Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)

Welcome to the Dragon’s Dogma 2 Trophy Guide! The best approach is to focus on story until the Point of No Return, ignore side quests, then clean up all trophies from there. If you want to do a playthrough for fun first that’d be fine too, your level and equipment carry over into New Game+. Then you could rush the story very fast (a few hours) and clean up everything in NG+ after already knowing the game. It comes down to personal preference, if you want you can get everything in one playthrough, or get to know the game first and do all trophies in New Game+. Somein-game tutorials warn of not taking on too many side quests as they are affected by the passage of time, but all the trophy-relevant quests are still doableat the Point of No Return. Also check out the section, itcontains general gameplaystrategies and time savers. If you are stuck on any quest refer to the full Dragon’s Dogma 2 Wiki.

Your first task is to focus on the story until you reach Main Quest 14: A New Godsway. This is the last quest before the ending path. At this point all trophy-related side quests are still available and you can clean up any trophies you have left. It doesn’t matter what character, gender, race, and vocation you choose at the start of the game. Dialogue choices duringmain quests don’t affect trophies. You can’t do anything wrong during main quests.It’s best to ignore side quests until the Point of No Return,then you can’t really mess anything up. Note that the game has missable side quests but none of those are needed for trophies, so don’t worry about that. Very few side quests are actually needed, see Step 2 (all of them are still doable atPoint of No Return).

If you have PS+, make regular Cloud Saves. Keep a Cloud SaveinMain Quest 14: A New Godsway. Turn off the PS+ Autosync feature (Saved Data > PS5 > Sync Saved Data = Disabled, choose to Upload Save from Console Storage). This will be your fallback save if anything goes wrong. If you don’t have PS+, you can make an “Inn Save” by resting at an Inn. This is a sort of Manual Save. In the Title Screen you can reload the last Inn save instead of last Autosave. If you make an Inn Save at the Point of No Return, you can still reloadit from the Title Screen after the endings (this also works on Xbox & Steam).Before resting at Inns always dismiss your hired pawns and kill your main pawn (throw it off a cliff with R2/R1), as they sometimes get “Dragon’s Plague” and kill all villagers while you sleep, which would lock you out of quests.

IMPORTANT: Remember where you find your first Seeker Token (collectible)! Take a screenshot of the map location and write it down. You will need to go back there for a Sphinx riddle, this will be different for every player depending on where you personally found your first Seeker Token. If you don’t remember,it could get very confusing to find the same location again. If you forgot, it will count the first Seeker Token you find in New Game+ so you have a second chance.

FromMain Quest 14: A New Godswayyou will have access to everything. Clean upyour remaining trophies and associated side tasks:

If you missed anything, don’t worry! You can quickly clean it up in New Game+. After getting all Endings, pick the top option in the Title Screen to start New Game+. It will ask you repeatedly if you are sure about your decision because you can’t go back. Agree each time and you’ll start NG+. Your inventory and level carry over (you get your items back after reaching the Borderwatch). Now that you already know the game you can rush the story very fast. The full open world and most trophies/side quests are accessible after reaching Vernworth,which is1-2 hours into the game.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (1)The True Arisen
Collected all other Dragon’s Dogma 2 trophies.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2)Earn all other trophies in Dragon’s Dogma 2 to unlock Platinum (no DLC required)!Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (3)First Taste of Freedom
Escaped the bonds of slavery.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (4)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks after the Prologue. This will be your first trophy in the game.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (5)Arisen
Regained your memories of receiving the Arisen’s charge.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (6)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during Main Quest 3: In Dragon’s Wake.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (7)Seat of the Proxy
Arrived in Vernworth.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (8)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during Main Quest 3: In Dragon’s Wake. After you go to the capital city “Vernworth”.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (9)Across the Border
Passed through the gate at the border.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (10)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks during Main Quest 11:Nation of the Lambent Flame. After you go through the gate at Checkpoint Rest Town. If you are playing as a human you will need to buy a Beastren Mask from Ibrahim’s Scrap Store in Checkpoint Rest Town, then at the gate show the permit you got from Captain Brant at the start of the quest.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (11)Dragon’s Dogma 2
Witnessed the unmoored world.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (12)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (13)

At the very end of the game when you ride the dragon you must climb to its heart and use the “Empowered Godsbane Blade” (automatic story unlock) from the inventory, use it to kill yourself while hanging onto the Dragon’s Heart.

Step 1: In Main Quest 16: Legacy attack the big dragon at the very end of the game.

Step 2:You will now be riding the dragon. Climb to its orange heart at the bottom of its neck. Open your inventory > select “Empowered Godsbane Blade” (automatic story unlock from previous main quest) > click “Use” > press Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (14) / Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (15) to use it on yourself. You will sacrifice yourself with the sword but it will destroy the Dragon’s Heart and you will enter the secret Unmoored World. This sets you on the secret ending path tied to all other trophies that take place in the Unmoored World.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (16)Peace
Became Sovran of Vernworth.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (17)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (18)

This is for one of the game endings. In the final main quest “Legacy” must ride the dragon all the way to the end, then defeat it, then sit on the throne during the credits until the game ends.

Step 1: In Main Quest 16: Legacy attack the big dragon at the very end of the game.

Step 2: You will now be riding the dragon. Ride it all the way to the end (DON’T attack its heart!). Just stay on its back until a cutscene plays and you fight the dragon.

Step 3: Defeat the dragon endboss.

Step 4: Afterward you can walk around in the throne room while the credits roll. Sit on the throne and let the credits finish rolling. When the game ends and you sit on the throne the trophy pops. Don’t stand up from the throne.

