filtered through a 70 μm nylon mesh and finally seeded in growth medium into 50 ml cell culture flasks for proliferation. Growth (GM) and differentiation (DM) media were prepared according to Baroffio et al. (1993). GM contained Ham's F12 supplemented with 15 % fetal calf serum, 10 ng ml−1 epidermal growth factor, 200 ng ml−1 insulin, 400 ng ml−1 dexamethasone, 0.5 mg ml−1 fetuin, 0.5 mg ml−1 BSA, 7 mM glucose, 4 mM L-glutamine, 200 U ml−1 penicillin, 200 μg ml−1 streptomycin and 2.5 μg ml−1 amphotericin B. DM contained Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium supplemented with 5 % horse serum, 4 mM L-glutamine, 100 ng ml−1 insulin and 0.1 μg ml−1 gentamicin.

Cells were incubated at 37°C under 5 % CO2 until almost confluent, and then reseeded on 25 mm glass coverslips coated with fibronectin. Adherent cells were exposed to DM to promote fusion of myogenic satellite cells to myotubes.

PC12 cells (a generous gift of Dr Seemann, Knoll AG, Ludwigshafen, Germany) were cultured at 37°C, 5 % CO2, in RPMI 1640 medium supplemented with 10 % horse serum, 5 % fetal calf serum, 4 mM L-glutamine, 200 U ml−1 penicillin, 200 μg ml−1 streptomycin and 2.5 μg ml−1 amphotericin B, in poly-D-lysine-coated tissue culture flasks. For measurement, PC12 cells were plated on collagen-coated 25 mm glass coverslips. Nerve growth factor (200 ng ml−1) was added to the medium and cells were incubated for a further 7 days to allow differentiation.

Determination of Ca2+ concentration

For fluorescence measurements cells were incubated with fura-2 AM. The loading buffer was Tyrode solution (mM: NaCl, 137; glucose, 5.6; KCl, 5.4; NaHCO3, 2.2; MgCl2, 1.1; NaH2PO4, 0.4; Hepes-Na, 10; CaCl2, 1.8; pH 7.4) supplemented with 10 μM fura-2 AM and 0.025 % pluronic acid. Cells were incubated for 35–45 min in loading buffer at 37°C. Unloaded dye was washed out and coverslips were placed into a thermostatically controlled (26°C) chamber of a Nikon fluorescence microscope at ×400 magnification. Fluorescence intensity was monitored at an emission wavelength of 510 nm by altering excitation wavelengths between 340 and 380 nm using a rotating filterwheel (Applied Imaging, Newcastle upon Tyne, UK).

The sample interval was 40 ms for the determination of rate constants of depolarization-induced Ca2+ release with HK solution (Tyrode solution with 60 mM KCl and 80 mM NaCl) and 400 ms for nifedipine-induced Ca2+ release. No average was used in these cases. For all other measurements of [Ca2+]i, four successive signals were averaged to reduce noise and the sampling interval varied between 1.6 and 5 s. Stored images were analysed using the QC 700 software package from Applied Imaging. For determination of [Ca2+]i, regions of interests were defined covering the whole visible area of a cell. The light intensity values from these specified areas were integrated and exported into the SigmaPlot program (SPSS Inc., Erkrath, Germany). Background subtraction, ratioing and calculation of [Ca2+] were done off-line. Resting [Ca2+]i was defined by the average of the first ten data points before a specified intervention. The magnitude of a [Ca2+]i transient was defined by the peak value reached in response to a particular intervention.

Calibration of fura-2 fluorescence signals to calculate [Ca2+]i values was done according to a procedure described by using the equation of Grynkiewicz et al. (1985). Rmax (fluorescence ratio in the presence of saturating Ca2+), Rmin (fluorescence ratio in the absence of Ca2+) and β (ratio of fluorescence values for Ca2+-bound/Ca2+-free indicator at 380 nm) were determined with 5 μM of the pentapotassium salt of fura-2 in solutions mimicking the intracellular milieu. The KD of Ca2+ for fura-2 was assumed to be 224 nM; Rmin was found to be 0.50, Rmax 4.56 and β 4.81.


