The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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8 THE SPRINGIEtD DAILY REPUBLICAN: MONDAY DECEMBER 20 1920 NEW YORK MARKET MONEY and BUSINESS CONSOLIDATED EDERAL RESERVE BANK STATEMENT RESOURCES Net BOSTON CURB MARKET 49 Listed BM 154911000 73 1 20e 48 SO KA 25c 118 iv: 7 890042000 1140 224 U00 18 Gt North pr 1 20 Total $6387263000 resources $6224 604000 3 LI ARI LI TIB 30 69 in 14p 09 97 64 iu7 112 $6224604000 iW 34 and other chief items in last 2 18 2V 71 71 49 39 317'0 All Bar ft A 83 8 8 tO 50c 4 1(H 110 £1 10 950 4 MpKinley Darrnyh Of 40 52 94 NEW YORK CURB MARKET OREIGN EXCHANGE 13 26 JO 130 no 67 8 1(13 1031 20 4 45 1VV 4 57 1 3 3 49 16 2 30 IS 29 2 G1 1 4 3 68 63 K4 7 16 20 1 740 1 17 13 38 CrRAIN AND PROVISIONS 102 Sfe The Leading utures at Chicago 54 1H Clone 18 Ci 115 18 09 240 3S 73 0 118 254 Norfolk So 2240 "a 2240 12 1302 01 03 I' o'u 17 1180 12 DRY GOODS nA I1 34 20 8500 105 88 i 30 43 80 071X1 Consolidated Gas Co 10 31 3V of NEW YORK S6 49 BOSTON PRODUCE MARKET 94 101 16 To Yield ull 8 paid dividends 11 Send for circular 05 Bonds 20 63 12 82 2 17 30 WELL SECURED 26 RAILROAD BONDS and 22U 26700 8 MONEY TO LOAN WATCHES AND DIAMONDS 9514 61 97 JORDAN 33 No 76g 4900 4950 91 SB a 35 10 26 10 13 OS 1310 10 20e 12c 24c 400 WO 79 20 1 4 14 9 5 05 37 12530000 8430000 green peas dried lima red kldnejs 346 347 00 50 6c 1 13 5 2 2e 60 5Oc 1Ov 20c 11 40 43 78 United United United 1120d 1182a 9 lOr Atlun ruit At ft £0 8 40 40 2 10 59 81 96 47 Zone Rend Min 6 1 140 140 1c 80 40C IOC 75c 1 108 63 50 99 11 3U 20 es 55 J9 98 9 1 1490 1495 50 6 IOC 35c 3c 11100 65 bo 69 101 31 6 4 '0601 9 Demand Jiitroalavia Demand 603 604 84 10 41 34 R5 20 12 42 5 85 Wise Cent Woolworth Worth Pump do pref A do pref 2 Cona Dev lor ew 26 10 6 7 1414950000 580162000 566266000 8 1C icnb 163 1x59 8 One 7e 9c He 64 9 18 49 85 40 30 Am pAid uolvndu pref Un 1 pr Am Zinc do pref Anaconda Ann Artar pr 102s 17 85 98 1 94 4 1 Dud Wh'te Wilbert Cnl lb 30 Am Inter Uur Ain I a rance Am Linseed OAin loco so 73 40 16 143 68 1 165 0401 12 2 6 9 21 105 1980 19 S3 1307 1332 1 40C 20c 1020 105 30 102 31 3 83 4S 193 19 OO 16 97i 29 13 20 45 159975000 56451000 A I ry Good do 1st pf do 2d pf At AcS do pref Nat Lead do pref NRRofM 2 pf 30 54 74 18 31 16 46 488 1 1 87 48 87 30 71 1K Total bills on hand States Government bonds States Victory notes States certificates of indebtedness 05 04 01 06 li 1158974000 1437775000 234609000 loo 2330 7o0 100 IduoO 33 2t 84 6 30 5 510 30 3 30 40 Ch) 69 2 14 751148000 988894000 3150 3160 Id E0c 43c 2' 1400 2(H 89 01 7500 64 121)00 5900 do pref Am Cot Oil do pref Am lng 8yn Am Expres Am Hide do pref fl5 5 51 84 11 do LL Mu do pref Mo do pref Munt do pref Mont Ward Mullins Bdy N4sh Chat Nat Acme Nat Anil do ctf do pt ctf Nat Blrsult do pref Nat A Sult do pref do 1st pr do 3d pramous Play do pref ed Min Sm do pref isher Body do pref isk Rubber rueiMjrt Tex Gaston 48 40 IS02 3200 1H40D 188) 78vO 4on 19 06 500 TOO Gold coin and certificates Gohl settlement fund ederal Reserve Board Gold with foreign arenciea 95 4C Alunu Dip Adv Uumeiydu pref AJux Kutb Alaska Gold Alaska Jun A I pg A Wt Allied Uhem du pref Allis chalm do pref Am Ag Ch uo pref Am Bk Note Am Beet Sug do pref Am Bosch Am Brake Sh Am Cando pref Sales 167)0 38C0 11200 1160 1O0 7'K) 700 31 95 36 104 600 102 79 26 MC 30c $9075000 161745000 53173000 1738826000 614166000 38471000 7 no 30 5 6 0 83 TJO 20XX) 10 400 6300 3 (KM) 1300 4600 800 10000 25 soo $87049000 81087000 64459000 1733013000 848607000 105069000 61 7 120 10 52 Oil 36 :6 108 40 19 Yokohama Demand Cables Hongkong Demand Cables Shanghai (1913 aver De man 3 Cables Calcutta (1913 aver Demand Cables 35U0 3700 26 MJ 13300 1400 Dock do pref A 40 12 24 16 3 61 23 ij 1 nbst tai 87 13 4900 5(() 4600 4500 2OV UOO 14(t 10400 21600 1S00 U'OO 12O0 joo Last Week $211497000 353866000 67745000 67 3 0 ro 57 85 10 53 66 3300 11200 1700 12 500 1900 10 95 1(3131HS101 100 lSDO 1000 36( 39 82 4 65 83 5 9 1U 14 14 50 50 70 $778977900 1201654000115 182000 101 67 9 15 94 215 0 0OC 4 37 10 37 10 3C 6 26 10 17 29 7tJ 28 holdings banks $241325000 399 933000 137717000 100 11 82 1OS 63 The following table shows week's report of each of the 12 Total gold held by banka Gold with ederal Reserve agents Gold redemption fund 036 39 so 32 73 2475 2500 1507 1510 5s: 6 99 97 21 80 36 77 62 $2095813000 50098000 5 do 8 pc pf du (B) Booth Dh BriHk Mdlson dn Br Un Gas Brown Shoe do pref Iirunnw Term llorh Burns Bro 50 1 80 1 1 do prefNorth Amer North Nova Scutia Nuounlly Ohio BodyOkla Ir Ontario SilverOhph Clrc Otis Ot Steel do pref Owen Bottle tPacific Devel Pacific Gas Pacific Mail Pacific oil A 15 16 13 93 66 30 73 30 10 10 3 9 Tv 3c 1050 70 3 49 79 103 4Si 38 38 76 1 1 $2891836000 12986000 2c lie GO 50 Ur i 102 Kayser Julius Kelly Spring 1 7 97 2 Sales 500 2100 1100 3900 4V00 12960 500 15400 IKK) 6 MM)jo J144M) GUO 10400 100 75(8) 3O 36 36 106 1M) 21 32 do 3 St I Chile Cupper Chino ('oj per Cluett Pea do pref Coca Cula ol uel A