Afterunlocking the trophy you are returned to Title Screen > click “Load from Last Save” (don’t start New Game+) > you are returned to throne room > talk to the blue glowing man to the left of the throne > talk to him again in the crowd in the middle of the room > you will travel back in time to riding the dragon > doDragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (19)Dragon’s Dogma 2to enter Unmoored World for the other ending trophies.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (20)I, Talos
Helped the gigantus walk again.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (21)Refer toDragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (22)The Hero.You will automatically earn this trophy while doing the Gigantus trial in the Unmoored World for Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (23)The Hero.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (24)Closure
Experienced the end of the cycle.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (25)Unlocks when reaching the ending in the Unmoored World.

First you must reach the Unmoored World, see Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (26) Dragon’s Dogma 2. The game is over onceyou interact with the red beacon at the Seafloor Shrine. During the credits you’ll be walking on a dragon. After a while, the dragon will start spewing fire onto himself to kill you. When it does, you must stand on its ridges to avoid burning to death.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (27)Versatile
Changed your vocation.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (28)You can change your vocation (character class) at some inns and at certain guild halls for 100 DEP. The first time you can do this is at the inn of Melve. You get a story objective that shows you how to do this. You can also find guild halls in most major towns, for example in the capital city “Vernworth”.You earn the required DEP points from every enemy you defeat.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (29)Duo Destinies
Changed your vocation to mystic spearhand.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (30)The “Mystic Spearhand” vocation is unlocked automatically from the story, during Main Quest 14: A New Godsway,while slaying the dragons.

You can also get it anywhere else by talking to Sigurd, an NPC found at various dragon locations. For example, he can show up at Dragonsbreath Tower south-west of Bakbatthal (for me he spawned there during Main Quest 14: A New Godsway, next to the campfire). But even if you ignore him you’ll get it while slaying the dragons for the main story.

Another opportunity is to unlock it from Side Quest:Readvent of Calamity where Sigurd will appear to fight a dragon alongside you.

After unlocking it youchange to this vocation at any Guild Hall, for example in Bakbattahl or Vernworth.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (33)Trickster of the Trade
Changed your vocation to trickster.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (34)The “Trickster” vocation is unlocked automatically from the story, during Main Quest 12: Flickering Shadows, after completing the objectives to speak with the Dragonforged and the Oracle.

You can then change to this vocation at any Guild Hall, for example in Bakbattahl or Vernworth.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (35)Arrows and Incantations
Changed your vocation to magick archer.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (36)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (37)

The “Magick Archer” vocation is unlockedas a quest reward fromSide Quest: Put a Spring in Thy Step. Simply complete this quest to get it.

You can then change to this vocation at any Guild Hall, for example in Bakbattahl or Vernworth.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (38)Jack of All Trades, Master of…All Trades
Changed your vocation to warfare.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (39)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (40)

The “Warfarer” vocation is unlockedas a quest reward fromSide Quest: The Sotted Sage. Simply complete this quest to get it.

You can then change to this vocation at any Guild Hall, for example in Bakbattahl or Vernworth.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (41)An In-Tents Adventure
Went camping.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (42)For this you must find a campsite and use a camping kit. You can find both of these together on the path leading east from the Borderland Campground (northeast of Melve town). You take this path automatically early in the story, during Main Quest 3: In Dragon’s Wake. Pick up the camping kit sitting on the ground next to the campsite, then interact with the campsite. Alternatively, you can buy camping kits from merchants in most major towns and you find plenty of campfire spots along main roads throughout the world.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (46)A House? In This Economy?
Purchased a dwelling of your own.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (47)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (48)

Reward for completingSide Quest: A Place to Call Home.It starts in Vernworth, by talking to a girl at the road south of Stardrop Inn. If she’s not there rest at a bench and she’ll appear. You must visit her house, then sleep for 7 days in her bed, then she offers you to purchase her house for 20,000 gold. Do this to get the trophy. Alternatively, you can buy a house for 30,000 in the 2nd capital city Bakbattahl, by talking to a woman in the north of that city.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (49)One Speed Only
Boarded an oxcart.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (50)“Oxcarts” are fast travel carriages that transport you from one town to the next. You can call them from so-called “Oxcart Stations” which are marked on the map by an oxhead icon.

For example, one can be found at the northwest exit of Vernworth (the big capital city).

Interact with the wooden sign at the Oxcart Station, press Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (52) to “Await Oxcart”. This will autoskip time to when the Oxcart arrives. Climb onto the cart and sit down on the bench. After a short moment, the driver will prompt you to pay for the ride. It will cost 100-200 gold, pay him and sit on the bench in the cart, then press Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (53) to “doze off” and you’ll fast travel. Note that Oxcarts can get ambushed along the way, in that case you will need to defend the cart from attackers and sit in it again to continue the journey.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (54)The Savior
Used a Wakestone to restore the dead to life.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (55)For this you must use a Wakestone to revive a dead NPC (using “Eternal Wakestone” counts too).

The easiest Wakestones to unlockareautomatic story rewards from Main Quest 6:Disa’s Plot, and another from Main Quest 8: The Stolen Throne. Becausethey are automatic story rewards you can’t miss this item. Now intentionally kill an NPC, just pick any villager in Vernworth. Then use the Wakestone to revive that person. You can also get Wakestones by combining 3 Wakestone Shards.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (56)Just a Stone’s Throw Away
Used a Ferrystone.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (57)“Ferrystones” are items that let you fast travel to certain Portcrystals. They will be consumed upon using fast travel. You will sometimes find them in chests, as quest rewards, or you can simply buy them from general stores in most towns.

For example, you can buy Ferrystones from the general store “Philbert’s Sundries” in Vernworth for 10,000 Gold:

Secondly, you must discover a Portcrystal. There are only two permanent ones: the first is in Vernworth behind the Grand Riftstone where you summon pawns, the other is in the south of Harve Village at the coastline. Here is the location of the one in Vernworth (purple crystal):

Now go outside where there’s no obstruction above you (Ferrystones don’t work indoors). Open the inventory and use the Ferrystone. Select the Portcrystal as the destination and the trophy will unlock.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (62)A Badge of Honor
Acquired a pawn badge.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (63)To get a Pawn Bade you need to have killed a large number of any creature. You can check the status by pressing Options > Status > R2 > R1> R1> now you are in the Pawn menu. On the right you see all the badges. Here it is advisable to kill a Cyclops 30 times, asthis monster occurs relatively often.To make large monsters respawn rest for at least 7 days in a row (to be safe rest some days longer). The quickest way to get the badge is to climb up the castle wall in the north of “Ancient Battlegound”, as there are 2 Cyclops here that you can kill.