Whole-cell patch experiments were performed using a HEKA EPC-9 patch clamp amplifier with the pulse software package (HEKA Elektronik, Lambrecht, Germany). Series resistance compensation and leak subtraction were not used. Patch pipettes were pulled from PG10150 glass capillaries (WPI, Berlin, Germany) to a resistance of 1.8-2.5 MΩ. The intracellular solution contained (mM): CsCl, 130; EGTA-Na, 11; MgCl2, 2; CaCl2, 1; Hepes-Na, 10; ATP-Na, 4.2; pH 7.2. To measure currents through Ca2+ channels Ba2+ was used as a charge carrier; the extracellular solution contained (mM): CsCl, 110; BaCl2, 25; Hepes-Cs, 10; CaCl2, 2; pH 7.4. Cells were clamped to a holding potential of −110 mV. A cumulative dose-response curve for nifedipine was determined by single step depolarizations from −110 to 0 mV 20 s after application of the respective concentration of the substance. For assessment of current-voltage relationships step depolarizations to potentials between −60 and +50 mV were applied for 1000 ms with repolarization periods of 6 s. A prepulse to −25 mV for 30 ms followed by a 2 ms repolarization to −80 mV was used to inactivate occasionally occurring fast components of the current (Sipos et al. 1997). Activation parameters (half-maximal activation potential (V0.5), slope factor (k)) were obtained by a non-linear fitting procedure of current-voltage relationships according to .

Measurements of resting membrane potential were performed in Tyrode solution using a pipette solution comprising (mM): KCl, 135; EGTA-Na, 11; MgCl2, 2; CaCl2, 1; Hepes-Na, 10; ATP-Na, 4.2; pH 7.2.

Experiments were done within a period of 3–6 days after changing the culture medium from GM to DM. For experiments we used multinucleated cells which were either contractile upon stimulation with HK or showed a rise in [Ca2+]i when rinsed with Ca2+-free depolarization solution. According to the existing model of skeletal muscle E-C coupling, such cells were assumed to possess mature skeletal muscle-type DHP and ryanodine receptors and were regarded to be differentiated muscle cells.

Application of substances to the cells was performed by a superfusion system with a 7-channel perfusion pipette (List Electronic, Darmstadt, Germany), driven by a valvebank (TSE, Bad Homburg, Germany) with solution exchange times of less than 500 ms. Cells were constantly rinsed during measurements. Electrical stimulation was mimicked by depolarization with HK solution. Ca2+-free assay conditions were obtained by including 0.5 mM EGTA in solutions without any added Ca2+. Prior to the application of substances in the absence of Ca2+, cells were rinsed with Ca2+-free solution for a few seconds.

[3H]Ryanodine binding

Heavy sarcoplasmic reticulum (HSR) membranes and microsomal fractions (100000 g) from human skeletal muscle cells were prepared by differential centrifugation according to Wyskovsky et al. (1990) and subjected to high-affinity [3H]ryanodine binding. Binding experiments were carried out as described previously (Klinger et al. 1999). Briefly, HSR membranes or microsomal fractions from human skeletal muscle cells (50 μg) were incubated in 50 μl buffer containing 20 mM Hepes (pH 7.4), 200 mM KCl, 20 nM [3H]ryanodine, 100 nM aprotinin, 1 μM leupeptin, 100 μM Pefabloc, and a free Ca2+ concentration of 0.6 μM, which was adjusted with 1 mM EGTA and 0.9 mM CaCl2. Nifedipine was added in the concentration range 0.01-30 μM and the corresponding concentrations of the solvent DMSO were used as controls. The incubation was carried out at 30°C for 40 min. The reactions were terminated by filtration over glass-fibre filters (pre-soaked in 1 % polyethylenamine) using a Skatron vacuum filtration device. Non-specific binding was determined in the presence of 1000-fold excess of unlabelled ryanodine, which had been added to the incubation mixture prior to addition of the labelled ligand. Non-specific binding was not affected by different assay conditions. The experiments were carried out in duplicate and repeated with two different HSR preparations and microsomal fractions.

All experiments were repeated at least three times. Data are given as means ±s.e.m.; n, number of cells analysed. Statistical analysis was performed using Student's t test.