Ir Col Al South do 2l pr Columbia Gas Columbia Gr do pref Coni Tab Rec Ona Cigar do pref 18 2 deposits reserve account Butte Sup Butterick Caddo Oil Cal Pack Cal Petrel do pref Callahan Calu A AriM Can Cauad Case I do pref 7 16 2 5 68 4 5 42 1 40 12 1 Am Itadintor Am Safety Rax Am snip de a a a pr um Am Smel Ac it pref Am Snuff do prefAm St! dydo pref Am Sugur Ref do pref Am Sum Tob do pref Am'Tel Tel Am Tol Micco do 3 515 16 35 6 Net l4ist 2 1 105 1 94 93 Den Rio do pref Dome Mines nl SS Atl Eastman Ko Elkhorn Coal do pref Bineraon Br Endicott John do pref Trie 11 63 Ibja 60 5 63 98 27 10 20 86 Ray Colsol Reading do 1st pref9y2d pref Re Co1 pref Tlemingtua ReplOgle Stl Rep Tr Rep I 8do pref 12 31 11 26 9 6 11 16 9 $2561378000 2684 6000 54U00 30 3 558000 Cn Text Our Contin Can ont Candy Corn Prod Ref do pref Cosden Crm ible Stldo pref Cuban Am S11 Cuba Cane Sildo pref Davison Chem DeBoers Min Del Hodson 18 29 46a Un Eastern Un of 40 111 6 36 61 35 Cushing Pct Denny Oil Dorn OH lk Pet Engln Pet eder Oil Glenrock Oil Granada Oil Hudson OH Int Petro! 99 11 62 1 Tuba ecu Prod do pref Oil pref Chi ueii Tool Ghl I A Capital paid Surplus Government Due to members Deferred availability Items Other deposits included for Government credits Company regularly 12 10 3 4 16 16 1 7 16 1508 10 04 3 16 60 16 40 1 30 50 Allied Oil Atlan et Ark Gas Big Heart Boone OH Boston Wy Carib Syn 29 1 1 $2654368000 180100000 2b 17 9S 220 Low 26 13 33 108 44 76 58 63 93 11 42 6 58 81 68 53 63 12 21 25 43 42 6 20 40 65 100 34 Mareh Min Motherlode do new North Star Ophir Silver prince CXk Ray Cujv Rex Cons Roch Mln san Toy Sliver Div St Croix Min Silver Ld Success Mln Tonu Helm Ton Boy Tono Div Ext Tono Tono Tono Tono Tono Tono District Boaton New York Philadelphia Cleveland Richmond Atlanta Chicago St Louis Minneapolis City Dallas San rancisco 5c 24 1 94 32 I 23 Total reserves Bills discounted: 1 Secured by Government war obligations Al! other Bills bought in open market 634 635 69 72 10 a Al Br Col Am Mines Atlanta Big Ixrfge Booth BOM Caled Mln Ca Jer Cnndela Mln Con Virg 15MM) 10800 1500 59400 2100 300 03 4217 991 0X '170 VMM) 1(MM) 45V0 3590 13300 14U0 4600 12UO 6UU 27300 GOO 300 300 300 36 85 12 U5C 2c Asked 8 1U 91 93 34 4s 100 16 5 36 23 48 70 1520 1525 82 26 Total gold reserves Legal tender notet silver etc Mid MinMix Mont Eu $2234468000 16 4 13333000 11314000 49 93 14 20 105 no 13 10 8 49 80 35 1T 13 98 66 ex dlvidcndl Total Resources $503873000 1843886000 490809000 633081000 302356000 278947000 958268000 268521000 168786000 277596000 181645000 479495000 58 87 49 11 12u 1U6 16 64 7 Gen Asphalt Gen pr Gen Client do ct ft 29 3 1U 45 94 100 11 47 29 332 347 346 346 345 81 89 99 01 2 4 1 9 2 1 1G 40 1 1 1 7 1615981904 2 7 ie 40 17 8 97 32 3290 KMJG4uJ 700 1109 33U0 300 655M 1H) l3n 8tVU DUO 400 Michigan pea 3SC66U Cresson Gobi Dundic Ar El Salvador Eureka Or Eureka Geld Gohl Gold Gold Gold Gold Great Iron Bios Jumlto Ex Knox Div Louisiana McKin Dar McNamara Notes in $293067000 871522000 278R21000 348232000 150399000 172551000 547950000 136374000 81501000 110768000 81296000 271851000 89 192 27 41 75 59 9 7 5 107 r4 9tK) 40 do Parish Bing Penn Sea Steel Gaa Peoria East Perera re do prior pr do nref Philbps Jonea do pref Phillipa Pet Co Pierce Arruwdo pref Pierce Oil do pref Pitts IV Va 2S 13 1 2 6G 633108000 1269725000 151535000' 40c 24 5 1U5 27 70 2 47 S3 67 101 do do do dolo do Swift Co Tex Co 7 Union 168 L2 15S do pref Cent Leath do pret Cent uf Cerro De Cert Prod Chand Mot Chen Ohio Chi Alton Chi Hl ct do pref Chi Gt do pref Chi St do pref rhi do pref Kelsey Whl Kenne Cop Key st Tire Kresge pf Iack Steel Laclede Gas Erie do pref Lee Tire Lehigh Vai Li gg Myers du do prt 69 IS Moosehart an ride out of Chicago claims the distinction of be ing the only town in tho world that is governed by children It is a 1000 acre children's republic for the or phans of members of the loyal ordef of Moose Besides learning to govern themselves and others the children receive a common and high school Mt cation and have a chance to learni any one ot six trade 1 13 36o 20 13c 75 75 70e 1 Jbc 26 1 25 10 G4 2 10 19 S2 71 55 20 43 20 30 Due Members Reserve Acet $117120000 683866000 103116000 152316000 58828000 45635000 230634000 63293000 44710000 70067000 48285000 11496000 16 48 130 42(H) I 1MM 4tKX) 1O1(M 1300 3U60O lIMJO I 3900 400 9300 JVphl 500 i 32HM I I iuo 12400 MU) 32700 3223841000 17952000 68 99 30 89 85 28 10 03 34 53 43 40 113 8 9M) 2900 2100 70 1G00 1(0 600 I 17290 11 GOO 200 I 9700 I do pref Pend Cr Coal Press Stl Car do pref Tub Ser Corp ulbuan Co Iunta Ale Su Pure Oil Band Min LtdRy St Spring 2 win do pref Bag Union Oil Un Pacific do pref Unit Al St Unit Cig pf United l)g Unit ruit II 1 of do pref Unit Ret St Ind Al do pref I dopref Exp Pr Real I Rubber do pref Smelt do pref Steel do pref Utah Copr Utah Ser Cor Car Ch do pref Va It Vanad Corp Vivandou Wabash do pref A dn pref Web A Heil Welle ar West do 2d pf West Pacific do pref West Un West A Brk West!) do 1st pf Wheel do pref Will to