Alternatively, you can also set the Pawn Quest that another player has to kill a Cyclops. As soon as the other player has done this andyou went tosleep at an inn/bed, there is a chance that you will gain progress towards this badge. You can also pick any other large monster spawn close to a town with a bench, kill the monster, rest on the bench for a week, repeat.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (65)Gigantus, I Hardly Knew Ye
Defeated the gigantus in a short span of time.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (66)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (67)


In Main Quest 15: The Guardian Gigantus, you must shoot the Gigantus with an Unmaking Arrow. Then it does before reaching the town and the trophy unlocks.

Step1:Slay a Dragon for Wyrmslife Crystals. You need 8 Wyrmslife Crystals to buy the Unmaking Arrow. Refer toDragon Locations.

Step 2: Buy the Unmaking Arrow for 8 Wyrmslife Crystals from the Dragonborne. He is found north of Bakbattahl in a cave called “Bay Wayside Shrine”.




Step 3: Continue untilMain Quest 15:The Guardian Gigantus. At the start of the quest, after going through the sealed gate in the south of Bakbattahl, you will get a cutscene where a walking giant emerges from the ocean. Quickly run downhill to get close to him. Now shoot the Unmaking Arrow at him. Go to inventory > click “Equip” on Unmaking Arrow > Aim with Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (70) > shoot it anywhere at his upper body. If done correctly he will drop the spear he carries in his hand and won’t destroy the bridge. The Unmaking Arrow is 1-use only and the game autosaves upon using it. So without a PS+ backup save this is very highly missable.

Now just wait 6 minutes for the trophy to unlock. The Gigantus won’t die immediately, he will keep walking towards the Excavation Site, but he won’t destroy any structures along the way. He will then collapse and die early before reaching the Excavation Site, at which point the trophy unlocks and you get a bunch of XP. If it doesn’t unlock, restore your PS+ backup from the previous mission and retry.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (71)Full Marks
Found a solution to every conundrum posed by the goddess of riddles.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (72)» Dragon’s Dogma 2 All Sphinx Riddle SolutionsDragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (73)Off with Its Head!
Decapitated a medusa.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (74)Refer to Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (75)An Eye for an Eye.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (76)Master of the Maisters
Acquired every maister’s teaching.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (77)»Dragon’s Dogma 2 All Maister’s Teachings LocationsDragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (78)The Specialist
Reached the maximum rank in a vocation.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (79)For this you must Reach Rank 9 in any vocation (character class). This is done by simply playing as one vocation and defeating enemies. Every enemy you defeat gives some “DEP” which will slowly increase your Rank.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (80)A Pawn of Many Talents
Taught your pawn a specialization.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (81)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (82)

To get a Pawn specialization you must get a blue tome (Specialization Tome). There are multiple of these but you only need one.

  • Forager’s Tome – Given by a little girl called “Irena” in Vernworth. You have to reach maximum affinity with her. Give her 1 Wyrmslife Crystal (dropped by dragons), sleep, give her another Wyrmslife Crystal. Then walk outside her house, she should now follow you outside and give you the Forager’s Tome.She’s found in her housein the morning:
  • Logistician’s Tome:Given byan old man called “Kendrick” in the Slums ofVernworth. You have to reach maximum affinity with him. Give him 1 Wyrmslife Crystal (dropped by dragons), sleep, give another Wyrmslife Crystal. Possibly also requires having done his side quest The Heel of History. He will give it immediately after giving the gift.
  • Chirurgeon’s Tome – First, complete Side Quest: Medicament Predicament. You will then meetthe quest giver “Flora” (little girl)again later in Vernworth, where she will give you the blue scroll as a reward.

Some other NPCs may also give specialization tomes when reaching maximum affinity with them, just give Wyrmslife Crystals and sleep in between (they will blush/their cheeks turn red when you reached maximum affinity). Tip: you can also check NPC locations and what gifts they like from Pause Menu > History > NPC Logbook.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (88)Wish upon the Rift
Set a pawn quest.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (89)For this trophy you have to set a Pawn Quest at theGrand Riftstone in the capital cities “Vernworth” or “Bakbattahl”.

After interacting with the Riftstone you will enter the blue Riftworld. Interact with the Riftstone again and select “Set a Pawn Quest”.

If this is grayed out you must sleep once at an inn (or in the bed in your house if you bought one) while your main pawn is alive. Then the game will check if your pawn has completed the pawn quest and gives you the reward for it.

This works both offline and online but in slightly different ways. If you are offline the pawn quest completion is time-based, it takesa fewin-game days for pawns to complete their quest. The AI does this automatically. If it doesn’t work for you offline, you will need to connect to online services (in System > Network > Options turn on Network Features and Data Processing). Each time you rest at an inn/bed it updates your pawn level in the Rift for other online players and it gives you any rewards your pawn brought back from other people’s games upon completing a pawn quest. New Pawn Quests can be setas soon as the AI auto-solved the quest (offline), or another playerhas hired your pawn and completed your current pawn quest (online). However, you will not receive any notification when the quest is completed. You have to sleep at an inn or in the bed in your own house to see if the pawn quest was completed. You can then choose your own pawn quest at the Rift Stone, for example to earnbadges or get items.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (90)Myrmecoleon Delights
Entered the rose chateau.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (91)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (92)

The Rose Chateau Bordelrie can be found in the south of Vernworth, the capital city. You reach Vernworth automatically as part of Main Quest 4:Seat of the Sovran.