Dihydropyridines elevate [Ca2+]i in differentiated muscle cells

Two to 3 days after changing the medium from growth medium (GM) to differentiation medium (DM) cultured satellite cells started to fuse and formed multinucleated myotubes. Three to 6 days after initiation of differentiation the resting [Ca2+]i in myotubes was 72 ± 1.7 nM (n = 163). Stimulation with HK solution led to a rapid rise in [Ca2+]i (Fig. 1A). This effect could not be observed in cells which did not show the typical appearance of a differentiated muscle cell. The average maximal [Ca2+]i in differentiated myotubes upon stimulation with HK was found to be 594 ± 48 nM (n = 49) in the presence of extracellular Ca2+. Stimulation of the cells in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ increased the [Ca2+]i to only 442 ± 19 nM (n = 101). In addition to the smaller amplitude, a different shape of the Ca2+ transients was also observed under these conditions. When extracellular Ca2+ was omitted the Ca2+ transient was sharp. An accelerated inactivation (Brum et al. 1988; Schnier et al. 1993) is likely to be the reason for such a difference in shape.

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Figure 1

Effect of nifedipine on [Ca2+]i

A, nifedipine caused an increase in [Ca2+]i in differentiated skeletal muscle cells. Addition of depolarization solution HK containing 60 mM KCl led to a rapid Ca2+ transient which exceeded the rise in [Ca2+]i in response to nifedipine. The experiment was carried out in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ (1.8 mM). Inset, whole-cell Ba2+ inward currents elicited by step depolarizations of differentiated muscle cells from −110 to 0 mV 20 s after application of the respective concentration of nifedipine. Nifedipine at a concentration of 10 μM blocked the slow current completely. B, dose-response curves of the nifedipine effect on [Ca2+]i (•) and on Ba2+ currents (▾). The rise in [Ca2+]i is measured from the resting [Ca2+]i levels. The maximum fraction of blocked Ca2+ channels is normalized to the maximum effect of nifedipine on [Ca2+]i. Numbers next to symbols represent the number of cells analysed. Data are shown as arithmetic means ±s.e.m. The least-squares fit was obtained by a non-linear regression according to the Hill equation.

Application of nifedipine to myotubes in concentrations from 30 nM to 30 μM caused a rise in [Ca2+]i in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 1). The nifedipine dose-response curve could be fitted to the Hill equation giving a maximal calculated amplitude of the nifedipine [Ca2+]i rise of 80 ± 3.2 nM, an EC50 of 614 ± 96 nM nifedipine and a Hill coefficient of 1.12 ± 0.16 (Fig. 1B). The [Ca2+]i increase due to nifedipine was always smaller compared with the response obtained in HK (Fig. 1A) and was not able to induce contractions. The rate constant for the rise time of the nifedipine-induced [Ca2+]i increase was smaller than that for the HK-induced increase (rate constant 0.1-0.2 s−1 for nifedipine compared with a depolarization-induced Ca2+ transient of 2.5-5 s−1; the latter was crucially dependent on the rate of rinsing). The nifedipine-dependent [Ca2+]i stayed elevated for as long as nifedipine was applied (1 min in Fig. 1A and 1.5 min in inset to Fig. 6A) when extracellular Ca2+ was present. A complete reversal of the effect could be reached within 1–2 min after washout. Subsequent addition of nifedipine again triggered a rise in [Ca2+]i (Fig. 1A). Mononucleated cells such as satellite cells and non-muscle cells did not respond to nifedipine. The possible participation of the solvent in the [Ca2+]i transient was ruled out by the application of 0.1-0.3 % (v/v) DMSO to the myotubes. No increase in [Ca2+]i could be observed (data not shown).

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Figure 6

Nifedipine causes release of Ca2+ from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ stores

A, responses following incubation of myotubes in 100 μM ryanodine in the presence of extracellular Ca2+ for 28 min. During the ryanodine incubation a slow [Ca2+]i transient was observed, which was probably due to activation of ryanodine receptors followed by inactivation. Nifedipine (Nif) at a concentration of 10 μM did not induce a Ca2+ transient in ryanodine-treated cells although it was able to elevate [Ca2+]i in the same cell before the ryanodine application (inset). B, interdependence between depolarization- and nifedipine-induced Ca2+ release. Application of nifedipine during depolarization did not lead to a rise in [Ca2+]i and the nifedipine-induced Ca2+ transient resulted in a reduced response to depolarization solution HK (60 mM KCl). C, reduction of caffeine-induced Ca2+ transients by prerinsing of the cells with nifedipine. The presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+ is indicated by shaded and open bars, respectively.

The observation that nifedipine was able to elevate [Ca2+]i raises the question of whether nifedipine was acting as an antagonist of the L-type Ca2+ channel in these experiments. The whole-cell patch clamp technique was used to investigate the electrophysiological features of the L-type Ca2+ channel. Ba2+ currents through L-type Ca2+ channels were inhibited by nifedipine in a dose-dependent manner (Fig. 1A (inset) and B) with a calculated IC50 value of 190 ± 6.5 nM and a Hill coefficient of 1.23 ± 0.05.

