Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI] · A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (2024)

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (1)

T h o u s a n d s o f

I n W a s h i n g t

I n a u g u r a t i o ]

^ Herbert Hoover in ’ Seclu sion of Own Home, Fret

p FronTNbise and Tuniuli ^ of Gathering Multitud<

i By JAMES L. WILLIAMSi (Asaoclntcd Press S la« Writer)f W A S H IN G T O N . M arch 1 -

TTPi-bg rt H o o v o r j i i t t i n j h e q u icseclusion ~of “lim • S^trecr homto n ig h t , f r e e f ro m th e no ise ani t u m u l t 'o f t h e th o u s a n d s pourin i

J — — in t o - t i i c c it> ^to~ \v itneflH -h in -in

t h i r t y - t i r s t p r e s id e n t o i ih — U n i te d .S tn tc H . '

A fe w b lo ck s aw a y w ith tnechoes-of farewells .s till-In -h b -e fr Cnlviii Coolldge was spcndlns one c hiR last nlKlits Ih surrounding* fomll

• Jar through years whleh liad vlaUe, sadness oa well as haiiplness upon hlir

Oir Monday there will bc a brlel cere mony on thc capital plaza. Mr. Hoove win become PresWenl .Hoover, ani President Coolldge wlll bccome Ml Coolldge and tbc deatlnle.i of tbc na tlon wlll be In new hanils.

■ Crowds Arriving Drawn by the nromlac of wltncssln

th is wholly American ceremony, ih crowds arrived In comuintly Increosln numbers tonight to find a city deckt

• wllh bunting and flags. Long rows ,o sltthdfl stood/OUt along Pennpylvanl Avenue to seat the lens of thousand

'w h o choav! to wimess the Inaugura parode from such polnls of vontaae.

There were dclcgnilons on liand fror mony states. Mltit^ify uniforms wer abundant. The novelly aolesmen wer busy everywhere wllh their badges an souvenirs. • ' • - '

R o3cnriHVfntM mrJH-rntcr-lnl»-th Hoover inauguration as ll never 1»n entered Into a like event. Upwards of hundced airplanes are ready to fly ove the inaugurai parade 6nd the alrehl Los Angelea will sail above as the nei president rides down the long avenu ahead of th e profasjuii'. ■

T Tlie ceremonies wlU be broadcast an arrangem ents have boen m adrfto hafl pictures of the scenetfs^nV b f w lre/t . - .aU porU o t the c oun trjfe rtad lng awe - - all sides will , bo ttaA 'p asu n t.aa

.th e U lklng p lcluri machines wHtch wl place the ttgure uX t voice-Of the cen tra i personages before audiences every where.

Companion Ex-pmfdettt With a few words Mr. Taft, as chle

Justice of the United States, wlll brin into being a coiQpanlon ot-pre»iden and he has expressed his .tispploea

The arrangem cnu /or ine revlew-o th e parade by Mr. Hoover took lnt account tb e t»s<ibUlty there inJsht b

— — . .. raln..oe-ano«_J3ie.jtylew lng stand I endosed and near and atwut tt In fron of the W hite House are two blocks o

--------- s taw ts-w lth-a vcrdaat-touch------- . -President Coolldge will not be in thi

stand to m-lew thc parade with hi .successor In office. He will leave lm mediately afler tbe ceremonies a t th cai>liol for thc Union sUtlon where h win board a tra in for Northamptor where Mr*. Coolldge's moUitr U il!

' John Coolldge, who with hla brotbcj• Calvtn—j».-aa_a youngBter when tb

--T^=r:=Coolid£C8 moved into the-W HtcTIouahowever, is expec t^ lo 'participate li

(ConUnued On Page'S. Column 2)

BFMl III pmsoi--------------- E nlipA T i l e S e v e n F o r m a :

Charges Against Two No- .........torious Machine. Gunnen

CHICAGO, M arch 1 WV-JBck Me G am and Rocco FtaettLtrea or seven cbarses of murder IA\e w a y ^ coim ectioiurlth_thc St. Valentlnel_4«3 massacre.

'-lli* ta u men w rj^booked pr**l**l3 a t 6 o'clock, the deadline fixed by i

------ court Jxidfe who p ^ U e d th«men's attorney h e »ouU Issue a'w rtl ol h a b e s eorjnu a t th a t time If they wet« no t formally charted by the police.

Throughout the day McOum and- Paoem 'U K fU w ii yuuUuuRl-br-detee- tivB* aeeklns to link this definitely wiU

XIV) m aasacriT McOurn.“ i r - w - « i d clung to hia original alibi story tha t h< and another person vere In a room al the Sterena taot£l a t the time tbe shoot­ing took plac«.

T v s M e n SofprcU Sam ( d n Gin) fTimr«nna, wanted

— ------------------------ ' fui' U^u>^^e^efcltu^eaad^n»o^n^tapoUcethey tald, as a metnber ef the notoriow "4T'gang.'and Salvator* stncchla. wen arrested early today as saspeeta.

Another _deTClopmeBt was dlscoren th a l tB T K iiE o ra o w n e i- 'd r ta e Peer- l m autooiobOe. found nearly demoUsh- cd in a W eat S ide aubiBto two nights ag( by the prem ature txplodon of a dyna-

. .,mi(« botnb, 2tad gf*«a • fictitious ad­dress Then be purehawd It fm n a eai agency. B« gave h ta name ai.*T»trtcl

, <y\ntaar b u t tb e eddieM « i* found u y be a racaa l to t

~ PoUce conttencd - to - n U n titB -tba l i iH m .

tifled ia cncnictlnn v t th tb a m aaacte but refBJed to I t e cOBBCCttoB.

...... T l

E T W :. . L taH ro ' WTRB~Tip n n E H -o r - ••• - - -

J i aOCTATgQ—W>B85 . — -

I P e r s o n s M a s s

f t o n t o W i t n e s s

o n D a y C e r e m o n y

clu- r ’■ ~^ — € o I I a p s e s 4 n - S t u d i o _

i u i n ^ X H A R tE S X H A 'P W N - is T c - - . : c o v e rin tr f ro m p to m a in e

: i io iso n in g w h ic h c a u s e d h im I n : o ^ t a i f f o - v r h i l ( r a t - w o r ^ i n —1 lu s H o llyw ood .s tud io . '

|u ie t•omc'i------------ -------------------------------------------

t h c :

nmll-1 ■tilted! 'h im .'

cere- ;

-Mr. - .na-


05lng -cckcd s = ' . — ■••=

iiFLOOO MEIIS m ' Ir SOUliOREClJ a n d ! . . -

G e o r g i a ’s D e a tH

over I T h r e e D a y s R e a c h e s N in exahlp I

Fatalities; Two Missinfi

^luSt ATLANTA. On:.. March 1 fJ«xre.*to waters began to recede In soiilhen awcy O eortla. Alaboma and Northwest Florl' > u u l d iT t^ s^ , OMrgla-s.dOath Ust^ter thre< 1 w m ' days stood a t nine known fataUtJes am cen-1 two mlaslnS and believed dead. No U-

very-' uUUes were peported.lo other «lote.j.The extensive dAtnage to highways

bridges, lowland farroa and manufac- chief turing planU Vaa stUl unesUmated. bring The death toll waa augmented lodas idem by reports of tbo drowning of L. M. Fus- iloess « ^ . prom inent Benhlll county farmer.

n ea r-a tw e o ld .-G e o rg ia . His fUhing •w -o f44)^ca |»* l«d .find ct companion swarn

Into ashore. Leonard D tltJach'oncfEnrest I t be Bclgler, Augusta. Georgia, were missing. Id is M«(or4U DeUyrd -front' HwnwHIe'ftbbufaoO'Jiutomobllea flll- its of cd with fight fans en route north from........... the -eharkey-Strlbling- bout -aV- MiamiI this Beach were held up a t Perry. Georgia, I his and olher nearby towns by washouts In

lm- the Dixie highway. Repairs were ex- t the pected by tomorrow or Sunday, re he Alabama lowlands rnnalned under pton. water in the Mpntgomery urea. Many s ill- highways were Impassable, itl'cr. Conditions were the worst In Soulh _ 4 ^ .QeQrgla ulnce th e flood Df 1025 which ,“J ^ ^ :< b e -w o ra t.- ln

parUcularly grain.'were hard lilt.-------

■ S E V E R E S rO R M IN W K y o m TOKYO. March 1 (flv-Hlsh wave*

1 due to a storm have done much dam- 1 i age-~«onff-the-eoast near ChoihL 70

mites east o f here. Althougti mud and . water entered several villages there wereI n|.LniL.(aA>alttea.__ _ , _

l J L E l i f i u _ R Q O l J K e s c I s J n _ _ _ 1 W e l c o m e o f I c y W i n d '

‘ O n A r r i v n l i n G e n e v a

GENEVA. M arch l l VD-^EUhu -Root, noted American jurist, seemed to revel

i e r s in the Jcy wind w hk* welcomed him tonlghl as he stepped brtikly off a

. train frorp Italy ready to lake pa rt in Me- revision bf the statutes of the world

<3 on court which m ay j » t c the way to ,0 ^ American entry, day While other passengers scrambled for

- ' shelUr fiom th e -wlnd'a frosty bite. Mr. Root squared his shoulders and took a good"^r»alh''wniJe heTuugtUiislr-t'eoai-

I I l»d an incident of his last vlsjt here. I j j ^ jH e may have.looked 60 but certainly w-etei*"^®^- _______________

a n d ! C h a p l i n R e g a i n i n g H e a l t h

w ith : LOS ANGELES. M areh 1 <A>-Chcrles »W -tChapUn,-wh»wasatrtckea Monday w ilh it he ptomaine poisoning, bad Improved to- n a t ^ to tbe extent tb a t a lounge waa >oot* mored Into hla room and he sa t up for

several hourt, hla physician. Of. C ^ f Reynolds announced. The motion pic>

nted ture comedian h ad been criUcally 111alice. > l S .^ ^ y h t _ H K ^ Of

Inteatlnal tnH uena buv now U rapidly reeoverlng.

A i r p l a n e T o w s G l i d e rUsh> 'I ago LONG BCACH. M arch 1 t n — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. to to w .o l.p c v d a d ' O'DoaoeU^ Pbkfccr acoepU ne,' r e d

k ear bere a t DOon to d a r t a d cu t looae ita trtck HO*foo( tew tiaa. td ta B oth mafthtow laaded ax ils '. O raln

pnUlBf Jda fUdar t ta r a u a a h a lt doMD tb a t toop*sadbtberfltaat»M ore«O B to*«Q den> tba (raoatf.acre. A crowtf of ab o o t '9000 velcoeMd A Drake b e n i o iv ; '

r o E ^ N i i r - M s o e t i m i B

------------- TWIK-FALLS,-lDj^


- 43i£ferimceJleiiSL£iLn_S^ !- i^fltC-^(L^QUS0_OMl!_Illt ■ crease in Appi-opriation , SAft.lftd a t - C o n f e r e n c e

- (By The Associated P rm l" WASHINGTON. March 1—Wltb-

, out a reeord vote and with no ex*----- ^ • p re s e d «pposition..the_boHsevlo.-^

night a g r ^ to the Conference re* port on the aceond deficiency ap- proprUtJon bllL Thc report carries

1 mere SUW.OW of the C.877,.

I ; forcement. The senatr haa yet to aet o n tbo report.

I WAfitrrwnTON. Mnrch l —Dllferen- CCS between“T H JrM tiatnm a“nouse?oi?ai □n incretiae ia the prohibition appropria­tion were setUed IJnaJJy today by tbeli conferees agreeing on a »2.fi71,000 nddl-

I tlon In funds for prohibition enforce- I menu •I The senate had asked $24.CNXI,000 ad- I dltlonal and th e house, after President I Coolldge had recommended ll. approved [ $2,727,000.I The agreement largely dissipated fean i t lu t the two deficiency appropriation > : measures nUght fail of enactment. The

{two bills carry more than (200,000,000 = < for various projects ihroughout the

I ' country and leaders tonight believed the ; wny clear for their final adoption,

ilarrfs Accepts Change i^P I Senator Karris. Democrat. Georgia. I . ; who sponsored the <24.000,000 Item voted I ' by Uie senate accepted the coznpromlu

'n s a-"distlnct vindication of our poslllon I tha t additional funds were necessary for I proper and adequate enforcement"'ol

Vn^be-ppohJbJUoB-law.:--------------------------Tho total am ount agreed upon was ex>

elusive of the proposal of Senator Glass, I Democrat, Virginia, of $230,000 for o

n g (Continued On Page <. Column 4)

- STflCliMlNfilem • ' . •

a 'O N iii« « Efa- • ‘i NEW YORK. March 1 (/P) — Wall

I street continued Its celebration of the coming change In national administra-

day tlon today by another wild outburst ol Ms- bullish enthusiasm which carried scorn |cr. of issues up $4 to $3A a shore. Total salei i^^ljcrotecd, the.dJWOJW-shnre m ark for the TO^-SghUiaime.iri Uic~f>t8tor^» of New Yorlt ing. stock exchange, wllh the ticker half &r

hour or more behind the market a t In-111— trevals-throughout the day...__________■om _____ . .xml . v . . -----—Ila. j--------------------------'If 1 Almost Tr” »_____________________ ---------------------der ________ ___________________iny I . ____

ulhi I

m- I / 1 // A W...... - 7 / / 1/ / / A A

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~ V11 ^iSi ■ r ll nii ‘ I m ilfllli ■ic*in I

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r o

fed M [ | | | i | | B W

acd • — j H


m m s s s k i ^ A i e M i s .


I T h c D a y I l i W a s h i n g t o n

_ (By’The AMOclatcd Press)T HEnDERT HOOVEK remains In se- I elusion at h » ^ m c .

pnESlDBNT COOUDOE held hla m . lost cabinet meciIni;.

s e n a t e and house lioltl nlBh't sca- '■ ' -slon#.------ ----

t»n- ADVANCE '6uarit of Inauguration i i i l . __ .poftatwn nrrlvffc In Wnnhlnffton.

- i f n u aR naases 1)111 ’’lo authorlie $150,000 for Nlcnranuuti and Pnn-

lOn ama canal sun'eys.

i c e s e n a t e com ldeh measure to ex------ — wnd-rradio-cou»m i«ioa_anDlhcr-

year. ' • ' _

h . REPRESENTATIVE Garner, Tcxas, - I • named - by- houiC Dciuocrnta as

. __ cnndldatc fi^sppakor ac next pen-slon. ^ ...... - '

? ! SENATE and hoiup confcrces on I . lecond' deficiency lilIJ Of;rced on a

— t3,>77W-DrahiblUon-t:iitnrcpmenl_ Increase. ; .

' s e c r e t a r y WILDUR os t»e navyT nominated by PicsUloni coolldge

-en for a circuit Judgrxlilp but conflr- Btrar^ — mallon by.the_M natf of Ws and

other last jnlnuic JudicJoo’ nom P ' nations appeared doubtful.

irce- -— -= ^— — ------------=■"’

= BllST4T im :

= iiiJ iE s io n?,000the --------

‘ W i l l i a m M o s e r M a y L o s e

R i g h t E y e ; F r a n k M e e -

o tS n a n i n B u r l e y H o s p i t a lmlJClllon --------' BUiU-Ey. M arch 1 tSpeclal to Tlw

News)—Prank Mcenan. Milner, the sec- — r i)nd-viocim- of ..ft..rtynflmile - .cxp>p?ior ‘ ®*- -Which occurred a t 10 A. M. Wednesday

on the new Gooding canal a mile and fl “ half east of the Mllhtr dam. was odmlt-

7T“ ted to the Premstfld hospital here lodnj for treaUnent for a broken right collar­bone. which resulted from the accident WUliam Moser, '^lllner, who received aeyeral broken riba on th e right side anC

|g ^ (Continued O n '^ e 4. Column 8)

M e a s u r e W o u i d A b o l i s h I d a h o P r o b a t e C o u r t s

the _____BOISE. March I tffV-The people ol

It of Idaho would be called on to vole on a « r « proposal lo anicnd the constitution tc lalea abolish probate coujU. under a senate , , , , • io lnt resolullon Introduced by the iudi-

claiy commlttcc today. ------fork Work of Hie court* would b ^ U ker f an over by lhe du u lc i ro u ru 'w lth aii cx: ; In- p e c t^ saving estimated by the memberB — .oLthe.committee a t 1100.000 a year.

Train-Jime and the Laundi

^ W H I

it e


c w r i r t

D A I]S g , MARCH 2 ,1929. _

'lirco lirOF iSSOOm WILL

' SDTOIIEDIN' A rthur M. Hyde, R e p r

senting Lowden 'E lemei In Pre-Convention Pe iod, On Way to Capit;

I By The Asaociaied Press); KANSAS CITY. March 1—Tlic Ko . nas c ity Star wHl say in a .copyright

tha t Arthur M. Hyde, former govcrr . of MlMourl will be secretary of agrlc

lure In (bc Hoover cabinet.! -Mr. Hyde has accepted tho appoli— mont tfi'iirrrH him by thc preside)

elect and is cn rou te to WuSliinglcmr -attend llie -inougural-ccremonles. 1

newspaper will say. He Is due to reo ■ Uie cnplial tom orrtw mornlnR. j 1 AnnoiiRcement of Uie MLuourla- appoluUttcnLaettIrt:Uie gueylnn cont

las to the Identity of one of the t"mystery men.'’ chosen by Mr. Hoo' to complete his cablneU

~ SnrprUe PromisedA surprise waa promised the couni

.. In .the filling of th e posts of Mcrets . of agriculture and secretary of co

M merce when • It became known U President-elect Hoover had rounded 1 his oniclal family.

No Inkling had been given prior to night thot Mr. Hyde was under cons eration.

The dlsposiUon of one olher cabli ’*= post remains to be,announced—th a t

secretary of commerce.3- The appointment gives recogniUon

th a t element of th e Republican pa iil which supported form er Governor Lc

den.' Illinois, and hia views on th c fa question In Uie pre-convention perl

l,e Mr. Hyde, however, did n o t Join In t vocacy ot the equalltaUon fee. althot hc did give his aid to th e movement nomlnate-.bowden-at-the-Kan8B»-C

* convenUon.[f. ' Known 4s a successful lawyer li

IContlnued on Page 4. CoJamn S.

IS E N E llM e " ,:flF»INiClll)llGI1_ WASHINGTON, March 1 M»)—A

proval was given tonight by the seni to house amendments to the reso:

o f tlon authorizing a survey for a Nio a aguan canal and the resolution n

to goes lo th e president. T he house h ,te acted upon the measure earlier in t li- day.

An appropriation of >160.000 for nu en Inglhefturvey andf^rstudying-plans X- cntuige"ttic T mACT;^>«iwir already 1 TB been Included Jn the pending seco

deficiency appropriation bill.

Iry Not Back ^

' ^ ^ ' S M i s R E S T

\ O P isav u

A T b t S ew ' T o * T lttm ia. Ia(

I .


m ' . . S■ , ItKUDRR A tiorr DUBSA

_______ . ______ OF ClRCULATlONa

I d a h o L o w e r

I [ E q u a l i z a t i o i

H l[: B i l l B y Y o

o re- H e^ds B an k M erg e rnent I “ W IL L lA JrcrT T rrrrift

------ - ^ r e a i ( l e n U f l f - U i o J i i i L 4 2 , .P e 2*- r f loo .000 ,000 b a n k in tJie

, I U n i te d Statc.>< .th rn u n l i th e p i t a i ) m e r g e r o f tw o le a d in jr N ew

-------1 —V m ’b-ip ii^iiiiL in iw ■

K a n -; - -ighied. . . ,

v c rno t' grlciil-

ipolnt-' ' ' ' ’ildeni-, ^;tu*riu« . tlie. ■■ ■______> reach

urlan 's' W ’J:onte!it'ie two;

ountryi rreury

com- n U u tj

;onsld- 11 ^ —

ffCOOlEEBIilSiSi iiiPoniDiiIn ad- • ^ though / --------

Chifff. E.xecutive D e c la r :r 'rtd Main Achievement Kee " =' j'. ing Mind on Own Busini

•■■wAsraHqTO», l i w i l i

GlJIlthose • offlciala who. have been neaj him dorlng his service In Waahlngl

T—Ap- At the last cabinet m eeting of admlnlstraUon he gave a nna l w of thanks and a parUng handclasp

Nlcar- t|,e deparuncnt heads who have ga ^ ered twice a week with him to mi

the decisions which shape the courw “ national hlslory; then, in a final © . ference with the W ashington con

pondents he told his quesUoners I 'h e considered h i s , one superial i achlewemc'iiriirWaiiWflgton hnd-b ! minding his own business. \

, j________WUtfalness for PeaceWith all of his m anifest regret Ui

------- : was about tb e president's m anner JOI■ thliuj of tho t wlUfulness for peacc 1

_____ Iqulet-whlcl) nevcr.has Icft.h lm .ln .' great hours of triumph.I Three years ogo, in his exclusive I tervlew wllh The Awocialed P ress,: I Coolldge said:. "Mrs. Coolldge and I aay to each ol ‘sometimes th a t we wish we could [back home."

--------- 1— Net-even t» Bome o^ht« cloaes t-fric----------TliiLrinjfTennnrPTesldenrTec-disclc

•what aort o f life he wlU-lead-ln- ndoiiled Northampton.

I He has several offers from ayndla ! thnt want to publbih an jth lng he n

[ ployment from the Encyclopedia Ami

_____(Continued on P a g tS . Column 1

----------L A tin p rs - fT tn q A R t i r n m { r

i C r a t e r , 4 5 Y e a r s O ld , ' T h r e a t e n i n g O h i o T o i

' NEW STR A rrSV nX E. Ohio. Mfl : 1 W^—All immedUle danger of pt , erty damage and loss ol Ute tn m 43-ycar-old mine fire th a t cropped the surface here again was allayed

' : day when miners succeeded in dy Imiting sliut a . smouldering crater jfeet square th a t had menaced :sevi homes and threatened the foundai

; of thc_iiltage school.______The fire haa b ^ eating Its '

ping to the surface, kince the BOs « striking miners sent a blazing coal Into a mine and ignited the coaL

Enkpr Ready For Fig; SAN DIEOO. M arch 1 //W—Capl I Ira E. Eaker. chief pUot of the a n ! monoplane Question Mark o» her re< {reconNbrealdng flight, arrived here

__i day frost Loa Asgelea azul will ]eari' ‘ Ithe rooming for S an Antonio. He Is

Ing the new Boeing PW-12 plane, c able of a tta in ing a speed of IM a • r, hrttiy In which h/> will ahortly tem pt a daw n-to-dutk ^ H t~ T i Brownsville. Texas, to Panama.

G a s C l a i m s U r e s o f T

MONTREAL. M areb 1 (4V-Car monoxide gaa t m a a autontobUe I garage beneath tb a lamUy boca* spr Uvongh tbe booM aad t o ^ tbe 1 of Pbiltp W. K . Rcbertaoa. anW «f laaaager- of . Zatttiw lk P a ^ and Paper ocpipaay. , a a d . dancbtcr, Pttyma.-nTe. aad jc a t o lb tr m eataarv o f tb e tasm y am

IBS. n a ld to tbe bogpttal today.

WFATflFR T0i}^5 noniuS

i l E i l8;PAGES-— 5 C EN TS'

: H o u s e P a s s e s

o n - I n c o m e T a x

' ^ o t e o f 4 1 t o 1 7

ll|-Representative3--Al.‘io—'Ap-- ^ III prove .$260,000 Bond Is-

t sue to Jiuilcl ijiprai-y ajg [|]H I Univei-sity in M oscow:« v h - ' --------_____ ) (By Thc Awwclated Press) ,I Z l j J r ^ ‘n O lS E » ~ J h l t ‘c l r - l ^ A f t e r - o i t

: e x te n d e d d e b u te t h u t c o n t in u e d i f ro m e a r ly n f te m o o n u n t i l n e u r -

^ __ ; iy d a rk , t h c hnu«e to d a y p a tiw dn j th e equali/.ution - incom e ta x H ; m easure and approved a $250,- ■ 000 botid isHUc to bttild a libritry g fo r th e Univer.Hity o f Iduho.^ ■ ’

in u m ucinilR jrtui' ijuiiod Uie ^ sen a te pa.s.HCd th c re fo re s ta tio n

l l measure and o blU'by Senator-Roek- t 'm well aimed a t “Instilling In th e hearta l m o f th e -c h ltd rc n of Idaho a-love^o f j f l hoyaily and ilie.«} lrll d P th e Qolden

Rule,” by teaching special. citlzensUp courses. •

The equalization tax bill, declared by f Z bolh Ita friends atul enemies to. be tbe ^ biggest piece of leglslaUon before th is ^ legislature, was carried U> victory Al-

most single-handed by RepresentativeB. W. Oppenhelm. Ada co u n tr...........

Holding up the measure as a meana ■ I of "puuing Into harness th a t large H I portion of th e population which pajn l a l nothing for the government enj^red. — — RepresenUUve Oppcntietm declared U ^ - was the best available m eani of rcUdr.-! I P ing the landed taxpayer of h b pres- I n ent burden.JU Ife explained tbe bill a« exempt^

In r >1000 of the Income of oingle l i r i l persons from taxaUon an d SiOOO of., I I h 11 married persons wiUi addlUonal ex- J l L U empMon* •# #300 /o r each m inor

child.His claUna for Ita proboble workabil-

n r e ^ Hy were challenged by Repre«enUUv< ^ ■ T»vtnr^PQie_nat.:fw hq - I n ^ ITflon 'haven 't had time io khowTiBW^r-WlF kveep- j ia u ." He pointed out thai

Uoe'blU allom ^ only «»!i»*-ai-..» countj « n e S 3 u u e t to be deiueted fioi ■ u n.............! tax and insisted th a t ln .jb o s t caaw..ii

would result In a d d ln c . :g m t t t^ ta ^

r ^ S S

more chance U H eam n fh a ttt warfabou .® L iS -Instead of having It crammed dowi J their necks in the toat few daya of tbi

legislature.-a gatn- immediately hia request was takei J make under fire by RepresentaUve Ander- >ur»e o t jon. Bonneville county, a l eon- “Any delay in passing tbla measun correa- will only give time fo r those wbo a n rs ih a t now paying no taxes- to get la.thelcilV erioUvft nuence. to haye I t defeated,*; h e de- id-becn cla ied: ■■nie only»oa ca whiMtta ,arn<Hn< V In protests to this legislature a re tbeai

who pay no tax now. Thla measure, b_______ iKiirth try*"g put " ____________•t there pear lh a t It would dUcourage'ouSiai r-some- c ip jtal cotnlng-bito-the-atate-waa-ex- xce and pressed by RepresentaUve Bralnard, l i i.ln.hl4 .bis doling-argum enti RepresenUUvt

Oppenhelm answered him by declarlni slve In- th a t "this talk of scaring away capita cas, Mr. Is a smoke screen thrown up by thos<

who are afraid they would have to pa] :h other some equalization Uix."Duld go The vote stood 41 ayes to 17 naycs

one absent.

propoied bond issue for the unlvenlti library; Reprcsentatlre . OvcrsMlOi

iritrntM I«atah county, carried the bUl to sue* cees over opposition of a dosen repre-

f ^ senuitlves v/M declared It was “Jusl 01 ta»e9-en-«n -alr*a<^-tax<Ameri- bidden population.'*

; j “ OnUlnea System---------- He opened bis arg:ument by outUnlni

a system of instruction InaugunttiT b]'---------- Lthi>-ni.m_prft»lri>nt. yrMwHek J ^OtlTVIJ 'w hich he said, contemplated -teach '

: Ing less, and making the studenta leanT o w n I HP drew a Picture of th e nearly a00(

students a t the u n lv e ^ ly havtog ae March cess to a library th a t would seat only i

I prop- Miiall fraction o t them . He m et argu -om the menta tha t the bond Issue would ex pped- to naust the state's consUtutlonal bondlni ,yed to- limit by saying th a t such waa tbe usua I dyna- cuitom of the state, th a t U the unlver a le r M aity Ubran’ were net built with thi ^several money, some otber enterprise, posdUj ndatlon not as worthy, would absorb iL Hi

cited a_nuzBb£c.offtguiea.ta..a&ow tbi Its way , u i e waa low in a iaount of p « c a i«

BApeuditm es ‘OU tlie atudcuta Ui cun> Js *ben partson w llh other N orthweatenr state K*1 car and then charged th a t the big burdei *L — of uuaU oa la the aU te waa ere*le*Lb:

the smaller governmental unlta. n o t b; r iC f h t the state In tta support e t tbe s u te ta— **— ^TOuinoni:-----------------------------------------r:i,ni«in ReprcsenUUve Talboy. WaabJngta

counter, obiected th a l it took iu r t Ib a ' much more from the grade achoola ani

r recent oujer jower school unlta. "It we- bavi Mre to - any money to aparp let's kaoek of leave In jo m to f these debt* we h a w pUed apot e u n y - us in Uje last 10 yean ." ^ “ le. cap- A large gallery ca t through tbe d* to milea bate ahd appUuded ioudly whea Rep ftly a t - rewntaOw- Svaaa, Power-county, a t n r r o m s s , t o HWIMII m in m i im m

are living ahead of eu r m m a . TW. aw agabut educatloo, bu t r m a g a ln e tta*

r p ^ . expansion until we c aa afford U. *XMn ^ la noUilng ao dep re iita t aa to ba.eea*

stanUy ebaaed by tbe aberlff aad.tlw l -Carbon u w hat'tbta sta te )a onmfng to.'TV’":. lU e to a Tbo vote abaoat pazalM ad tb * t:e i • spread I the eonaUafioo tax. <2 t jm . 1« b m£ £ 3 o »MUoaaX " T b e beaae-vae e a a M M M e p B W lOd. b ig i t i^ e je o d e r .a * .w a a .tb » * lL a iie y i* ! m t two ate? tbe Mpper.