Mot White Oil Wlckw Stl Willy Over do pref Wilson tr Co 3 5 18 Maracaib Oil Merritt OU Mldw Ref Noble Oil No Am Oil No Texas Ohio Rang Omar Oil Pennok Oil Rod Oil Rick Texas '3031 Atlan Ref do pref Atlas Turk Aust Meh do pref 85 28 7 54 79 43 38 75 63 47 22 1009848 2W 10 20 56 67 93 4 15 3 1500 1500 l(h 10(500 2700 2h 7500 500 200 700 455(H) 16000 10U 13G00 3400 I 000 800 2100 38800 2000 7K) 70 ir600 15800 200 1(MJ 2M) 000 420 3200 400 200 tXMJ 100 lOU) 366000 700 15UO 200 1600 800 200 MX) 600 1200 I 183IWM) 8(3J0 35600 36680 3700 300 100 10700 3300 39000 19700 1600 400 6100 300 100 9M) 1(M) 11 (MW) IIiOO 600 800 2VO 5200 1350 2w 2500 100 GMK) 187W lOOO 220O 33200 2J100 2000 1)00 101100 70) BOO 167UOA0 1300 36000 4100 1100 1190 24400 1100 34i K) 400 5200 10) 2fwM) 1200 2101 3tM 03h tPM) 69200 8400 2 1(h) 39050 4100 37 37 75 69 Green CnnGnat Sue Mo ft North do pref Gulf St Steellias Bark Havana Elec Hendee Mfg cklng Vai Homestake Houst Oil ipp Motor Hydraulic Illinois Cent Indian Refln Indiahoma Inapira Cop Interbore Uua do pref Inter Ag Cur do pref Inter ITarv do pre Int Mer Mar do pref Int Truck do pref Inter Paper do pr sta Invinc Oil Iron Products Island OR Jewel Tea du pref Junes Tea CS ft pr Kan Sou 9 21 33 56 01 5 16034117 31612 3 62 1 1 5 16 $6387203000 High 20 13 52 73 5 03 37 75 1 1 80 106 51 9 34 PG RS 40 93 07 09 tae) 74 25 41 36 1 Miscellaneous High IS 02 79 4 81 67 52 55 10 18 28 69 85 95 Sl 32 89 100 70 82 98 9c 1 36 16 7 15 23c 25c 1 25 99 ew York Dec Wide sheetings to day were revised to a basis of 50 cents fur 10 4 I'epperell Uieuch I Cotton goods were steady with trading lighter Varna showed a flight Increase in inquiries Burlaps were quiet and Vreol market steady The underwear tradetill complained of little nq business lvo 66 68 39 81 89 10b 39 100 90 83 94 67 99 45 131 131 101 19 13 7 31 9 14 24 6S 820 40 61 9 15 S3 Gold Reserve 81996740QO 444262000 199451000 281467000 91253000 84889000 304049000 bO 005000 49797000 75510000 44146000 199208000 dn pref Baldwin do pref Balt ft Ohio do pref Barnet Leath Barns Uur (A) du (B) Barrett Cu do pref do cn Batoplhis Mln Beth Motor 23 64 55 64 8 1H 45 20 1 101 107 29 703 1 77 lift 2O HVir 30 99 94 4 198 9 1637 24 123 14 76 45 12 46 $2831358000 26859000 69000 365555000 5 33 1 39 2 76 99 100 100 106 100 1(M) 100 100 100 93 97 100 16K) 19 15 70 38 84 R1 R9 99 94 94 100 99 83 04 67 90 45 97 91 94 88 99 1(H) 100 l('0 100 100 100 100 100 93 f7 100 Total tarning assets Bank premises Uncollected Items and other deductions from groaa deposits rive per cent redemption fund against ederal Reserve Bank notee All other resources 30 1 78 1 Ex rights Also upcrcafie 220 A) 44500 4400 2800 7(H) 1200 1(X) 8600 1500 2000 36000 18410 200 1100 BOO KO 17800 2500 33100 2000 9700 700 246 GOO 7900 221OO 2500 9100 700) 45200 92'0 15600 19000 1R00 1200 400 17100 340) 7400 7(4) 2800 3400 16200 100 7300 1200 13900 28500 100 344(M) 6000 4400 ion 200 1000 4100 300 400 37 4 67 2 2 isv 13ls 3714 lOV 10 7 4 1 94 220U8 1N Vi 10 V4 511) 15 1 33 2J 6'4 ol Si 1 Vb 1 08 1 3 S2's 2 Wi 'A "t' l7 29'4 3 SR 47 1 85 1 46 Loft Inc Louse Wile do 1st pf do 2l pf Loril Tub do pref Lo ft Nash Mackay (km do pref Mallinson do pref Manati Sug Manh El gtd Manh Shirt Marlin ctfsMartin Par Math Alkali Max Motor du 1st pf do 2d vf du 1 pf ct st do A 2d ct st May Dp Store Mex Petrel Miami Cop a Mid St Oil Mldv Steel 39200 500 740O 7 lk 17200 7 6 100 23 91 Allied Anne do A A 7 State Gas Cons Copper Mines Gadadeu Unnper Company Jerome Verne Minos Co Msssarhuaetta Nevada Douglas Copper Onondaga Ohio Copper Co Pacific Tungsten 6 40 1 3 4 92V '4 2U 79 a 43 12 8 Note 1921 87 1 85 1 70 3 30 1 10 3 10 11 46 96 101 13 51 30 13 42 21 81 89 9V 94 94100 99 83 94 67 99 45 97 94 98 14 88 99 100 100100 100 100 100 loO100 93 97 100 oreign Bonds 0 of Berg 05 Denmark Norway 8 Swiss 45 1 3s 06 050401 00 41 11 32 21 81 To ship from mills (f Boston common rate points) in Racks new spring pat ents special $1O231U75: spring patents standard $910 25 hard winter patents $935 fa 1025 soft winter patents soft wirter straights soft winter clears $9950 rye flour white patents $9(ft95O Corn Carlots transit and prompt ship ments No 2 yellow $101 103 No 3 yellow 97a 99c Carlots for spot or nearby none of fered transit or prompt delivery fancy 40 lbs 6465c new fancy 33 to 40 lbs t364c regular 38 lbs 62G3e 34 to 36 lbs 61 62 Cornmeal and oatmeal Granulated yellow $260 bolted yellow $255 feeding $210 cracked com $210 Vhite corn flour $3325: white cornmeal $2753 honilnv grits and samp $2753 cream of maize $4755 oat meal rolled $325 cut and ground $375 Hay No 1 timothy 40 No 2 timothy $3436 No 1 eastern $3537 No 2 eastern $2S31 No 3 hay $272 clover mixed $34 38 fine hay $2628 rye straw 2627 oat straw $1b19 Millfeed Spring bran $37 winter bran 3750 middlii 3542 mixed feed 3850 43 red dog $52 second clears $60 gluten feed $5287 hominy feed $4440 stock feed $44 oat hulls reground $20 cottonseed meal $39 at Beans New York and 630 white California 6507 Japanese peas 6 507 115O12 yellow eyes 121250 