Nitrendipine, another DHP with antagonistic action on the L-type Ca2+ channel, was also able to increase [Ca2+]i in a similar manner. The maximum rise observed was 82 ± 9.5 nM and, therefore, was comparable to that induced by nifedipine. The EC50 value for nitrendipine (1.290 ± 0.64 μM) was about twice that for nifedipine (Fig. 2).

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Figure 2

Effect of nitrendipine on [Ca2+]i

Dose-response curve of the nitrendipine effect. The rise in [Ca2+]i is measured from resting [Ca2+]i levels. Numbers next to the symbols represent the number of cells analysed. Data are shown as arithmetic means ±s.e.m. The least-squares fit was obtained by a non-linear regression according to the Hill equation. The inset shows the effect of nitrendipine on [Ca2+]i compared with the effect of nifedipine (Nif) in the same cell.

The agonist (±)Bay K 8644 also caused a rise in [Ca2+]i in skeletal muscle cells (Fig. 3). Indeed, 10 μM (±)Bay K 8644 was able to trigger a [Ca2+]i rise (67 ± 8.7 nM, n = 7). Furthermore, the simultaneous application of nifedipine and (±)Bay K 8644 resulted in no further rise in [Ca2+]i. This suggests that nifedipine and (±)Bay K 8644 act via a common mechanism resulting in elevated [Ca2+]i.

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Figure 3

Effect of (±)Bay K 8644 and nifedipine on [Ca2+]i

The response of [Ca2+]i to 10 μM (±)Bay K 8644 in differentiated muscle cells was comparable to that obtained to nifedipine. Coapplication of 10 μM nifedipine to (±)Bay K 8644-stimulated cells did not further increase [Ca2+]i, suggesting a common mechanism of action. Experimental conditions are the same as for Fig. 1A.

It has been demonstrated that phosphorylation of the tetrodotoxin (TTX)-sensitive Na+ channel makes it promiscuous with respect to ion selectivity, permitting Ca2+ entry (Santana et al. 1998). In order to exclude Ca2+ influx due to this so-called ‘slip mode’ conductance of Na+ channels, we used 1 μM TTX to block the Na+ channels. Na+ channel block had no detectable influence on the nifedipine-induced response of [Ca2+]i (data not shown).

To clarify whether nifedipine was able to increase [Ca2+]i in cells other than skeletal muscle cells, we used the well characterized PC12 cells. These cells are known to express both voltage-dependent L-type Ca2+ channels (Liu et al. 1996) and intracellular Ca2+ release channels, i.e. InsP3 and ryanodine receptors (Bennett et al. 1998). Nevertheless, a coupling between the DHP receptor and the ryanodine receptor, as in skeletal muscle cells, does not exist. The application of depolarizing solution to these cells elicited a [Ca2+]i transient which was caused solely by an influx of Ca2+, as shown by the inability of these cells to react to depolarization under Ca2+-free conditions (Fig. 4). Furthermore, nifedipine was not able to stimulate a [Ca2+]i response in PC12 cells but it decreased the amplitude of the Ca2+ transient by about 50 % when cells were depolarized by HK (Fig. 4).

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Figure 4

Effect of nifedipine on [Ca2+]i in PC12 cells

Depolarization solution HK caused a rise in [Ca2+]i which was dependent on extracellular [Ca2+] and could be abolished completely by removal of Ca2+. Nifedipine (Nif) had no effect on [Ca2+]i but diminished the amplitude of the Ca2+ transient upon depolarization with HK by about 50 %. [Ca2+] in the bath was 1.8 mM, except where indicated; depolarization solution HK contained 60 mM KCl.

Source of Ca2+

Three mechanisms responsible for the intracellular [Ca2+] rise in skeletal muscle cells must be considered: influx of extracellular Ca2+, Ca2+ release from intracellular Ca2+ pools through ryanodine receptors and Ca2+ release from intracellular pools through InsP3 receptors.