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (2)

■••• ...................... ........., ■ ■£ - : : p v ' ^ ' r ~ . . .

j ■? « « » T y p • ■ ^ • •

y j l O i l O K

1 W a r T i m e P r e m i e r F a v o r s

j R e m o v a l o f C o lo s s a l N a t -

j i o n a l . D r i n k B i l l : P l e d g e s

-—I--------- U n e m p r o y m e n t Iv c m o d y

__I (By Tlic Assoclalctl t’rrisiT— n z W 0 N r M 5 y c i r - r= .-n c m n ro } -o ( -

— -aihat b o callod-the ‘:tfliir .cr.ei\t onlatmifli Ing rcproachcs on Use «tatcMnnn.iltlp or Orcflt Britain.” waa ndvocatcd by David Lloyd Oeorge todny In n pre- nunpalffn talk before <00 men iiiid uo* 'm en who are the party's cnndldaton for

— parlIanicnt.'-H e-n#m edU )e'”rcproacli. M.” os chronic unemployment, the colos- 'sal national drink bill, the dccny of thc couhtr^'alde nnJ thc RrowU> of city

-------- ^. " I believe tlmt lhe Llbcnil parly lioji

I tho policy and thc men for dealing wlUi Uiese problcma nnd thnt no other parly possesses Uiem,” he snld.

T hc war lime premier h irw cd un-■■lli;]lUyiNL'lll‘ 'Ihc iitwal UIKcl*t'uf all- ■tho problems, aaylng Uiat It u a s not <

..........nercly -a .bu rden but a nullonul dlsna- ‘ter.

. Premlne lUmedy

Irusl the Obeml party-with thLv p r V - Jtmm. he could promise tha t unemptoy* m ent would be reduccd to a normal flg-

j «rc In one year."The next thing Is to pres* more vlg-

■ orously for world d isarm am ent.''he said.I Mr. Lloyd Oeorge especially attacked — Prem ier Stanley Baldwin and Sir Aus­

ten Chamberlain, foreign secretary. ** p re m ie r Baldwin was "like a carter with *hls ca r in a rut." said thc Liberal leader.

• “Be alls SOT{*jns and gossiping j w ith bystanoenf and saying ‘leave It to

i the old horse'." ' ”' T he speaker quoted Sir Austen as ”

contrasting in a rccent s(Kech what he y 1 . now looked out upon from thc foreign

offlc» with five years ago. and os soylng. th a t he now saw order and security.

Connsels'Auaten “I never read iuiything like 11 sincc »

the firs t chapter of Oencsls." said Sir J Lloyd Oeorge. “Let- Austen wipe his eye*glas4 and take anotlTer loolc.

“E astem Europe—docs he see noth- Ihg u>ero7 o r me strange leellng in Aiir* crlca since the Anglo-French naval -

-pact? Js there nothing' there to dUlurb “ ;. ira ? " ■ • '

There had bcen no real attem pt by " the ffovemment to press Uirough dls- . M m am ent reaolutlons a t Oenevn.' he

; charged. I;i Ramsay MacDonald, leader ot the La­

bor party. In addressing a mecUng to* "j— n igh t said th a t i t was absurd of Uoyd f Oeorge to pretend th a t he could abolish ^ 5 tmcmploymeht in a year w ilhotit’ln- p,

S ir William Joynson«Hlcks, home sec- iv >1 rciaiy. In speaking a t Hull tonight, call- ih >.J ed th e p lan of Lloyd Oeorgo "a very live- cc I Iy rabbit to get out of a hat." th

' • * -------------- ;----------C o o l l d g e B i d s A i d s

I n P o r t f o l i o A d i e u

(Continued Prom Page One) ^'* canarM rrcooU dse-ioi<r u ie“flfiscmbiea'- • — correspondents at hls press confercncc

‘ th a t he did not feel hc would be-i- csspecially-BUccessful n.'t k reporter, but

I th a t thc cncycIopcdla project wus a I worthy one and hc hoped Uie press

Would give It a lund.

SCltEEN STAR ^VILL MAHHY OMAJM. March 1 lA't-Anlla atew - «l,

nrt. scrcen star, litre for iT^audcvlIle se -7— tn' rt tnrtnv i h f , y ojilcLbg, th T married—3O Tic-^-«r-ccorB e” Pcoboay lo«

-----Converse, mcm bcrof-a prominent Bos—r ton Xonitly.

------------------------ - wlPLAY CAST DISCiiAKGED'

._N E W -iO aK ._M arch -i-U 0-T lilr tccn ( members of Uie cast and two produc­

er# of "My Olrl Friday," who were J _ jirrcs ted on Ecbrunrj' 15 charged with

cond'ucUnK nu indecent show, jre rt- ^

I there n jlh lnc offensive or im­moral in Uie production.

_______ D IX IE C O LTtJt W I N ^ nOWXr MIAMI, >*n.. MurrU 1 A Ulxic-----

. golfer today HRMimwl the crown of champion in the nnntial Dixie nmateur

- ' -tournament here after a bcn-saUonnl«I»et.

Jlmn^y \, .Mlaiu am ateur, swamp­ed Ceon;c OConnor. SouUiampton. L « jc by S-7 J« today's 30-ho1c

__ iljaal m atcli.

____ B p y » C om m pn 'Sencc

\'t a fiiriiKT lUlic” in';ir/f^ir3itiiir |.;iki' •U rw <liit. .\n v ir v u ^ :niiit|i

— -lo « «i'II Cfn-ol'TTrt..-li..niii;:. .\i( cx l*rrt frum ri;iiisliu r; «i;is imalilo |i< P K nic ' T iirir 'm i~ C j7 'ri from tlio iiuinp f:i.-;i>ry Wtlh similar 'i!n. »(is iW lcil Umt llli) fii'Ii. r l« Itl Iti'r wi ll

......... II# did. TJiP Mrn iv;,. .Irr

: S o m t 'P i f ie r e n c eI f yt'U USUI i» kiii>» ii>4> iiirTtmop

beiwerH uu «'lcI-r.i»i.h.iHMi iiiiMi.siM!ti<

• Xx>ticfelluw'a i'm-iii nn iiie >.iitl<ii on.l ! ' ttieu read if>e liill ilic ;:;iru;;c mnn Su*

jo n a««l JMiik «.f lire MTvit-e J. su \* jou .^ 'Jnrtiinn_i^ HHnufrrr.

7 - P tp ^ - L a ^ g U e th o d $PaeumaUc .tncliKMl* oQt* rvvi>luili*n

' Ued Ui«' vork «f Ift 'in s init eu los. A tnick';>roTldea air 10 D |« n iit kniis fot

I t— WBtm# iM -n w w rw w io - tW v r inr*--------■ ' brvsbf* for d««nlo« ilit.p»|«» '^ w r m - j j ( ■ ■ to ry .to m n is MIb;: amt so i l r t>Utt

E:^W ca3P»».^a«c!i ib ta is ttfjn j

TW flJFALI,gl^ ' ' “ra n e e to Wed


lip \


M A BELLE COREY.Avho IW Mube in B rondw ay m iiHlcul comedle.s Don L uis dc £p,urbon, f iru l couh

IDAHO—C londy-nnsetlled Saturday y and .Sunday; moderate lempcniturc.

HlRher Icmpcratures prcvftUed In Twin F ills yesterday. The temperature, '

.• 'according to thc gpvemment thermo- ' meter, hovered a t «9 degrees, l u highest • ^ mark, during tho m iddle pa rt of the ,1 .« day. The lowest tem perature, recorded „ In the morning, was 33 degrees, nn In* ^

creilsc of 10 degrees over the minimum g temi>cmture of Uie day before. ' )j

-------------------------- t.

ir Tiiousands of Persons.^ Moss In Washington j

:____ DT (< ^ O n u ed -rrw n P a g e y ^

. the ceremonies as a member of thc M staff of Oovemor Trumbull of Con­necticut. Calvin. Jr.. died during the

* administration of President Coolldge* and th is brought onc of the sadnesses ^ of the outgoing occupants of Uie execu­

tive mansion. Ji-------------------------- w

* BAR8 UTI ANSWERS K ? , NEW YORK. March 1 (AV-Heplylng B

lo a telegram nollfjrini? }ilm of hU sus-* pension by the Amateur Athletic Un*

ion; Ray Barbutl. Olympic 400-metcr‘ chamiilon. declared In a letter today ‘ th a t he *'dld say and I repeat now Uiat* ccrtaln athletes recclvcd more than

their expenses and tha t thts Is Icnown K to a ccrtaln Amateur AthleUc union D official." ' D

--------------------------Pl“ _ FOCII LIVES ON GUIT • S(

- <«>-FT t; ^ Mareh I Phywlcl<»nw'f«t* tonlBht tha t Marshal Ferdinand Poch. wns living only on sheer grit. They satd

;. t h a t . his..courageous^-but apparently _ .; hopeless bnttlc for.Ufc. might coutlnuc . .

for some .days, “Tonight the patient's _ifm i)cfaturc

: was lOl.’H ls pubc'waa DO,


I/T)—Frightened when Uiey saw n woman run from the bank to Klve Rlam>. tour robbers h-Jjo had Jinod up seven bnnk oKlclals nnd employes of

t. the^ n r e t Nationnl bank fled w ithou t, »n

— ------------------- ■ coNews W anl Ads reach the people you ill

wlsli to attract. ro

I I B t i r T h T y T V l

V v

J i6 iM O RE .T H R IIX S o re in s to ro fo r

(H ^ b t) a n d P crc y W ilitam s, tw o once o r tw ice more, d u rih ir th e D a m e ru n n e r, p tv c WilJionM, C ar f i r s t defeat i a . ^ ie tE ^ o r k rccen U

__________ ___________________ _____ I____

r m i L V 3 s tiv y & T w ry r~ F ;

J B r o a d w a y S t a r


ib e lle G ilm a n w a s a f a m o u s b e a u ty in 1 9 0 7 , s a y s .she m a y so o n w od

lUHin o f . t h e k in g o f S p a in .


Bowling gnmes last night resulted In victories for tenms of the Western Auto

' company and the Idaho Departm ent .nlore. But In i'ach lnstancc. scorcs were -

' closc w! thc result of keen compcll- : tlon. ,‘ Thompson, department slorc bowl- '

cr. turned In n scorc of 510 for three games, and McCracken of Uic automo­bile men. u m e next with 500 os his total score.” ^

IDAllU rOWEK1 .2 3 Tot, f

J. W. C u d d ....................IM 124 130 407DilffWJ ............................110 155 130 <103

. Kani»_____ :_____________140_1&JI_115_401 ^Hill ..................................ICO IJfl 121 410 IiW. I . Johnson .............. 137 160,181 417 t

__ *___________ flT o ta l s .....................•-....700 705 C03 2104


1 2 3 Tot. •Jones ..............................177 100 154 4mM artin ............................ 150 113 150 431Koontz .:..................... :, 144 131 117 -302 liB. McCracken ............. 16Q 103 m 608 pW ashburn .................-.123 120 ICS. 413 s

Totals .......................... 100 701 775 2241 t4TIMES

1 2 3 Tot,K lcffncr ........................ 105 102 128 485 (,Dummy ......• ................. ISO 150 150 450 nDummy ...................... 150 150 ISO 450 rFletcher ......................... 138 177 150 474 gS to n e ' . ........... 147 135 130 472 J


------------------J------- - - - i 2 3 - Tot; -L a rs rn .........121 i s i iM 457M esrue .. ........................ 162 103 170 501 „-Hrwrtt- - . ..v.::—-132-10P-13I-803 7W rgner ................. ..... 145 110 134 403 JTliomiv.on ...................... 158 180 1G3 510

T o tab ..........................738 031 809 2378


>nlddlewelght • c h a m ^ of Europe. ^

coti Langford. Chicago ncRro. In the llfth round of their scheduled 10* - round boilt here tonight. „


M e e t A g a i n “. tl

f o r t r a c k f a n s , f o r J a c k E ld e r w o e x p e r t d a a h m e n . w ill m e e t e c u r r e n t - • c w o n . E ld e r . N o tr c 'a n a d ia n ' O l jm p ie ch am 'p io n , h u

^ . . . . . > . . .

F A L E S ; m A H O ' . ~ S A T U R I

M cL aim p D efea ts

( $ c k B y I^ o c k p u t

S e n s a t i o n a l ; F u n ^ h e 'r - F r o m

■ P a c i f i j : - C o a s t W i n s F r o m

O ld F o e i n S e c o n d C a n t o

NEW YORK. M arcli 1 (/D — Jimmy McLamln. wrtsaUonal puncher Iroffi the Pacific coast, knocked out Joe Ollck. Uic Williamsburg tallon In the second round of their,battle a t Madison Squarb Garden tonight.. . /

Ollck was knocked down twice Xor counts of nine before n straigUt righ tTtcuivd him fur Uic cuunt:------------------

--------T»ie-«H!-c«me-*Xter-l-m!nat<^-nnd-37-sccond of the'seoptid round.

Click, blood stnom lng down his face from a badly c u i ^ c . wns no m atch for the two-fisted (lugger from the coast.

__ After Uic th ird knockdown. Glick gnme^ly sought to rise but he fell fla t on his back as the fa ta l count of 10 was tolled. •

- ■j^The-welehtab*lcJ^tn-140V»T-QUc^

T w i n ' F a l l s B o w l e r s

T o M e e t B o l s e - T e a m s

ty Two team s of the Twin Falls Com- meiclal bowling 4eaKuc will m eet the

' Capital News Bowling league teams to­nigh t a t the C. and 8. Amusem*nt com-

- pony. Thc local teantv Kcfc dc/tafcd in __contest* n> T<iiUi»

O ne.of Uie local tc*ms Is composed of Charles Larsen. R. K. Logan. Charles Brueggemann. Roy Cubit nnd W. T.

p Sellley. The personnel of the other S team la: o . >V. Wltham, Oh-nl Colc- 0 man. J . E. Porter, E. Wegener nnd C. A.


i ; B a s k e t b a l l R e s u l t s

. A< New Yofkt Columlila SO. Yale 2S.. Trentotv: Fort Wayne 38. Trenton 3T.

ProTo: Brigham Young 40. Utah Ag- , glei4.V-^

Boseman: M ontana SUtc 69. titah 35. Denver: Colorado Mlwr. 34. Den-

’ ver 32.Greeley: Colorado Aci;le> 30, Cuio-

n d o Teachem 26.A t SeatUe: Washineton 31, Callfor- j

It, nU 42„)7 -----*-----:------------- !)3 OKLAHOMA WINS MEET j )1 KANSAS c r r v . Mnreh 1 (^V-Okln-10 lionia wen thc Big Six irack meet here [7 tonight scoring 30, points. Iowa Stnte- wa.s second with ?0.14 Tlie other schools finished' Irt lhe fol­

lowing order: Kansas lfl'4; Ncbmskii 10; Missouri 7; K ansas AgslesOVj.

t. • --------------:-----------17 IIOUSE BILVPASSES11 W A8HINOTOK::>rarch I <>IV-The12 house today poaa« - ond sent to the iG president a senate, bill to exempt Joint 3 stock land banks ./rom the prohibitions- of the nnU-trU!t l4 ^ relaUiig to thc In - , <5 terlccklng directorates.

AUTHORIZES AUCTION SALE I. WASHINOTON. MorcJl 1 (-T) — Tlie 3 house agreed tonight to Uie jienute 0 nmcndmcnts on n bill lo auUiorlsc the0 auction of nil tlie unplatted ponloivi of ’ government townslica on IrrignUon •< proJccU crcated liiVder Uie reclamutlon : l net nf. Ifwra. TIii>‘ the iJfcaidcnt, • f

______ GKNERAL Z IV K O V lT C IL Irr .” . BELORAJ3E. -Jugo-Slavla. Alarch 1

(/IV-Oencral Zlvkovltch. premier and‘ mini3lcr.of-U.o4nterlor-today-wa.veon* -* fined to his bed by on a tu c k of in- “ flucnra.

g SURMAItlNES ANCHORSAN JOSE, Cmta Rlca. March 1 i,Vi

—Submarines of thc United State* n aw I accompauled by two m other ships nnd

, ano ther war ve.Mr!. anchored In the = harbor of Puniarcnos today.

e T ra n q u illity W in» ’• Tmnfiullllij- it.M-ii nol ci'on in many '

uiiMiugliL ll <;i« i« tirnvtU-eil and ! ■ciinicd imill II il-,il.y bci-Jiim a 1

- Tl.^ I......v,i\ mn., I . • matrl. 'for all llf,-> tll Mi:.Mis.-~UrutD I’at-tcnou . ■ . .

U ie tu l tnu € n tto n'I'lio li}ilniiill(- i-n'Mi i l a marlilii(<

t>y n’lilcli n p>’<'n<l>-r c>'tiinin of uu ter iMii.f he tu;ii|(» I.I . nilso—llir-4wity*

- -WTlshtn.— H nil- liM>‘iitert l-y HTgrmth- -nn Kns1Uliman..Ii> 17Wt

W i l e y D r u g_______ . _ _______125 Sho.sho

~Tlere’f> a Tip \t h e d a w n o f a n c

^ M e n n e n l f l e

T h is i.s a n im t i r e ly N E W M E I a n d rc frc H h ln u , w o rk in an>

__ o r ao

T o * in lriH lticc th i.s n c \ r c reo n1 C IA L C O M B IN A T IO N O l'h 'l■ S a f e ty i ln z o r w l th 2 b 1 a < l(v u -■ o f t h e .^Tc'^J\l^o^■lCcj~Rlla^^^1 - C I A L n i l

49C o p p e r C a r b o n a t e C f l

W e c a n s u p p ly y o o w i th th© j

Home for Eiitm an' ] your Icod^

P h o h e 46 . . u


a ' . • ‘ '« P H IL L IP M ath iesscn C hancc

« cent h e ir to $ 6 ,0 9 0 ,0 0 0 , heat » an . exped ition to th c Sout

Seaa to seok sea serpent.

IS I. ■

^ v o - C h a i n s ^ W i I l X a a y i _ I n a u g a r a t i o n P r o g r a m

NEW YORK. March 1 — All- broodcasts of the Hoovcr-Curtls In- ® 'ougunitlon certmohles next Mondy------ «rtH-bcffln-at-8-A-MrMmmtnli>-tim«I- over two chains.. To date. 107 sto- ic Uons have-m ade am ngem cnts-to >- participate.;- • A revised list of iitntlons, announc-' f» ed today. Inc ltid ^ Uiesc:---------N-_D-X-xhain=3KEAEc-»yZ. W-d RC. WOY, WCAE, ^VTAM., WON, » WLS. WERN. KSD, WHO. W- *• OW . W D A P , K S T P . ’W T M J . r ; KOA. WHAS,, WSM. WMC. WSB,- WBT, KVOO. WFAA. KPRC. WE- • BC. WBAL, KDKA WJR. WLW.






Chosen May Queen

L Y L A BKOW N, B urlington, N orth C aro lina. ha« beer nam ed M ay q ueen a t Ran- dolph-Macon W om en’a colleffe, Lynchburtc, V irg in ia .

~ n » E N g 5 ~ A in E S.' HaTch 1 j,V>-An Uiiconflriiied report lale tonight said tlia t the home ot'Ezequlel P. Paz. edi­tor and publisher of the newspaper La Prensa. had been bombed.___________

Duck* NcMi in T r e a— \VltHlrr7:-lig?nlt?a.-iiit?ri;iUB^;r»=iiii4 «.«h1 ihiil.^ txjilii ilu-Ir in-sm In J iti 's . Ki-lot-iiii;: II liiillnxv (lml>. n r it ili-i-p Imli' III till- Im nk, o r i f i i lh e iri-cn iiru i-i>n rIiIitiiIiIi' •tuii-iii-|. from lli i ' n n le r . ( n,

knuwn fA iiv; 1 In ir<'pn- . . . - .

^ C o m p a n ylone N orth

to Men—lew shaviriK era

enfhol-Iced2N N E N shavinjr c rcam . cool ly. w a te r, hnt o r cold, h a rd loft.irri to ' you wc h a v c a SPE - ' ER . 24 k t. Gold P la ted Gem —A reg u lar r>Oe G iant ,T u be____


) g

o n t r o l s W h c a J : S m u t :sen ttlne CORONA COPPER* j m . DUST a a d CO RRO SIV Et e r a . -----------i C o d ^ and F ilm s.

^ tro u b le to us. .

- . . - - . P lu m e

I - In Siut Over I: BepJej^i

' l h ad d i^ D to belhc Kmngstenr thle . ; und gumibais. are njore'teinpenune

fti th an opera stars, a ’Jury 4n Biipa court was told today. The Jury hear

t i i a $50,000 damage cult brought agal ^ - the Rock Island railroad bjr Ezra R ^ an d 'W .'J . Cttntieo. Morris, m inlos. 1 ^ heard Uio honey bee maligned Xor a !i- <ral days. Today they obt»lne4. 'a r ^ alant on its . c b o r o ^ from tb e R j g crend Pather Prancia Jagers. for H . .. yonr* professor pf bee .culture a t 1 a . University of Minnesota.

•The complalnanu claim thc ra lln .ncel- through negllgeiice lOlowcd .410,000.i

Jt’red Leach o f Jerome louth Joins Giant Ball CIi

= - = SAN ANTONIO. 'Texas. March 1 UP ■ Only two men. BIU Terry and Edi

Roush, werc absent In the New Y( )U— 401aotsi^pring.tnUntog-i»Und-here-l

am second B as^ iah 'Ahdy'Cohcn arrlv from EI Paso. Jimmy Welsh got

All - Irom ^ k la n d . Califoniia, and Fi in- Leach from Jerome', Idaho. Both (

indy- outfielders. —, - ............. -iim i- _ B atting 'and Infield pmctice. ba 6tn- Jo g jo g and a six Inning In tra -^ u ,- to game..woD by-tbc.xcgulara_lTa,.jna

upi the day's work.

- V - p 6 BXi}GAL-ADHERES TO TTUEA1 W-. _ W A a ^ O T O N . March I W>)—T

ON, ^dfiercnco b r p 6rtugar'ta~tnD~KcHo W- treaty for thc rcnunelaUon of wor^ w I J . deposited In thc s ta te department todi 'SB, by th e Portuguese minister. Viscou ITE- D ’A ltc ., The Portuguese Instrument ■JW. adhercncc makes the nlnUi of the a B L .' herlng nations wHlcIi have been dcpo PO. ited:HQ. -------------------------- -

CREAKS OWN RECORD.3 ^ CHICAOO. MARCH 1 M->—M art) AO, NoreUu«, New York, shattered her'oft 'B* world’8 record In successfully dcfendlr

h er naUonal 220-yard senior free sty •C- : swlmi^Ung rccord o t the notional wop j A . ; en am oteur meet tonlghl. She wi

clocked In 2:35 4-6. Her old mar esuibllshed In 1020. wos 3:40 3-5.



W e havc ju s t in sta lled i t h c M arquette A ir MI»t syj

I . W c can now w ash an d «t all and oil, vacuum 1

Pcrm aiiize^the c a r an d irl ^ -did th re e month.s ago , bcfo

accm ui;rly 'fu jhcd“.thc" fin ish

I ............ .. - l e t U3 ex p la in .w h al P e n

I Se2Re, , C o m c r 2nd Avcs. '

a n d 2nd S l. S .

— V E L T E X - - " . G ^ L I N E -----

saidedl- -------------------_ ■ ■■ La .. .


A g a s s i s '-.

w e n * - fltoiyoUon. • nerrom tctaperftnwnt 0: upedor^ «>me dtuso other th an Ul U tatm ent learlng During the last five days tha rallroac against haa produAd witnesses wbo said bone: V R on b e o - w w .gaogstOT'anid woiUd attacl os. has and rob each '6th e r of honey. O ther wit. o r sev- nessca said a hungry bee,woul( th< •a new young bees.e' Rev- ' Today. F a ther Jagers lurthec'blaclc' fo r 15 ened the bees' rejnitaUon by descrlbint a t i th o thcnuw.C'^Qtlonal. lOghly exclUble on<

. very tcAipetamcntal. H e expressed tfai allTDod opinion tha t the bees died from tlie ex- ,000.000 cltcment of their first tra in ride.

W ESTERti n O H T E B WINS , GRAND PORKS, N. D.. M arch 1 WV-

C lU b B illy . P6UU10, lightweight of Fargo______ knocked out Tony Ross. Pittsburgh, in

Uie lourxh rouhd' of a Ul<ir6uhd..bQut here tonight, ,

' CIUCAGOAN WINS FIG H T____>r«-to- w icm T A T K anrrM arch F O ^ H e y c r irrlv<^ Groce. Chicago, woa ow arded-o news-

In paper decision over Duke Trammel. POrt I T vS Worth. Texas, in the ir 10-round bout ^ a re tonight. Tliey a re wclterweigftta.

bark NORTHWESTERN s m BECORD l^ u o d [—CHICAOO. Marth - I - ( f f> ^ o r th tw c -

e ra university swimmers broke three national inlcrcoUegtdte' f e r o t^ and

' * CQUalled a world's marlc tonight as they £ATY routed Mlnesbta..45 (o 23, I n o dual con-

fcrcncc meet. ____

S ' S ' i ’W il- jtO O lE S W INliJirv OODEN. March I M V-Utah ogrlcul-

tural college quint, using a short poai* Ing otuick. won over Weber college. 30 to 20. In one of Uie seml-flnijl gomes of the Utah-Idoho Junior college toum n-

icpos* tanlght.They will play for th e title tomorrow


rartJia KING TVT WINS FIGUTr'ow n ST. PAUL. March 1 (/P) — Blasting ndlng awoy with both hands from th e sUrt, style King Tut. MUwoukee lightweight, bot-

wopi- tied out 0 sport writers' decision over ! was Boggy Traccy, Buffalo. Kew York, in mark, 10 rounds here tonight. T u t wclglxd.

138'-;; Traccy 1407i.


' Cleaningincement!;d a ncw w a te r h ea tin g p lan t ^ond system o f c a r w ashing.

I Htcam clcan» an d m o to r of m upholstcrin}: and tiien

I g ive i t back to you looking like it ■cforc.thc m ud, icc .and Hlusli' haVc lish.

Germanizing ,is.

lemce S ta ticP H O N E 1533

V E L T E X O IL --------^ Q U A K E R -S T A T E -O IL -

itO N A L B A N K J

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (3)

^ 1 8 0 0 F aT w n F a lb Q u i i i tc t

T iim s Je ro m e B ack '

By 23 -T o -1 5 Score

B u h l W i n s F r o m B u i - le y ; F i ­

l e r L o s e s t o K i m b e r l y ;

B r u i n C o - E d s V i c t o r s a r .d

i ^ ^ ^ ^ - ^ ^ J n d T a n & B o a t - N o r t t v i i i d e r - :r • • ■■

(Spfclal lo Thp Ncwi)_____, „ n U H l . ._ _ M a r c h I— H efo rc n...... c ro w d o f aH ouf~IRO n b u sk c llJa ll

fu n s g a th e r e d f ro m n il o v e r th e S o u th C e n t r n l d iK tr ic t th e sec-

----------o n d 'd o y o f t h e to u m n m c n l hcinfrh e ld in t h e b ig K u h l K .yrnnasium b r o u f fh l o u t f o u r rn ttlin f r Rood KumcK. n n d o n e ru n iiw a y . T h e

- Lr T w in F a l l s h o y s Itirn i'ii th e .le- ^ ro m e T lRcrH h a c k , l!:i lo tr>. K iih t

belter of Burley. 25 to 24. Klinlwrly iiitasurecl F iler.' 23-ro-?o.f-Tnc-l'«-ln

■ • PttlLi Klrls ilefcated BurU-y. 42 lo 32.Biilil rnn away wilh Jerome CO

. 10 3. - -• Thr? ttrnt of lh e . evt-nlim cynics broueht toHClhiT the . two unclcfcnlccl boy;;' leams from Twin I'nils und Jo- rome. Thc TlKora have been movln({ ol

' n r.wlft Rnll. and were iircpnrcd to mulch £|)cetl of<atnst thc Drulnu' strcnstli.Twln Riils scored rirxt on j» free throw .by Taylor, nnd KOt ihefir«l field KonI w hcin .^arlln nlflrcl throuKh Jerome's defense lo lOiui one. Then Ki’iniHon looiwd cne from way'oul In llie coriKr nftcr acvcral vlolenl rushes h|icl cQvercd ihc length of thc floor Jxjih M-ay.1. Then Jl waa Jerome's lum. Christensen found U>e hoop. The quar­ter ended with T^vln Pnlls 14. Jerome 3.