12 1230 Oleomargarine Table 2234c pastry Air Reduc Am Auto uel Car Light Cui uni Ein Emp arrell Goodyear do preferred Here Paper Heyden Ch Nor Am 1 Peer Tire Pyrene Mf Radio com do preferred Roy de Sweets Co Tob ro 1 Tri ilm Dist Steam Prof Sh rH li'tt ll 7 4 svi 164 4X or 1 06 01 13 1 67 60 70 2 W3 Bridie 'PheM Klrer JOBS Sfarn BnlMtnr has for 3" years Total liabilities Ratio ot total reserve to net deposit and wier'a'l Reserve note liabilities combined Ratio of rold reserve to ederal Reserve notes in circulation after settini aside 35 per cent against net deposit liabilities 39 1 Ti 65 61 I'Jb a a 10'4 1 62 3 1914 Si 2 10 1 io 4 1 96 ioi 1 TAX EXEMPT PREERRED STOCKS To Yield 710 to 800 All business strictly ronfldrnrlsl Diamond fo Me brokers prlws H(uaa kMAIN ST 5 1 18 02 1 06 1 346 1816 oa Lead ft ran do pref St Sotithw do pref Sun Ccc Rug Savage Saxnn Seaboard Air do pref Sears Roedo pref Sen Cop Rh Arte Sh Trs A Sinclair Sloss Rheff South Pac do rt Sou Rug Routh Railway do pref Standard Mill Oil of do pref St I Tube pr Stewart War Stromb Carb tnde taker do nref Submarine Boat 9 Superior OU 13 Superior 13 TeinUrUft(V) 30 Tenn opper Texas Co Tex Pac Xr TexPacLTr 210 Third Av (NY) 14 rts 14: High 6 dol) 55 1600 14800 200 11800 19300 500 800 2000 440) 6500 46JXX) 52500 23200 200 16200 12100 6400 2(H) 1300 1C4)U 7300 17UU 59700 V00 86000 2500 21500 2600 7100 6000 2900 4300 4200 700 310M) 474) 4 200 2100 20900 103300 1700 181760 107390 500 48700 3500 200 926 12300 500 3400 67900 3(MJ 39 1 4S 2 3 3 I 1 2 00 450 210 1 4 7 115 6 7 39 fanev white 28'41 pastry caKemakiug hrendmakhu? 237724 nut margarine 26 White sugar The American sugar refining company quotes refined sugar at 8c with usual terms of 2 per cent in seven days ork provisions Barks and short cuts heavy $1375 medium 4125(042 75 long cuts 4275 4375 lean ends 4375 bean pork 3325 fl? 35 25 loose salt pork 22c fresh ribs 23: shoulders corned 18 19 smoked 18 19 fresh 20 hams skinned 2030c regular cobked 3845c baron 24JT42r brisket 21c bologna I517c frankfurtR 15(g24c fresh sausage sausage meat hags 29c pressed cooked meat 2427c pork trimmings 17c: raw leaf lari 21c rendered leaf 17c pure lard 15c country dressed hogs 15fcgl6c pigs 1618c little pigs Poultry Dressed northern fowls large 38c medium and small 307232 native broiler chicks 43'5 45c: northern roasting chicks larg? 384j4rc medium 35 native pigeons $350 doz antive squabs dos western dry packed in boxes turkeys choice young 5254c fair to goud ing chicks large 32g 36c medium 30 broilers 42 fowls large medium 1306732 small In barrels turkeyschoice young 5052c fair to good oil 47 chickens large 3032c medium 203 81 36 Low Latest 37 4 67 36 49 1 2Uj Edwin Doubleday Certified Public Accountant Springfield Msbs 71 20 S2 3 15 4 6 208' pt 1320 i ex Jackson Curtis Third Bank Bldg Member of New York ami Boton Stock ExchaarM 1'4 lU' Wfe 30 02 1 5 4 Mi 98 (1 Ry I fli's Goodrich Heinz Int I 7's Nat I 8's Sea A I Roe do '22 do '23 Sin Solvay Maturing 1929 to 1952 Price to yield from 660 to 830 Total cross deposits 82444 fl3flfOQO ederal Reserve Notes in actual circulation 3 31 1332000 ederal Reserve Bank Notes in circulation net liability 217434000 All other liabilities 116841000 Arlaona Tip Top Ajax Divide Mining Co All Sugar Product Arizona Extension Silver Mine Arizona Silver Mines Co Albany Divide Mining Co American Uil ru of Aza CumIidated 5flnvs Co A111M Mining ft Milling Co Bngdad Silver Ml net Beaver OH Asn Beguie Syndicate Block Hawk cun Mining Co iutslun A Arizona Mims Co Ruston ft Montana Dev Co Bullion Divide Mining Butte ft letmon (Topper Dev Bohemia Mining ($8 paid) Calaveras Copper nomia Iren Corporation t'onxulldnted Mining Arizona Smelting i ortrr AMMH iated Mines wij RvMTVe Mining Ltd aiumof ft nt Cons Min Co I iimn i ft Jerome Copper to amptOn pp (new) hrrkv pprr Co ($5 paid) Contact Coj per $250 nal'l) budal VtnrH Development Co pper Mining Co Lrv tal Copper (new) lo old Lxi Mining Do high Mining D' Tire Ut tlMnd Royalty Synd Ely Cnntblat'1 Eftgle ft Bine Bel) Lhtreka South Holly Alining Un rat National cop $375 pd) ortuna Mine Crila Cupper Sulphide Co Gilpin opuc at Cf' Gladstone Mines Redoc Co GiPtp'ut Ori ami Rvitning Col Hnlries Divide Mining Necla Divide Mining Co Houghton Cppr paid) 1 if ma Oil in perl a I nv Mining Co 1: Mtn Dev Co iron orommi Tuttle Kingdom tand A Co Kruger Mining Co Lion Bin OnaoihlaUd Miua la Rose CopR Mines Ltd ongford rt America IJglilrntnE Bin: Corporation Miasouri River (o Madonia Minh 55 3 48 3 1 55 2 29 70 30 5 1 104 COI lOd Xr 79 Ll 28 2 On Year Due the total gold ederal Reserve Bills on Hand $177796000 942603000 180694000 200981000 117551000 137296000 470660000 119119000 84530000 117276000 70156000 212396000 Moody Bros Co Third National Bank Building Midway Mes Minina Monarch Mining A wt Divide Ma Tais Nsumkeag (ip paint Iona I Zinc Lead New Baltic Copper $1050 paid) North Midas Qnpvr Niton Nevada Mining Co Oklahoma Boston Oil finwn ('n Minlnc tft550 naith (iphir Metals Co 43c Pilgrim (oli4 Silver ud