In the south of town you will find the Noble Quarter. The building furthest south is the brothel. Go through the door and you’ll get a tutorial screen as well as this trophy. To make use of the rose chateau’s services you will need a membership card, but for this trophy it’s not required as the door is always open.The membership card is a reward from Main Quest 8: The Stolen Throne.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (95)The Collector
Collected 80 Seeker’s Tokens.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (96)» Dragon’s Dogma 2 Seeker Token LocationsDragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (97)The Philanthropist
Earned the affections of 50 people.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (98)There are variousways to increase the affection of 50 people. The natural way is to complete quests, as the majority of quests maximize the affection with quest givers, especially the longer questlines. You also increase affection by doing small random event requests like Monster Cullings where you must defend a person or Escort Requests where you must bring someone to a destination.

However, you can’t reach 50 people with just quests, so you must also maximize the affection by giving gifts to NPCs. You give gifts by talking to a person and pressing Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (99) . Not all NPCs will accept gifts, but most vendors and quest givers will accept them. The most reliable method is to give a Wyrmslife Crystal to an NPC (remember the person’s name and what they look like), rest for 24 hours, then give another Wyrmslife Crystal to that same person. Note that people move around during the day, which is another reason you should prioritize vendors because they stay in a fixed place. Each Wyrmslife Crystal increases the affinity by 50% on average, although some people may have max affinity after giving just one and a few may require three. On guards/soldiers this usually doesn’t work so ignore them. When the affinity with a person is maxed they will blush/have red cheeks. You get Wyrmslife Crystals from defeating dragons and looting their bodies. Each Dragon gives 10-15 Wyrmslife Crystals. Refer to Dragon Locations. Note that you also get around 500+ Wyrmslife Crystals from the ending-related trophies so in New Game+ you’d have more than you’ll ever need.

You can also give other gifts, to see what each NPC likes go to Pause Menu > History > NPC Logbook (press Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (100) to jump from one starting letter to the next).

Another quick method is to go to everyinn in every town, wait till night when more people are in the pub, then “Buy a Round” for everyone, rest 24 hours and repeat (check that the trophy counter increases). Then move on to the next town and repeat there. Doing this in conjunction with giving Wyrmslife Crystals you can quickly max out 50 people.

Yet anotherway would be to sleep with all 15 NPCs in the Rose Chateau(see Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (101) Myrmecoleon Delights). Here you have to sleep with someone once to maximize your affection.This is only recommended if you have money to spare. A list of all people from the rose chateau:

  1. Jennifer (20,000 Gold)
  2. Braun (20,000 Gold)
  3. Nirvane (20,000 Gold)
  4. Jessika (20,000 Gold)
  5. Viola (20,000 Gold)
  6. Linda (20,000 Gold)
  7. Dean (20,000 Gold)
  8. Frosst (20,000 Gold)
  9. Cecilli (20,000 Gold)
  10. Kellen (20,000 Gold)
  11. Marissa (20,000 Gold)
  12. Rionne (30,000 Gold) – Requires Platinum Membership
  13. Ariadne (30,000 Gold) – Requires Platinum Membership
  14. Gewn (30,000 Gold) – Requires Platinum Membership
  15. Thiemothee (30,000 Gold) – Requires Platinum Membership

The Platinum Membership can be purchased on the 1st floor at the entrance for 45,000 gold. In order to sleep with everyone, 385,000 gold would be required.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (102)Affinity and Beyond
Raised a person’s affinity to the maximum.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (103)You will automatically get this while going for Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (104)Plenty Arisen to Go Round, because you must reach max affinity with at least two NPCs for that anyway.

Here are the most reliable methods to reach max affinity:

  • Give 2 Wyrmslife Crystals to a person. They are unlocked by slaying and looting dragons (seeDragon Locations). Talk to a person, press Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (105) to give gift (not everyone accepts gifts but most vendors do), sleep 24 hours, give another Wyrmslife Crystal.
  • Complete Ulrika’sside quest chain:Scaly Invaders>Readvent of Calamity>Trouble on the Cape>Home Is Where the Hearth Is.
  • This trophy be earned by sleeping with the same person three times in the Rose Chateau. Here it doesn’t matter who you choose.
Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (106)Dragon Forged
Strengthened a weapon in wyrmfire.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (107)First you must buy the regular 3 weapon upgrades, which can be done at any weapon vendor. The weak starting weapons are the cheapest to upgrade and only require common resources.

Then for the secret 4th upgrade you must go to the “Dragonforged”. He is found north of Bakbattahl in a cave called “Bay Wayside Shrine”:

You will automatically talk to him for a main story objective in Main Quest 12:Flickering Shadows, but can return to him anytime. For the upgrade he wants Wyrmlife Crystals (WRC). These are obtained by slaying and looting dragons. Each dragon drops 10-15 of these.Refer to Dragon Locations.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (109)The Guardian
Led the people to safety in the unmoored world.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (110)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (111)


In order to get people to safety, you have to talk to all the leaders you met. However, it is advisable to complete all tests first so that the world cannot be destroyed. If you don’t take the tests, you have a short window of time to get people to safety.

Step 1: Complete Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (112) The Hero to finish all trialsof the unmoored world.

Step 2:Go to the Seafloor Shrine and interact with Rothias from within theBLUE beacon aura (NOT the red one). After talking to him, Luz will show up asking you to evacuate as many people as possible. Caution: DON’T interact with the red beacon, it will end the game!

Step 3:Travel to Vernworth and speak with Brant at the Inn. This will initiate quest “The Regentkin’s Resolve”. Head to the castle and speak with Sven, who can be found in his room on the second floor of the castle. Enter it and take the staircase on your left, then head all the way down the corridor to find him in the last room on the right. He will talk to you. Now head for the next marker and use Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (115) on Visa, Sven’s mother, and bring her back to Sven. Next, head down to the next objective, by the oxcart and intimidate Allard by grabbing him. He will flee because you scared him. Now simply head back to Sven and tell him that the oxcart is ready. Quest complete and Vernworth is evacuated.