Bruins Stretch Lead In" lift sccond quarter the Bruins

.siretchcd their lead ond held Jerome to h single point so th a t th c half ended with the countlnK. 14 to 3. After the rcat Jerome camc back with renewed ho|>c. nnd took two uools Irom the field before thu Bruins icncw the second half was under way. D al« and Dellinger ol Kuur'ds were fn'dinK the ball io their

_____ forward.-* along thc Moor, and bolhcrlncthc lonRcr ({cared Bruin Ruards by these tactics. Jerom e took another /leM goal nnd B j» ln t from u free Uirow In this K.viloii by th e fast work of Clirlsteniien

■ nnd Shawvcr. while TY-ln FalU sank two of her thrown from Uie flckt. mak-

r , Inu a Ihree-qtiarler scorcboard set U|> ■* Clf Twin FnlU IB. Jerome 10. W ith this

1 lead, and the ir defense Ught enouRh to■ make Jerome ’ work hard for evch’

chniko. thc Bruirta (ook thc lost quar* ter o t a comfortable trait, Imiirovlns thc chanced th o t come to Ihem with S points earned, ond holding Jerome to the same count, to tha t the final was 23 to 15 fo r Twin Palls.

Buhl Uiok thff mo.» cxelUng game ot the day from Burley to s ta rt Uic after* neon's play. Durley has o team of rangy plnyers who can reach a ions, lonu wny. W ith th n t proup bunched nround

_______ tlic basket' Suhl could n o f breaktliroTTKtJ 'iro m the field with all thel Sliced of her smaller sized iilajTrs. All of thc first quarter I'corlni: waa on free throws, and Burley led 3 to 2 a t the ftong.

. Cam e of PatlenecOjwnlnB UVe‘i*Q nd qtiAHerrftlKl’as

nn Idnlcnllon of what wn.1 to comc. Piper l^roke wllli the ball from under che Burley buket and oucniced (he East Endcrs to the Buhl end. Alexan­der waa sprlntlnR down the other sid<* of thc court, and when thc Burley Ruard cul for Piper he sent a swift crov.inK 10.W to Alexander, who caped thc b:»ll to

_______ 'put Buhl nhoad. Then Buhl be«nn nk^ e~ o l—P5lWnCK~TIOTr~BllTJPj-fl''' feaie looked formidable, nnd took n lol of hard work to get throuRh. so flr^l one Bulll player and then nnothcr stood

■ cnlmbly with the ball and Invited the Durley players to come and get It. The crowd wtLs a t first somewhot puuled. nnd then aniused. Durliy dancM hope­fully around thc basket. ^x-alUng for

— --B u lil.^ -.try -thP hrrak. biit_nnhl jvoa. ■ not lh thc breaking mood.—

The boys from the Kaat End called for time out. and gatliered for a meet- Inc of IheTjoard of strategy In the mlri-

^stuned Burley oponed out ana r e n t afl­er thc ball, and through the openings raced Buhl to lead * t the half, l l to C.

T h th ird quarter w u a give.and-take baxkctball. Buhl getting 3 points quick­ly. and th en having to yield the attnrk to Durley. Both teams odded 0 points

_ diirUtg thU quarter, ond Ihgrt’ wa.-. nn rliange In U>e spread.

Bahl'a Lead Cot Then came Uie Ume of trlnl for

, • Duhl. Burley picked up * points to ' ' —' r-!art ~tliln ss m l a rt ’DuhUa 'tfad te i

point. W lnegar had gone out and the up off was going to the Burley team, riper was back In. bul was ao busy itiihtln^ off Durley throws tha t he had i e l nwny._________ _____About th e middle of tbe quarter Stew*

art got a point by the (ree-throw route, and in quick lucceaslon .he and Piper made good a t their dash tpeciolty for two field coaU so Buhl «eemed weU .^liuated. I t v u a race from th a t point between Burley atu l the minutes. Bur- Icy got and kept the^taU. got a pair of pom u from a field goal, and thc bell rang while th e teU -w as In the a ir for oQOther o n e -tb a t to o u (h tm up to

,----------- I t waa owe p<mt ahyt Bahl ha4 ai.R lm bcrtr T a n c a m e r

The Kimberly boys tamed the PUer W lldcau In tbe aecood game, of the afternoon, cctnlng cut

W U irw th e balance to Kimberly a t the . three-quarter po«t. lA to IX. Kimberly could do Uttle w ltb tbe Pller ftve-man defense, but took ad fan tag e .o t PUer** m lued goal shot* to get away w ith en-

miick breaks to bold tbe WUdeaU / KtmcBt even lo tb e tas tliU a lU rr Victory

I was in sight and Klmberty w at of no' mlod to let i: get away. Tbey won. S5

! -to 20. • ; .In the e r tn ln i tbe n m of tbe gtrls*

: . T ^ P A L i . q

ans G ath<

W H S / r r ^ f o R I


J. Battles was between Duhl :ind Jerome.„ Jerome .!rul.:biit llUlb chancc n(;alnsi

Darry'r. combination,' iL'iiil tiiihl scoriSd ie uImo.M ;ii will lo win, iin tn 3. Jc- Twin Falls and Biirliy'.s girls had n i

much-more-ci'tai conte.'it, , Tv,-ln_Falln ) led a l tho quarter. I'.! to a. ni the hnlf 25 to 15, and a t Uirec quarter time. 34 I

id to 20- Durley opened, n laal quarter ■ iie xprlni lha t nclUd them trn polniH nnd „ <uInio:it (led the score, but from thut j . t point, Twin-PalU drew-away lo-Wln. 421.l i .................... .................. .. ;■Ji’ ley boyH put* t hem nut, m ^ iiic a ■*" pair of'IosRW to each. Tlie Twlh '"i

Falh and nuhl glrLi l>y Uielr vlctur- fen eo to the final* tonmrroii' nieht. U uhl'and Jerome, and TwIn.PulK anit Kimberly.mcel ill tlir mornlne

, In Ihr srmJ-/Jaali, and ihr winnrr* ) * ' will fight for th c cliamiilnnnhlp in ‘

the evening. . \]A word should be .said of thc o f f ic ia l - '

lllff Jn tlie bo>-« games. Gall Mix. Dcclo. | ‘ and Homer Hudclr^n. Hobe. a llcrnaic ,

[,w the games ns referee and lunplrc. They L handle thc games'nicely, hive the con- , lu fldencc of the players and lhe crowd.

nnd hecp' things movliii: .smooihly I ,or Boys' lineups: • I ,■n. TWIN FALLS JEROME ;T- (23) <15) :3. Taylor il3 ) ........... Clirlstenscn i d i

forwardns Kcmpton <21..... . Dlrd i3>ne forwardcd Finch ................................. Shnwver <4» .he - ccnter )

M artin (4*......................... toelllnRer t2i ,lid guard ,

Nelson (4) ................ ... Dnhs jJj.*: _.SnhsUliltcsi.—Xwln-Falli—Shoonuk^-,

or for KempUJn. Kcmiiton for Ncl.'.oh; Jerome—Davla for Bird, jDUIIL BURLEY 1,

(23) (« iPiper (1) .....................................De Pace

forwardAlexander <C) ............. Forgcon (16)

forwnrdWlncgnr H O ).................................Powen

centerWJron a t ..................... Don Pacc <?>

EU»rdBrooks (4) . .. ■...........................Thoina.s

5 guard • . I(D Substllulcs: Buhl—Btewart for Pl-

^ns Pip®*' ^or Alexander. Alexander fur y^lnegori Burley—Roberts <3) for Dc

ol Pace, Pcaco*ck for Powell.•r. KIMBRELY ' FlLEngy (25) OO-ng Shepard (10) ........................ . Smith i4tnd • ■ . forward 'ak Tyler. <12i ......................... Ml!l.-r i2».he I • forwardAll W. Moorc ll> ................ - Powrri^ i5i•ee centerhe Johnson l l ) ........... H nrshbnrncr'D

RunrdHunt rl) . J ...................... Sharp <2i

as -• — (ruard----------------------- ^["pJ Substitutes:' Kimberly—Brantlon tor i

W. Moorc: Flier—Blakeley <3) for Mill- cr, Darton <3i for Munyon, Munvoii for

Idc Olrl.i' llncuiis: nK I^UHL JICnOME to ‘00) <1> fl Lacey ................ ~ Abmm*on

lol E. BouUiVick ____ ......... ....... ' llatidyr^l forwardlOd H a y s C.illenhe J. centertie Haldeman Wlioatcroft I ,ed. a. centcr |K- Dcdng ■ Lattrence i.[or guard ■ [i,•03. A-SouUia-lck.....................................M)n(jr_;.i

guard llrd Substitutes: Buhl —Knj^strn for E.*rt- Southwlck. Weaver for Hays. McCluskyid- for Haldeman, Thurm an for A. South-

fl- Freeman for Minor.Igs -nVIN PALLS DURLE\' iP- <42) . 132)

ke TatUng........................................ Miller .k- fonvard I

O u tte ry ...................................... Dlxlcr 'forward !

Jia .Ware.____;___________________ I-loescrJ-J. center

, W ca« r------------- ; ---------------------- HUJ,'Of center

.Qwecley ................. . ^ .............. W right I .- H ------------------------ auat^ '* - ,

W lrth ............................................ Hanson ,m. guard !

SubsUtutes: M artin for Outtery. i' Sanger for TatUng, Rice for Wlrth. J e n -r

Referee: GlrU* game—Charles M ar- i Ua. Ooodlng. . ;

NE1\’ YOBK STATESMAN DIE.S ; ™ NXW YORK. March : yr) — Royal i-

H. Wello*. 47. DemocraUc rtp recen u - i w tire In congress from the tw enu-.flrst ■

d lrtrict of New York died here today, I ’or ■ ■ - —to

I A ttentionrly T w o 5 -m e n te a m s^ • w ill m e e t o n th eT'S« - . S A T U R D A Y , M A R C H 2 ,KU • - * _^ T h e r e » * ill* b e '4 r e R q la r ^ io u r 25 . . ' B r e r j b o d j

1 •ris*

D A I L ^ I ^ i S i S , T W H 'J F A ]

ie r to W ijN am pa B asketball |

T eam U psets D o p e ;

In B oise T ourney------- i

E m m e t t L o s e s t o . J u n c t i o n !

C i t y A g g r e g a t i o n b y 2 6 .

t o 1 9 ; ’ B r a a i iL J ^ ia v .v o ''O y j-

’ (By The Aiioeialril VrrU’l ' |•• n O IS K . M a rc h 1— N :iinp :i u p - ,J s e t th e d o p e in th e K o n lh w c .s te rn I

Irf/iho .scJm Ia«!ic ba.s){ol J)ji)! l o u r -1 a n n m c n t h e r e to n iK h t b y w inn in ic |' f r n m - K m m e t t . 2 fi to 1!). an il i s i i now th e o n ly u n d e fe a le t l i ju in te t r in th e d i s t r i c t .d HdiKc n a r ro w ly e.scapeti d im - t in a lto n b y d c fe a im # ' .'^lerifniin “ i a f t o r Jt h a r d - b a t t l e . - 1 7 - (o 14. -

Moimiiiln Home nwgmpcd P:irma. 44 to

____.T}ic_Ujrcc. winners nnd i;iiiinrU_,i;.o _into Ihc nnals tomorrow.


ln« Moreland. 47 to 18. toiilnht Poca- lello icmolned the only ■.iiKtefeatvd

I team In ihc SouUiensicn) Itliiho dbi- I ti'lcl hiKh r«hool basketball totirnameni

, j ut the clos*: of thef second day of pluy.'! T hatchtr and Weston, thotiKh each

y hu-s ia.-;tal defeat once, nrc btlll In the J ninnlnK to compete for final lionorc

tcmorrow aflemoon nnd cvcninn. al- ' oii« with Pocntcllo ond Moreland.

In today's names, Mnlnd won from Downey. 30-19;, Moreland irminccd '

f: AmerJain Pulls, 25-12; Weston defeated ' Malad. 3C-23, and Thatcher wa.s vie-

' inrloiis over American Falls. 32-10.


sott!i‘d jilr hung over the • Panhandle /))'trie: inlcrschoJasUc tournamenl here «

’ tcnlBhl when thc Mullnn team, con-s id- iTed one of thc lending contenders for

the district title, withdrew from the .

! Thf Mullnn coach annoimccd Uie1 Mlilulruwnl a t the ond of the first half i

'■ of tlif Rame with Snndiwlni. "bccnu«e «my team Isn't getting a .square deal iIrfim thc referee." Milton IJcnjomon. (lllllyiirc!. Washington, was officlailng. i

>> 'riie Sandpolnl quint was leading. 21 toil. lit th r hnlf. . I

■n Thr books will show th a t Sandpolnl •.wou 2 lo 0 as a cesult of forfeit. i

Eden Girls D efea t :

H ailey B ask e tee rs

T a k e S p e c t a c u l a r C o n t e s t

, ^ ^ 3 6 - 3 5 S ^ ^ ' i r r ' F T n a V

) M i n u t e ; A lb i o n B o y s W i n

---------SHOSlIONE,-MsrPh l (Special io - -, - f The Ncwil—In the la it,IS seconds ! I of play, th r Eden glrli’ basketball ' I (ram (onlght xtsfcd a desperate,

yet »acce«*fol rally to no*e oul the Ualley six. 3G to 33. In the class B title game. The conlrit, from ita r t

F to finish, was foucht on almost eten te m s . Thc erratemt difference

n - In scores exixteO at lhe eiote of the-------th{rd-flt«arter-whm-Kden-»e4r^i*-----y 25. A llalley drivr lam ed the tide •

- fo r 'a short Iltne, bat a> '- n tack gave the r u n r to Eden.

The other tlUe-struggle went to th<'I Albion boys five, with Hammett on the

I Icslng end of a 27-lo-l3 score. A t the e I half way mark the score waa Ued nt

ID-9. The Albion cagers, however, opened f.; up In the third pcrlcm of play whlcli

lendbd In tiielr fnvor, 19 to 13. nnd^hen ' S. ‘ preventca their opponents from scorlnR :y In the final quarter while they added I- cn B potnts morc. •

EDKN HAILED’i ' i (3C. <35)

D. Stoddard (20) ..... (18) Welnlke.-I • . right fonx^ard

P. Sm Ith-nC) . <17) O tlllghcrI left forward1R. StoddanI - ........ Adam.-.

_ I Jumpln; ccnter•'Dlack“ — ------ Burrel

,, running center“ iM . S m ith --- .- . ......... . McFadden

I rlphi guard‘‘ •T.nttlm^r ........Sham

( left'guard” 1' SubstltuUons: Eden—Jenkins for R.

'Stoddard."Officials: Referee. Lyons; .umpire.


•- i HAMMETT ' ALDION.! (12) <37)

' Verml <l) ........ ..................... (XI) Milleri r ig h t . forw ard' -

U <». Orlner <3) ........ .. ...... « ) Thompson1- I left forwardr t i n . O rlner <8) .................. '(4> Horscley

! center --------

t l Bowlers!IS f ro m B o ise . Id a h o Lhe C A lle y s

2, B e t f n n in s a t 7 O ’C L c iC K .

> a r n a m » t , d o u b l a i ^ 'B i n s l e s r ~ >dy w e lco m e .

A L L S , I B A I - m , - S A T . U B D j j

i t i^ g s H e! " . B i g L e a g u e s C l i


isi \ \ S

" ^ s ..... .......... ....I. ................ ..

“ In ^ B r? % P ^ M f ___________

;; l l . .:-----RE.DK1AN HUM


in . '■‘1 P R O F E S S IO N A L HA SICIIA LL i.s

thi.H q i iu r tc t o f ccllv /'v .sLir.-i. JJr lctlc.s, aa doc.«i Ilunu*. u p ilch o r-o .C a rd in a l o u tf le h l a n d S trn iiK Iv fliJiK u t f ly chasiiiK . A ll a re fo r

™ S i x B i l l i a r / 1 P l a y e r s ' ir E n t e r S e v e n t h R o u n d ;19 . . _____

If Sfx Twin Falls birilnr(il.sts. .'urvlvlng i If six rounds of play In ilie rlimlnatlon | (10 otralght rail billiard tournunienl a t thc : ai H. nnd M. cltrar store, idll cnlcr upon , n. the seventh round next Monday cvc-1 8- nlng. Ilo In lost ovcnlng'fl matcli, wlilch mark- 1

. ed the clo.M> of thc sixth round. Paul- : ril son. playing ngnltut'UUiiuifton with u |

handicap uf 100 to 80, u is defeated 100 i lo T9, and went on the ellmlnntlon list. i Tho gnme went 71 innings.'the fillhtlng hard all the way through since i defeat m eant elimination fbr either i one. Bllllngton scored high run with j nine billiards In one frame. ■

n In Monday cvenlnn s m atches W o r-; S ley will'concedc a handlcop. 100 to 73.,

to Duerlg, and DiUlngton will give! Haney 100 to Gl handicap. l

Cogswell and McNel.ih, thc olher sur- virars, are matchcd fo r 'a gome Tues- doy evening. - — ; ' .

iV • • . “ -------,,Pirates zVk.v/ Behave

” Manager Declares,

-------PASO RODLKS, Calif., March 1 i-V,—1There'll bc no whooptx- tn the PilLiburgh Pirate cnmp If Dome Dush. thc dlmln- uUve manager. li:i-' anything to say about It.

Jusl before the boy.-; wept out for ihelr two-bouf TPorkout thU nionilng Donic laid down the la'* on t h ^ q u o r proposl­Uon. Any Induluriiie In lire w.nlcr from

_ jmw nn Donlc.ciuPl)a!lrany wame^l. will . tr.(^n drastic ix-nafties. The form of

punlibm ':;it_wa;!_rot_r.p^led bul was taken to mean a tiiie or r.u.ipcri.'.Ibu {JC

Mhe — : —^ WhUe Sox Practicc g Feaiurca B d fra'.t/i|tn -----------------------: = — -------------------" ‘5 DALLAS, Miirih 1 <4>—The Chleaeo , White Sox lost no time In taking nd-

vantOKC of a beiiining sun-after their ^ W vinT nT nxkiri.v iiirrw iin in-iin -iio iir

MaimKcr Riuuell ItUekbume had them 1(0 uut a t the local i>ark for a brief but

unu.^ually strenuoir- fifst day workouticr —Voting - Rd—WaMi .apparently lmd

gotten hla salary arm well oiled beforeII.'. leaving fOf cump- He burned them

»cro:.i to the hatters for sevemi minutesrei wlilfe hfs Illuitrioiis father, bl\i Ed

Wul. h. looked on.

m Dvmr — — -— CB). Perrins----- -----------— riKhteuOTg-:--------------------

R. C.impbell . - .........................McCoyleft Buard

re. Officials: Referee. M cOuirt; .umpire. Dons.

> N ------- . - " “

THE. DAY’Sley 1927 H e r tz S e d a n —

lo o k s lilic n e w . D a r k Blu< = . S'ioOO.iio w h e n n ew . R u r

_____ XlliAc-Lt l^n ilt in sY c llow'e y lif j3 o r ' 'hi

B ond ix fo u r -w h e e l n iec t i r e s pood f o r m a n y th< b e f u i ' i u ih e d j i t f a c to r y p

W ill M ak e a n I d e a f ^ ' C a r fo r S ta g e o r T a x i Se

■ Scllinj? o n a c c o u n t to o G u a ra n te e d in p e r f e c t co

$875.00 C A S H o r 4 0 ‘,.’

Y ellow D r im r s e U S )-s le i 121 N o r th A r t h u r


3op T o u tlaiim G r i d S t a r s


S rM lL U V l b r o w n ■

____________wissQURv __________

K E N ST R O N G N V f

i.s a b o u t t<) c ln im Ih c yerv ico .s o i Jrou 'j), a p i t f l i e r , t o th<; A th - • o u tf ic h lc r ; N orri.s tr ic .s o u t in th e h o o k s u |) w i th t h e y u n k c e .s fo r ji irm o r^ fo n th a ll s ta r s ,

iCrow ds G ather F or

' McCall Dog Derby

! V i l l a g e S e o h e o f - A c t i v i t . \

j O n E v o o £ R a c e ; P a y e t t e

'■ L a k e s C o u r . “ e K x c e l l e n tifI i•I MrCALL, March 1 (-V,—'nil.s town'i I j streets were seethlni: tonight 'w ltl

; hundreds bf people gntiiercd from nl• I over southern Idaho to .sec the 25-mlU .. iIoR derby to bc run over the snow-cov' :: cied Payette Inkes tomorrow.

1 Thc race wns schediilfd to begin m• '2:15 P, M. with some of the renownec . drivers Of the wesl entering in tin

In;ludcd In Uic entries werc Fre* Prints, whirier of the Truckee, Call fornlji race two week-: uko; Enrl Kim

'ball,Ca.ncadc: Delbert Groom. 16-ycor ’ .old Rigby musher; Hnrry Whlteheod

Idnho Fnlla; Tnd Keni. several tim e [Winner of thc Ashton doi: derby; Whl

■ tcyM cNarte. anvlnB-Sam^Trurte's dog• from Ashton: Thiila Crelaiid. tlic oni;■ womnn driver in, fhe rnor; Ted OCe >■ land: Ernie W lnh who will drive Ro;

Stnvcr'ii dog team: W nrren Drou-n nn( r t:»l Magden, both of McCall, c Tiic ince culU for-four circuits o - llic bIx nnd n quart^T-mlle track. T h 1 eoiir.'.e is pronounced In excellent con 1 <li!lon.' free of loo;ie miow and wclr p .'irs rri.'------------- ------------------- ------------1 Prircs of S(»0. J400. *000 nnd |10 f Hwiili lhe-flrKt-foiir-i>lace wUincri—

A num ber of winter curnlvnl event are scheduled Ior earlier in the dn Including a single dog rncc ot thre quarters of a mile, a two>dog derby o two mllca and varltjgr, skiing events.

iTwin-Ealls-M iijU ie-_____’ S c c n c o f B o w l i n g r T o u r n e y F o r Idahir ‘“---------------------- — —----------------------1 Plans for a district bowling toumn t ment to Include the principal cities c

■'outhero Idaho having bowling alleyj 1 lo bc held here for three days begin r nlng Morch 21. ore being formed, I 1 was s u te d last evening by Pred Stor s of the C i.and S . A nuiifiii'n t compan; 1 liiviiaUoiu have gone to omanlsatlon

In Dolse. Idaho FnlU, Poentctlo, Rex burg and St. Amhony-

s NKW YORKER IlOI.nS LEAD ^ - -P .A L M - DBAOtl. M.iw h 1 y Chnor Ooia, New York, retained he

title as jnorlda womrn's lennLs cham nlon this afUm oon by defeating MU F.iennor Cottnuui. Baliimore. C-3. G-i

3 BEST b u y—5 -p a s s e n f fe r , r u n s n n tl . ue D u co F in . Co.^it o v e r . in le s s t h a n •15 ,0 0 0 niile.«.V C a b F a c to r y . H a.s c o n ti- -

/^fiTw prnap;^ n in tn r .fc h a n ic a l b r a k e s . S ix -p ly h o u s a n d m ile s . P a r t s cu n p r ic e s .

^ i b ^ C a r o r G ood S tu r d y ^ e rv k e .o l a r t f s . l p r r e n t a l ser\-ic<?. ^ n d i t i o n ..■ d o w n o n te m w 1 2 m o.en» — p h o n e ’670 -------

■ P o e a l ^ o , Id a h o

:H2.1929. 2:^

irn a m e n tC a l i f o r n i a n s V a n q u i s h

W a s h i n g t o n I l o o p s t c r s

' El^\TTLE. Mnreh 4 (.I'j-siiflcrliiK a had'care nf.stac<! frl«hi tiie University of Washington b,islteUi;iii ieani’ \ftw .r.nioihercd undcir un i\vn(nnche of Iia*;- Urt;; b^'thc University of California l>e- 'furc more thiin i!00n .•■ix-i-ir.tor.'i In tiie university nthletlc iniviliim tu- Ul|;lit. Hiving lliu Bciir;, u .straiii'Ie hold on th<‘‘ Paclflo c6iL'.l- L-oiifi'i.'iicc cliam-

t plnn-ihlii. Tin- :.core wai. 42 lo 31.

Idaho S tudents See

3 :^ J i t h l e l i c J J f l i l y J j t

New Coaching P lan

C o n tra c t W ith C alland A s

-T-: -:—^Hoad-of—K iitire -D e p a rt-

inont Imi>rov('.'; Pro.spects

ill C om petition o f Team.'?

— ------- M O StO W T -iV larch-l— T h e - f « ls iK n if ic a n c c o f th e coitchinK con­t r a c t b e tw e e n (.'aJInnd o f th c l ln iv e rH ity o f S o u th e rn C all fo rn irt a n d ' lh e ^ U n iv e r s i ty - p l Id ithn a t h l c t i ' c K c tvpurtm en l (iuw ned u p o n s t t id e n ts a n d ul- tm in i lo d a y a s lhe ' f i r s t ru y o l t ia rm o n y in a n i l h e r Blo<*my p e r ­iod o f a th le t ic e n d e a v o r in th c Idaho school.

Thc sii-nlficnnce was believed to Hi • In Cullnnd'K title, "hend of thc,dcpart-

I o f ment. of physical rducntlon nnd nth letlcs,", which, wiki (uken lo Indlcah

, j uniCicnilan of the ly.steiu of nUiJellc; iiH- iii.rc, wilh of con>cquenl hur'

•r u mony.President Frederick J. Kelly of th(

university nnnoi^need Calland's nccept' ■ = uncc last iiIkIU,

Calland Ur]ilaees tU b l« Alumni recullc-d that It iva.-i iwidc; Q iilmilar athlctlc executives tha t Iduh(

wen u leading place lu the Pacific conti , confercncc. before the rciilmc of Char L l - Tea.'Erb; whoni Callhna'ls replacing. ' l l y Under Cnllnnd thc football coachlni

J Job will reunited with the po.u o nthlctlcs executive and physical edu cation heed, and nlumnl saw In th i arrangehient prospccu of Internal har mony and cooi>eratldn between the ath

, . letlcs nnd ncudemlc departm ents !tte Frb come to Idaho iw dlreclor o

alhlellc.-! and professor of physical edu ent cotlon. but within a year thc director ship waa being hoodled "by cammUhv ihrcui;h lhe prcr.ldcnt'u office. In nn

. . other year a new director of ph>-aicn " , cducnilon wns named and Erb wa r a il football coach only. Friction be mile ------- ' -------

"s D iam ond'Cor-

S a t W i n c h e s t e r Cdogn III — I IIonly /»o ec - . '.'

s of l l i P * ...............

con- 'L L > well ■

TTm “ N o w i s t T i c T i

i-enta 'dny Floor VamUh; pint ................. .'»<)

Jiree pioof VnmUh, qoart ................ Ko]y ofJ . VamUh Stoln. q a a r t ..................8T.

____ Old Dutch White Lead, lb................. 14

aho Farmers! Now Is theim a-es of ^ ---------------------lleys. Q

d, Il V *. - ..^ » .J -.M 4K ig -U rS b S a S gStone 0 {I'any. _Oood S ln |le Tree^ each ..........O."*Uons --------- ■Rex-


W e h a v e a n ic e U ne o t A m a n d S to tjc s a n d D ie* . «b y i w o rk —K o m e I n a n d le t u s s l

D i ^ o n d I

•. . --..zirs


l a t B M Ei r s jM aloney S lugs J a ^

i l o f c r y in B o u t 'm -

K W ith N ew Z ealanderiioldam- —

■ T o m H c e n e y , A f t e r P e r i o d .

I ' o f I d l e n e s s , P ro v e . '! t o

B e E a s y M a r k f o r H o o k s

J — ___ a n d J a b s . o f . B o s t o n i a r t f f

(By The Associated I'rest?i n B O S T O N . M arch 1— J im m y •

.M aloney, B o s to n h e a v y w e ig h t , ' '------- K a v e -T « n t-H e e n e y -o f -N o w -7 .e a -^

ia n d a h n d h e a t in g h e re to n ig h t in a h ru is in K Ifl- ro u n d c o n tc s t .

i r t— -M aloney p im U th e d - th e J Je w Zea-r ..l a n d e r w i th h a rd left-h<M)ks a n d '.

‘c t s jH hs in e v e ry ro u n d a n d e m e rg e d ..f ro m th c c o n flic t u n m a rk e d ,

tn .s n c e n e y ’H fa c c v a .s b a d ly b ru is e d ' but Ilf was batlilng willingly a l ' the ‘

___ final boll. Malgnt^y to(ik eight rounds.

■f»Ul--------— Hcavy-3rmg;siHgd3hd=r.T=.::::..:o n - Uoeney entered Uic ring after being ( l ,„ jMncllve flitiit inoj)tl)s nnd this Idleness . ,j took lu toll. He waa heavier and more ...

kIurkWi than he was against T unney.. .■ o f but hc bored In from the flrsl bell to, le n t never escaping from the lett

.,1 Jabs which Maloney fed hbn with mo- notonous regularity.