Mining Co TaHsade Copper Company pi rcupUie Premier Harder Mines Corpratbu (Th' Mining Co public Navigation Co by Cna Silver Mining Co 8 8 Oil Company Shamrek Mining Co Silver Reef Mining Co Simms Petroleum Superior Oil and (ias Miami ($475 pd) do full paid tewart Mining southern States Cons Corp Submarine signal Sunburst Cons Mines Corp Star Tejt elro'eum Co Silver Mining Co Texaua OU Refining Arizona Copper The Seven Metals Mining Co Truro Steel T'txckahoe Mining Tnskvt an Building Co Ltd United Verde Ext 'Mining Utah National Min Co Aerde Mines Milling Co Yukon Gold Mark Mining Co Permitted Lmdon sterling francs Amsterdam guilders Rome lire Germany marks Austria kroner Copenhagen crowns Christiania crowns Stockholm crowns Madrid pesetas Zurich francs Buenos Aires pesos Yokohama yon Hongkong dollars Shanghai taels Montreal dollars Rio Janeiro milreis 4 1 3k 1 V8 1 latest prices of exchange yePHnciPal forpisn markets were as follows: £nropepn Rates In the table below rhe of ex change on Important countries ia cal culated from the United States intrinsic valuation of heir standard coin in term of American currercy SterHnr lr S4 RMi Demand 3 40s fablca Hankers CO days 3 40 do 90 days 3 45 Coinnorcial CO davg 345 90 90 days rance (pax 193 cents per franc) Demand 5 94 Cables 5 95 Italy (par 193 cents per lira) Demand 3 44 Cables relginm (par 193 cents franc) Wennd Cables Switzerland (par 193 cents per franc) Demand 1504 Cables 1507 Holland (par 402 cents per florin) Demand 3125 Cables 3L35 Germany (par 238 cents per mark) Demand i 37 Cables Austria (par 03 cents per crown) Demand 20 Cables 21 Greece (pax 193 cents per drachma) Demand' 730 Sweden (par 203 cents per krone) Demand 1975 fables ''1980 Norway (par 268 cents per krone) Demand 1490 Cablee 1495 Denmark (par 268 cents per krone) Demand 15 in Cables 1515 Spain (par 193 cents per peseta) Demand Cables Hungary (par 203 cents per crown) Demand jg Ceerho siovakla (par 203c per crown) Demand 115 Poland (rents per mark) Demand jg inland (par 2383 cents per mark) Demand 2 40 Rumania (par 193 cents per leu) ii (par 203 cents per crown) AR EASTERN RATES (par 498 per yen) 4900 (1913 aver 4944c per 55no 5550 6619c pep 7400 74 RO 3244c per rupre) 2475 2500 OTHER EXCHANGES Argentina (par 4247c per paper peso) Spot 342u Canada (cents per Canadian dollar) Demand 8500 Brazil (cents per milreis) Igmand 1320 4 1IU IUI1U LLLkL LdLJltt L'ltPO high and low rates of foreign change: i 30 35 7K) 1 Y5O) 400 I15GM) 1900 rgx) 00 39300 I 41200 6 TOO 1400 63200 3300 KHJ 2X 1300 2lS 1600 500 4 00 2200 i 1706 I 43700 3500 GOO 6500 1H50 100 32 2 31 5 Wayne Coal 2 Independent Oils 154O 100 MX) 7000J 8500 500 "00 2K)100 4KX) 1110 51100 1 12300 1800 300 26200 I53OOC 13V0 100 2800 32100 1 OOO 700 roo mo 760 3700 2800 5400 66440 SuO 20900 115200 OoO 6800 30900 12100 1300 5700 3200 300 2200 13 IfK) 3300 100 56 3300 100 1100 5300 10 15 26 69 3 3 41 1 61 15 34 06 16 14 1 15 81904 16 05 15 160601 do new Simms et Skelly OH Texan Oil Tpt vic Oil new 1 West States Mining Stocks 16 3 81 100 1 1 Dw Last 17 1 I2y 45 4G 5 71 71 2 5 5 25 1 b3 83 5 07 97 10 13 i 1 2 49 51 32 41 71 78 22 122 117 7 S4 1 54 54 1 1 82 1 84 8b do rtfs 84 Gen Cigar 35 do pr deb 82 do pref ss Gen Electric 120 do rts 4L Gen Motors 14 do pref 70 do 6 deb Gl 7 9o deb 7 1 Goodrich 40 do pref 77 Granby is Gray ft 1) Inc 11 16 17 3 3 7 7 6 1 7 31 31 1 1 7 7 8 8' 1 1 5 5 25 25 16 16 1 1 13 13 11 11 143 143 68 68 1 1 I 2 2 5 5 Article Open High heat: Dec 169 172 Mur 165 L6U May 159 161 orn 19 70 70 May tl 72 July 72 71 Oh Ij Dec 46 47 May 498 Inly 4Q 4S ork: Jan 2240 2240 lard: Jan 1340 1342 May 137U 1370 Rihs: Jan 1140 1142 May 12(j0 3205 Asked Bld 1 17 16 06 (ai 06 91 01 01 12 12 12 02 02 02 05 05 05 22 20 21 01 01 01 High Low 351 344 612 581 3075 3040 360 345 142 131 29 25 1530 1450 1505 1435 1995 1920 1316 1292 1545 1510 3560 3400 4975 4900 5500 5300 7450 7300 8600 8475 1520 1320 18 18 18 06 06 05 08 08 21 24 1S 12 12 12 12 12 U7 06 06 28 fowls large 2S32c medium 2728 small 2526 ducks geese 3032c Live poultry owls 2 2c chickens 26 (ft 30 Butter ancy northern creamery tubs 55 650c fancy northern creamery boxes 56 57 fancy northern creamery prints 57 fancy western creamery extra 55255c good to choice 52(351 western creamery fair to good Eggs ancy hennery $108(31100 choice eastern fresh western extras l)Gc fresh western prime firsts 88(290 fresh western firsts 8385 storage extras firsts 6364 Cheese New York twins fancy 31c New York twinafair to guod Young America 3132c Meats Beef native sides hinds 13 fores cows ll13c genuine spring lambs 27c yearlings fall and winter 2O22e mutton 814c veal 12 ruit Apples bn $355O bbl western tax: bananas lb cranberries Cape half bbl crt SlOfiil 14 bbl lemons $350(450 crt: oranges Califor nia navels lorida $2a450 box: pears western $5tt750 box native tax: Malaga graves $86x15 bbl grapefruit S3 4x550 tax tangerines S4 crt Vegetables Green beans $4550 cabbage $l(Jil25 bbl carrots box: celery $36x450 box cauliflower $1612 crt: onions white $2(3225 bag