The role of extracellular Ca2+

When extracellular Ca2+ was omitted from the bathing solution, nifedipine was still able to increase [Ca2+]i. However, the sustained response, which could be seen during persistent exposure to nifedipine (for comparison see Fig. 1A or inset to Fig. 6A), was replaced by a transient increase in [Ca2+]i (Fig. 5A). After repeated application of nifedipine under Ca2+-free conditions, the [Ca2+]i transient became successively diminished (Fig. 5A). Readdition of Ca2+ to the bathing solution restored the ability of the cells to react to nifedipine and was accompanied by a transient increase in [Ca2+]i. In Fig. 5B, the addition of Ca2+ to the extracellular solution caused a rise in [Ca2+]i.

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Figure 5

Nifedipine-induced Ca2+ transients in the absence and presence of extracellular Ca2+

A, when Ca2+ was omitted from the bathing solution, a transient [Ca2+]i rise was induced by nifedipine. A second application of nifedipine was not able to elicit a comparable Ca2+ transient but addition of Ca2+ led to an increase. B, responses from a cell that was rinsed continuously with Ca2+-free solution for 10 min before the experiment was started. Subsequently, extracellular solutions were changed as indicated. The increase in [Ca2+]i was dependent on the presence of extracellular Ca2+.

These experiments suggest that nifedipine activates an intracellular Ca2+ pool. In order to identify this intracellular Ca2+ pool the following experiments were performed.

Ca2+ release from intracellular stores

The depletion of an intracellular Ca2+ pool by nifedipine may involve a G protein which stimulates phospholipase C and in turn leads to the production of InsP3. Activation of InsP3 receptors might then cause the release of Ca2+. To investigate a potential involvement of InsP3, we used xestospongin C, a membrane-permeant inhibitor of the InsP3 receptor in neuronal cells with a high selectivity over ryanodine receptors (Gafni et al. 1997). Neither prerinsing nor preincubation of the cells for 15 min with 2 μM xestospongin C was able to inhibit the response to nifedipine (data not shown). This makes the involvement of the InsP3 receptor in the process unlikely. In order to determine whether the ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ pool was involved in the process, 100 μM ryanodine was applied extracellularly. After a delay, there was a slow rise in [Ca2+]i and this was followed by the slow return of [Ca2+]i to its resting level, consistent with the ability of ryanodine to activate the ryanodine receptor at low concentrations and to block it at high concentrations. When nifedipine was then applied, no rise in [Ca2+]i could be elicited either in the presence or in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (Fig. 6A, n = 5).

We found that the nifedipine effect was completely inhibited in cells depolarized with HK both in the presence and absence of extracellular Ca2+ and that the HK-induced Ca2+ transients were reduced by 73 ± 6 % (n = 9) when cells were pretreated with nifedipine in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (Fig. 6B; the height of the transients was measured relative to resting [Ca2+]i). To test whether the reduction of the HK-induced Ca2+ transients in the presence of nifedipine was caused, at least in part, by inactivation of the DHP receptor/voltage sensor, we applied 30 mM caffeine during stimulation of the cells with nifedipine (Fig. 6C) and found that the caffeine-induced Ca2+ response was reduced by 52 ± 8 % (n = 13). This reduction was significantly less (P = 0.03) than that for HK-induced [Ca2+]i transients (73 ± 6 %, n = 9), indicating that the reduction of HK-induced [Ca2+]i transients is due to both inactivation of the DHP receptor/voltage sensor and depletion of the intracellular Ca2+ stores.

To further investigate the membrane potential dependence of the nifedipine effect, we determined the resting potential of contractile myotubes at different concentrations of extracellular potassium with the whole-cell patch clamp technique (Fig. 7). Contractile myotubes in the presence of 5.4 mM K+ were found to have resting potentials of −53.5 ± 0.6 mV (n = 6), which declined with increasing [K+]o. Depolarization solution HK ([K+]o of 60 mM) resulted in a membrane potential of −11.2 ± 0.4 mV (n = 5). In fact, increasing [K+]o led to diminished nifedipine-induced [Ca2+]i transients. In 15 mM [K+]o (at a membrane potential of −43 mV) the nifedipine-induced Ca2+ response was reduced to 53 ± 9 % (n = 8) of that in physiological solution. At membrane potentials more positive than approximately −30 mV ([K+]o > 30 mM), the ability of nifedipine to increase [Ca2+]i disappeared (see Figs 6B and ​and7A7A).