’ o* Eight months ngo Hccney was known per- lo fbitlana as the "Hnrd Rock." but to- ■■ th o Mnloney hnd him well soflened

loui; before Ihe contcst reached thc .0 .i_ half wny mark. Tom tried vainly to ■ ,aV, land u hard right-hand puncli, the •• „,V;* blow he used lo knock out Moloney In ' icn^ a rlngle round IB months ago. Hc mls- etiM attempla. • -

Stinging punches cut Heeney's f a c e ; ' and he was bleeding frt)m a do2cn facial cuts n t thc end. which found his >•. opponent unmarked and tolrly strong.

The fight drew n crowd ot 19.li00 I spectaior.i with a gate ot close to $53,- •

■ a d c r ! « « > - ____________const • EMANUEL BEATS SEICATTl ;iiar- HOLLYWOOD, Mnreh 1 (A>>—Armand ' g. ■ Emanuel,“ Suh"FrnncLsco heavywetaht;-' :hlng defeated Larry 'SeraU l. also of San*' sl of Francisco, by a technicnl knockout In ■' edu- thc ninth round of n 10-round main this event here tonight. T h c .^ fe rce stop- -

har- ped the fight with SerottrslU l on Ws atli- fe d but Ulklng a wrrlble bcnllhjK,.

'edu^ tween conches followed, w ith w hat nl- 'Ctar. tunni choractcrUcd as disrupted dlsci-th-c" pllne and .otjweaslons of dlttatlsfactlon ,nn- fr6m nlijmhl, studenta nnd-fflculty. • ,

Tiicnl —— - ' was Nows Wane Ads reach th s peopl*

1 be- you wish to aU rart. .

i H a r d w a r e

[ o o p ^ s ”

C h a i n S t o r e P r i c e s

8 .- Qt. Aluminum' \ /Tea KetUc, $2J0

value only ^ ■ | H

T h m r t t r P a i n H J p -------------------- -

• n o o r Paint, q u a r t ......... .............Ko< Oatslde W hite Paint, q u a r t .......8.’S^8T>< White Enamel, qoart .....----- -91 .0 0

Boiled Httseed Ol). gallon ..-St.OO.

h e T i m e t o G e t R e a d y f o r S p r i r i g r ;

This set of C splendid Wrenches

only .. ___ __________ ...—___ UHg

A n v ils . V ise s . B lo w ers , M a W s j a ^I y o H 'c a n 'd o l o u r o w n B lE q E em ltir:3 sh o w y o u th e s e . ' ^

H a r A y a r e

- . ■■■ ^

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (4)

' "tw in : F^ixs PAILY n m■ CUBSCftimON RATZ8 ' ■

.. PBjmeiA ll) Adruee-On* .Y«M -------------------------

. .Btx MonUa ... ................. ...........",.. •*3:........•.... ............... , ......... I'l

■ .r KBt«rM u citM- m»lt matt*A ^ l 1 IBIS, »C Ut« poatotdce kt T«l rslU. liiabo. undAT the *et ot uu cb 3. >87

a«e^ maminc rxrrpt MaixU: Tw la m iU N <m PuM uli'nx Co.. J»e.


.Ttie AMocUUd Preu ui exclualveiy en tlUed to Uie UM (or publlc»tlon of mil ne»

• cretliua la thi< paper jtud »»>«• i«* news pubiUhed herein. All riRhu of rs publleaCloo nt ipccul dlipatctteg hrrrii

' V alM rnmred.... ~ A r> memn»'A»ioci«trt Pm».-( / J -Ttie'Vew* Im a memhrr of tiic Aud).VL X Bureau of

^ l£^'ry*u^i» Mquoi._________

Knslbllltr la iteumni for thr ear U4 tnaitu»crlpu. plioiotrmptit D other contribute] matlrr. Article mibmU ted (or publleauon *111 br iwr’l or not a< Ote dUeretlon ot Uie editor, anti l>o m*mi

----------- UctipUJ»m-b^n>turn«l ajuleas.aceoinpBivled by necesaanr poatane.

NATioSAL $tKnii:in:sTArJvr.s mUDDCrt. KINO AND I'llUSDEN. Ne«

Chicago, San I^ajiel*co. U»« Angcln

IF IT WORKS G reater weight of Uie nrKuiiient tliui

. ----- ’fa r seems to bc 111 favor o( UlC proposctiU - -equallzftllon tnx" or "Incnmc lnx” ’btll

“ i 1 Umt has becn aubmMtca 10 tli'e Xflani■ [-7: : l^lalBturfe.---------------------------------------------

This bUl haa been drafted lo provide rellef^Xor persons who pity tnxes on pro* perty. and to brlng Inlo thc taxpoylns c lu s persona who now pay no tajt a t alt,

"b u t who enjoy nione v lth the taxpayers. ' .oil cf tho privilege nnd protection of

government., Under the proposed nica.sure property taxes. boUi real ohd personal, would be

' counted'as ftcrcdlt on the u x blit of nny -taxpayer.' ProinLieof reducUon In tnxe«

on property Is held out, becAtuie th^ In- “ comc from tu e s on. stocks and bonds,

I notes and mortBORCs nnd other Income- producing securlltcs thn t nre now cx-

I '-cm p^ vould be cjmpiitcci In estimates of the am ount to bc mlscd by taxaUon.

This feature Is a t oncc the strength BDd weakness ol liie prcpoaal.. If It .con

..J converted Into n law tha t wjll sUnd•Uie teat of litigttllon ihnt ircertaliV to

' y ^come. It la to be hnlled as nn Important ll “ rontrJbuUcm to the ruuse 0; JusUcc and I '-equity. •

;; BVSY BAILROADS1 ■ X ' The raliroftd industry Is prospering

i «-even while tremendous changes are com- I ln g about tn the traffic situation.

^ the^ Itellroad Age the [ ? number o t passengers carrlcd tn 1038

; I "Was the smallest since 1003. Thla decline : j • I s caused by the Increased use of motor ' I , c a n for travel. But while passenger

I ^ Ira fflc os ft w^ole has decreased, com; -o iu t ln s 'and long-distance travel have• grown^and .arc .likely, to xon^ u e . grow-

groun 77fT^vriip'r«"lai!r " tween these t»-o extremes who use the “ automobile more and more.« If passenger truffle Is falling off so

i) « rapidly, why are thc ralltoads thriving?' Their pn»pcrll>- Is based on Increased

.jL - . .■»jtrclght,lin«lnge. NcJUier_moto^ track ; Z nor commercial nlrplane has seriously ■ " invadi-d th is field. Tlicre has beenI • freight enough for nil forms of trans-

I. ponallon, and there probably wJJJ be 2 plenty so long ns our prosperity lasts.

— * _____ SOMEDAYWe of "iv in Falls stand badly f iT n i^

> of a lesson In the business of crossing I' * streets. , - i I ~ ' One of Uicse dn>s thc fallacy on the

^ pnrt o f pedestrians In supposing th a t traffic signals nre Intended onty for auto

ji Z drivers 1s going to result In somebody Tt----- —getUag-kUlcd^-auilmKl Jnr llfr______ LII------•• Thc lntll)e slgn/tl at the cofneF'oT~ j! Z Main nnd Shoshone street b Intended J j ----- y_fnr Ih f rnntrnl nf Iraffle p< wfllj « as auto tm fflc allhough It Is apparent

• to anyone U u t not one per cent of the *' people know It or. knowing It. pay the ^ ellshtcst attenUon to Uie. fact, .

• s c i t . v m ' f c i tu sB A sb s------■—-Toifiii’. Complains a llar%‘ard proles-

2 »or. a njan wlUi a Hiw-braln, trained by - a medical college course, p lai four years ^ rfr n ^ trraAiiat/' u'crif nrtrl tvo Vears Ot “ hospital experience. comtTiand i le.'s 1n- m ,come lhan a chauffeur or a broker's 2 ,clerk or a floor ualker.• l i i e prt«rcs.i el society', he obsencs. r ^ e p e n a s la rT T tj— cn—the—ijm i i i . j j .0t -• »clence. Thla in lum depends on the

----- « -« )« n -« b o -d » 'o :e Uiemstlvea lo sciencej - A UbormUirles. And they are notoriotisly

• undcri*Ud.• : The remedy Is-novel. ”T )i; only sal*

__ _ * ; j . '^ t t ^ f q f them." he says. “Ij. to wed- heircssis or to have wcslUiy parenis cr Z spohtors. For lha l reason. I hnpe cur

I *'■ tKtrcsscs~wiu pick oh niMiUU ijicnn rrr• inctead of foreign nobility."J . I t «puk! be. well If they did. no doubt.

'. '3 'T m t oobiBBcn are notortopsir more en- . 1 4 c ^ l l l ln g lhan laboratory sclentuta.

• Anil some vomen v iu even (juesUon• > hM hcr • sdeoU st i« Ukely to m ake a 2 ‘food hmftaorf. U m a r be hard for «< ; 'w n a n to dertrte bm a li; compietaZjr te

■-■.V 'maa who ireo m p te trfr <lCToted to-*-• '|aS d rito f7 . r ’ j 2 '^XaaomjoeaU a i* / oOer • m o n dfr*|

' . p c D d A U e 'w a ^ . TtM a eb« • d e s U n wbole folpi U o a bis work

■ . ... - TW PJFALLS EWS ------ =------ r^ Y o u r i i S c o m r T a x

...............WHO M u a r FILB R E T u y sg

• n r r ^ e j y .sli^lJB pM pp. (or mnrrledjper Twin sonnotllT lngw lthnusbnndorw lfei ro

i. 1879. ceivlng a net Income of »1SOO or mon ,„rt.w' OT * C™s8 Income of JSOOO or roon

dujlng the year.' must file an Incom tns return, and every mnrried i>erson

s living w ith husband or r i fe during th Jr en- entire year, m ust flic a return If thi n e « combined n et Income w m »3550 or more

’^ a i o r If tlie combined gross Income wn>( re- 1.5000 o r more. ' ------ -----»rrtm -riic ainount of gross'flr n t t incomi___ received during the year Is the onl;

factor to be considered In determining whether or not Individual Income ta:

,i m- returns a rc required, ttain*- •—-jf-tliL' K lou or net Incuiiie exceeds'tht

amount*-Bpeclfled-»bovcrft-r«itufa-miu: ------ be made even though the personal cX'• ear® emVBb'n, c r ^ l t for de|)cndenU. outh nmll- orized deductions, etc., mny render t{i( ot at return nontaxable.‘• ''I'- In th e case of married persons, tht

- combined Inoomo-.of-husband and-wlft------ may bo Included In 'o single Joint re-f,,-. turn, o r sep*rnte reitim a may he made

icin. t^howlnR the Income of cndh. In thc -------- ouant.lf Is ft>»ilrgd -to tTiBlfO aoprirntf— T returns, each m ust tnake a rclurrt, no

n u tte r, how smaU the income of elthei one may Jw. prorided the coozWned in-

thus ooro'* Is In excess of tho amount requlr- •osed li*B u return.• I,,11 Pcraons who were married and Uv- .■ n m lm :.t0gcthcr..durlnc on ly .a portltnujif

thp ycju- arts not rtQ ul«d to m ake In------- -como. tax -re tum s-un lw s the-gross4n-ivlde comc of both cxce«ded~|58DO during the PfQ. year, or Uie net Income of both exceed-

. cd Uw aggregate personal exemption y*?'' allowed by law.: alt. Every Tntrtncrahlp and every corpora- trers. Uon, which has not boon granted spec-

of Iflc excmpUon from th e requirement! of the Income tax, m ust file a return ench yenr. 1

erly File your re turn early.1 be ----------- ---------------

,”x” f - V

I A N e w Y o r k e rnos, I , « 'me-: a t L a rg e

i . G . D . S e y m o u r

------------- ■• NEW YORK, MJircft 1 W )-Sefbral

Igth ycnrV'ago Oeorge McManus, comic strip can cartoonist, to o k 'a sketch of JJkrs nnd jnd Maggie to a New York rug dealer and - • a i ^ e d 'h l m - to-ljavc I t -copied -In-two ' orlenUU rugs.a n t .jjjQ dealer turned thc order over to n and firm whleh hns rugs mado In Persln for

Importation, b u t Instead of ordering two of tho rugs he ordered five, think­ing to keep three for his own customers. The sketch was sent to Persia, nnd after

ing some m onths the first two rugs were de- ,ni. llvcred. Each showAl Maggie bedecked

In a flowing gown for presentaUon a t court, her tra in supported by two comely cuUes and Jlggsotandlng a t onc

.038 side In red flannel underslilrt nnd lino itocklned leet.- regarding Magglo with

usual bewUdered grimace. y gave one rug to his wife.

• t ; • oUier lio sold to a New Yorker, a t whose recent denth he repurchnscd It.

tve About a year ngo the o ther three rugs iw- camc along to the 'Im ported who moan- ^ 7 wliilC'htid-brDken off reloUons with the

acn lfr“whcr ordered them. McMarios Icnmcd about the t l u ^ duplicates, and thc Importers readily nsreed w ith him

so thn t they could.not sell the coplcs be- ,27 cause the cartoon woven Into them wns ^ McManus' proj>erty. even down to his

own algnnture threaded delicately intoft.CQrncr.of.ti\e p attern .__________

isly . ■■■—Lustmaa Wlille KlephanU

For montlis the tliree nnrs liave lain rolled up In a comer of thc importers'

"C office. McManus tjocan'l want them. ». They may not bc sold. Tlie. Importers

cun only, give them away or present - them to themsclve!<.

Each ruR In seven by five feet, and 553- e m r - th rr ad ■I.T9lttcrw>w-«»g-«>mtMcHy-

—40 stitches to Uie Inch In some scc- Uons—thn t the ruR.n hn\x the luster of oil paintings. I t took two Perstan

the weavers 12 to 15 montlis lo make each ha t AorklnA oftci) with aia^nirylng

, glasses and pausing haU-honrljr to re^t their eyes.

Jdy _____---- : --------------- A J a b le F ur One

o f • Ench noon.-in-n-rerturmnt-off Droad- dcd frequented by theatrical folk, o

. iwrtly and bnronc:<jue O erm an •.▼ith aldewhlskerft-aixl-A—bushy—moustache-

e n t comes alone to lunch. The proprietor the always meeln him a t th c door, shows

him to his table, takes his order and helps to scr\e his meal. e>-en to mash* Ing nnd biitterinR hts baked potato.

The conJ(>ciurc K n ln e d crcdence amona other patrcnaU iB t'the’honorcd guest wxi a reUr«l tavern-keeper or

C3- raUvAciler hoM. nnd th a t the rcstau- by ratetir liad oncc worked for him as a

waiter. •friends a new jiivtry wagon, of carved

^ ■fatrtv tflr‘«-^7 tJu^a^|.1^r-8hQa■g t,l. In- black waUiut with five shelves. I t was cr's * he tald. from thc German.

••i*crhaps." ^UCTelled tomebody, "he once used It tn a restunuit of his own."

>C5. . Qf, no.- MfiJafned tbe restaurateur. ro l--U -w rin « d e 'b rh ls-w w lcaw n .-H ^ l3 -B - th e ! casket manufacturer."

^ ------aiy Form er Governor

O f M i s s o u r i W i l l

S u c c c c d J a r t l i n c

‘ tCcntlnued r n a P i# e One)

acquainted with farm probtrJn.^ u t first iiand. He owVlt and operates th rrr

iot. iftrn» In Gnmdy counly. Missouri. Tliis en- factor was understood lo have had much

Innuence in the sslrction c f the Mlsscu-l a n ’■ The S ta r sa>-s th? appointm ent wns e a linsoUcJted and was aa.much a lurprtsc r « , U> Mr. Itjtie btnaelt a j Uw cf the

to »i*K-- t " I t U known tha t a l firat Mr. H jde * ^ n « J r T t f t w d to acceptr-eontlnue* the

newspaper, -bellertng othera beU«r dfr-1 QtMiUncd for Uie podUon. « was -only I tr t K0OTW3 tnslsteoce lh a t be con-

sented \a become a member cf th e new i V p tcak ia tia oCOdal i:dIUt7.~.----- : ap.-gyda.-^ wbo 'a e rrtd a s ggrtrooc

. S D A I L Y N E w S ^ ^ S l N I


L - l.........

lo re ,' lore. ome-son. | | i B g | i M K s 9 ^ | n n a Hths ' the


B 8 i rr e i M •

ling i s IIatv E f f l i T i l f f l y y W Mtax . g l i y


ivlfe ------

m R s &. .

L E F T T O R I G H T ': M r s . T ilr- G o v e r n o r T r u m b u l l p h

n e c t i c u t . . J o h n ’i s a t t h 'I 2 l ______ s t i i f f . • . ; \lh - , -........■ ~ ~ - -- -the from IMO' to 1024, wa* Ihyllcd by'M i ed- Hoover to vb lt him early In Fcbrunr; lo„ when th e p ^ d e n t- e le c t was In Florida

O lher coQfercnccs followed a t whlcl I t is 'understood Mr. Hoover outlincc

p .. th a t he wanted on adm inistrator wit): the oblllUes of Mr. Hyda lo r the agricul. ture poelUon, and Mr. Uydo acccptcd.

, ' Hq Is Sl years old and was bom ni the village al Prlncitoa. Missouri. th< son of Judge Irn B. Hyde. He received the degree of bacbclor of laws from Uk University of Iowa, and was admitted tc

I thc bar a t Princeton in lOOO. Hc mnr- ripd Miss Horlensr Cullers, dau^hler of Charles Cullers, wenlthy land owner

. neor Trenton, Missouri. In 1004. Tliey have one daughter. Caroline, now IG.

I , TWO "MYSTEKY MEN'* s v WASHINGTON. March 1 (;p>—Prcai-

, den t'c lect Hoover lonlght sllll held Uie key to tho Identity, of a "mygtery

; P mnn“ c f hia offlclnl family in spite p f w hat perhaps wns one of thc grcat- eat guessing contests In nil thc history

**?• of American coblnct-makln?.--;;— v T he KuessliiK rcachcd a cllrnnV hv n

: ra th er unusual scone tn th e Hoover headquarters a t tho May/lower hotel. George Akcrson. sccrctary to Uic next president, sa t In a smoke-filled room.

™- surrounded by h a lf a hundred veteran cr W ashington newspapermen who had e- been 'to ld If they guessed right there ed would bo no dental, a t ‘ Tho heavy-set, grcy-halrcd sccrctary, so himself o form er newspapermen, an.i- nc wered ."no" each time as doitcns--of tid names were fired a t Jilm. th One concrete development of the day

waq conflnned of nine men wiio will fc. be members of. th : Hoover cabinct. a t They are:

6ECilETARY OlP AOniCUI.TURE— RS A rthur M. Hyde. Missouri, n- 6ECRBTARY:OP-STATE-Henry L.lie Stlnir.on, New Y o r k ; --------0, fiECRETAHV u y r H L ^n w rfg g g y —

Andrew W. Mellon, Pcnnr.ylvanla._ 6E0HETAJIY O F WAR—Jnmffl W. !P Good, Iowa.

ATTORNEY OENERAI^W illlnm D. ,7: Mitchell. Minnesota.

POSTMASTER OENERAIr-W alter P. Brown. Ohio...SECReTAUY-OP.THENAVY—Char- irs Prnncis Adams. Mnsanchu.sett.'C

SECRETARY OP IN TERIOR-Dr. In Rny Lyman Wilbur, Callfomln. ra' SECRETARY OP LA BOR-Jam es J. tn. Dni'is. PennsyJvonJa.;rs I t W.1S stated th a t Mr. Hoover would nt have hls first meeting wlUi hla cablnct

the dny nfter inauguration.(id --------- '•----------------

- R o g c r s o n - I I i g h S c h o ;)!—— -

of . S t u d e n t s R e s u m e W o r kan _____

ROGERSON, March I — Improved ['* rond condlKotu have made It ixxviiblc

'for Rogerson students to return to Uieir .tludles in Hollister high scliool after beltHf forced to remnin a t home be-

d- a-a)-. ■ Ugt-.nnprir.lLi nn th,. hi^fi

a Arclile D oam an of Uip Utah Con- th ht ruction company.'Ban Jiiciiito. accom- he- txn>l<Ht-l^--^olui Poa tr lBbi,-rcn u ln cd- ;or a t RoKcr,v3n Wednesday, nichi. ws Mr, nnd' Mra. A. O. Tolman rnter- nd talnrd with a dinner nnd c.-ird party h* Tue«l.iy evening fpr Uirir n!rre. Mlis

Pearl Campbell. Sprlned^Ir. Canada, ice 'J'ho b here on n v blt. u rre ML'U

or Mit*- Loran Moon la rrcovrrmg fromy , a reeent lllnesa,--------- >------- ---------

a .. ---- — _

^ M r s . C o o l i d g e


' ' m


“ ■ '■as ,be ,

•. .4: •:dehe - I , f c ^ > r ra '07 M BS. C O O U D G E rcaUJed h er '} ^ anow d jv e re d W a*hlnffton. Sho

J a m e s J . O s r u ( le s ft) , w if e o l cc - u f a to s f a tc r r J o a a D s v is . ■— - ..........

\ . -

, Trumbull, JdhnTooli'dge, Florc photographed a t thc annual mi tired in tbe formal dress of ma

- M r T ' i ; ; ; . ■ ' ' — ' unry. | ' ' , ■ ■ ,

~ -------- -■ --------------—n n t DAD WEATIIER l ^ d No^^'lhg could be more fuUle, posslblj , tlic 1*'“ ^ complain n'bout thc WcaUier, 0 d to lo le t It affect'one's spirita. Vet man; nnr- of us when .we look out upon n'cold T ot ra w. drcAry momlng tee) n genuine dc ^ncr presslon stealing over us. ' We spend 1 Iicy gtxxl .deal of time complaining nnc 1. grumbling os If the Inclemency of tin

dffy had Interfered .wriously...wlU3 th< accomplishment of work or pteasufc,

Unless wo dre prepared to. migrate l( 'cal- A lund of even wnrmUi and perpetua UlC sunshine, I t would r.ecm good sense u ■cry accept os gracefully a.s posalblo our ruir pltc and slush, our bitter cold and bitlm :a t- winds, our Umes of deiidly heat wlier •ory pnvcnvnta m elt jw d laiJns tum brown : 'k V If. when'wo'VWnitn&rwa'wcre'iiiuBlii n' n tha t cotd days and wet were for us cjpc- >ver clally potential of pneumonia, tha l hoi >tel. days were unendurable and dangerou.* icxt for our parUcalar consUtuUon. all ol


IS S'2,977,000 Fund toAW in jEnforcemcnt

^of Prohibition Lawd^y I (Cootinuaq from Page o ne?'

"dry" Inquiry b)<a presidential coninib- net. gjon. j_ I About to reUrc frw n the senate lead-

cramp Lo assume the vice presidency, . , ‘.Seoator Curtis. Kansas, Joined the con*

ferccs today and threw, his support to r » j .^ f i necotlatloan which

I proved succesiful a fte r four hours more ^ of wrangling. 9 Is the ambition of ttic

veteran Kan.un to quit the senate wilh Q his work done nnd there were indica­

tions tcnlght th a t his' hopes would be Iter fuUllled. *

I Approve lUbbujon Plan£ £ Z .L jh c pUin of.Senator b b iso n . ArUnn- _ san. Uie'DeniocraUc leader, ahd Sriiatot

Cta.v. thnt Uie first and second defici­ency bllb be separated and acted upor Individually was approiTd. After th« senate had nddrd I34AOO.OOO lo Uie fira! deficiency bill, the measure was aban­doned In conference and the house In-

:corporaled nil of lls Jiroylslons excepj ■ Uioae In controversy In thc second mea-

. i ;• E a^ i bill win now i>c"6«t£a-tipon-sep* r K orotcly. m e eonfcreea also reached a

ompromihe ch Uie amendment of 8en- V(.d ator MeKellar. Deuioerat.- Tennessee l^r. p.'ovidin? tor publicity of hearings or i^lr refunds. It will bc retained In the ;ter modified form, be- i ^ ---------- -

on- Bonds for Two Couples•m- _ _

ITccrer^ of“tilv w c were icranleiniy JudRc W. A, liiibco*ck In district court

rty hereyestcrtlay to'Avaa Haight from De­lias Vett H aight un grounds of oon-cupport, dn. fthd t« J- D- Hunjiaker trom Merle Hun* tt<u taker on grounds of deacrtloa Nelthei ___dcX cudant-a;ai presant-or represented tini by counsel a t the Jiearfng in court __ yesterday.

re G oes S le ig h in g

She ift s h o w n ' M n . ! o f U t r s c c i is U i/ ic f - J a l iw , m d h e r

V - '- •

r e n c e T r u m b u l l , h i s f i a n c e e , a l i l i t a i y b a l l i n B r i d g e p o r t , C c l a j o r i n t h e g o v e r n o r ’s m i l i t a

...................... .. —- g — ----------

>&ur r iiiid B Iour lives w« will make of the weathc scape goat for our cf/l mooda and Inefficiencies. For one's atUtude ward weather, like one's ntUtude towi

ny everythbig else, b fixed In chUdhood. ltd. Children should be brought up so U lc- they wUJ oellher let .lucli Inevitable c I a c*mstonces affcct Uieir dlsposUijoii'i nd use them as excuses for the neglect he their dliUes. To do thb we m ust 01 he selves refrabi'fr'om complaint, take 1

weather and foul In a sportmg spl to and tilm our dwn nttenUon nnd thc cll

jftl drcn’s toward the many things one c to do'to make Ufe amusing and InteresU

lin no m atter w hat the wealher mnn 1 ug brought.en There should bb special books a ^n. toys' for bad dnys nnd special Jobs tt :ht moiher ftna'cnndrcn-wn'< lo‘t®s®lher )c* nome. Entered into with thc pro] lot jpirlt. the bad dny bccomcs a holld lua with Its owi\ particular delights. rlCu of arid acUvltles.

mEBillllUiipSllfi l l ! JEROME, Mdrch 1 — The Jeroi

'Odd Fellows lodge, organlxed p^br I nry 37. ISOO, celebrated IU twenUeth a

... I nlvcRiary Thursdny night w ith a me< l^’ Ilng nttended by appnw bnately i

I members present indudln* m any fn other citlcs in 'th e state. D uring t

, " ' evening the lodge inlUaled a class " 111 candidates. • Members of thc vlsltl A J lodges spoke on the subject, “The Oo „ icf the Order.'* Among the grand < /■ ' flcera present were G rand U u ta r J. ’ “ Reid. Bonners Perry; Grand SccitU

(Presley F. Hom. Caldwell, and Gra: ; Commander T. J . Uoyd. Twin Pal

n* 1 Following the m eclln t Uie membc ortBitthcrcd a t the-North Slde Inn for t : l - 1 Anniversary bnnquet. The honor on 'cutting nnd serving Uie lodge blrthd h e . cake fell lo Grand Ma.iter Reid. Jewi rat'fo r 35 ycnra of mcmbcrslilp a-ere pt n- i sented to W, E. Sinclair and H. H. Ke n - ' netSy. nnd to L. D. Templeton, a 25-ye plj membership jewel, a -1 The I*rc.ibyteban Mission circle-n — -Thur-tdar with M « . O. B. Haajwrjci p .'M rs . O. M. Card and Mra. Jone K « a lney were' co-hoateases. The progni

a- . topic wns .’T h e New Africa." __cc.' Mr, and ^tra. Clay Sallady annour o n ! the birth of a baby boy Wednesday he j --------:-----------------

I B l a s t u t M i l n e r

_ ; I n j u r e s T w o M e

I S ) (ConUnued Frotn Page One)

who m.iy lone hU right eye, b otherw ^ Iciproving nnd - U Is believed did r ‘r t , receive a fracture of the fron tal bo c- of the Jkuii. as a t first feared, rt. The men were tamping a blast n- dynamite in rock formaUon when t

explosion occurred. Nine o ther, wot ed m en"a-Thort~dbtancc“Hway rushed ' Kt them. Mecnan was •tunned but r

uneonsclou.'.. Moser waa unconadc _ for some time but recovered later. 1 “ was taken to Burley on the cvcnl

train and placed bl the Premstad he pltal. II uas a t f W thoitfht th a t

shock and n brlused shoulder, but t pcrsbtent ;)iin lh h b collarbone caus

1 him to 6e taken here, where examto i Uon dliclck-ifd the fact tha t the b en t w . fractured.