val $125(3150 bag box 50(3 75c peppers lorida $561550 tax: 1 gg plnnt lorida $661650 case: radishes £50 bv: lettuce hothouse tax lor ida $1(3125 hamper romaine lorida $4ffi 450 bskt: tomatoes hothouse lb: potatoes $165215 bag (100 lbs): sweet potatoes Jersey $175652 bskt: winter squash lb turnips bag (140 lbs) Cape white ba? purple tops bu cut beets $150(g2 box parsnips $161150 bu: spinach' $1506x2 bbl mushrooms $161150 bskt NEW Y0KK PRODUCE MAKKET New York Dec 18 Butter firm receipts 5930 tubs creamery higher than extras 5u extra (92 score) 55 first 88 to 91 score) 436x53 packing stock current make No 2 22 (a22 Eggs Steady receipts 8518 cases resh gathered extra fixst 75 do first state enuaylvania and nearby western hennery white first to extra 8085 do brown extra777S do brown and mixed colors first to extra 7375 refrigerator first to finest 6062 Potatoes irm Bermuda bbl $7001200 Cabbages Steady and unchanged Wheat Spot firm No 2 red and No 2 hard $198 spot cif track New York and No 2 mixed durum $195 cif to arrive Curn Sput rm No 2 yellow 994 flnd No 2 mixed 94 cif New York 10 days ship ment Outs Spot steady No 1 white 62 Lard Easy middle West $13901400 Cottonseed Barely steady prime sum mer yellow spot $880611000 January $885 March $920 May $941 Other articles un changed The local market for raw sugar was quiet and as no fresh business was reported prices were unchanged nt 3c for Cubas cost and freight equal to 4G3 for centrifugal There were buyers nt quoted prices while offerings were light with holders asking slight ad vances The recent decline in refined failed to at tract any increased demand and business con tinues light and of a hand to mouth charac ter Prices were unchanged at 790 to 8 for fine granulated A little scattered covering and support from trade interests gave the sugar futures mar ket a steady undertone and closing prices were unchanged to 4 points higher January closed at 429 March at 440 May at 455 intd July at 471 There were slight rallies in the market for coffee futures during to early trading but they were not fully maintained although buyers found some encouragement in the steadier tone of Brazil irst prices were 2 to 5 points higher with active months selling 4 to 6 points above last closing fig ures right after the call March touching 688 and May 725 Later May sold off tv 722 and closed at 721 bid with the general market closing net tinchanged to 2 points higher December 623 January 635 March 682 Mav 721 July 752 September 775 and Octotar 785 Spot coffee dull Rio 6 to 6 seek Bipartisan SUPPORT BILL ft Uordney Tariff Measure De signed to Aid armers Will Be Sumbitted to Western and Southern Congressmen Washington Dec 19 An attempt to obtain bipartisan support in the House for the ordhey emergency tariff bill was 'decided oa to day by the committee representing House members from agricultural districts liecommendation that all members of the House regardless of political affiliation support the tariff measure which would put a virtual embargo tariff on a score of farm products will be submitted by the committee to a meeting to morrow of western and southern representatives who have banded together to seek aid for the farmer The committee also decided to in clude in its recommendations for sup port the resolution to revive the war finance corporation and the Young Tincher bill directing the use of $100 000000 of the profits of the federal reserve banks for livestock loans The former measure was passed by the House yesterday but In different form than adopted by the Senate The conference of' farmer representatives will be asked to throw their support behind the resolution to the extent even of passing it if necessary over a presidential veto MISSIONARY SHIPWRIGHT How Rev John Williams Built and Sailed the of Peace in the South Pacific rom the Baltimore Sunl Xo feat could have shown more in ventive genius and resource than the building of a ship of 80 tons burden by a minister who knew next to nothing of ship carpentry The min ister was Bev John Williams mis sionary to the Society islands 2800 miles directly south of Hawaii Desiring to reach more distant pa gan tribes he left his home in Raiatea and took passage on a trading vessel for Rarotonga 800 miles away Soon after his arrival he learned that ships scarcely ever touched at that island When his visit had exteided over several months with no sight of a sail he began to wonder how he should ever get back inally forced by the stress of the situation he de termined to make a vessel by which ho could leave the island The audacity of the plan amazed and fascinated the natives They took hold and helped him with a will Pieces of metal from old wrecks and an auger and pin cers with several hatchets and knives trophies of former dickerings by the natives with white sailors made up his whole outfit of tools He first erected a stone forge and anvil and tried to equip the estab lishment with a goatskin bellows As it was impossible to protect the leather from the rats he substituted a kind