Step 4:Travel to Sacred Arbor, the city northwest of Vernworth where you fought the worm boss. Here, speak with Glyndwr, the blonde archer elf found on the round platform at the entrance of the town. Follow him to his father Taliesin to convince him to evacuate his people. Bring a pawn with the “Woodland Wordsmith” specialization to understand him. Keep talking to him until he gives up. You have to sleep, talk to him again, he changes his dialogue each time you sleep, repeat until he gives up (sleeping 3 times at the nearby inn and talking to him each time after you sleep is enough).Alternatively, you can complete the side quest The Ailing Arborheart > Out of the Forest, Into the Forge, then after planting the seed return to Taliesin to complete this side quest and evacuate the Sacred Arbor.

Step 5:Travel to Bakbattahl and head towards the Flamebearer Palace. On your way, you’ll be stopped by Menella. If not, continue to the palace and talk to her (if she’s not there, make sure you completedthe trials for Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (116) The Hero in the same life without dying). Now you have to witness and end three different scuffles. Whether you end them with peace or violence doesn’t influence the evacuation of Bakbattahl. You can simply attack them all to break up the fights. Evacuating Bakbattahl also completes quest “Civil Unrest”.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (117)The Guardian may already unlock early here before evacuating the other people.

Step 6:Travel to Volcanic Island Camp and speak with Ernesto by the northern gate. He will want you to rescue Ciodhna and Gautstafr. Simply head to the mission marker and after a brief intermission between Ciodhna and Gautsafr, grab Gautsafr and Ferrystone your way back to the Camp. Carry Gautsafr to Ernesto to complete this part of the quest. Next, we need to convince Lamond to evacuate. After talking to Ernesto, intercept Lamond on his way to the hot geysers. Choose any of the dialogue options with him to get him on board the evacuation and you’ll have evacuated all Volcanic Island Camp and completed quest “The Importance of Aiding Ernesto”.

Step 7:Head for the Excavation Site near the Volcanic Island Camp, defeat the Magick Golem and then talk to Henrique at the gate. Follow him to the nearby gaol and he will give you a key. Return where you met him at the gate and unlock the door of the second hut on the hill. Here, retrieve the Diminished Godsawy staff and return to Henrique. Doing so will evacuate the Excavation Site and complete quest “Shepherd of the Pawns”.

Step 8:Now that you’ve evacuated everybody, return to the SeafloorShrine and you’re ready to end the game. See Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (118) Closure.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (119)The Hero
Overcame all the trials of the unmoored world.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (120)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (121)


To complete all the trials in the unmoored world, you must complete them within4 days. If you are not fast enough, each landwill be destroyed one by one.The trials can be recognized by the red beacons shining from the sky. There are 4 trials in total in the Unmoored World.The ideal way is as follows.

Step 1: Reach the Unmoored World – refer to Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (122) Dragon’s Dogma 2. Caution:If you die in the Unmoored World you will respawn at the start of it and any progress made in the Unmoored World gets reset. You must finish all remaining steps in one life.

Step 2:Recover your main pawn. You do this by tracking quest “Dreams Apart” going to Bakbattahl, in Forbidden Magick Research Lab upstairs.

Step 3:Now travel directly to Vernworth and complete the trial (red glowing dot on map) located to the left outside Vernworth. You can get there by going down the stairs in the north of Vernworth to reach the seafloor, then head south. The strongest boss in the game awaits us here, which is why it is recommended to pack Wakestones. The boss can only be killed by attacking its weak points or using an Unmaking Arrow. After The Boss is dealt with, Vernworth is saved. You must go straight to the next location.Caution: This bosswill instakill you if you attempt it underlevel 30.

Step 4:Now travel to Sacred Arbor, where another red dot is on the map, northwest of Vernworth. The next boss awaits us there, but it is the easiest one. This is a worm. Here you have to attack the weak points again so that you can defeat him. Here you work your way from the tail to the head.Caution: This boss has instakill attacks if you attempt it underlevel 30.

Step 5:The next trialis right where you killed the Gigantus (where he dropped to his knees, on Agamen Volcanic Island southeast of Bakbattahl). Interact with him to get the Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (126) I, Talostrophy. For this trialyou simply have to watch the fight.

Step 6: Now Phaestus and the Pathfinder will show up, telling you of a final trial taking place in Bakbattahl. If they don’t show up automatically, simply head to Bakbattahl for the final trial. In Bakbattahl, head towards the red marker and then follow Phaestus until you can slay the dragon.After the cutsceneyou get the trophy that all trials have been completed.

Step 7:Since the world can no longer be destroyed, you can now explore the world.You should now bring allpeople to safety. For the next steps continue with Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (129) The Guardian.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (130)This’ll Cure What Ails Ye
Soaked in the hot spring.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (131)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (132)

The Hot Spring is found in Agamen Volcanic Island (the last region in the south of the map) > Volcanic Island Camp > Geyser Hamlet.

To reach this region, follow the road southwest of Bakbattahl until you reach Drabnir’s Grotto. This is a long cave section that connects to the Volcanic island region. Then follow the main path until you reach the Volcanic Island Camp, go up the wooden ramps and climb the ladder. In the top area of the camp you will find the marker for “Geyser Hamlet”, talk to the NPC in front of it and pay him 100 Gold to bathe in the hot spring.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (135)Cyclops Abridged
Crossed a cyclopean bridge.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (136)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (137)

To cross a “Cyclops bridge”, you have to get a Cyclops to stumble off the edge and hold on to the opposite side.He will then hang in the air like a bridge, you just have to run over to get the trophy.

An easy way to provoke this is to travel east of Vernworth. There’s a cyclops next to a rocky ledge. Lure him from the other side of the ledge so he’ll try to come over and falls.