.Car in iicvcrsc Breaks ' j tx g of i i a n rush insr i

RUPERT. MaitU I (Special to T . . Nc»'i>-.Tlicron L.'Roser«, an unplo

of the A m algaioated'Sugar compar ' b reported recorerln^ satU /aetorUj ^ H u p ^ general boapltal from

acddent near Paul last Saturday. A ;ccrd in | to the report here. Racers ai . a companion were ctrlvlng near Pa

— a h n r-o ietr . ^ f . toRogers, it u said, jo t out o t p a sb jw h i

. th ecar failed to vs ahead th ^ d r tv , b u jd to hare reviTtfd in order to a

. , a fresh start, w llh ib a zatolt th a t U -rattto struck Ra««ra CB tli* teg betwn I toe ankle aqd knee, ftae tu rto f bti* boi ^ e r a , w & foRB«»y. ilTedlbL_Pm:

T ^ W r e s W e s b t R u p e r t::

V , J ^ l e f firtisbea. PboM KOW. ad i

\ $ £ ^ - »

i H -

- - A W a s h i j i i

I By Kirky * W A etn N O lW . Mareb I M>)—a deaUi of M ehllle ^ a tone a greaa ’. porter U lost to American Jouma9 Moi« ah f 'tiu in tn hia generaa th b orgaobcr and . long time aH .......... h e j^-o f The ABodated J>r=sa eofB buted to the macbanlsms tha t I4 leach day.'s grist-of world eventa tc» - eye<-of fa r s c a t te r^ readers, 1a minted from the m llb of Ume.; .J '" in to Utat'aervtce’ Mr. Stone coiI ' an Idealism which viewed -the neva an almost sacrcd pommodlty. He1 Into thc vast and complicated new

1 accuracy and for unbiased narratloN ' the easenUal focU, and thn t occoH Ushment survlveir him os o monuc■ . more mAjestlc' aiid endtirlnff Uum I triumph of sculptured stone.I And he contributed, too. to theI Hung army of reporters under h bI — — * mediate cuum im a jsomein\ns 6I. 7 ' own undying news enthiblosm, thc J ner urge tha t more than any other 1 * ~ . slderaUon makes for good roportlr

, a n d I( 1%-enty yeara ot Aasociotcd Presj

V./011- porung. most of th a t tim e wtth 1 i t a r y vuie stone as-the-active-ch ief-or__ :-------aiTVlcf. ,clye..the, Byataodcr-rna.ino

ground to know of w hat he speaki — — He has seen th a t theory of hews--------- tegrlty tested supremely time

ogam: seen It hold fast In Mr! Ste _ ,flrm grip against every stra in of sc■ ing competitor ochlcvemsQt, seci

Jl I d a h o L o w e r H o u s e

lUicr a P a s s e s T a x M e a s iId Uucy --------de to- (ConUnued From Page One)toward — .. ..................................ood. oaly one length}’ debate, th a t over(o th a t reforestation meosuK:lie d r - Senntor Robertson, Washington cbw 'n o r ty- carried th b measure tlirough cIcct of opposition of Senntor WhiliIt our- county, who contended it wcke lo ir a grent Injustice ngninst coun

spirit *hose tax ro lb were In grent part me chll- “ 0 cutover and bunit-orcr Inine can Provldfd for creation of reltL u m c^tAtlon dbtrlots lo bc held a t low t

h *1 atlon until a marketable crop waa* when the county would collect 12

«»/f P**" of the vnlue of the crop n

« ^Senator Rockwcll sccurcd paaangc .ner ov lUj edu talloU T ilirb jrtne 'nnrrow rir

Rln of three votes, th e record ahow lolldny 23 ayea. 19 nayea and two paired, rituals bm called for an appropriation

>10,000 for formation of n civics coi — . to be taught In every school In

Istata from kindergarten to collcgc, I l r provided for a monthly recital by [Wr students of an oath ot loyvlty. a t

ture of the bill which Ita author a * in V In the course of JO years cm l I K l 0 ou*" J®**® “ roay bc u J l l l l l. as.general boipltals for the sick of

land."Opponenta had only praise for

erome gpirit of Uic bill b u t feared Uic re ^ b ru - tlon of tho taxpayers over "Just.i th an* more imneceuary appropriation." l y 'S ; Wo«U M n i 'B lie lp l l i . . ~' from But Senntbr Rockwell said the mcj lg the lire would rwult In cllmlnBtlhg m'l OSS of 1 of the- present cost of discipline b iting . schoob "and wlll Inject Into tlib U Oood POO.OOO school system 'or ours a api

id o l- th a t b now not there."J W The high grading bill Introduced

r i ta ry the mines committee was defeated □rand the senate. The bill *-outd mnke pi P a lls .! session of even smnll portions of hi

mbcra trradc ore a felony tmlcss a htll ct si: could be .prodiitcil........... ...

lor ot 1 house mining committee bill 1 'thday towing a su n ry lo apply on Uir fl Jewels I >’eju"s aMCssment work on a mini : ; claim was passed by the aenate In Ken- 'o riginal form over opiiosltlon of Ser

s vear ' t®*" Whitten who .wughl to modify It ^ , Bllb carrying npproprlaUons for 1

- -m c tlp « lr» of-the iBw libraries a t Lewbt wrkcr. Pocatello were withdrawn by I

T^ndielary-ooinmUloo cn team ing nf t ecutive dbapprdvar.'or txpendltu:

; U1. I couW b« l i tu up.T he-scnate calendar-was-compo)

t ftlmoit entirely of technical bllb U I ••ere passed «}jh but a word of 1 I plwaUon.I Tho house passed a bill allowl

_ _ 1 county conimlMlonera lo levy for eoui M e n I fairs, a -b ill exempting loads of ^--------- -fr»m-mB:nrm«lnrji nf th» h1chwBP-if limiting the width of load.i. a bill_____ Increase tlie dalr>’ licenses to pnycrwlse I an assbtant in the dcparUnent a~noi~tbtlrylng - an d -a —bill-allowlnit—com 1 bone ccmmbslcners to set up a $3000 fu

for use In u-eed controL Bepresentat ost o f ' Pettj-grove. T^iin Falb, explained 1 m thc l<^ttcr measure as necesrarr for une wock- PVbig frelglil on carload shlpmenta ird-to-® ««l-pol*“ ~»'bcrt_l»yjnen_t__coiild 1 Jt noc au-a lt the regular meetings of~n

A change In the motor‘ llcciwc“ Iawrenin* hcense tax on light au1 h o ^ mobiles and a higher license on heavlU e e - —

o t th eaused t V S afitoa*

1ST I t

driver - 1 yA t a c t t . . ^ \

3 ^ o n - f i y s t ^ d e i L -irke L. I Simpson ■ : •

I—In t^e emergC-'iiiucathcd fromfpoIlUcal batttitreat re- ^t Wits th e plVol of a ll "thfi chlofi’ of tlimallsm. a p did or sold In any emergency,neratlan. ' JUid th e Bystandor yacalb. too,e Active time m any yeara ago when Mr. Stoi1 contrl- stood quite unexpectedly on the octuAt bripg reportorlal firing Ha6 and 'vas roundis to the Korcd by a staff cub for lack of deta■a. fresh iJi h b •■story,"

L - ■ I t happened ft# vthc c h lc r was homicarried ward bound from the Orient via Si

newa as Prahcbcp, where he boarded a- nlglHe built train eastw ard th a t wns held iip iiwws Tt- hour or two later by mull bandit^

■atlon of ‘T h e C h le r Phones I tWhen marooned passenger cors.flna

5., >y were shlftad back to a »-ay statlo;Mr. Stone dug up a telephone and eai

. d The Associnted Press In Snn Frarh b to - ^ th o u g h tjh e f^tor^-^was ^ Ir

to itio.dcsk youngster At the other cn: th e In* of Uk ' hoidu

™ ” nnd it coused excitement in tbe offlc irung. "Who ■were thC’englncsr and conduc --------—: to r -o f- th ^ ra lii? ^ llie youngstor-Xlnall

demanded, thinking he hnd a loci ■resj rc - "string'/ n p o r lc r on tho wire, th Mel- "I don't know." M n, Slone replied.

of th e -"Yoii'ro a ------of a rc iw ier; go onL-u>nnhio[i?ct_'m ." the Youngster slioutcd. an eaks. hung up.lews tn- Not un til next day did It develop-thf tie and Mr. Slone had "covered;’ the story. An Stone's neither then nor ot nny time d id 'M

It seem- Stone have a word of ccnsurc for th seen It cub who "bawted him ouu"


« ____ ^ Byver the Mrs. E. B. Williams I

I , . Phone 300 In co u n - ' . . . Ith over

Members of a Bridge Lunclieon„Clui to which Mra. Merlin Bntley bctong-i

^ i « n ^ nnd their hu.«ibnnd3, gave a novel part; . In honor of Mr. and Mra. Batley Frlt refor day cvcnlng. Ttic nffalr wns lh Uu JW tax- of ^ pioneer progressive dinnerfc'aa cut BUCJila coming utU rcd.ln gurb aultabli

p 1 o to the occasion. The first courac wa; 0 “ served a t Uic home of Mr. nnd Mrs

Eugene'O strander by-M rs. Ostrando snKc of “” d Mr.n. J . Paul'Thoninn. The dlnnei p-m aiw coui-*o—wg^—tan-cd—by Mra, .Vatighr ihowinff* Price, Mr.s. Ralph .Pink, M n. Duiicdt cd H b Johwlon. Mra. C. A. Bailey. Mrs. w 'L lon of Hodglii and Mra. Frank Magcl a l th/ course home of Mr. and Mrs. Price on Nlnll' In thc Avenue North. Thc snlnd course wlU-

lege. U Mra, Kenyon Green and Mrs. H arry Be- by all *iolt presiding a* hostesses, was scrvet a tea- n t tJie hom e ol Mr, and Mrs, J.* Pau

sr said. Thomnn on Uncoln Street. Tlic rc- empty ninlndcr of thc cvcnlng wna spent al

se uaed the home of Mr. nnd Mra. Wnltcr RcJ- of the ler on S ix th ^ e n u e Eaat where tlu

dt5ert wn* sitr<fi by Mrs, Rcllcr. Mrs lor the Hani^NbrKmii Mrs. Sidney Graves onc : rcac* Mrs. A. Wilton Peck. Tho gueata wcrt presented .with an nttracUvc gift.

The Women's Foreign Mbslonary So- dc ty of thc M ethodbt Churoh mcl

m ^ h Thuniday aftcmoon in Uio church pai-r Ine In During the trntisacUon of bus-j, i j , incrs Mrs. t . F.'Stumpf-wnsTiomlnntcd

“nd clectcd clialrman to fUl Uie uhcx- ' ^ pired tcrzn c f the president. Mrs. H. H.

hv Bamca. w ho b leaving soon .to make in her home In the Eaat. Mrt. J. L. Pcr-

e nov cohl“« K«ve a cplendld talk on "Slcw- f hlch nrdshlp." DcvoUonala were led by ot Mrs. Anael F b h .. talking for her sub­

ject "Ttic SouUicni Croas." Mlw Cora jill nl* Baggs ran g -“We've a Slory to Toll tho r firat NaUons." Mrs. R ichard Baggs rcUitcd n ln in r I' slorj- of "Loloabourg — From thc

In iu Tram." by M” - John Springer, Uka.M, ^ . Belgian Congo. Africa. M ix J .M . Wall,

[y ], In behalf of the society, preaented Mra, or Banies w ith a recipe book, reading a wbtoR clever poem whicii she had wTltten for by the the oceaalon. Miss MUdrcd Ronk nf -V. nlavert ta-o piano soJos. "PoJonabc." by S l t S ^ r ^ a c Dowell and ' PoIlchliicllc.'* by Hflcn-

manlnoff. Mra. P. A. Goodykoontx and nposed her commttee served a delectable tundi- la th a t eon a t ' the close'of Uie afternoon. - —

lowing Twin F a lls Girl to Bc county Bride in Los Angeles)f hay . _____ . . .'hnT®!^ “ ^^‘ Wcoma-Dinrud.-dftiJRhK'r-of-.Mi-, inv (or Mra. 0 :ca r Doxrtid. Second avenue •nt of *'“ *• *'^t la.u evening for Loa Angeles

I where her ninrrlage to Robert Brown Q fTnd Of that city « to lak c placcniiim«liatc= ntaui-p ly- Mr. Brown Is aup<rlnlnedent ot Uie ed Uie Wotor Tours corporation of Cailfomla. u v In M bs Doxrud haa beqn with thc Loa An*

of Wholesalers' Board of T rade dur- itd not *•'5 the pxrt yenr. jrT lic ” —Thry-vcHl-mftke-tlielr-hom*o-ln-Loji----------___________________ _

I* auto- m . s n •COEUNTRY SAUSAGE icavlcr 30c pound. Publlc Market, adv

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (5)

■ - - ilifF S fuddnascd members' o t the Sunoytl Bociftl club y/e<toe«>*y “fi«moon on t value of federaUon jv w t During » business session of meeting whl

' WHS held a t the home ot U rs. J. W risht members voted to join the d

• tric t fctferatum. Mra. Harry 'Wlgglr ton WAS in chftTfo of a prognun th» t J eluded a pa^lotlc contcst in mhleh M Burka won first prize, and readings a voctU 'Mios by members. Ouests wi

* jArs. Dallas Cox. Mrs. Olen Roliu Mrs. TJiomas Dennis «od Mra. B ur Thc next meeting will bo held March

____nt theliom £.g |M £^.F<>-A B uPtne^•Newly elected officers o T ^ th e r i

Blue reserves wero Installed a t a spec ■ . - . ceremony Tuesday In thc reserve roc

Clara Ambrose U oresl^ent: KeU Ja LcBollley: vice president; Mildred Pe treasurer: Aloha Dixon, pianist a Louise strlckennan. ucreto t^. M

Mrs. A. J. perry, Rawlins. Wyomli Is a guest a t the home of h v sister. M Thomas Sprwit. ' ' '

- • DoTld Kcndrick and Oene Hyde ht------— roluroed-Xrom-im,oi(crland.ttipjo M<

cow, and Lo G rande. Oregon where > and Mrs. P. B. Kendrick now reside

Mrs. D. C. Currlngton was hostess• ' ..........“fnembcfs o l tlic Northrlew club Wt

___n csday^tem ocm for a patriotic pi^ Rram. The mcinbcra gave Washingto:

*». .rules of conduct In'answering, to rcall, and th e afternoon was devoted

'■ patrJoUc' conCcsts. with Mrs." PTa Bonar winning f ln t place. Dainty i freshments were served to 16 memb< and the meeting adjourned- until Mar ;13.

IZcbelcah lodge jncmbers honoj tliclr husbands a t a covcrcd dish su l>cr a t Uic Odd Fellows hall Wcdnc day evening fonowfnR the r«^Bular mei Ing. Sixty guests were present and t evening was spent socially.

( T f j u r c b S e r v f c e f


B ert A. PoweJJ. jiastor Mrs. H. C. Maguire, choister Mra. Joe Laughlln, pianist

10:00 A. M,—Sunday school, E. Wood, suiicrinteiident. ' '

11;00 A. M-—MomJjjg worship; .a them ; •Tliou Art My Ood," Thlckstu offertory, selected, Mrs. S. K. Proct<

------ :-------scrmon-by thc-past6 r:-“A--Splritr-PillChurch."

0:30 P, M.—Epworth league. - ' 7:30 P. M.—Evening worship. S t

ciol music: sermon by the pastor: '•P« sonnl Responsibility."

The "Mother-Daughter banouet ’r be given Morch 8. Those desiring Uc e u can obUln the same from Mrs. H. Denton.


riev, Jolm K. wklDoJe,..p«Mor’- Sunday school 10:1S A. M. Christian Endeavor 1:30 p , M. Too:

"Who Is Jesus Christ?”Evening worsWp g;ifl p . m . gtfrnc

“Ood s Call to thc Unconverted." Tcj Luke 10:9.

The Ladies' Aid wUI meet Tliursd aflem oon. March 7, a t 3:30 P . M.

Jromedlaiciy » n e r the Sunday ev nlng scrvlcea there will be a short co: gregatlonal meeting for Uie purpose elecUng an elder and a trustee for t ensuing year.


Rcv. John K. Walpole, pastor ---------- -Sunday scliool.10:00 A.-M______

I t ' s a M y s t e r y T h r i i l e i

10 S U rs 100 L au g h s

7 ~ ------------ ---------r m Thrills------28 Biff Sccncs In ^ h is Feature


TOfATilN----------------------------L o o k - W h a t - t f C a a l ---------

E v e . Thelraa Toddi l m ............................ CrelxbUn HaltThe Hplder .............. ShrMen U wliThe P ro irM or.............. Wm. V. U n i

...................................... SollnK m n * tH i i s t r e M L a tK a - i r tn t r t iJim 's Valet . I« .n rhH«iv

r r T J e w f i r n s i m i ;Old w itch ..... .............. N ,r» CrrUProf, Von W M e ............K ats Pashs£n 'k.C tasaffc««fT7 Tcabrooka W hite l la lrH OM L aS / . ^ . _____

------ ’ • . ••••— C tey-F lt**T «ldThe Dwarf ...... ........ Atonto RosiliaTall Girl ..................Thelma McSellOot e t -the deepest fhaaaia of my»* ten . A. MerrfW broBcht these amor- awi ad rgy^OT^jMHIUoM have-thril*

ChrUtensen. thq tcrM n 's 'm ratery m aster h a s . Mead«l-a>em~iTit0 th* m w t nysttfytog ' m ottea plc(ore we

have fho^rn .Olto ^eaaoiu

Also Mack S e n n c lt Comedy ' U U s l PalhcTVcW s ■ •

J0 c ^ 2 5 c — 30c M aU nce«nd E ven ing

__________________ I t ’a * (irea^ Show

Y o o r i r o m e T h o a i r e ------ :

J A n d T o m o r ro w : J a d t M uU hall t < ■ ' ' a n d D o T o th y -B * » d M i» r ‘

^ lo g e tlie r .acftitt In th e ir la tes t fe a to re f o t o ^ X

flOFloyaldeonng b io

J. B. i T 'T w r

OTlng. -

hM ra . B a ^

> werc H I : - V < vv.. ; : . 'V T E g K S H J toiand. B '■ v ; X T i ® 7 1 M f |Biirka. B / ^irch 13 H r - ' . ' \ ' A V " g < M l er. . ir r f u T --------- ---------- ------------M Kspecial ' I • 'rt-iA'''' room. 'a Jane ' I • • ■

I \\ \ ln ^ ’5it and 1 ' . ■ ) -W 't t - f l f jy j r i

Miss I .

omlng, i ;

xc Mr.

less to SCENE FROM -ON TRIAL" with Wed- WlUon. a W arner Brothers prod

c pro- tomorMW a l Uie Iduho for a thrtigwn's ■ '

Momlng worship 11:00 A- 8c: mon: ."Ood's -CaU to Ihc Unconverted T » t : L nlc U:5.

* m lw ChrUtlan endeavor 7:30 p. M.

March kIMBERLV CDBISTIAN' CHURCI: Rev. J. ElUott Blimp, pastor

onoj-cd Bible sehool. 10;00 A.. M.1 aup- Communion 11:00 A. M. edncf- ciirU tlan Endeavor 7:00 P. • --------

nd thc I BUHL CHRISTIAN CUURCIi Rev. J . EUlott Sllmp, pastor

I 11:30 A. M.—Sermon 'T h e . Purpo;

[(“M so p.“ ^ I ^ r m o n "The Poaltlc ' '/> a of the ChrlsUon Church on thc Subjci v O -of the Church."— ] The Cllrlstlan Endeavor ' will mci :OPAL I a t 0:30. ____

' MURTAUGH METHODIST EPISCO r PAL CHURCHt Rev. Charles W. Ronk. pastorE- 8. io:Og A. M.* Sunday school.

11:00 A. Mi -PreacJilng service ar >.■ «an* communion. Dr. H. o . Humpbrc katun: Ooodlng, district superintendent, wl

deliver the. sermon. QuarucJy confc: -^Pilled chce-wUl bo held In connection with Ql


: . . | ^ I n a s i i c o e u n t r y saVis a g e-20C pound. Public Market. • adv

;t will ------- '------------------I Uck- WABfiANT CAM, trs. R. worracita of Independent school dl

tric t No. 1, numbers 6001 to C376 li elusive, general fund, will be paid U]x presentation to th e treasurer of Uie dl trict. Zotercat ecises March 8.1029.

m ...... n d v -------- ’ -• .0.-;H. STINSON. Treaa.

Toplb: ~

rmon: ^

n-sday I j f l ' 1 W ' fc' eve-

t o p a y y o u r ;

A iJoisbt

H e r I

Kiddies’ Show 1— - ^ ------ --- --------- = A m :

'u r c ' ' 'm T J l S ^ E ■ “ L ..................... A dulUi_.............„^. ..^.lOc

C h U d re n ( u n d e r 1 0). 10c Ix)gc S cat» .'iOc

f S h o w s^ lO - 12 - 2 • 1 N O T E : E v c p in R F ric c a A

W —STARTING— • ---------------------- — 3 = D 2 V Y irodd

The La»t Word in A<ong ' --- ------- ----------'Oj'n

dilz. __________________tn**’ --------- ------ - - .V S to u H rw S M B-«'ii u h s ook® -

e l w BSell

cxy»- ] S i*o j J s B p

V S l P v ^ ^ B / ^ / • I ftMi l i T O ?

5;. ? • ; ^

■ . ' . v . y r - .

y -

' Ji»>L»ie>WMMMBB«MilBflCaX3giM _

th Paollne Prederick, Bert Lytell and Le rodaclion, Uie ViUphone ‘aU Ulfcle’ openir ihrce-day ran .

■ inoa troBMystery Film Plays

II A l Orphetim Thcatrrposc Tliosc who enjoy mystery * tJorlc

plays or pictures have plenty of excellcr ‘Itlon precedent for their taste, bjcct Presldcnt-elect H erbert Hoover 1* sal

i to enjoy a good detective story abov ^^^ t most other forms of light reodlnic: Ui

1.11c President Woodrow Wilson was a: AO a lover of mj'stery yanu . Russe

iCO* Snsc was another statesman who nevt tailed to find Interest in thts.type ( story. In fact the list would Indue of the prominent men o( this an

ftiid other countries.brcy Tliey wisely feel Uiat this sort e

wlli tlctlon Btlmulat«s the mind even as nlcf. rollcvw It of the c u e s .of business nnj UjL, aJIalta.Q t-4 t* tc_ l_£------

BWiJamin Christensen directed ‘'Sci cn Footprints to Satan" which- conn

P lo the Orpheum theatre today. Tt Is First National picture, a typical thrllle and has a flno cast Including Tliclm Tcdd. Creighton Hale, Sheldon Lcwl WJJJlJim V. Mong. KaUa Pasha, Sojl

I dU- La-'ka W lnler and many olhers,8 In- Any lover of mystery will bc well n U])on paid by seeing th is film.edls- _ ----- - I i. ’Q. News W ant Ads reach the pcoplo yo :aa. wish to a lU act,____ . __ _______

5 " - a _ LAST


RXASTCHANCETO ------- 1 , — a l s o —

ION “ T H E F A I ,S E A L A R M — --------I - IR E D E I’A R T M E N r*

- A I’a ra m o u n t M o v ie to n e r . . A c t a n d P a r a m o u n t - _ 1 N ew s

' This Morning at 10D M I S S lQ N < t- '_____________ '

-------------------- ^ - E V R N I N G -lOc A du llH ..............................5 0cOc ’ C h i ld re ii 'X tin d e r lD );.1 5 c

L o g o ScalH 60c 1 S h o w s - r 6 - 8 a n d 10

i A ll D a y S u n d a y s a n d lIo lid ay H

J G T O M O R R O W - = .

YS-ONIr¥--3----------------A L L - T A L K J N G Picture*:

U M R ^ ' B R P S .

n w ii i i l ^ m ¥” Yf^f^*^i‘r

- I 'T Ti r | • -• t ~

I T ^ ' r O m U «r e « r a < « c M ? . S ^ u i f D * ^ ,

unmjinti n t o «ryc^

ilM M iR X E fl

. F ra n c lw , ii>eS^ ! ^ ld reprdicnUU of'the Paclflo eoa«t branch of (he Amc i c ^ Red Cross. oieC wJlh officers e f t local chaptor Thiirsday anq Friday check over tho U st year's work and complete planB.fdr future acUvlUes. 8 cording to Bav..'A. 0 . U thrope. chai n u n . Otfuraes Ifi home hygclno &

-----care of tho alck-wlU bo uken up in tnear future and cerUflcates will be gl en' upon completion .o( 26 hours of i qulred wortc. Mrs. A. B. Richards w be superlnCoocttfnt o f (he department, is also p l a n i ^ to place Junior Red C n

___ arnrk-ln_all-gl^ e school rooms In Buin the neox fu ture under direction Miss Lola Rudy. An Instructor In t various phase* of the work wlU be a pointed lh th e near luture to condu the work ln th e w t crnl.

Miss C lara Is a paUent InTw)a P alls hoap lta f foUowing an opcr tion. ' -•

Mr, and Mrs, Henry Hur»: have mov to Roseburg. Ortgon. where Uiey w make ttielr home. Mr. Hursl has t ccpted a poaiUon Jn a creamery the,

___ Word baa been recclvcd here lh a t Pa- KudyTW^erTWCr. and M tsrc.-E r Ru<

L«U has beerl elect«4 aerBcant-Bt-arms- «ning the Blue Key. » nationnl fraternity

. Mra. L. B. Olaagow la visiting her po S ents In Montrose. Colorndo.

Mrs. Susan H am ar hna opened ju i t shop In the Adele Bcauly shop.

Dr. nnd Mrs. W, B. Sheldon are ps / II enta of twins, a aon and daughter, bo

yiL February 22.• • ■ Mr. and M n . Howard arc parents

f son. bom February 22.Mr. and Mrs. Ployd Haney are parec

. of a son, bom February 23.P.trO Mr. ond Mrs. E. H. Lee arc parcr ^ pl a son. bom Pebruaiy 27..orlcs, i^ d Mrs, C. M. Terry are parerclient 9f daughter, bom February 23.

‘/M r. and Mrs. Joe Kiicera hnve recel % said ^ alilpment of 1000 white legho above chicle*. 4he flra t to be received a t t: . U,e Buhl'.postoflfce th is Reason.15 n l. i Masons and their wives Irom Wende ussell Ooodlng. Filer, and Hncennan wc never guests' o l Uie M ownlc dance held In t ne of Oddleilows hall Thursdny evening. M iclude fumlahed by thc NlshUiaw5 and confctU. serpentine and squawkc

rt of — • ' ;IU It> and

.iScv- —■— ......... .................. ........................:onics .t Is arlller.ielma:.ewL-r.SojUi, ■ ' - III.. I

U re-

0 you


H ir . . _ , ________




' f


, ' 1'

. . . • . is. . . _ . . . . .



«« « « distributed to Uio g u n U r i ^ n .. Were ser>-ed a t a la ta hour to

il ft f ir . and Mrs, W ayne'B unie’w, PItsstore, has relumed PMiniylvi where he vUltj^ hl» who U ll

I p B H lI tpisms IFHKi

and _ J —

^ “ P n £ R ,‘ March 1—-Mrs. ArDuqut re- * ^ 0 with her husband and son bulll

v iu h rs t shack nt the prcMnt blt« of I > I t k>ld 30 acres of land located ju s t we iross this week to -John BchUfler f 3uM consideration of tSSW. Mrs. Duqu ^~a~Srnr~tcmpoiiully rcalda~»t~*he—1 t r i Sm ith home, but la ter will travel »Dfc tensJvcly, oceordliig to plana. Her

duct continue to live In Filer a t hla h near Uie property Involved lo the t r

^ acUcn.crtfi ' Earl Carter, seven-year-old son ot------nint-ftfn . tfartuy Carter. rtceire t^

and bruises when struck by a car w I m pushing his wagon on the street **7 Thursday. The driver, whose name

not lenmcd, mndo m ra th a t th e l tojurlea received medical attention

Paul fore continuing on hla journey."” A picture OrincmtJOT o f-theH ler

*■ “ .wanls club was taken following " lunchcon meeting of Ihe-onsanlM ***" Tuesday, .Tlie picture of the group------ appear-tn-thg-htgh-aehool-anqual.pat- Wildcat. Ouests a t th e meeUng-ot

club were Ed Rclchert, Filer. «vnd F I a r t Musser. lvan O. Llncohi. O. P, Di

and W alter SmiUi. Twln FalLi. par? Mrs. W. M. CanUon cn'.crUlned twm E ight Brldsp.n club a t her home Th

day afternoon. Honora for bridge ■ £ of received by Mrs, W, If. Kloppenbuig

M v. J. B. Brennan. Ouesta were 2 ents dames J. B. Drennan. T. D. WUsoi

M. Kaybom, Miss Eileen Ruge and enta D. A. Flower. Refreshments werc a

ed by Uie Jiostcss. enta A number of Maasns and their

attended the Masonic dance a t l :elv- Thursday evening, lom Mr. and Mrs. E. S. L a Hue. Mr. the Mra. Charles Reichert and M r.'and

O. J. Childs were guests a t a turkey dell, ner a t thc Boman home Friday, vere Paul Halnllne, son of Mr. and the Jesse Halnljne, relum ed home T hur

Mu- Iroin Twin Falls counly JwsplUil w •wks he underwent au opcraUon for oppc kers cltls,

N iA N ALERT newsboy,

and sales were few, t for inspiration.