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Figure 7

Potential dependence of the DHP effect

A, the membrane potential (Vm) of contractile myotubes was determined as a function of extracellular K+ concentration (inset). In physiological solution contractile myotubes had a resting potential of −54 mV. Depolarization of cells was associated with a diminished amplitude of nifedipine-induced Ca2+ transients. The amplitudes of the Ca2+ transients elicited by 10 μM nifedipine at [K+]o of 15 mM (corresponding to Vm of −43 mV) and 30 mM (-29 mV) in the presence of 1.8 mM extracellular Ca2+ are depicted relative to their response in a solution of physiological [K+]. B, effect of 10 μM (±)Bay K 8644 on steady-state activation of Ba2+ currents. Whole-cell currents were normalized to their maximal conductance (g/gmax). (±)Bay K 8644 shifted the mid-point of the activation curve by approximately 10 mV to more negative potentials without change in the slope factor (n = 4).

(±)Bay K 8644, a Ca2+ channel agonist, was tested for its influence on channel activation kinetics. We used (±)Bay K 8644 rather than nifedipine as it has the same intrinsic activity on [Ca2+]i but does not inhibit the channel. As expected we found that 10 μM (±)Bay K 8644 shifted the potential of half-maximal activation from 1.4 ± 0.7 to −7.7 ± 3.2 mV without affecting the steepness of activation (Fig. 7B). This is in agreement with findings of Bechem & Hoffmann (1993) with (-)Bay K 8644 on L-type Ca2+ channels of guinea-pig atrium, although the shift we observed was less pronounced. This might not only be due to the use of the racemic mixture but also could reflect differences in the sensitivity of different channel isoforms.

The nifedipine-induced Ca2+ transient is clearly dependent on the membrane potential, which argues against a direct activation of the ryanodine receptor. In addition, an increase in high-affinity binding of [3H]ryanodine in the presence of nifedipine was not observed in binding experiments with isolated SR fractions of cultured myotubes (data not shown).

In conclusion, nifedipine increases [Ca2+]i by release of Ca2+ from ryanodine-sensitive stores, which involves a membrane potential-dependent mechanism.


In the present study we describe a novel and specific effect of DHPs on [Ca2+]i in skeletal muscle cells. The effect is characterized by a rise in [Ca2+]i as a result of Ca2+ release from the ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ pool. Several lines of evidence presented in the paper indicate that the ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ pool is the source of this DHP-induced [Ca2+]i rise. Thus, the nifedipine-induced [Ca2+]i rise could be abolished after prolonged treatment of the cells with 100 μM ryanodine, was not affected by xestospongin C, a specific InsP3 receptor inhibitor, and was observed in the absence of extracellular Ca2+. The effect did not occur in non-differentiated cells in our culture or in PC12 cells and therefore manifested itself only in cells with a skeletal muscle type E-C coupling, strongly suggesting that this effect operates via the DHP receptor. Further evidence that the effect operates through the DHP receptor was provided by experiments using DHPs that have both an inhibitory (nifedipine, nitrendipine) and a stimulatory ((±)Bay K 8644) action on the L-type Ca2+ channel. The effect was not additive upon simultaneous application of nifedipine and (±)Bay K 8644 and was abolished under conditions in which the DHP receptor/voltage sensor was inactivated by prolonged depolarization. The effect was also dose dependent. From the dose-response curve a Hill coefficient of 1.12 was calculated for nifedipine, which suggests the involvement of only one binding site leading to elevated [Ca2+]i. Furthermore, nifedipine had no direct effect on the binding of [3H]ryanodine to the ryanodine receptor in microsomal fractions of human skeletal muscle, indicating that the nifedipine-induced [Ca2+]i rise is not due to a direct action of the DHP on the ryanodine receptor.

Further, it seems unlikely that nifedipine inhibits the Ca2+-pumping activity of muscle cells because HK depolarization-induced Ca2+ transients, though smaller, were not prolonged by nifedipine. Moreover, the intracellular application of DHPs into rat skeletal myoballs had no effect on the Ca2+-pumping activity (Suda, 1995).