of rude wooden air pump an appavatjs which the natives greatly admired He never lacked hands to blow it Of cocoanut timber and bamboo he had a plenty Having no saw he made his planks by splitting trees and tho islanders smoothed them i after a fashion with the hatchets and knives Wood with a natural crook supplied the knees wooden pins served for nails and the caulking of the seams was Jone with banana stumps and cocoanut fiber in lieu of oakum I After long and patient toil the min I ister and his primitive workmen launched a ernft that rode the water right and tight Ark sug Bested itself to Mr Williams as a name I but he finally decided to call his craft the Messenger of Peace Somehow ho contrived with the I help of his native ciew to navigate tho vessel safely to his Raiatca home and fact to make several success ful voyages it Hfterward Chinese Tariff for amine und Tekin Doc 17 The Chinese for eign office notified the foreign lega tions to day tnat a 10 per cent in crease in the customs duties to be ap plied to famine relief in tne districts where millions or Chinese are hunger sufferers would become effective Januapj 16 IREMEN SAVE 68 CHILDREN Exits Cut Off By lames Girls Are Carried Down Ladders When Home is Destroyed Philadelphia Dec 19 ire to day destroyed a two story dormitory of the Lutheran home and asylum at Germantown causing a loss estimated at Sixty eight children all girls between 6 and 14 were asleep in the building when the fire broke out but through the heroic work of nurses matrons and firemen all were gotten out safely Twenty six of the children two mat rons and one fireman were overcome by smoke The blaze had gained great headway before it was discovered and when the children and their caretakers Sister Anna and Mrs Ninette Campbell were awakened they found the sec ond story filled with smoke Led by the matrons the little charges groped their way toward the fire escape 'but they had not gone far before they found their patch blocked by flames Retracing their steps they tried to reach the stairway but here too fire and smoke barred their exit When it appeared as if all chance of getting out safely ha9 passed the matrons heard the tinkling of shat tered glass and the next instant saw the helmeted head of a fireman at one of the windows Soon another fire man appeared The two firemen en tered the smoke filled room and aided by the matrons carried the children to windows where other firemen took them down ladders tc safety ifteen of them were unconscious and were taken to hospitals w'here they were soon revived Both matrons were scorched and suffered from the effects of the smoke There was no panic among the chil dren Mrs Campbell said EARTHQUAKE DEATH LIST IS INCREASING Shock at Trosportenas Takes Proportion of Catastrophe Three Relief Trains on Way Buenos Aires Argentina Dec 18 The latest reports from Mendoza said that the shock 'at Trosportenas had assumed the proportions of a catas trophe Three relief trains have been rushed tp the town from which GO dead and as many dying have been brought out At Costa de Araujo which was isolated another shock of the most violent character occurred at 8 this morning The death list was increased by these reports to 81 so far counted in Costa de Araujo with 80 seriously injured At La Valle terrible scenes were witnessed The relief work was most difficult owing to the condition of the roads which had been broken ut arid covered with water The church there was laid in ruins and the municipal walls were cracked and the structure was likely to fall at any mo ment The seismograph at the Mendoza institute recorded threa shocks on riday the first beginning at 3 It was a sudden and violent one with out the slight movements usually "pre ceding This lasted 15 seconds The second movement lasted five seconds i and the third 10 seconds The vibra I tions with lesser shocks continued for 30 minutes afterward 'Violent Earthquake Recorded Tokio Dec IS The most violent earthquake that lias occurred since seismographic observations began in Japan took place Thursday evening at 911 The vibrations lasted two hours and were so severe that the instruments were unable to give perfect records It is believed the convulsion took place under the Pa cific ocean or in the Gobi desert cen tral Asia SPRINGIELD MAN HAD CAN ALCOHOL Peter Napoli Arrested in Ludlow by Chief Cash and is ined $100 Ludlow Dec 19 Peter Napoli of 395 Water street Springfield was fined at a special session of the police late Saturday evening Napoli had a five gallon can of alco hol in his possession covered with an overcoat when Chief of Police Orrin Cash came up and told him that his Joad was too heavy and to deliver it to the police station a short dis tance away Napoli has been using a brand new Dodge car for his de livery purposes TAKES STAND IN HIS OWN DEENSE ormer Army Captain Who is Changed With Desertion and Theft avs He is a Kleptomaniac New York Dec 19 John I Willcrs former captain of the 4Sth Infantry now being tried by court martial at Island for