“Read about file bij shouted. “Pine quality si on sale. New shipment ol-—rHis-stock-of-papcrsJWJ

^ llie case is, of coui-se, fact tha t advertising is n the news df .daily life, the and,those about you. I t i in-the.books vou read, t bile you use, the flashlif I J i ' o d u c t r t h a t - g i v c T w r - s a

you more vitally than an; is essential to you,becaus or a pinj-you-want the be

—and you can alway newest and-J)est when yc

The advert pocketbook news-

J ^ e n t i s l s Horiorei^U Port-

o T Y ^ H E t f ib ^ ^ ^ b ^ h h | b

iquesne, —>ullt the . of PUer.: west ofer for a . '. 1--uquepnc - . 'I—-Tt-XM—

ex- Her son ila home .« trans-

h of Mr. ^

ar whilehere ^ B i . V ' i V v

xme was ..''c boy's Uon be- ..

>llerKl- ... ring tho nhutton 'OUp will

r o r l S o T JItr 'A T p B E E T -A -rH n C H E E S Id R. H. ■ (a b o v e ) a n d D r. R o b e r t, Duvall . M ill lk a n b o th w ere. nwRJ

t h e g o ld 'm ednl o f t h c S oc. Thurs- o f A r t s n n d Scicncca f o r ige were s t a n d in g sc ie n tif ic -- l ic h ilurgand m (^nt. T h e a w a rd in g co mu L n T t e e c o u ld m o t dec id e betwmd Mrs! th e m a o a w a rd e d tw o m e t:re s c r v - ___ i_ - —

lr wives Daily Railroad Servicc Rcplaccs Mail C an

Mr, and ' •md Mrs. AMSTERDAM, March I — Or key din- S hort Line tm lns'o re . now supp: r. dally mail ser%'lcc on the Twin Pnd Mrs. Wells bnuich. replacing tho star 'hursday route. Ivan Prlcc, carrier, m ade hb U where U-Jp Monday, ippendi- The flrsl gasoline truck for-ov

' m onth to arrive a t Amsterdam was

' e w ;s !y, on when news w£

turned to the advertising

big “ department store sal ■ suits at-$22. Beautiful fur : of neckties just received.”


)B, exceptional. But it points 3 news—and important new :he news that comes closest !t is news of the furniture 3 , the bonds you buy, the ai liight, taikmg machme an( ■satisfaetion-News4hat-^>oi inything else you read. Neii luse whether you purchase a best your money.can buy.—

ays be sure you are gettit you read the advei-ti^eraen

irtisem*nts contain vs—and tb a f s itnportant!

H U ! - A t t t i e ' B lw Jd

H ^ t r lp to B u to p e ,U lt tC n liC « tt la d l»

H I^S£rnnac^^^5SKSiSI n m M "£ lo in i £ SH f l l Katherine Baiflaon. deroUota; |lu r t i ^ ■ 1 Lelghtido; flag Mlolea. and a ' gpMlt! ■ number. "The Supreme SMrtflc*.** p r t ! { ■ Mated by KattMrb)« .Hanlioa.Tn»BM

land, B ea le Kohler. Auronr RalTTS RuUi McRoberti. . . . . .

The PhUophUo club m rt PrMay «- n o o n ,-U k la » .u p .lh e .a u )U ^ J 'A llJB

Muslo ApprecUUaa." Tlf«■ hold a cooked lood aal* a t

and MoU atore Saturday.^ A pep anexnUy. held WedfMiday fd

the baikclball teams pUylftg to tlw tWB

R. V.. Jonea and M lu Dorothy Ckl coaches. School yells were t t m «ndi th e teodm blp of P rank CUrk. y«U ktan and his anlstanta. Music wm fum bh* by the pep band. While making seven announcements. Principal U. M. T m

— sa te d -th a t there.»aa na cause io c m il , ety over m'eningltls.

Teachers m et Tuesday afternoon, i which time John P la tt and.Ctllford Mei rill presented Uie contract p lu i of ai slgnmenu. Members talked briefly o varied topics pertaining to school wor and admlnbtraUon.

~ —Miss-Bdlth-IieUi-flna-Miss Xda-W} ■ B - land a re assisting In tho clerical wor UiP]\ ol Uie prlpclpal’a office.

The. Oay Warblers, music group < iXSON’ Uie u iuc 'K lahgle club, furalshed'sotij ip r t A Presbyterian Mlaatonary s«Ielwarded _______S o c ie ty , . •o r OU^ JUNIOR HIGH NEWSth ie v e - The Ooldcn G in Reserves m et Tues o m m it- day. wlUi Mrs. D. c . McCully and Mai .Afurr>on Fronlca Holt as guests. Munbershl

J lc o“t- Saving an enrolm eaa is . m ent of as students. Betty McCulc

— president, led the flag salutes and Dorc thea Cress gave a piano solo. Oami

CG were In charge of' EUcn Lclchllter. .

arrier ...............en Wednesday by Oeorge Rice, who n

. Oregon having dUfleulty in getUruDDlylOff through snowdrifts on the highway. J i K * M r.a n d M rs .J .E .P o h lm a n ^ lS ta li ta r mail ^ ^ honor of the senior class and U e hU last Hollblcr teachers a t their home Wet

• ncsday evening.••over a ' ' ~ — •UTU driv- SUBSCRIBB POR THE NEWS.

:-------- ----------------p.- ■' ' r

was dull ig pages

iale," h e ....—;------ :— ...—'urniture -I.”

I. ■■ -------------- -------------------------

its to the ews. It is . s t to you B you s]t_ , automo- JndToodconcerns------------------------fews that e a pianor........ ................................. ------------- ----------------

;ting thc ents.

•I J _________________ _

__ __________ ___________ I •

— ^

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (6)

I J H E I T i V E S f f O ! '

tiiTFOrSMBC l o s i n g Q u o t a t i o n s F i n n ;

o n B r e a d C p ? * e n l ; C o r n U p ;

■ j • 7 - 8 t o ] 3 -4 C e n t s A g a i n !

-!• CIIICAOO. Mareh I lA l'l-W h ra i w ir- , prl«c<l evrn IW Iriffidn indny by •^rli.K on 6dV»nc«* In t i n tacn -of bln tii-llvfrlni mi , Cliletgo M arch c o n tra c t. T li- luirxpcff^i up turn, of VftliiM I

•' nm oim u of wUmi hanafil~5n'<'rm<’r p ~ w ^ •1 c»y. 3.788,000 «)li»Ucl«. coilUl millj- I.- ptil

o u l anrw for M ty drllvrry u i n i<rotii. ilir ,I w nyln ir bncwrnu Uorcli B’nl Mny iii (•‘in- ,, caito b«lni( RfMler u l i>rir.rnl llian UY'"'' 'I ■ CICMlni quolsUonia on wtirul tt-.-r.- firm. ,' ^ic to lie n e t hlulicr. Corn iml-li'-d ’ »c i‘> ]

I ’JC up. OttW W to ajc adt'oncrU. and |/ro '____ _vl»loiift-utic&anae€,-------------

UowntTBrd Trrnil At f ln i. th e wiicftt m«rk<-i liirr tiliownl

tt downwBfU ircud owlu* rliiriiy lo Uir f a n :. th » l ChlC«BO March drilvrrirn of xlirn l lu- ,

day worp nforiy ih ir r ilmm inoir iiu ii i.omc , forMAMU had liidlcalwl.

All odtaiicUttf mujRTi.for corn. U'Uli f t - • port bids on roru In lh - noulliwn.1 kuUI . to be dono to a worKfntc f»a.-.N. trinlnl lo I

■ ■ ijlvi* w hrat vahirn u llfl, ami Uk- do.'- foi mlieat-WM.BQ-lm ially Uic tli.v \.lou IfXi-l.

; W heat— - Open Illsli l.«w Cln«r I Mar. .. .. l i T j i2i i ; l i a s i i i

May . . 120___ l.iqit I30'i

May ..............&0V, IOI f'f'v IW)’« ;Ju ly . 1WV, 103’u 1021 j IM>. I

Oat»—Mar. ............40>u -I?’, ^au• jMay ........ a i» i 52 SU, M 'Ju ly , 4flV. 501, 5tt>. iO '.

•CASH o u A is j; CHICAOO. kf«i-ch J (AHI AVhrat; No. J ,

hartl lo »l.30i.i: No. I inucd »l.20>i.Corn: No. i ttUMrU Olijc co 02'ic ; No. 3- ,

yrllow M'<c to WliC. I 'O au : No. 2 white 5 P ;o to 52>.o; N... 4 1 /

.White 48c to 4BrjC. ' /Hyp; No. 4 ( l .U . > .

i Barley S9e to 73c. , ^• .I. . Timothy IS.10 to »2.70. ! '

CioVrr teed I30.M. | ^PORTLANO OllAIN

rORTt'ANO. March 1 lA l't-W U fa t; JW tl! ' ^ a rd w hite UJO; aoft whllr. wn.trnv.i.5 w hite ll.lfl; hard wliiier. northern .prlnu I 0 11.17: we«i«rn rrd I i . n . I ij^^Today'a^cff je c u p ia : W heat H4: flour 1 Jj


i te rfa t Ue. hO ttloiu: Oreen 75e to tl.33 luc: cold *u>r~ X

BUP jobblnii dry yellows *4 to |4 .U ; auh- i h - - xrallao htx>wnu M.40 to I4.J0; common olor. j g

age A iu trallan browna 14 to 14.33. XPotaloeH; JobbliiK Stockton II to 1 1 .^ X

iw orer lower; Waahlngton Jie iied Oeim X IM S lo tlO S; Idaho KtiueiA lIJO to 11.50. «

1‘oultry; Broiler* 33o to 3Sc; youiiti room* ^ em none; hen* 24c to aic: turkeyt nominal. ^

. L0.9 ANOKLKS PJlO/llJtKLOS ANOELES. March I <API-Pnxhicp ■ };;

I exchanie recclpla: Dutter 71.200 |K>iindi>: ! ^ che««« 1700 pounda. i

1 B u ttrr in bulk 47e. i i( Ecx>: E xtra. 38c; fln.1 fre«h S7^je: caae J:

cotint 2Tc; tnediiima 20>ic; RmalU 23c. ^ j Poultry: Unchanired. , g--------------------------TOLEDO SRED . ■ g; TOLEDO, March 1 lAJ’J-C o rn ; Ho. 3 ' E \ yellow »8t^c to ll.OO'.b. I S

Clover a«ed: March domeatlc II7.S0. ' ^ Timothy aeed: Ca<h new |3 ; Mny 13.10. i ^ O th en unehanted . I \

DiiiBo n iu iT ' ; “------ ■NBW YOftK. Mareh I iAl‘^ D r l id frnK ) “

and ' hop* ateady.CHICAOO PIIODUCE !

I ‘ CHICAOO. March I (API—Butter; til th - er receipu 7IC9 tuba; creamery ei&aa *9 ;e ; aundarda 4Sc; axtra r i n u 47'bc to

-- - « ra u « lb « to 4«',lic; aeconda 44c to ,- 1 : H ither, receipu S740 eaa«'; extra, f lrsu 39t^c to 4o;e f i r tu 3>c: ordinary r u a u 3Se to 37c.

poutoea: Receipu 113 car*, on tn c k a i2; to ta l United *8 UCaa ahlpm enu M l « a n ; tra d ln i rather alow, market dull; 'Wlacoruln mtcked round w hlu* 73e to l l : i , moatly around U c to 90e; M lnneaou and

-----North D akou Red-River Ohtoa 11 to 11.10; 1t Jdaho aacked Ruaaeu lIJO to 11,10; mmUy > < t ■ around ll.flO to It.U . ; ‘

Poultry; Alive. Kteady; receipu a cara; towU 30c to aie: iprlDB* 33c; roo>ltn 33c; turke>’« 30c: ducka JOc; seeme 33e.

NEW Y O RkTTiBr^'^rTA P)—rtaw iUgar- waa Irregular today. Duly rreea declined to i l l .U . a new low rreord for th e ataMin. while _ C ubu i varlellM hrld vteaOy a t 13.74. _

t ' Salca reported Included aboul bacaor phlllpplnea nr&rby a l 13.08 aud IS.OOO m< baca of CutMn tor prompt ahlpment a t 13.71 to local and outpurl refiner*. Op- po gratom ^ » « n i IJOO bag* of Cuban for {o'

; m am pt ahlpmeut a t equal to about 13.73 hi for aecond half March •hlpm ent. ab

pnce changM in raw futurea were Ir­regular a* a tn u l t Of circulation of 142 ' i% March notlcea, aii<] exchanging from n e a r 'a t

TW IN FALLS MARKETS i -----1 Ttiew p rire t are obUlned dally a t 4 '14t -•■etoek la Iba t e m o o n and are In- .*> tesded to cover only the a vm ge ef

p r im . Where Ccruin dealeta for tho rt _PCTl»dl_Sltfr more lhan the <(uotpd

pcicn no erfoft U tn iJ n o ^ n r T u ile — ' ~ auch quou tlo n i. t)uetatlo iu are cftrr> . rd merely a* a guide to produre ti and ^

------ n ^ - k r a r m x r d a> r*riM4lBg-ex-__________ ___trem rt of .either h fjh or tow r rlc f t. 1

■ Paid to r ro d u re n < HtThe Twin ra lU m a rk ru yeatenSay wa* | |o<

tta rollowa: I ,

— : .......Heavy butcMera ISA) I 1Heavy aowt ________ _ - . . . _ «- ng ■ , .OOWa ................ . IS.OO US |7.S< ’■ IIHelfera ................ 17-00 lo l*-iO ; »lSteer* -- M.OO to IIO^O |wV<«1 C a lm . IS i« to u o o u :VeaniBg lamba . 11000 . lui

PoDllry )(.unettvr.Ji*na. 4<i lb>- and up. lb. I»e ’ :U c h t^ r t ta . under 4 'j lb».. lb ........ ......i s c t i «L eibom a. hena. lb. - .. l i e 1co*cka. lb. . - _______ _________ _ Je i

' ap riR s tn . colored, j ii« . _ . 14c ! «aphocera . lecltoma. 2 Iba...................... 14c. 23Aratlenk up to 2 (ba. I#. ....... Me avSU fa. lb. ................ He IK

U i r Tarkrya I Iti

' a r iL r^ - " i i f s----- ^ a . --------------------- -------- -T.-T »0c - » t1

B ulU rftU tw tr t . _______________ 41c («t*a n it» rfa i. a o u r ............. ............................_43e iit«■ n s <e»ah> ...................... .......... ........ _ 3le to1 (local atore) . __________ ^jO e bei

Sutar—Wheleaale ctvCm * ......... ................................... .............. ie.4» IK& « r t ........... — ____ -. - ------- l« .:t to

Deaa* lln_ O r r a t N o r t h ^ -------M.OO ^

«*«------------------------------------- 5 1 .» ia a .. y o ., — -— il .M f«3

BCiXX food. SOO lb. w a ----------------- 41.7* weD u a o * . He. 3 e r b « t * r ----------------41.0 iredtrttU on. He. 3 or ba tter — -------1 S9 w»

„ ^ BMaU Prtf** to-■ .U n o M .'d e M a '------------ -------- *od SOc a tr

Ow>c«a. aom o . _______________30c to TOe laeP euw ae. l l p o o a o a __________________SSo l i sC k b b ttc* _____________________________ *e »w<U ttucm ____ _________ _________________ lOe V J

_ Caicry. buacb — --- -------- l i e «ad aoe |14a v tta r ( n u M r y ) ___________________ U e •

I * (D cU w M l pex

. ’ i '

I f l ■ .m j ? TA,KlM* T M E 5 E TO

T ; n o o M FOc“ j c ^: A L I T T l C W H iL f;.

m i ' . I \ V J H e R E '5 THE

i p | i ■ X '

' I

S : I01 ‘ ■ 1— — — 7—l-l. _______ _ ______________«r

. ' ' NEW ^

^ i ' . O lo s ia g

^ jA l tlii'n i i i IJye ..,.•-303 Oriifful AJiplialt4 | ai iA Cliul MfK 1(10 Qrneral Rlec

'A m Can . .U l ’.i' (leneral Moi' Am A: Kor I-ower ...... 112!^ nilclden Co1 Am l«co .............. llO’i Oolil Dualj Am am elt A: Hef ........ I23>;i Goodrich lUPl (

Am. Hugar pf ........ lOO'.j Qruham J*alge fcAm Trl Si Tel . ..■.-...21 >, Oreol Norlh Hy

„ I Am TOh .................... .17 Hupp Motor Car; i : Anaconua C op '..............15 IlllnoU Centr r Armour Del I>r . W',4 in t. Cemein .

“ Alchbion T B . ... 303^< In l Harvnit Co,, I llaldwin Loco |>f ......... llOU In t. Tei i t Trl

' llaltlinorr & Ohio pf .JO KcnnecoU Copp. Uarnndail 'A" ...........40»; Kolater Radio .

Ilethlehem titeel . .....lUS^; K raft t'heii CheBurTOUvh;< Add Mach 233 Kreage {BSl Cu

•• California Pack ....... 7B!i, Lambert Co .calim ifl ei Hecla ........ OOH L 'n t i i Myer. ToCanadian Pa« .. . . 2 33 Loew'nCa'<e Tlireah Mach. . ..4W Mnrlaud OilCerre de PaaCO .........U7 Mathlmon Alkali

.. ' ChPnapreke dt Ohio .. 22S Miami Copper .'j Chic MU. tSt P & I'ac. 37«, Mid Con I 'ri? Chic Hk U ai Pac .133li Ml«*))lrl I'aclflc

Chile. Cop ..... ........... too Ml>uvurl I'aclflc I.* Chryaler Corp ..............100>i Montgomery Wni'• Coca-Cola ................ -..-.laaii NW'h Motor* ..- -Coltimblan-<l*a-a»-He«:-lf*^ N»tt-Ca»h-ftc*^. ' Congoleiiin Nairn . M U Nat f'aw i i ( .« .. I co rn l*rt>ductii............. m i . National Surety• I Coty ................................ tl8 '. New York Cenlri

Ctiuahy P a c k .................10',, N Y New Hav it„ Curtlaa A e ro ..................ISB'.i Norlh American '• 1 DavUon Chemical . 05 Northern Pacific

' Delaware is Hud IW I'ackard Motor' Drug, llie .......... 118 Pan Am: DuPont de Nem lOti i>aram Kam Laak]

; I KMiman Kodak iM 'i I*eun U H ..........■*, B W w i t L tg . « ItMKim ............

; Erie R I I ....................74«» l»ralrle Pipe .. -, . Ped Mln 4i am 300 Pullman Ine new

nelachm anii . . .. 74U ' Uaillo Corp of Ar

‘ i M A R K E T S A T A G L A N C E

' • N EW Y O R K . M a r e h 1 lAPI — , ' -8iDCka; Strang; yn ltcd a u tw 'S t a e l ' a t new reeord high.

' Donda; Dull; Anaconda Copper 7a ' ‘ climb 10 po ln u to new high a t 237.' Curb: Strong; mining ahare* lead wide '

’ roreigii exehangta; Steady; SpanUh' p n a U ralllea 10 polnU.

C otion :' Steadier; bu liuh week-end '; I aUtUtlea. ,' I SuRar; a teady; trade buying. ,' I Coffee: Lower: dlaappolnthig DrazU- '’ I lan tnarkeU. ]; I a ilC A O O : . I

W htat; Advanced: Increaaed exporu. ,Corn: Higher; Impruved forelm de- i

mand.r — CalUe:-6teady -«o atrong--------------- —•, , Huci; Steady to higher. r> — I

I m onlhs to later dellverle*. «The opening waa a t 1 tMint decline to 3 <

• po ln u advance, th e m arket cJwed 1 po in t ^ r lower to 1 point higher, w ith the exeep- " I , tfon -of-Octoher w hlrh rta icrt- tj» ln{ «_n?t. aCc I hlgner. Approximate •utle* 73.0S0 teua. , |„

about onr*Uilrd conaUtIng of exchangr«. vet• I A pram tneni European crop authority , 1, 1 eatlmatm] the br«t aiigar crop of Eurape j i j■ a t 8.423.000 metric toiu. raw value*, ag aliu t yn

• hU nrevioua n l lm a u ut &.24a.000.-ai>«l ()u; year'* ou ttu rn of 8.OM.OO0. 14:

I Mareh clw ed 11.00; May 12 02; July 13-11: odi.S rp u m b c r 12.10; Decemtwr 13.30; January mr!*SJO; a»a March. 1»»- $3.33. ■ ■ it Refined waa iteady aud unehanged a t iq,14.00 for line granulated. »ai

- _ »hl■ I era

U V E S T O G K - M A R K E T S — 1 |1 !!

8 A N * n w ia s c a ^ ^ M ^ ^ ^ f .u ^ i^ ^ n 5 i iT; Itecelpt* 1000: alroug 10 t l l ih tly higher; tin

. {load 2<H pound Wyuming butcher* lll-SS; arrI IWO loada mixed California* IW pouBda I<111 JO: frw 100 pound pixa J1Q3S; pack ing tru

H .o w » t t i o M i 0. :--------orrI Caiiie: R rcripu 30: Ktrafly: load medium ti■ II1.3S; frw mntium liradr s , ' . K j r sII.73. late Thur«<Jay load 120 pound UUli feMl m t atrera 112 13; t* o leads 1024 U> C

I 1130 poiindj. 111.71; load alS pound feed i ioI ,lo t lielirr* 11071. Cnlvr,; RrcelpU noOe; fal

t<lUOt%bly ateady. COc• sh lrp : Kreeipu none: cood lo choire «iil tjfd l||n(M quoletl arotuin *17.

■ I ' • .I CHIC.^r.O LlVttSTOCK D < CHICAOO. Marcn 1 (At*)—llo f i! R eceipu ma L 22.000; market actlvr 1 te 23c. moaUy (In 35C higher; top *11 W paid aparfa*gfr for gra

I IBO to 320 pouniU. larvTly an tllJO te prtjI I11.3S m arket (or desirable 100 te 30Q OhIIpoundt; butcher* mftllum to choice 2S0 to ed:300 {MUQda 111 to Ill.lS : 200 to 230 potmda thLl i l l to 11140: 110 u> 200 pound* 110.SS te aco

—IttrtOrtM-tvJIO-iMMirMM IIO i»4U.40;^ pack.- coo'i n f ao** '110 to 110 00. pic* medium to ben

“ ^IwIie ftJ-ta-TO-pminrt* M ao to U 0» . — d«» CalUe: Rreelpta 3000: calvcs 1000: llC&t aco

(•trer* aod yeariin n X radr • m a g . * r t- 1 Ite : arcig&ti- at«tr* duU a t Thuraday* 3»« to 30c dow nturn: killing quality pUlB; K brat mUed yrarllnca 11.30; i te e n good a n a ^ tr ctUMC* 1900 to 1300 pounda |lU O te I14J0;1100 to 1300 pounda 112.30 te 114.73; «3« to 1100 pounda 11273 lo 114 73; ted y w * H llnga gmd aad th o ta 7M te B30 pottnda atre

T iS ?^So> M "ii*Jp^» | » j c ; ^ i ^ ^ ’ ’(i»Ukt te I frd l teod aed choice iH te 117; aleeker Li

■ ■ a fl .It tfirr flirrt* iw f l and ebeice <aU St. welghUl IU to i U . -^7“ “ =--------------------------

Snrep: Receipu 12.000; opcnlex alow, tu nweak to a ahade lower; bulk (a t lambs I1I.2S A; to 111.7}: early top |I7 ; afieep qtwtabtya tm ^ i fredlOAlttmba atattdy.tU to ____Ittraba-toDd aad ebelce n peoads d o M 'III.73 te 117.13: atedlum U 4 .n to « U J3 : Eaa: rw «r medium to «beic« tSO peuads desm n ra r - w te W M : (reder laab* good ttad cbeie* tow I14J0 te l i e _____ pap

OltAHA LtVXXTOCK OMAKA. U a n a I (A P ) .8 c f> : lU cslpta K

1 4 ^ : j i w . a ^ y with ^ t t | o apeoad bute ttan ; bulk i n to 330 p e«M •«> PUi •TMaa USJO to UO.73; bt« d m M s b td d la t roa

5 :"SSi.TE^15Sor^^«%.; . « s :

, . g a ;

7 v F ~ 9 0 D ~ C C n A r - T O T E ~ ^ ts j \ I a l l i n a T J u W K y o u—— f-------B o w r . I 'C M ., 8ACK-THrv:;tJj

/ P.MJOUCH .F O O MB TO . , D u& T ^> lE -ce A {.aeA D v.

C a © _______ 1 _______________________


B M i r f

Iff B id ______ * I

la lt . 70‘j Hcynolrt* Tobacco '■R" ei^i 247*i Bl U>xiK San Fran Ry 117* „ , r Schulte n e t Storea .

• “ '■» Seam-lloebuck ............ HH'.g.......... 43n Binclalr Con Oil ......... 38>,

.............. 73% Shell Union ...................27?«•\ Co . BT.j Skelly Oil ...................... 34;e Mot .. . 31U Bimmona Co ................ l « ' , iHy pf lOB’i Sooth Cal Cdl«>n ......... CIVj niC a r ......... 73<« Southern Pacific . ... 134

, . 144 « u n r t Oaa i t E toc ......... « n,.. 07V4 HUnil Oil Cal - ,.......... 07'.i, n,

Co 112'-, SUnil OII N J ............. 481.j lo,rl . .. . 217 ■ :ilail(l Oil N Y .............40 olopper , .. «!'.'« Sicwurt W arn. Speed 135 (i,0 . .03 .Studebaker C o rp ..... ... W !i rttCiheeie . 30 Texaa Cgrp ................... 39V4 ucCu - ....... 83- Texafl Oulf Sulphur . . . . 70U io

.............. I3U TImUen'Roll eltarlng ... 84S»1 Tob n .. . BOy, Union Carbide ............ 210

.............. BJ'b Union Oil o t Cal .......... 4U?i In.............. 40U Union Pacific . .. .228 111

kail . 203 U S nnbbrr .................. i<t\\ .iir . . .. 4fli,k U 3 S te e l .......................IBl'.i ot

...3 2 '.i Vnnacllnm .............. ........ IOO wl■me . — 83>5 Victor Talk Mach ....... 158 • tof k pf ..... 134>5 Vine Caro chem ...........20HWnrd ...... 13BU WPMtinihoune Eleclrlc looa^

...... f ..... t l l ' i Wealern Union Tel ......M2'.b

piy ... Wright Aero ............... 28S ex

".!U™lt(d'! CUflD MARKET .d lan Ce 108 NEW YORK. Mareh I (AP) pcIflc . ...... 1081', —Curb ciuoUtlona clo«fd: yer ......... 140'i C ontinental Oil ...........2 0 '; ne

.. 43>b Elec Bond Ac Share . 28S>j ataaky . SSV< Elec Dond dt Share pfd 107................. 7y>4 Elec In v ea to ra ............. 112 Ju................ 7M* O ult Oil W Pa .. . 150% lA.. . . . .S l l ' , Hecla Mining ............ 17>.'., llnew . S3 New Bradford ............. 4>.j dar Am 40J s u n d o n of ind 87^. nu

'____________ ba1 Ha


IDAIIO PALLS. March I (Federal , J Markel Newi Hervlce BpecUl to The News) — T o u i United H utrs pou to .h lp m e n ta 'lu carieadi ThurwUy M l; J l Idaho 131: Twtn Fall! aecllon 41; Idaho ■*ra il! d litrlc t I I . , ,

Market a t Idaho shipping points T hunday:

Idaho Fallt—lU u lIn n moderate; de­mand m oderau ; marke* lU fhtiv ftr«/*r' e r: carloads cash on track sacked I tu » sell U. S. No. 1 warehouse recraded 70- to 10 cents aacked Kuralf mostly 30 eenta; U. H. No. J tt t u * a U » la 40 ccn u : . bett mostly 40 eenU: w aeanlMdt cash I lo grower* bulk .BuaseU o u i« e l |h ti cli 40 to CO Cenu; moatly 45 la 33 rents; orcatlonai sale fancy stock 13 cents per *P< hundredw elfht. res

rw ln >'«})*—Unreporied. cdPaaalngs oM daho p o u to a TllUltday:. art

T hrouih Cheyeahe and Denver le an points east and south I I cars; through *U Halt U k e City, 0 |d . n and Twin KaUs : lu kuuthern California' 12: lo n o r th " n tn CallfornU I ; through Omaha to Cbl- an ra ia 3. «u

« s a > w n s s B a B : s 9 ^ ^ B = s t = ^ ^ ^ B s mi

veal* aUady; alockera and feeders scarce. Ktrady: fed Bteera and yeariiiui* 110.50 te 112.33; 1200 pound vreighu I12.3U: few nead r yearling* 112-73; few helTera « 30 lo 110 30; —, b u lk .lw f cowa |7 _ le MiO: bulk all c u l l ^15.50 to lOJU; few medium DUlU n t e M ^ r 7^1 odd lirad heavy beef bull* M.30; practical top teals. 114. M

Sheep: R rcelpu POCO; la/ub. momUr 3U y lower; aheep and feeder* ateady; early r aalea fed wooled lamba lu packers and ahlpper* 115.75 to 110.35: top to yard trsd- r era 11033: w ^ghty-lam lM dov.iiw ard-to 115.50; fa l ewea | l to 19.50; freuiii^ lamb* 113.23 10 115J0.;j^ome held hUilirr

rOltTLAND LIVESTOCK_ P o r tla n d . March 1 (API — C aitlr; ne- c ep in ron^nnngny 'traflttiB ." ormaiAi iu n - **- llnuea weak; ona W d cowa anrt' |-.fif»n “ arriving Wedneaday a tlll unaold. ' •

lloga: I trce lpu noae; actlie. aieady; trucked-ln l l |h t bulchet* moaUy i l l jo with0 T m n a tm o e r-w * lfh l» - im 5 -d o iM i_ _ __ “

Sheep: Iteceipu none; noiif nfffred “

DE.NVEII BIICCP DENVER March 1 (A P l-S llerp UerfplU

580U: 110 rarly aalea. Indication^ luwrr cn fat lambn; laie T liursday (ac laniim 4ac to ° COe lower; bulk to packer* 111 25 i.. j i j s s ; i°»«ll>per ti.p IlB. ____ ^ “ q;

BOSTON WOOU JtaiBOSTON. Majxlt i - lA P l—A niyiirrate de- •! “

m aud u belag rccclved' fur lli>. h>i and (Iner W eatem grown wool*. t>iu medium i " ’ grade* of demeatle woola a rr ttow w ith ' , price* eaay. Occaalenal .m an ..alni of ^ Ohloa 50. a tn cu y cocnblnE are being clea- *“2 ed a t 55c In th e g ieaae. Terriuiry wool ot .,** thla quality and c loth bring l i to 11.03 acoured baaU. Qhie 4fc to 30. .tr ic u y '?•! mmliiiig aia-i}uatcd-» t 5*f » ith few aalM beltlg r e p o r t ^ T em tery arcwlMr'.ImllCr *®j; M c n p tto n —aee^avaUabla—at—B2q- i.. U o —P acoured baiU. • ^ ___ too

BAH SILliTR C K W TORK. M a«h I (AP. — lu r a ll. ‘-

MCTALS - JNEW TOIUC. Mareh 1 <API ~ Copper: p

atrong; eleetrelytJe *pet and future 19i,c- Inm : Steady: uaCAanved.

te Mt. ^ ~Lf«aT FtrrnN epot H e ir Yor* |7 18; Eajt ^

St. Louu 17.01 te 17.07. doctu ra M.35.