It’s best if you play as a mage for it, at vocation rank 2 you unlock the ability to fly. Attack the cyclops and fly over the ledge, he will try to follow you and fall down. Go there without pawns (can talk to hired pawns to dismiss them, toss you main pawn over a cliff to kill it). Otherwise the pawns will draw the cyclops’s attention away from you.

An alternative location for this is at Ancient Battleground, climb up to the castle wall in the north of the area.There is a Cyclops dangerously close to the edge. It is best to hit him in the leg or jump onto the opposite side and wait until the cyclops jumps over too. In most cases, however, this fails and he has to hold on.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (142)Harpy Joyride
Summoned a harpy, grabbed hold, and took flight.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (143)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (144)

To summon a Harpy, you have to buy or find the item “Harpysnare Smoke Beacon”. This can be bought from traveling merchants who are constantly on the move.

A guaranteed location to find the Harpysnare Smoke Beacon is inside a chest in Twilight Cave. This cave is found east of Vernworth.

Then you have to use the item anywhere out in the open and a Harpy comes flying in. You have to jump and grab it with Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (149) and then you get the trophy.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (150)Quit Playing Dead
Revived two pawns simultaneously.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (151)When two or more of your pawns (teammates) are downed close together, approach them and hold Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (152) to revive them. If they are close enough together you will revive both of them simultaneously which unlocks the trophy. Revives don’t cost anything. You will most likely get this naturally early on, if not you can get it against strong enemies or larger enemy groups by bringing low-level pawns that die quickly.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (153)Dragon’s Dogma
Obtained Dragon’s Dogma.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (154)“Dragons Dogma” is a powerful sword that can be purchased for 110 Wyrmslife Crytals from the Dragonforged, first available when you reach the Unmoored World (see Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (155) Dragon’s Dogmato reach Unmoored World). In the Unmoored World you can find him at Seafloor Shrine, in the middle of the area in front of where all the weapon shops are.

If you followed the Roadmap and did the regular ending first you will have gotten 100 Wyrmslife Crystals from the Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (159) Peace Ending. If you have an extra 10 Wyrmslife Crystals from killing other dragons, you can buy the Dragon’s Dogma now.

If you don’t haveenough Wyrmslife Crystals to buy it, you can do it in New Game+. In NG+you can buy it right away at the Dragonborne’s default location “Bay Wayside Shrine” (north of Bakbattahl).

No need to go into the Unmoored World to buy it in New Game+.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (161)An Eye for an Eye
Petrified a medusa.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (162)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (163)

For this you must decapitate Medusa’s head while she’s near full-health (by climbing up to her head and melee-attacking her), if she hasn’t taken much damage you will get “Preserved Medusa Head”. Put the head in storage so it doesn’t decay, rest 14 days to respawn the Medusa, grab the head from storage, use it against Medusa to petrify her.

Step 1: You must get a Medusa head by cutting it off Medusa. Medusa is a secret boss found in “Calignious Depths” south of Bakbattahl. It’s recommended you do this while playing Thief vocation. Have a mage on your team who buffs your weapon with Lightning damage (you can see the pawn spells when recruiting at Riftstones). Then immediately when the fight starts climb up to her head by pressing Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (164) / Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (165) , then do normal melee attacks ( Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (166) / Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (167) ). Repeat this until her head falls off. Do not use any other attacks, only melee buffed with lightning while at her head. To get the “Preserved Medusa Head” you have to decapitate her head while she’s near full health, while she’s at her first or second health bar. This will also unlock Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (168)Getting a Head (got Preserved Medusa Head) & Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (169)Off with Its Head! (decapitated Medusa). Afterward collect her head from the floor to put it in your inventory. If Medusa took too much damage you will only get the regular (non-Preserved) Medusa Head. It’s highly recommended you make a PS+ backup save before fighting her, so you can reload that and retry if you don’t get the Preserved Head. Alternatively, rest for 14 days in Bakbattahl and come back and she will respawn, so you can keep retrying it. If you are already level 60+ and have the best weapons you might kill her in 2 hits, in this case use the weakest weapon possible to cut off her head without damaging her health too much. If your pawn autocollects the head, simply move it from your pawn’s inventory to your own to pop the trophy.

Step 2: Immediately travel back to Bakbattahl and put the Preserved Medusa Head into the storage. This can be done at the Pilgrim’s Inn by talking to the Innkeeper. Items in the storage don’t perish. It’s best to place a Portcrystal in Bakbattahl and use a Ferrystone to teleport back there immediately so that the Medusa head doesn’t rot in your inventory. This is time-sensitive so you have to be quick or else the head will decay and becomes useless. You can also run back there but be sure to not rest along the way as it will decay the head.

Step 3: AFTER putting the Preserved Medusa Head into storage, rest on the bench outside Bakbattahl’s Pilgrim’s Inn for 14 days. Stay seated and keep pressing Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (174) / Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (175) until you skipped through 14 nights. This will make all enemies respawn, including Medusa. It’s very important that Preserved Medusa Head remains in storage while you do this, otherwise it will decay from the passage of time.

Step 4: Withdraw Preserved Medusa Head from storage. Quickly run back to Medusa’s lair, do not rest along the way and don’t waste any time. Medusa will have respawned. Now aim the head at her to petrify her. In the inventory click “Equip” on Preserved Medusa Head > this will put the head on your belt > open inventory a second time and click on it again, select “Brandish” (this will let you hold the head) > aim it directly at Medusa and it will petrify her to unlock the trophy.

If anything goes wrong, rest for 14 days in Bakbattahl and return to Medusa to cut off another Preserved Medusa head and repeat all steps. Resting at the campfire outside the Medusa cave won’t workbecause the head will decay and then can’t be used anymore. So you’ll have to make the long walk back from Bakbattahl every time.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (176)Getting a Head
Acquired a preserved medusa head.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (177)Refer to Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (178)An Eye for an Eye.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (179)The Barbecue-Maister
Grilled every type of meat during the night and day.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (180)» Dragon’s Dogma 2 All Grilled Meat Locations.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (181)Nobles’ Night Out
Attended a palace masquerade in formal raiment.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (182)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (183)

First, you must accept Main Quest 8: The Stolen Throne. This is an unmissable main story quest. You get it in Vernworth, at the Stardrop Inn talk to Captain Brant at night. You must have completed at least one of the other main quests he gives you, then you can pick his dialogue “Tell me of the masquerade” to unlock it.