desertion and theft of more than of his com fund to day after being de clared by a board of medical officers mentally competent at the time of the alleged theft afid desertion took the witness stand in his own defense WiJers testified he was born in the province of Holstein Ger in 1891 and from the age of 10 he had a tendency toward kleptomania When 14 ho said he ran away from home and as a result of his waywardness his family sent him to the United States In 1905 Arriving in this country he proceeded to St Louis and got a job in a packing house under his uncle who was a foreman Enlisted Wiuia Stranded Leaving St Louis Willers said he traveled extensively and finally en listed in the United States army while stranded in Albany After serv ing a part of his enlistment he bought his discharge in 1914 In 1916 be again joined the army Later he was sent to the Plattsburg training camp where he was com missioned a captain of infantry Sub sequently he was assigned to the 4Sth infantry and sent to Camp Sevier Willers testified that after the armistice two Liberty bonds belong ing to the men in his company were entrusted to his keeping This proved too much of a temptation and the next day he withdrew other bonds and the fund from the bank He was in a weak condition he said as the result ot Influenza and the de sire to appropriate the Liberty bonds and riioney to his own use proved too strong and he deserted with the bonds and cash was an incontrolable impulse that I was unable to he said Inherited Kleptomania The report of the medical board stated that although Willers was competent at the time of his desertion and theft he had tendency toward neurosis coupled with a form of kleptomania which is attributed to a defective character The kleptomania one of the board testified was not a mental disease but an inherited tendency Mrs Willers wife of tho accused officer declared she met Willers in Chicago in June 1319 and the next September they were married She recounted the irresponsibility of her husband in business affairs and said that he always anneared greatly wor ried over something that would nnt confide to her She refused divulge the name Wibvrs used when they applied for their marriage li cense At the time of arrest tho nolice" renorted he made confession stating that he was detailed to the TTnited States in 1917 by German mili tary authorities to act as a spy In catboring data nertaining to the or ganization of the Amermnn army To Alleviate Situation Mexico City Dec 19 The decision of the cabinet yesterday to grant free exportation of silver and free importa tion of materials used in mining sil ver and copper will it is believed here alleviate the present critical situation in those Industries UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT Victory Notes yield 665 Third yield 617 ourth yield 555 INVEST! Tifft Brothers Members New York Stock Exchange Third National Bank RIdg Springfield Mass HAJfPDEN COUNTY $500000 5 Temporary Harm 'den County Loan Interest Semiannually January and July 1 Tax Hxempt In Massachusetts will he rerelvofl until 10 a rr Tuesday December 28 192o by red Hearse County Treasurer for the pnrehare of above registered notes dated January 1 1921 maturing January 1 1924 Issued undor nt thority of Massaacbusetts General Acts of 252 These notes will be certified by the Old Colony Trust Company of Boston Massachu setts and the legality of tho Issue approved by Messrs Ropes Gray Boyden rerkina of Boston Massachusetts The right is reserved to reject any or ail bids ENSIGN GEORGE BRAf GEORGE COOK County Commfsaionere 4) The securities of the various municipalities of the United States (together with Government Bonds) are the best investment in the world or the benefit of our customers who are interest ed we prepare a list of municipal offerings which they receive every Tuesday morning This list comprises from fifty to seventy dif ferent issues of bonds from practically every sec tion of the United States Included are the tax free bonds of the various New England States the securities of well known cities of the East Middle West and Pacific Coast and the bonds of Counties and School Districts Yields range from 4 on the long time tax ex empt bonds of Massachusetts cities to 7 and 8 on short time Western County and School Dis trict bonds If you are desirous of receiving this list write for our special Offering of Municipal ROLLINS SONS ounded 1876 Third National Bank Building Springfield Mass Boston New York Philadelphia Chicago Denver San rancisco Los Angeles.

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Name: Melvina Ondricka

Birthday: 2000-12-23

Address: Suite 382 139 Shaniqua Locks, Paulaborough, UT 90498

Phone: +636383657021

Job: Dynamic Government Specialist

Hobby: Kite flying, Watching movies, Knitting, Model building, Reading, Wood carving, Paintball

Introduction: My name is Melvina Ondricka, I am a helpful, fancy, friendly, innocent, outstanding, courageous, thoughtful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.