Anumeoy H JS to H-17.-------- d in

___________ 1 MOfOSY • bvItEW IUHJC.~>tecli->-tAP»—Call-monry : -rjii Eaaur: aU lean* r cieatac bid I : um e loana

n n a r m iiad eoUataral.W te 10 day* 7*;; c tc tour ta sU iM t a a 7»« -prime mercaatUe T paper »U te

L a n t T T BONOS . Btx!b e S t ' a u S a ^ March 1 ( a p i • -U b a r ty exo

PuSt H ia — ----------- . ----------Fvonh 4*ia — ------------------_ i » j j to oT t ^ u r r * U * ------------------------------- 110«.70

- — « S ^ J ,m a n r r -------- t t r a o vUl

A s o u m ^ Al l e y s a t l

" _____________• . - R-»'

s i B i i n

f F r t t f r i E '

Impressive Buyi n g F i ji d .si iJJocics. o f 0000 to :)5,- : 000 Shares Change Hands

• NEW YORK. March 1 lA n —Tlie hullii parly brought o u l tlic name wjrt ot ^U«;k

marKel ilreworka tedsy tor Uic inauKnra- tlon of Preoldeiit-clrct i{r>over Afcrxiny

i tha t they lued to CrklirivU- hli e l« ’Uon- I laat Hoveniber. Tli» markel tui>erlrnt'r(l un-

other of the O.OOO.OO-nhare (lay> whl^i wert fir»t hrouKhl forth ftit^i' tnc- fiectltJh. and ’

• du»na o( aiecka were hUl ui> (rom 3 lo 2:>4 uoinu, and The Aaaoclatnl I'rru Index i>(• SO Induatrlali) rwt a new hik:li record.< Tlie buying waa of Imiireuive character.

much o t ll In blocka of 50U0 to 33.000 ahare>.I (ndicaciliff th a t powerful Kifereat* were tte-

hind lho movemoQt. Ilrol:rr»' wlrea fnmi• all PurU of the coiinlrv wrrr kr-pl hut wiui I Older*, particularly from 1‘alm Brncn.' to lie operating.

• Call money held a t H prr c n l al tlay-• Business Nrw> llullhh1 iltuiiidui nrwn continued ol bulllnh iin-i_ Tl** Amerlean Telephoiie

cipaiulon program (oi tli'- next five yeur-i. EUprcHi sharcA again <'.l>i>lavet( exirnur-

.d in a ty nuoyaney. Adaui:i lAovinB up 21 1 point* te 385, a t l e r ' i u U8-i<olnt jumi> 01

yetvterday. United S tatra airel recorrte-d nI new high for all lime nt IW’,. bu t clf«e<l I a t 1023;.

Ansconda for thc'aeeom l oucceanlve day Jumped more than 7 poliil-i. onrrVltiK U Ki

t 155. which U -m ore lhan IM |>o)jiUi ulx>»r 11 la i i low. I t ioai ha ir or iia uain tor ihe

I day. however, and Oreene Cunnnea- a lir r I m ounting 3 poliiU t e a iic<v urn a t HK). fell

back 5. - • AIn the rail*. Pero'M aKiuelle. Canaillun

Pacllle, New York CentrsU, and Union Pa­elfle mounted 5 10 B m ln u . ' U i»ourl Pa* ••Iflc touched a liaw .hU h tor the year ul 83<j, and Ilnllhnorc in J O h io made a new top a t 1311a-

Ueihlehem and Repubite Sleela followed - . Unllcd States Steel In te new high gruimd. ~ Chrysler Mid up over 9 polnu. Y<liaw n ■nucie touched a new nigh for ihe ymr *

Wool Priccs Irregular ii And.Demand Spotty On If

Eastern Seaboard Marl“ BOSTOjr. March r i A P l - T h r Commrr- Ni clal Bulletin tomorrow wltl aay; Cl

"The demand for wool haa been rathrr .j, •potty and price* have been rather ir- regular. MoaUy. mill* have been in te rr.i- til cd In tine and fine medium Qualltle> nt ju around II, Clean 1»»«U. for avcrggc. Wools and 11.05 or allghily more for aeleclcd tl::r *taplv, m'

The teralcn markeu. eapeclally Au»- trail*, have ahown a rallying, tendency and prlcea have become firmer and .ume- i ‘ tlmaa allghily dearer. Hi

" in Ihe We*t. there haa been Illtle of - In te m i, aave In Arizona, where the early aheni (Ine and fine medium wool*, accord- CO <«*g-te-m>»v -l»en -*« im m -tn -tlnu pr rather wide rangp of P9 c e a u to I I . clean baala. accortllng t.) Ihe wool, moatly a t »5c to Bic fer the beller loU. landed In Doaton- P t

'Tlie piK e cood» m arket la lieallhy and th con>umpllon a t tlic milla U fairly heavy. _ —••Wohalf lo flow ..ana quouilona dlffl. cult. Turkey fair average' la"' r»pon«l nb bou ib t In sum botil a t 44 centa ahlppliu• (luftelln t^uoUUoni Ol

Tho Com.nerclal Uulletln will publith fcithe followine wool miotatlona lomorrew; ,i ,

OomenUcOtu<MuuU>«iu>avlvanla.Uef>ceB-;Delaine unwashefl-«lp-to-«Se; half blood blicombing Me lc .ilr; ttiree-elghu blood dl; eotnbitia.ajc,to_jcc_nuftrirr..bloofl_cam h-- r v Ing i4c to iic .

Michigan and Nra- York flrecen—Delaine Anunwashed 40c tn c .-; half-blood combing |>r i3C-ttUfli::_ltotr£lXflta tMOOd fOmbllig 35cte OOc; tjiiartrr bloril com bllin4C "T 3T 55r ----• Wl«cen.iln. Ml»ioi:il and average New — EsaUDd — Half-blc-.i 45c to 4»<-; three- e lg l^ blood 53.: 10 Me: cjuarter-blood 52c |

SoOOTr dTigyti \ ‘ —_— -. — _ TMaa—Fine 12 m nntlu Isejecte^li 11.03 -x

te .s i.o s: n n e .a m nnthi | i . - —California — Norihero 11 to 't l0 3 ; tnid-

iUr county 83c to pa..-; Kouthfrn toc to 93c.O rtg o n -F ln e and F. U . SUple l l i t t to

11.00; tine and P. M French rombini; | l ^ to 1103; fine ami P u . cloUi:ng 95c to Me: ralley No. l ll.qc te 11.05.

Territory. M onuna and similar — Pine ' alaplr—«lu4c« II 00; lial(-bioixl-com blng II.OU 10 II.IO: U ire r^ i th u Ueod-CoRibing 11.02 to tl.03; guarter bleod combing P5< ^to »?e. • - - - ............. ................................ ......

I Puhed-D eJalne 1140 te 11-13; AA 11.03 m to ll.oB: fine A supeta 1I.M to 11.03; a ^ supers 11 te 1103. * 62.

Mohair—Oood orlclBal bad Texaa apnrtg 1 I te lo 03c; Texas kid l i e to O c: good ong- n n Inal bag A rl»na and New Mexleo 54c to 5Tc; ongUial bag a irragc U mopth* Ore-


FttiDDts* rrracripUea lU t A DesUc _______________ AeUen • • '

TTic pbenom en tti su c m s o ( t fwnous doctor's prescription called TtKutine Is <hic to-H a »eUon. It Immrd l.s tc lj soothes the brlUUoQ and roes d lr« t lo the Ja icn u l c a im not reached by patdot m « llc ln e s_ a ^ _ « « 0 .^ 5 Jp a . ^

T B e 're ry n r i t stS IW t i i u ^ «DevcsCTcn the moat obsu iu te eouch. ___

Thocine c<mUtni 00 cMoroform. dope o r other d tn ce rc ss drucs. Safe Bnd blemsast fo r the whola famfljr. Also ' execUrot for aore t h m L Quick rtUef ' or TOUT mooey bade. » c - eoti. aad H.W. aoifl'iij *n i> uauu '» aud all o a « i — food d ru ( itorca.—M r.

N « n w a n t Ads reaeti Um pcople.j«Q v ish to a t t n c t - ■ ■


• ( i; -I. |-.> O* ; Cvvrlfhl. H.'l, li< lh4 fl-<U»Tnb«'l« i

L i i1 ia i ) e r f f h 'G l

_ i J |E

MRS. EV A N G ELIN E L .,L m p n E h o r ra m o u s son w h e n .she r e tu rc-rii-st(i to Uilk to r e p o r t e r s o r r .‘Shown lenv in ir t h e s h ip .


UURLEY. March 1 O pcclal lo The ' N ow ;.!-nov Piilntcr.. Cit-Milcr of the ■ Cft.'-iln. bniit. declarer, tha t riiounlnln lion;; nre Wiling deer In the , tllslrlci jioiith of Oaklcy. He has rc - ; lurncti from n irlp up Trapper creek, n ith Aih.m-MnHlndaIe.'wherc tlie-lwo ' men went on 11 cougor hunt. '

Tuesday niKht they stopped n t the Tom Sluw cnUln, on Trapper .creek, ; Hall a mile below the house they fonud * ft dead tlo? that had been killed by a ‘ cougar. ThP bl(t cat had .ipning iiiwn Ita l>rey-fioni-tt)e-><?i>-ef-ft~hlgh-Jcdge.-aDd- - RlRns ot a terrific ctniRgle were evident. Part or the ilecr hnd been devoured, nnd < thc cafa trackn were plainly to bc nccn. Drlfllni; miow forccd the hunters toBbnndon-thf-himt.----- - ----------------------

Painter Mys that tho ridges south of OaJclcy arc bare und. Uien Ix plcnly ot reed aviilloblc for deer. There la con- riderable ciirrd nnisi and curly sage. Biicli deer a."! ure #een-a««-fat.-ln-ihe.i dbitrlct between Willow creek and Ctt.-nla CTfpf.. liuij,e*er .- he -«tatea-that-] snow Ss ^u (iccii that deer would bc hard pressed u> .Mirvlvc.


tae i uMiuiuyjiU> teTlUe And C o u n ly Cam panf ‘

FKIIUUARY £>W arranty D Marie Duqueane lo John

>chtfnetT»85C0. -Pt. 8B NB-7 10-K and :x3t 1. niplcv-nclfhers Subdivision. ' -W arran ty D. Tliomas J . FoaUr ct-tlx a Edm Pearl /’b.uer. JI. Lot «. Blk.12. Twin Pnilv

W am uity D Mrs. B. J. phllllps to loseKenrnry. il. Lot 12. Blk. 00.Twin ’ tls.____________________________

I f You Take Cold Easily-You A n . ..

Vitamin-staived— ------2 -Take________ i


it Protect^ ' - The Body with

-1C 21__Cnd-liver OilJlj.^ Vitcanins

B«at^fcaewtt«.11i>e«faM.H.i. » -0


- ' K / / M A K e O U T / /„ \ 0 -- T H E<5e - J j ■ i

BKpi™ '

G feets 'M 6 tlver~

)R ER G H w as m et a t q u aran tm o ,by b turried from Con.stantinople. T hey j r pose fo r photo jrraphers. T hey are

^ Hailey Miners HaveMiraculous Escape

H HAILEY. March 1 iSpccIfU to The ** Ncwo)—Suffering painful bruises, H. P.

ChrUteliscn and j . C, Burris were brought to Ualley foi^medlcal attention

l,e late Wednesday afternoon following aa f mijTiculoufl ewuiv' from diaith ..............I,e . .Clirlsleiuicn arid BtirrlB. while work- g . lnKlnthcoredrMtleft.wd from the Trl- .j; umph cotnpany cu ihc East Kor.:. v/erc

caught In a cave-ln.of_ovcr two tons of rock aritl earth.'"After receiving as- sUUxiice and after considerable effort..

1, they succecded In extricating them- , J selves. An Txamlnsllon by a doctor at ^ Haley dliclosed scvtrc brttlsen. but no jj, fmctured ------ ~ __________________it. ‘ Arches h u r t? , flione MO. Or. Fos- jd ler. »d*



i F O U S“ CULL AND Sl- -------------------------------^IP -IM T R R K S

M u n s o n IP h n n n K f i ................................

: AUCTIOx> T he la s l ('-onsljnmtent Sale, Tn M cA Iastcr S_ ______40 hfnri.Qf gnod-desirable.- 1400 to 18D• ; N o lh l r ^ T ju t R ood (ftia iH

Sullivan & Hollenb~ C. A . M cM AST

T 'O N I O N G“ i t won.'t be long now . I f yo D a n v er onion seed, b e t te r g e t is th e only onion to ra is e in T f e a rly a n d keep-well. ------

-------------- ------JOHNL. 31 m il» E a a t 3V^ S o u th o f K im t


■ ' - _ -------------- ^

^ l i f o S i r -

■"wEXPEffliirU niveiusity P o u ltry De))ar.t-

i i ie l i t 'S e e k s Solu tion o f ~

' P ro b lem s of In cu b a tio n

MOSCOW. March 1 (Special to The News)—Cooperation of chicken hatch­ery operators in various parts of Idaho Is being Kought by the Unlvemlty of Ida-

• ho poultrj' department In on e;cperiment• In evaporation, ot moisture.Jrom..lioh‘« . __

effgs during artificial Incubation, ac ­cording to F rank E. Moore. a.'>sltant poultry husbandman. Evaporation dur*Ine ’'lich Incubation, along with temper* file vftriAtions. Li one of lho m ail Jm- porutnt factors controlling thc aucce!;-n 6f Incubation. Mr. Moore points out.

Eicperlmenl.s are In nrogre.M a t the U nlwrslty of Idaho poultry department to determine a means of mca.iurlng the humidity present within the Incubator:

‘ , US determine when and how much sup------plementary-mol9lur*-ia-!iecetwary*lo-«o--------

cure jnttfdmiim resiiita ol hatcliabillty. and to study the relation of room condi- tloai of humidity and temperature to Incubation. Hatchcry operators th rou ­ghout the -State wlll contribute In study­ing the results under different ^eogra- phlc conditions and to make tho results - - aa enlightening and Inclusive as pos.-ilblp.

W The outcome o t,hatch ing eggs''dc:._t, pcnds n 'g reat deal on moisture cvapora- -

tloh: Either too'llttle dr too great e\'ap-, i r e oralioi»“riijulbi'<n decreased hatchablllty

os .well tw Inferior qCiallty in the chlclc _ hatch. Mr. Moore reports.' The rate of “ evaporation from the egg depends on

such factors os rate ot air, movement, temperature, relative'hupildlty and oir

p c pressure. RelaUve humidity and a ir movement, o r ventilation, can be regu- iated and by this regulatian can the rate of evaporation be controlled. Ventila* -

f j Uon Is closely flnJted up w'th the room temperoture and room humidity. Tlie

‘0" humidity of thc air surrounding the ■ “ eggs during artificial Incubation Is the. most im portant ot the four factors men-------

tloned. . . .‘fl" '

All foot tnubles. Photu Dr. Fotler.y ,.-ad» .— ----------- ---------------------irt.. ......... ' I<n- ^a t 1no Cali for

C ra b tre e ’s “Fam ous Dill’'— ! ----------- ------- pick les________________>*• a t Meat Markets

Twin Falls Pickle Co.. Phone 5I5J3

S A L Esplittbea n s

L IW T F .n X A U ___________________________

& SmithKimberly, Idaho - —

> N S A L E, T h u rsd a j’, M arch 7 ih , a t th e j cr S ale B arnhle_»orkJi0P»es_and_M ulpa______ :___1800 poundsa i l y a T 1 6 W « - ! i r t h l i r ^ l c ------ ;— — ^

i n b e c k , A u c t i o n e e r s.ST E R . M anager

jIROWE)KS ~y o u w a n t som e real M ountain

p ;t in y o u r o rd e r n t o n re T h U _____ 1 tn is co u n try th a t will m a tu re ’

r ^ K B T E R S ------------- — -----------------im b«rly

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (7)

B » A r t h u r D . : P o w ^ A a i l t ] i I

. . vr. Jt. ursVrvIe*■ Copyrlirht la jJ birnrm tniin’ a ."

Coprrlcht 19:). Th* nids*«&y Co. *

Toutou and Hllml Bey went for Nlk- ka Ue WAS bleeding rrom a cut In the nrin. and oU his men were cngused. Iluffh. with King and Watty, was dc-

____ ialoBlng_an cnclrollnB movement ontho opposite end of U W llnerrstA rtca l« so to 'N lU u’s aid. but a i^sn sprang

-------ttt-me<roin-nbwhc«s.Juid-rA-ft» xAUged.lo dodRQ him until I lu i^ a chance to shoot. I did not miss thal time. When I

^ 5 ^ wjih Kara. ’ —At first Z thoufflit tho Levantine was

schem lns 'to tb ro ^ the ciri. but as I drew near, I perceived Umt hc lmd clinched with lie r In mortal terror of

■ her knUe. She held his own powerlc&s by her erdsp of h is vtisL A mocklitg

—llghtTcleitmcdln h cr cyes.' imd she shook- back iier loose iia lr and Jeered a t him

3 ' in the Tzigane dialect. With onc pud- • dRjr hand ho atrove lo ward off h ^ 1

^ bladu. but h c could hoi control her lithe ^ ' muscles. She tore her w-rlst free, the 1 ^ steel drove home through his sodden ' |£ frock coat and ho collapsed wlth~'a ' a squeal.A K ara pulled out her knife as cos- d ually as though It had been a familiar '9 ------occurrence; and 'tu rned -to wotch Nik- ]J ka's fight w ith Toutou. Nlkka from the

corner of hls eye saw the two of us. ' plntnly. walling a chance to help him. '

' and he leaped clear of the clrclc long 1 Ciiough to snap. I

"Let bei I fInUh thU alone!"I couldn't luve helped lilm. In any i

cate, for , a s redoubtable a person on 1 Tokaljl, himself. at»»''*k'Hl me a t Uiai : nioment. K ara did nol even noticc my ;

. danger. She also Ignored the m an she < called father. Her whole attenUon waa ' Mnccntra(cd~u|x>n r^uika. i iuM~"olic{r' a t the gypsy chief, and missed. T ha t 1 'Wll* the last cartridge In the magazine ' and I atteiDpted to lose him In the rain. B ut he refused to be lost, and I wa* ( making up my mind to take his knife I In my wounded arm and b atter his head ] wiUi my pUtol bull, when W atklna :

r w loomed In the mist and brought down

tlw knife- clatterW o n ’ .Ui<i.'..ground. 1 W atty produced aome Jope Xrom a pocket and deftly twisted the man's

If i arm s behind hun. Tokaljl yelped again.••Easy." 1 said. -rTJic fcljowa wrist Is

broken.”ij'i •'I’m tying ’lm nbove the elbowsT M b- ’

te r Jack, sir." nMwcrcd Watty. “But if w It did ‘urt ‘un a b it 1 wouldn’t worry : W sir. .1 'ave an hldca, sir, ‘c wus one or S the Acoundrcl tha t tioslied mc ’cad."Jj My. one thought wns of Nlkka. and I ^a • . « iig h t him over the ruln-batlered urea 1 K • of the court. Tlie flKlitlnR had drifted '2-------- nKiiy_loRRrcUUc_a:njRnU,jaiere 6ecm-_ '. . cd to bc nobody near mc. I listened hard. '

y niid (n a lull of (he &tor(n my cara de- ' i} , tccted the click of blade*, l stumbled« ___ to iv a^ It. and nearly fell on top of 1r ■ K ara, crouching as I had left her. eyes 1

Ktued on th e two men who circled lire- 1 looly, .-ilcel-Uppcd arms crooked before ' Uicm.

Toulou had a hu«c advantage In ’ rcoch, but Nlkka had_tlic benefit of . liUic agUitj’. a wrist of.lnjn—the resuU

. DrycarH-ori»winBriniawifB 'tyi‘.Hraiva iail th e tncka with the blade tha t thc 1 j>eople of his race have amassed Jn centuries of bloody strife, Four times. I While I watched. Toulou endeavored to

7---------- forec-down-NikfcnVkntre by ihe ih tc r 'f . sirenath 'of his gorllla-likc arm. and .

cach time Nlkka aCseiigoged and refu.i- i cdJp.gtvc Uie opiwrtun^ty lila advcrsarj- •I needed. Twlcc Nlkka lrl«:;i._ji-ccrtfllu. jI §f ■ trick, a combination o{ lightning thrusu___«___t‘nd_clevcr_lQotwork^But-tha-jPrcucij. j

m an parried tt cacli time, and rcu ilaw d I so qulcKly as to drive Nlkka ^ut of

tou spot and whined In his throat, cai- I Xoaluon. Nlkka panied from exertion, i

Both of th tm dripped wjUi sweat, jjoi- w ith s ^ d ln g Uie«raln. There waa »omr-

JnB- Uic satric-im w^ionarim cTOt I n I t ' ’ Uiut K ara demonstrated. Oy all thc jinncjplcs 0/ normaJ righ t behavior, i Miould h aw teno rrt Nikka’s xom m anJ

fi*^ it-oaL alone nn(ixush«a opening to kill a monster.

— _>;no.did.nolUc6c n x a n d lja d n o a i> P rc ^ -ciation of knlghUy treatment. Dul I could w t I was Chained by an emotion 1 could not fathom.

■*««-‘» d . ln Nlkk» j ----------- AU W >^M yaiqui.ieapQ d-4n- my-Utfoat r-

failetL.HU knUe went up in the sameway. ha ahUUd opsture a» h« had In his

mechanically. s.dc*s^pped oa eaperlenco had told him

wa.j si^e M d a to e d .t .su ^ which ahould have cul N lkla'a ih ro a t But Nlkka rtu

________ '^ an ^ - u ie irlcfc

np -

; till _______ foru-ard.__________Kora "hurled h e r r e l f l n i i ' j a ^ ^ ' i ^ '

' S . l'i ^of th.« -phantly. -Y au are a klocl Yon are x a r , manr See. while y o ^ l o o o w f a r ^

_ j £ — to cu t h ti knife tn «»n- .T And th e led Nlkka to the body of

IlUmL vMch I r c i ^ ' l o u y . ahe kO-VrrI w ith her brown toea. Nlkka a toeo t- '

__jninacdly Jomod

T w m F A i i s b i77"” ” . ■ . ^

I ^r m l \% A.N .

- . Bt.Ll, .M ERE. .. > -------------------- - M O T t f g R ^ ------------ L

AHD m e r e ' \-O N E PO R *nS,0£>. ( ' p o k ONE O R E B S - \

rtpw WILL we (• \^ ^ R _ P A ,Y -T V » E M y

U I mlk- I i l l ' ' v , i 'r i iT '' 'M i i r i r 'hc 'J, S^i-iTrir-'.Z£ bn«d ..................................

cd. on the Levantine’s coat-tails, but Korn • jQ lntervcnc3. ~I I ••No,no." she cxclalmc<t.»'"Herc ITmy TC hnlr! Wipe tt on my huir, beloved of

VnvtYVcM^SlAtimtaaclr-tt-rlrnn-wlthjnjfc »llpsl Bo we shall ftflve .TO-onfTBons:"------- -•

as Nlkka looked sufficiently annoved lo 1 I allow lh a t he had some InstlnctS; of

ad clvlllzntlon remaining. |of "Pcace," he ordered rojully. ” 80 quiet. ‘ »3 girl!" Itig She covered before him, and hc rec- ■

^ ^ " O h . hulTo,- JackI Wlicrc’s 'H u g h ?" • d- Hugh loomed up through the rain a s ; « he spoke. !he ••Thni you.'N lkka? Wc think we’ve ( - lie got Tokoijl’s people rounded up. but ;n we need you to talk lo them. Has 'a Toutou— •» . . . . ,-

• He’s thert." rs- Nlkka pointed his knife lo the heap or of drab garments thul hnd been the g K- French ••klllor." ■ .ne ' "Oood 'for you!" exelnlmed Hugh. ■ Ul, "I'm glad he dldn^t (ret off. When .you -v, n . think Undo 3amcs and—that girl wc j- I'g saw'—ond 1 suppofic olhcrsl Whnt a n

bcaslJ" ' " uWc spla.shcd nflcr him. Knm follow- p

ly Ing Nlkka Uke a dOR. Wh.vm> Mlkall, hla _ 08 survM ng young men. King and Wut- K' a t kins were guarding ihlrtecn alilvcrinc a ny gypsies In the Ice -of the bachelors'Ic quarters. In reply t« questJons. TokaJjl ,, as lotd Nlkka—and Kara, shamelessly W -throwtng-ln-her-lot-wltlv-«is,-«dfroboraLs. .j a t ed him —th a t there had been fifteen of no their band on the premises. A search ot r l thc courtyard disclosed two of them j, ns dead, together with one of Wasso Mi> fe kail's men. Wc bound the arms of the i, id prlsohers, most of them suffering from 08 bullett wounds or stabs, and marched 11 m them over to the House of the Married, j , e- T he one lantern wns still fllckerlni; r g ^H ehU 5g-nnfrrrff— id. KCfwVn ’’Thank Ood!" she said soberly iia her r

I's eyes envisaged us all. "W hat did you do Q. with Mrs. Hllyer?" vIs ••Isn’t she here?" asked H ugh.' ij

••No. I don’t know just when she left, g .t- There wiis a lot of firing, and Hooked to n if whcrb she had been slttlng:by her Ims- - y , band, andj&lic was gone.’' «o f Nlkka and I sped back into thc courl-'

yard. Wc pJckod .our way over tfic oc- ii I caalonal bodies to thc street door It, w;« n

ca ajar. ^ ,M ' "I locked It myDClfl" cried Nikkn. 0 iv-_ l ‘P l d „ W j ^ MlkaU p l^ c d It wlijioiit c •d. damaging the spring. 1 look time when e- we entered to fasten 11 again." p*d I was feeling fcry weak. My shoulilcr of ,throbbcd._Nausea_a3salled_mc_in_rci I es cnrrcnt waves. But I clutched the Rntc t: e- post, and peered Into the street. Nobody li rc was In sight. n

"She cncapcd." said Nlkka. "Too bad! s! In We m ight have—•’ W hafs the mutter, S' of Jack?" \III He’ caught me as m y knees bent un- . va derTiTO-l'feJcthe-nitirDmnycycitas.-nnd- -rtc Ihen eveiyihlnff WBa bJotwd oul.----- ------Jn When t opened my eyes Watkliu was sl :s. bending over ••Ah. there. Mister Jnck.^' hc r^ild. 0 cr ~’aTc-a-drtnk-of this.-Thamryou.-sir.“- p Id And aa I struggled to a titling i».MUon: P a- "No need of "n.ste. sir.-All's well. And « ry you ’ad a bit of a kngck, If I may say b lu- JO. sir." nlU “I t seems a i though you and I were ij. ahc.Janah»..watt>-.’.:.Uuuwercd.-.^'Thi5- 0 Pd is th e Uilrd time I^ve paved out cold." ^ of ’'Quite right, sir. Thc same lliouchl

was In mc own 'ead. If Mra. Prouiy nnd **

,1. In the serx-anW ’all could ’ave seen mc t 111. la-M nlghl. they would •ate been ^tArtlcd, a- sir. I do assure you they would. Tiicrc e

: i r ------------------------ ---------------------- : . ' r rYl .. Capitol IUc -----------------------------------------

Id . _ .