Brant will give you a mask called Eventide Mask.

Now to get the formal raiment you must find and equip two armor pieces, both can be found in the Comptroller’s House.

Courtly Tunic (Formal Raiment) – found in Vernworth > Noble Quarter > Comptroller’s Home. Upstairs in the bedroom on the right.

Courtly Breaches– found in Vernworth > Noble Quarter > Comptroller’s Home.In the same house, upstairs inthe other bedroom at the end of the hallway.

Equip both of them, unequip other gear such as helmets. Then attend the Masquerade that’s the main quest objective. It takes place in Vernworth Castle, in the Vernworth Hall (west section of Castle).

Masquerades only happen at night, notat day. You can sit on a bench and “doze off” until it’s night. If there’s no Masquerade that night, simply advance time to the next night and repeat until there’s a Masquerade (they don’t happen every night). The trophy will unlock immediately upon entering Venworth Hall – if you have the correct items equipped and if there’s a Masquerade happening that night.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (191)Thought I’d Lost You
Restored the dead to life at a morgue or charnel house.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (192)To get the trophy, you have to resurrect a dead person from the “Vermund Charnel House” or the “Bakbattahl Morgue”. To do this, kill any NPC, then rest for at least 1 day for that person to be brought to the nearest morgue. Now you have to go to a coffin in the Charnel House/Morgue and revive the dead person with a Wakestone. You can talk to the person standing at the entrance of the morgue and pay a fee to light a candle over the coffin of a specific person, interact with the coffin and use the Wakestone(must have one in your own inventory, not your pawn’s inventory).

The easiest Wakestones to unlockareautomatic story rewards fromMain Quest 6:Disa’s Plot, and another fromMain Quest 8: The Stolen Throne. Becausethey are automatic story rewards you can’t miss this item. Now intentionally kill an NPC, just pick any villager in Vernworth. Then use the Wakestone to revive that person. You can also get Wakestones by combining 3 Wakestone Shards which you find throughout the world.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (193)Reaper’s Scorn
Accomplished a miracle for several people all at once.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (194)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (195)

For this you must kill the Sphinx (best done with an Archer using Unmaking Arrow, a reward from her riddles), then she drops a key. Use it to open her big gold chest to get the item “Eternal Wakestone”. Kill two or more NPCs, put them in a morgue, use Eternal Wakestone to revive multiple people at once. This counts as performing a miracle for several people.

You should make a PS+ backup save before attempting to kill the Sphinx. If something goes wrong you can download that save to retry. Otherwise you’ll need another playthrough.

Step 1: Follow theSphinx Riddle Solutions Guide. Make sure you are playing as Archer vocation. One of the reward chests from her last 5 riddles will contain the Unmaking Arrow (it instantkills any enemy).

Step 2: After finishing the last riddle, talk to the Sphinx again and she’ll try to fly off. Quickly attack her before she flies away. This triggers the boss fight against her. Equip the Unmaking Arrow from the inventory and shoot it at her. You only have 1 try to hit her so don’t miss. It will instantkill her and she drops the key. Collect it and open the big golden chest behind the Sphinx. It contains “Eternal Wakestone”. This item is one-use only, don’t use it yet! (Note: you can also battle the Sphinx at her first spawn point before completing her riddles, but this would lock you out of Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (196) Full Marks).

Step 3: Go to Vernworth or Bakbattahl. Kill at least 2 NPCs and carry their bodies into the morgue (“Vermund Charnel House” in Vernworth or “Battahl Morgue” in Bakbattahl). It doesn’t matter who you kill, any people will work. Now step outside the morgue and use the Eternal Wakestone (it can’t be used indoors). It will revive all NPCs in the area in one use, which unlocks the trophy. Putting the NPCs in the morgue might be optional but that’s what I did when I got the trophy and is 100% confirmed to work.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (197)Before Dawn Breaks
Defeated the headless horseman.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (198)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (199)

The Headless Horseman can only befound at night. He can appear randomly anywhere at night (complete luck, just travel a lot at night until you find him). You can recognize him easily because he is glowing brightly in blue/green color. He’s a miniboss with 4 health bars, you should be at least level 30+ to make the fight easier. You also have to be quick to defeat him because he’ll run off when the night ends.

A guaranteed spawn where you always fight him is in Side Quest:Till Death Do Us Part. So if you have no luck running into him in the open world you can play that quest, but must also be quick to defeat him before he runs off.

Another way to see him is as soon as you arrive in the Unmoored World (see Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (202) Dragon’s Dogma).There he is almost always on the Moonswax Bridge.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (203)The Tourist
Discovered 50 locations.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (204)You have to visit 50 different caves which then get marked on the map as named locations. Normal points of interest do not count towards this trophy, only caves do.

» Dragon’s Dogma 2 All Cave Locations

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (205)Are We There Yet?
Boarded the phantom oxcart.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (206)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (207)

Refer toSide Quest:The Phantom Oxcart.

During this side quest you will discover the Phantom Oxcart. You must then unquip all of your weapons/armor, talk to the Phantom Oxcart driver, then enter the back of his oxcart to get the trophy.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (208)The Regriffining
Took flight on griffin wing a second time.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (209)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (210)

For this you must fight one of the large Griffin monsters. Instead of killing it, drag out the fight until it tries to fly away. As soon as it wants to take off, climb onto it with Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (211) to get the trophy. If the Griffin only flies up and tries to shake you off that won’t be enough to pop the trophy. The Griffin has to completely withdraw from combat and fly to a different location elsewhere on the map, while you’re climbed onto it. You don’t have to deal any significant damage, it will automatically try to fly away after a few minutes.