In our preparation, slow Ba2+ inward currents were inhibited by nifedipine with an IC50 of approximately 200 nM. This is much higher than the KD observed for the binding of DHPs to high-affinity binding sites on the DHP receptor (∼1 nM) but is in the range of that reported for low-affinity binding sites (Bean, 1984; Striessnig et al. 1998). However, dose-response relationships of Ca2+ antagonists to the Ca2+ channel are very sensitive to the conditions in which they are assessed; it is therefore assumed that high-affinity binding occurs only during the inactivated state of the DHP receptor. In our experiments binding of nifedipine to the DHP receptor in its resting state (holding potential of −110 mV) blocked the current with a Hill coefficient of 1.23, suggesting one binding site on the DHP receptor. The dose-response curve for the effect of nifedipine on [Ca2+]i shows an EC50 value of 600 nM and a slope factor of 1.12. It seems likely that the same binding site that inhibits the current is also responsible for the release of Ca2+. The discrepancy between KD values (200 vs. 600 nM) can be explained by the fact that the (holding) membrane potential was −110 mV in the whole-cell patch clamp experiments when the Ba2+ currents were measured but only −54 mV in the intact cell experiments when [Ca2+]i was measured. Also, the concentration of nifedipine in the bath could have been lower in experiments in which the [Ca2+]i was measured due to photolysis of nifedipine by the UV excitation light.

Based on the specific mechanism of the skeletal muscle E-C coupling, our findings can be explained by stabilization of a conformational state of the DHP receptor, which is sufficient to activate the ryanodine receptor. This state of the DHP receptor is supposed to be a closed state for the channel from which it can undergo conformational changes. Preactivated states of the amphibian skeletal muscle DHP receptor have already been proposed (Neuhaus et al. 1990; Feldmeyer et al. 1990) mainly because of the ability of a single channel to show both fast and slow activation kinetics. A modified model of Feldmeyer et al. (1990) was presented by Ma et al. (1996), which includes preactivated DHP receptor states that activate the ryanodine receptor. In that model the preactivated DHP receptor state is reached by depolarization. Based on results obtained in this study, we propose that a preactivated state of the DHP receptor that can activate the ryanodine receptor is reached not only by depolarization but also by binding of dihydropyridines to the DHP receptor.

In the absence of extracellular Ca2+ nifedipine was able to activate Ca2+ release but [Ca2+]i subsequently declined (Fig. 5). This is in agreement with the findings of and Neuhaus et al. (1990) who observed the inhibition of force development with nifedipine under Ca2+-free conditions in skeletal muscle fibres. They interpreted this phenomenon in terms of extracellular Ca2+ as a cofactor in channel gating. A decrease in the extracellular concentration of Ca2+ shifts voltage-dependent inactivation of force development to more negative potentials (Schnier et al. 1993). Nifedipine is thought to further antagonize the binding of Ca2+ to the channel and therefore leads to an increased rate of inactivation (; Pizarro et al. 1988). According to the model of , this transient nature could be explained by inactivation of E-C coupling due to dissociation of Ca2+ ions from the activated DHP receptor. The observed increase in [Ca2+]i upon readdition of extracellular Ca2+ would then reprime the channel and restore E-C coupling. In our experiments depolarizations with HK induced a release of Ca2+ in the presence of nifedipine but in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ (Fig. 6B). This HK-induced Ca2+ response was reduced by about 75 % compared with controls in the absence of nifedipine, while the 30 mM caffeine-induced Ca2+ response decreased only by about 50 % under similar conditions (Fig. 6C). This result shows that exposure to nifedipine in the absence of extracellular Ca2+ markedly reduces the Ca2+ content of the stores and also causes inactivation of the DHP receptor/voltage sensor. Thus, in addition to inactivation of E-C coupling, store depletion further enhances the decline of [Ca2+]i under Ca2+-free conditions. The subsequent activation of a store-operated Ca2+ influx could then contribute to the observed phenomenon of increasing [Ca2+]i upon readdition of extracellular Ca2+. A store-operated Ca2+ entry has already been described in cultured skeletal muscle cells (Hopf et al. 1996).

In conclusion, a novel [Ca2+]i increasing effect of DHPs is described in cultured human skeletal muscle cells. This effect is brought about by release of Ca2+ through the ryanodine receptor and mediated by facilitation of DHP receptor gating. This finding may be of some importance for the molecular exploration of the dual function of the DHP receptor as Ca2+ channel and voltage sensor for Ca2+ release.


We are grateful to P. Artigas from the Universidad de la Republica, Uruguay, for critical reading and comments on the manuscript. This work was supported by research grants from the Anton Dreher-Gedächtnisstiftung and the OeNB Jubiläumsfonds (6646 and 8266).

Parts of this material were presented at the 43rd Annual Meeting of the Biophysical Society, 13–17 February 1999, Baltimore, MA, USA.


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Dihydropyridine-induced Ca2+ release from ryanodine-sensitive Ca2+ pools in human skeletal muscle cells (2024)


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