Griffins appear frequently in the desert region “Battahl.” There’s usually one flying west of the city “Bakbattahl”.

They also sometimes sleep in their nests. One nest is located northeast of the Reverent Shrine, in the north of Battahl desert region:

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (215)Back Where It All Began
Returned to Agamen Volcanic Island.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (216)Automatic story-related trophy, cannot be missed. Unlocks in Main Quest 15: The Guardian Gigantus. The main storyline takes you back to where the Prologue started, then the trophy unlocks automatically. As part of the main quest you open the magic-sealed door in the southeast of Bakbattahl which will lead you back to the Prologue region.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (217)Plenty Arisen to Go Round
Witnessed a brawl break out in your dwelling among your admirers.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (218)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (219)

For this you must reach max affinity with 2 NPCs (their cheeks will turn red), then have them follow you back to your house and they will start fighting over you.

Step 1: Complete Side Quest: A Place to Call Home. This unlocks the house in Vernworth, it costs 20,000 Gold.

Step 2 (optional but recommended): Slay a Dragon for Wyrmslife Crystals. Giving 2 of these items to an NPC is guaranteed to max out their affinity. You will need at least 4 Wyrmslife Crystals total. This will make the next step much easier. Refer toDragon Locations, they drop 10-15 Wyrmslife Crystals each (slaying one of them gives more than you need).

Step 3: Go to your house in Vernworth. Now find some villagers who are walking around or sitting in their houses. Talk to them and press Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (220) to give a gift. Pick NPCs that are easy to remember and write down their name. Give each of them one Wyrmslife Crystal. Then go back to your house and sleep in the bed for 1 day. Go find the same NPCs again and give them another Wyrmslife Crystal each. This will max out their affinity (each Wyrmslife Crystal increases Affinity by 50%, so giving two maxes out affinity to 100%). The villagers will now have red cheeks and will start following you around. Have them follow you back to your house and they will immediately start a fist fight which unlocks the trophy.

Note that not all NPCs will accept gifts. Don’t do itwith merchants or guards, they are scripted to stay in specific places and may not follow you around. You can also give other gift items to increase affinity but each character likes different things. Wyrmslife Crystals are guaranteed to always increase affinity so they are the surest way to get this done. The alternative would be to go to Pause Menu > History > NPC Logbook and check what items the NPC likes.

I did it with the two NPCs “Katerina” and “Bernall” who are always sitting in the house below yours when you sleep until Morning. They are always in the same place inside the house so are easy to find again:

If they don’t start fighting each other in the house, raise the affinity with a third person and lead all three to your house.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (223)Roost of the Dragon
Reached Dragonsbreath Tower.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (224)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (225)

Dragonsbreath Tower is a location south-west of Bakbattahl. You need to walk up a steep hill to find this on top. After entering the area the trophy will unlock immediately. It will be marked as a quest location during Main Quest 14: A New Godsway.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (227)Hope You Brought a Lantern
Reached Drabnir’s Grotto.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (228)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (229)

“Drabnir’s Grotto” is found by following the path southwest of Bakbattahl (the 2nd capital city, in the desert area). It’s at the southern end of the Battahl desert area. It connects the Battahl region to the Volcanic Island region.

Enter the grotto and the trophy will unlock immediately.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (231)To the Victor Go the Spoils
Reclaimed your items from the scavenger who stole them from you.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (232)To get this trophy, a Scavenger must steal your lantern. The easiest way to do this is to follow the path north from the Checkpoint Rest Town. Turn right at the first fork in the path. Here you will come to a cave with harpies and scavengers. In order for the Scavenger to steal from us, the Harpy must put us to sleep. As soon as we fall asleep, a scavenger comes and steals from us. We then have to kill it. If the Pawn kills the enemiestoo quickly, it is advisable tounequip the pawn’s weapons, or simply kill the main pawn by throwing it off a cliff and dismissing the hired pawns.

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (234)I’m In
Used illicit means to pass through the gate at the border.Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (235)Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (236)

For this you must cross the border gate in Checkpoint Rest Town while sitting in the back of a carriage. The border guard will automatically open the gate when the carriage comes. The carriage automatically comes through the border in the afternoon.

This is where you find the border:

Step 1: If you already obtained the items “Beastren Border Entry Permit” or “Battahl Residence Permit” you must put them into Storage (they are both automatic story unlocks). If you have them and cross the border in the carriage it won’t pop the trophy. Only if the items aren’t in your inventory it will unlock! If you crossed the border before by other means that’s fine and you can still earn the trophy, it doesn’t need to be on your first border crossing.

Step 2: At the entrance to Checkpoint Rest Town, wait at the Oxcart Station to pass time until the Oxcart comes. Interact with the sign where it shows the prompt “Await Oxcart”, not with the bench next to it.

Now head to the bench across from the Oxcart Station and rest there one time. This will advance the time to when the royal carriage comes (the royal carriage is NOT the oxcart).

Step 3: The royal carriage should now spawn on the path just outside Checkpoint Rest Town. It looks different from the Oxcarts, it’s a proper royal carriage with an enclosed seating area in the back and a roof on it, not like the cheap Oxcarts you use for fast travel. If it doesn’t spawn, rest at the station and then the bench again and check the road outside town again, see location below. Get in and let it drive through the border gate, takes about 4 minutes. The trophy pops shortly after driving past the gate. Alternatively, you can just wait in front of the border gate during the afternoon until the carriage eventually passes through there, it always comes at the same time of day.

Note: Passing the border illegally by any other means won’t unlock the trophy, it has to be specifically by royal carriage and while not carrying any permit with you (crossing by wearing a Beastren Mask or taking the river path won’t unlock it).

Dragon's Dogma 2 Trophy Guide & Roadmap (2024)


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Name: Mrs. Angelic Larkin

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