, ry- .

:: ' f l -

■ j - y -


c r’ •

RECENT-VlfiW of-the in»u| T c r a r i i i U t o 4 f t f p a f i i j f t

D A ILY N E W ^T W rn M1. i ,

i - ; i ~ ‘ ‘

' A I. b o ^ ' T W NO'W — / ~ « a t P T H E g '8 . ~ n > pP fcu. \

/ O U R C R E tJ I 'r A T \/ Y w o 0F= T H f S J Q R 6 S -

~ V "........~TW6-T WVULO ^»'T - t e >* D - f- \ 'TMAT G O O D S OUT =*“ •

\ V e s 't e r d ^ y t i l l 1 p a i d\ A K J b T H e

\ * ^E A v V v ^ T R E sa ,\ • . YO M Ave W €«

M o n e y t o n i^ h T -

W a n t T S......

'1 O N E C E N T P E R W O R D


~ » i r7 g n tA i id h i r* n t f - a ^ » * a D d -^ i . they b r te r tlw boyer.

I ' ' rb o n e XI ^s i------------------- :--------- ^ -----------------------' ■; Business Opportunities

FOR SALE — Q tnC K LUNCH AND ’ Chill parlor. 133 East Main* SU. >• Durley. Idaho. ^

I -v.a.1 th a t Russian young lady. now. I P : give you my word. sir. she cursed like a > I m n n la c ^ n J 'w brther was no belter

when 'c came from ’Is falnl. A fair r ' rowdy lot of people we ’nd on our •ands I —Indudlng th e young person in whom- Mister Nlkka happears to bc interested, t ! as the saying^ goes, sir." E ' ••Yqu said *'lasl night.’ I believe.’' I , ' Incorruntcd.' "Yea. fiir. I f s closc to noon. Mister

f bcen «;o rcsU Wc ’ad a largish hunder- - t Uikcr's Job, le t alone tidying up and' miiulliiK the prisoners." '

"What have we done wilh the bod* .! Ics?" '3 • I ' I ■ •'In the garden, sir. Tlie prisoners did^ ' ihp Work—cxcept the Russian persons, r.I. j sir, •£ couldn’t, account of ’Is leg. and eK she. belu;; a lady, so to speak, inui ex- ,B a i« a : '‘— ---------------------------- — --

• Well. I’m going to 'g e l up,~ I an - "r nounced. •'My shoulder feels better." .5 "If you wish, air. My Instructions .

were lo get you anything you required, but n llh subml.''-sloi}. str. m igh t I sug>

• gcsl you sleep a Uttle longer? .Thdre’s > nothing—oh. •cre’n Mister Nlkka." ' -- * Nlkka strolled In from, tlw courtya^rd.. with Kara tn d llng hlm. " • ' p

"HuIIo.'OTC^hr.BTcetcd me.-"Tough4^■ luck you h a « o fttop a bullcL We’re all* , 1 more or Ic-v. cut up. bul you had the ,

worst of U. alllioughl my uncle, who Is ) . a prncllcal surgeon In a crude way. j . claims thc bullet m lw d thc bone.", , 1 “ So W atkins told niC. Atyr n?ws? The- ,

l»llce—- ,"No. the Rlorm covcred th e ahooUng.

L HughJin3..b«n.to_ncrB_w|ih_Belty_ln , : the Curlew Uils morning, and they , ’ heard no>commcnLv Onc of Wa.wi Mlk- ,

a irs men stopi>ed In a t the com er coffee i shop, and-made sure there wa.s no local

, gossip. Thc onb^ danser. I think. Is from !, Mrs. Hllyer. Wc^ve got lo risk that." | ,

. . •’Aren’t you all worn out?" IjI---- “NorToo-muoli-c.scltcmentr!l-«xpeot<—{■ W c^ -Ju s t roJnjrtOTBtrThtn-BBtty-ln- i-j i slsts cm going after the treasure again." \

K ara sidled up to him. w ith a ven- ,, omolis glancc a t fuc. and ejacul*ted a ,•- remark-aoto-volce.-X^kka-lnuRhedi-and 1; pushed b er bclilnd hhti. She heeded him ] I like a dog Chat b contented with a rc-r buke.'so long as uoUce is taken 6y lls ,

masU'r. . .! "She said." N*kka translaXed. "T ha t I \i. ovght_noi.t9 Ja ik with you any longec.J I• She wants me to pay alcntlon to her." ,

■•Kumphf“ I g r o v ^ le t t returning ' 1 K ara’s look with lntcreit. ’'Help me up. ; L will you? Tbanks! WImt a rc ypii golns : I to do wlih h e r? " ^

” Tame her, I cxi>ect." he answered ; cheerfully. " I ’ve brgun by laking herI

fReafiy foTHoover.lnaugu

u i g i i r a t i o n s t a n d i n " f r o n t o f t h e (oSied-. - ,

THE- G u m p s

/ ^ v f e l l t H W E _ ^ <»0..>HROU&M - I> 'W EO D IN O r •

-Do Y O U T W IN K 1 ‘ you COO LO BORROW'/

i SOME MoNfY\ fr,o>a mr ausstinn-I Vs. AT TM F b a n k ? V i

- 1

¥ds-B aiSituations-W anted

WANTED—LAUNQRY: F uaT WORK all Ironed. Phone M5J. - __

“ wtiS t o t ^ s e w inPhone 1185. _______

WANTED — L A U N 'd RY, M EW S sh irts 15c. Phone 007J.

Help WantedD

WAICTED—MIDDLE AGED WOMAN “ for maid work. Rialto Hotel. No I phone calLi.« w H S e d C o m p e t e n t w o m a n ;r lo r gcncr.'il housework. 202 l l th ave lr north. Buhl. Phone 3B1. _^ WANTED — TWO YOUNO! MEN n bookkecpeni who can o|HTatc a

typewrllcr. Gregg E ni p lo y in c n l.. Phone M(i.

I _____

T For Sale or Trade f

^ TRADE—WORK HORSE FOR MIUC1* cov. P h p y 537R3,- FOR SALE OR TTIADE" AT THEd Farm ers Corml, Twin Falls, horses, a. mules aiid cows. ’ Nick SmiUi and Son.d or Boy D uacan ownefx

away from hcr~SKc~»if«ilc<rTO~ «*kh Bettj- becausc 1 talked more thon

.. nve m tautes to Bet aboul you."“ • "A sweet Job! She'll end by slicking• you.” 1

''perhaps." agrr«J Nlkka equably. VCome and get Mime breokfOBt. A c u p , of coffee will help you to take a more : -charttablo view of a SvUd Uttlc gypsy'

V, g ir l ." — - ' Kr- ■f?I*~Trogtn'Bctty.-aml-'Vemon-KI»g-uxU«

corncd us as wc entered the ntrlum. f where a low inUle of packing boxes “ had been rlgsed. Wanso Mlkall and ht-i *'• men were cither guarding th e prlwjncra

o r clselkceplnB walch on th c street en- trance. K ara scowIcirafW I o ru s . but squatted determinedly behind Nlkk^,

f- We Ulked ver> little. T hc one Idea In th e m in d of.eucli-oLua.waaIo^Ct.nt_ the red stone, wlUch wc cduld .nee from where wc sal. nnd we choked down our

^ ; food a s rapidly na jxKslblc. I forgol com- “*, pletely my Injurrd shoulder. Walklns ” 1 actually hurried lilnw lf In passing the

! eggs, Betty nnd lliigh •crumbled » few ' 'h its of toast, and strangled over thclr

'‘*~EOlieifrvemon'Kinjralone^tc-pl«fl<llyr- ’.ViUflhe « ! tt of a man who feels h c h w done a good Job wi^l. At last. Betty could stand It no longer, nnd slic sprang up

^ with an ImliitUon of K ara 's scowl 1,0 TttlthT urthat-cvTrybodyr-except-K iini, -

^ laughed.|T •'Daddy you've llm c for two

breakfast-s," s h e decrced. •’Tlial's . cnougli. Bc.tldes, I won't have you gci-

ting fa t In your old age. Comc! E%-cr>'- , „ bodyl'W e’re-gol onr eliaoce. our chanc<*-• ttia t we besan lo think w u g o n o agllm-

mcrhiR. The treu'^ure o f th e Bucoleon•J Is o t our feei—under our feel, I menn.^ -Up-wllh th r red f.Tnnr”,’________________•d gowl" w a n ted Hu^li-____ |cr ~ lUoQuniiMi in o e n tnu«i

gufa tio ri’' ........ ..... j

thecipifol where H e r i ^ Hoo-^

• Ip E I

P ’w " ^ U o I I ' V

rgaiiis-For S a l c - - R e a t Estate

F O R S A L E ^ 'b o 'a C R E S OF o o o i land on Salmon T ract: also 80 acres 0

■ water. _Box 32. car* of^News,______. L o w m c o is r ' vaU , e y -f o r s e s :.. —aoll.—long—HtowlPg—season-—Dole

/arm s, onion and lettuce lands a t rca ; bargains. Write E. T. Bice, Parmo

Idolio.________________________ .i-OR SALE — ONE ACRE rUAC:

. w i'h Q.rooni modem - houso. Al kinds of fruit, chicken house, garage cow bam . In Washington School dis

• trict. c a ll 737W or H5.________

! 5 1-2 miles nortliwest of Wcndeli Oood land, fenced, partly Improved deep well, pla.slcrcd house and alrai

' born. For particulars call 410 Elm SI■ .bcti«cn 1 a j ^ ’5 p. m .__, FOR SALE — k im b e r l y ' t o u r i s ;‘ park, consists of 1!4, acrcs of high ‘ way, (! room house, garden, fruit,•• clstcrns. garage nnd chicken llou^c. '

cabins In tourist pork. . J . E. Atke , aon. Kimberly. Phono 8.

JlfbSCOW, ID A H O , S A L JI strictly modem residence w ith tw. iiM talrs BDnrtinents. onlv 1 . blocl

' from University campus, good hom - and Income. Forced sole and

great bargain a t 0500. Address I . O. Box 924. Mawow. Ida.

M i s c e l l a n e o u s

' K M S O M M N O . P/IN T tFTo AND PA I*:— l>c'rTlianBtng;7'y~A:-m n 'an; '335-fltiI avo east. Phone 3S3-J.___ _

JELLISON BROS. M ANUFAC^RERl : of Marble and Oranlte MonumenU

I Office and yard 402 souUi Main.

■ I F o r S a l e — L i v e s t o c k

• S ^ S n r ! c 5 w 6 T 3 o t t —SALE. -OJ> :■ <«ad# ta s -Jp r io g fiB to a tV a tfe '^■ FOR SALE — 'J MILK COWS, HEAVl ‘ viprlngera. 2 tnllcs norUi Maroa schoo ’ S. G. Caughey.__ __’ f o r SALE—GOOD H E A \^ WORI ’ horses, young... O ..A .-SaUcc..Rout 3. B u h J .j-Jd _ 8 h o .________________

, HEAVY TEAM 'HORSES O lTY oO tR> mules. % miles east Maroa Qcboo,-W T-lz-Brown.- F i le r . .............................r FOR SALE — REGISTERED QUERN

scy bull calf. Vance Naylor and Son;I 2':; mllca coAl of Hansen. _ ___! FOR S A L E — TWO HORSES ANI I • team of mules. Three miles touU r h a ir mile west, one-quarter souUi 0r-6outh-P*rk-Oroc«ry.—g rcd .T ews------’ P d i t SiffiB—FA IIJS^A R E S 1350 ■ I t l to 1600. Nine h.p. Kerosene ongln » grain and hay grinder, green bon> mltl. Enterprise power meat grindci . Some—farm — maclilncry.— F red — L

Shonse._HoUlst4^_______________) EIO'liTEEN HEAD OK WORK MORS i .es. Belgian. Perchcron. Shlre.n. Bc# ' quality. Some teams well matched. Flv• to eight years old. weight from UOO I >-1700 pouods,~farm.broke chunks.'cleat■ You will get a square deal here for you 1 money. South corral, Washington b an . Twla Falls.

L o a n s


estate.__________ ^ ----------M O N EY "f6lW X R A ldH T LO A N S"^

modem houses in Twin F a l A rlhur L. *Swlm & Co.OVR TEfPY EA ir>A R 'M LOAN 6 ¥

'i^R kra the- beat of interest ratea an I repaym ent pnvUeges. No eaah com rmiislon. _ I* tacb .^s^WjHiams- — I AM O F r a ^ c T T r v m Y ~ t i i S ^

and desirable farm loan, I think : the best facpi Io£n jiropwJtlon ever-ol fered on tho Twin F slb tract. I t * i

' y a r you to a w mg-beforr placing yoi I loan. C. A. Boblnson. .

L e g a l A d v e r t i s e m e n t s

NOTICC TO CRKDITOKS Estate ef Cleo Balfour decra-^ed.

NoUce U hew by stvrn by Uie undrr; i ignetf- »amrit e if i t c r ' n ' U'r ^"-a:e i■ Clm W.lfn»r 1. th» crwtltOI;c f and all pen o n s havin; claim against th« f dccca-tcd. to exhlb!

f lUilii m iu UJC JtF.T:.ui>— r r o b e r j'w lthin.abt mooAu after Uie first puB ,UcaU0a of thU ootlcc. to the sal a d m J n l i tm o r-a t- th e cfrtcc c r x r i

-TOtnmC—r m t National B ank .B lda Clly -and Counly ‘of Twin FaUs. Stal

•of U»bo. .thU b e ln r the place U se fo r th e IflkBMCtlon'W Uie busloess c said MtftU. ; -

I D .l«1_|i»hruary a 1g».___________I i £ . w h it e ; ^A dm lnlxtntor of the estate of Clc

f ’B U W i f / A a i i a L ~

' 1 w < v s o u 'S T S A y i N ____ - tf t-T H E R ^ THWT . i t S

W S S IN & -y . V o l l ’R E c t

m 1 ^ ^ " "

- Dpporic I For Salc-rMiscellaneousOOD b / i c ” KEX3S? lOTS, J O a ^ s S N i 'esof Warehouse Store._______________ ___ FOB SALE - ALFALFA JIAY. INlEST quire 1023 Shoshone North. ____^*^T iL W =5»O R — 8A LK -#EIH S3W S1U ^ th ird cutUng. Phone H02JJ,” ” ’ MATTRESS—YOUR OLD ONE MAD!

' Uke new M50 and up. ew ccfs StonPhone 2395. _______________

rage. OYSTER SHELL, 08 VER CENT CAR dia- bonate, 11.35 sack. Kinney Wort

• — bousft Store.__________________ . .TED E FLAT CONN SAXAPHONE. SAM idell. OS nev. llayca Brothers Radiolnrcd; ahop. Phone 7 3 . _________________

75 t o n I ha y p o r SALE-MOSTL' ^ firs t entflng. Phone 403 evening

or W arbcrg JTransfer. _ ___DESIBABJ-E H O T -H O 'U S E ~ JT jD

standard , can bc taken down in act " Uons. Phone B5J2, Jerome, Idaho.

tUce- C O M Pi^T E SCT RULING " C A S law, 35 volumes, a t sacrifice, pa

- 7-_ cash and terms. Write N. K. Rick Box I3W, BoUe. ' -

block. DE LAVAL CREAM S ^A R A 'TO ^Ij^

M ilst sell. Big bargain. Bungalo^ p . A p a r^ e n ts ^ 3.______ ________

FOR SALfi — 16 • 30 MeCOBMICK Dcering tractor with plows. Tcai

----- seven y e irs old. weight 1700. M-A_Holoway, R. F . D. J. Buhl.

____ SALMO'N WATER S H A R E ^ I A>PA. offering shares which I own o n 'i l l-flth ««^tb tht, pWiff-rt ,

rcasoi^able prices. Cash o r "unt’ Frank CraveL. HoUUter.

ents. 'For Rent—Furnished

FRONT ■ B E D R O (5 m T’ c LOSE’' UPhon^433J.__________

r o o m ' WITH BOARD. ■ CLOSE U 3 ia and Jive ^north, • ’KOOM— iWH*—BOARD-------IM— TT:


also board. 311 4th east, _ Uiute I^OOM FOR BENT •

board If d e s l ^ . SCO Main north. Q jjg T W O -L IO H T -H O U SE K-BE P IN * hooL rooms, modem, lights and tiaUi, $1____ 42a.4ih.ave no rth________ _____ _?nj^: FOR RENT—NICELY FURNliSHE

apartm ent, modem, suburban; ga■ age. acreage. Phone «4W .

T m j FO B — S L E ^ IN a ~ iro '0 ':QuU) «>th board tf desired. Closc I ll o i Phone 1W W ^4 5 9 2nd av© norUi.------- aiO j^C R E glajaiL E SJB O M j e r o m i) ’ lba befrl.1.-beans.-wlieat and hay. Mu iglne ‘’P farmer nnd have sufficient equii bon- ment. Bay Hagnr. Phone 4 or 151U.

LONG S AD — 6-ROOM FURNISHE — La _h0iBe,.*35;_5-room jnodem . *30: '

room modem. S45; 5 -m m house. t3 3 i i,s:s~ A. N. Ixmg al Rot>erts Realty Co. Phoi JRS-Best jZ :_______________________________Five - .....................................

Wanted—Miscellaneous^ R N I-rU R E WANTET). S w S t

oarn. pi,one 1M5., WANTED — POULTRY . U. C. BU'l

WANTED ■^rAN~ELECTRlC CREAKepiirator. Phone 637RJ^________

;0 . WANTED'— TO '"R E N T A PIAN IEaL ^ x _ l3 7 , Rogeraon. Idaho.----- WAVtED—LIGHT'TBUOKTm UST E;” 5 { ) In good condlUon. Cash deal. Bi Falls T .je . g.. car^Ncws.^_______________

"S’h’’- For Sale--Scedsand ___ ___________ _ . -

com- NETTED GE.’J SEED POTATOE--------- cne-yeftf-fiCOT-Vlctor-sood.— The

reXP 1 0 8 S J 3 . _____nk 11 f o r SALE —CER-riFifiD DICKLO T-of- uTd Wheat, Irwln Improved, cleine ; Will sacked and tagged. $1.80 per bush your Pttoce-5l«R4.--C. H. Hem pkrnan. • -

FOR - s A L E -m q ir~ a g A g E ~ 1 ^ A i BCZ3B j its ted '■idalio' grown“ Jfitfs;— Br

Tag Ori(nffi a lla lla ., iUuc 'l a g Cc i /a rk Alfalfa, B«1 Clovcr and commi......... A ltalla seed.. Twin FaUs Feed ai

fce Co: Phboc » L .________ ____

ia r r - F o u p dle uf ................ ^ II . ,gi I. ■lltora f 6 u n D-CA.MEO PIK. AT BANK lolmt Trusl'taniU i. uiU a l tf tirru fllt'S .ihlblt ______ ' I ' -

. For Sale—F urn itu resald^l - ■ ■ ■' ' ' . I

TCTI SALE — KIMBALL PIANO A» 8 ^ ^ ’ Jeraeycow. Phone 50WIX. fixed H m N IT U R S F O R 'SA LS'aT 'K O LA ss of br«k & Sullivan a l e yartl S a tu r ti

. . ^.Vc3i4>U<U&.bed(.JcllBbait«M ^iU ■ to t^ c h a l^ 4^rockg^

Clc« phono«T«p)i and rcoords. UoUct>hwt • • - • ■♦BtlOrWJi'Autl.'* — “ . " ^

'C:■1N6, - I - - y- • I 'r _ y ENiS: J ; ■

WA,Y— \lYlNCr- •) ..^ O R Y O « ^ ^

___________H ^ l r / . '

’tu n itiesi i ” '*' . '•

!OIRECM■Atjn , ..............^

i ^ E P r o f e s s i o n a lstore. . ■

— - ' ATT0KNE7S..rAi^ — - — - ■ - - - - - - - ~ ^ ^ ^ m - ■Var«- w. L J>UNN—Law Ofllces—Booms f *

and .4, Sm ltb-B lce Building. \ , iamE SUAD ub O C lN . ^ m s 4 aad «. Bans' idiala te T rust Bldg. Phono 8.____ Q. ,0 . U A LL~over Clos’ Book Stors.JTLY JOHN W. CttAUAM -Lawyer. BaiUt dtv lings. T rust Bldg. Pbone W5-W. •

av/EELEY A SW SELEX ^^W 0 0 1 0 ^ 'T m - Mocymaa SuUdlng. __________ .VI BCC-' -4.- J . M Y E B S-t*w yer.-flaBli-<i T?iiBi. 10. Bldg. P1>oa» tXM.. '5ASB --------— 'b K Baeiness________

^ i . . i i , . . i ^ . - T i T z r n i , . ^ Jn lo w N e# ^ c a u o s . IttS 3 rd ’ ava. Mst.

Phooe 3b3,________________________rcK’- BALLANTYNE FLCMDING * H IA t* Team INQ CO. For beating' t r q o ^

Hnl- Pho.nB J p i-W .

—AM INSURANCEn 'ibe -lie* a t 4 0 x 0 . .INSDBANCZ,. all connC M ;S i i i ; * P o ti^R C T an S ta lo T -p IB n a raT t—

= = TBANs w a a T

1 CBOZIEB XSANSFE&_ J4& CraUag. Storage and lib e r ty CoaL -

W A kB E K tT 'T B A N Snn AND STOB-.'. age C a Cool and wood. Pbooe

r s . WNICUOLS m A N S r a A s f b ^ .-"ag«—Garbage bauIed daUy*

-TTH m _________ ':


i M O D ^ VOODM EN OF AAOmOA) ^ T n l meets la L a O. F . haU every sao- i n 'O aad fou rth Monday.

»>8- _ M P81C TKACHEB

r i ^ ‘ALBEBT B. rBANClS;>«5r«dU*d'f»»~ gor- I Un tcacher. Pbone 6UJa.

3*0 M '* In. I F o r S a l e — F r u i t srlh . 1 -________ - - '- - - ~OME: ijOO-BOr-JONATHANS AT 60c. AND. ^t^ul!— fresh 'm eal m cUonks. W e saTc-you *

?quip- i money. Farm er's Slorc. Phone 883W.IJ. 1 _______________- ---------------------------

10: 7- F o r S a l e — A u t o m o b i l e st2250~~- ----------------- - r —r — - 'Phone : f o b s a l e — REPUBLIC TRUCK,’

' good condition, good tires, motor. kx-\ I lra gears. ScU It cheap. Twin Falls.

, Shoe re p a ir ;- 'P h o n e -^ 8 ^ _________ '•IsO U TH S i b s T U ^ CAR. MABKEi'

= P i 'r~ i5 r f e r8 ’ scTcrut F o r d s - a t - f r « n - |M - ® i (o $300. -Dodge coupe (btUoon tires)

- . - 1 «2i0. Chevrolet roadster. ■30. *31V H U N - ] ^ them a t 123 3od ave souUi. Tobey.

F o r S a l e ^ ^ U r y ^ ^

FOB SALE T H O ^ B R O J BUFF O R - pinatcn eggs. E. E. CrabUrc. • Phoncr

i FOR” SA lS~N A iiR A U A N bi:ri’ 'i u i>----- key hens N a 1 quaUty. Priced reaioa*

’ able. 1 no rlh o f H ansen bridge. ^ Irs. . B. C, Ringgold. Eden. Idaho. _ • J i MAM.MOTH~BRONeE BREEDlSaC

Tems and pullets. S tate accredited.' rbcnfc^Sunbur»t-rtratnr4»r~salo by.M rv E..L. _ ■ isJm ontonr'W endell. Id a h a Come aatf

:L0'W j see them. _ • ^ t^am '

mshel!' ^L m sc i? sU ^ n baby 'chicks,• ' ' i b lood-teiiw l.-A lso-Rhodo-Uland-tBda.

rTATE 5 per cent discount U ordered before -B m m ttarcJrS O .-- We-aI*o-<Jo-c*i*taa Jialch-';

Cm - : ing. R tggerfs -QuaUly H a tc h ^ . mmon Phone IJWJXI and ; - - • ----- - - -r‘

— : . r F o r R e n t — A p a r t m e n t s

--------(iK & ' nuhed apartm ent. Buagatow A par^. l e t -----. Tr.,4 Aris east. • - ^

Fui Bent , ■:

- ; ' - r ' ■-.‘•oo?-'-'

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI]· A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (8)

; s l i o i l E l D l-t-mmjppty-jTTJimSlliEnEST

C o u r t I n d i c a t e s B i s i i i c H -

' T i a t i o n t o U p s e t L o a . s e

a n d O p t i o n l o P u r c h a s e

_ J -------------- ^ F r o m D e e p C r e c k S y s t e m

2 ________ ] ______ g n tm nn n iv iT Ciiiml coini)fitiy illrfc t-

• J o rs ' -deal fo r I c W wlUi oiiiion i<> im r^- d • ch ase w a te r rlKhus am! oilier iiroiicriy

< of th c D eep C rrck Lain) a n d w n lc r com im ny secnw likely m wlili.naiitl ih e n ttn c k IftunclietJ liy ii i:iou|) nr 17 cr« fo r cnncc llatlon of ifn' IrnM' n:ul op tio n a n d fo r a piTinmii-ni Injiincllon jiUAlHBl cnrrylHR ll« |irovi;,itm sJnlo exo- j B tllon . , , 1

- . . iH iliCtttlon th a t llic cm irls woiilil nol tip.set tl ie dirtctor,.'!' deal wiiii p lu la In | l l ie s t n i m c n t o f JuilKt- Himli A- B a k e r

'itiipCRt. n r th e clor^ of » hoiirInK In dlu- r — . i r lc i c o u rt he re yeslerdiiy tin nn oid iT !

‘ to llie d lrcc io rs to sliow ciuise wliy llie j In ju n c t io n shou ld no t be aiiu te ih'c- in u iien l. |. " I w ould n o t bo inc lined to .'i ilisiiinte

. . Tiiy Ju d n m en t fo r th e Jiidcn ien l.o f th e tllre c lo rs r e la tiv e lo th e o jieralion of

• ■ - th e can n l sy stem ; n t len*;t fo r th e . flm t y e n r o f th e jw riod covered by Die lease j tind op tion n ijrceinen l." Jiulrte D aker I n n n o u n c ed from ih e Ixrncli. |

^ -- ' ------ 1>rnmU»« l- ir lv n / r U l n r i ------- |Ifc p rom ised lo nm ll lifs dccbloit on )

th c qucAllon to nttorneyH for tiie canal i 'C om pany n n d fo r thcM .-ttlcrsiiexl.M on- | tlay. prov ided c e r ta in nffldavll/i w hich |

j Ih c a tto rn e y s a sked I'o Mibinlt a re de- ' livercd lo h im today . '

A ff id a v it o f J . H . T roendly, iire .M dcnt' o f th e cn n a l boord . In re fu ta tio n o f ; ' s ta te m cn tn o f H ow ard Holincinl.U, inem - ' h e r b f th e board , to th e e f f e c t 't h n l m cm boni w ere advij.Cd to keep th t ' leose b n d o p llo n uB reem ent secret. Is- to bo n nubm ltlcfl by counsel fo r th e bonrd. A t- ] to rneya fo r th c xetllen i n tiack ing th'ii

. leoAC.jtnd op tio n ask leave to subm it {I QfddavitA 'in refu ta tio n of M atenieni.t I

~ ] c n t^ fo r th c c a n n l com pany. indicatinjH "I advontacefl t h a t h e believed w ould re-

n u ll fro m ob ta in ln if th e Deep C re ek , w a te r ritflilA a n d j)ro|RTty.

.. Sec N o n e n e f ll I^ ^ ^ t tle rg in th is a u l t 'a t ta c k e d th e

I u ro u n d s t h a t Uic r e n ta l and 7 ' :I p rlcc a g re ed u iw n w e rc c x o rb lia n i; 'th a t 1 t th e D eep C re ek w a te r r l« h t a n d prop - 11 i c rtleo w ould, n o t bc n b e n e fit b u t a i l

b u rd en to th c S a lm o n R iver s tockhold- t — re rs . 'f in d - th a t-lh e -a^ cc m c n L iii.( |U ca U o n . _

h n d been n e g o tia ted th ro u g h con.itruc- 1 t tv e f ro u d . I n a d d itio n to concelintion 1

o f th e lease a n d op tio n a n d th e per* 1 - - - m n n e n t r e s t r a in in g o rder, th e setH era J

a aked fo r r e tu r n by A. F . C raven and-------- :— t^ c B a n k nf n o m n g r of JOOOO rep re -

i w n tln g p a y m e n t by th e Srflmbn lU v e r ''I com pany o f th e f i r s t y e a r ’s r en ta l under

I' te rm s o f th e ag reem en t.; O n b e h a lf o f th e d irec to rs , JudRc J . C

Tl. B othw ell. In h is cla-dng .iln tem entr ..........- u rg e d th n l Uie d irec to rs be perm itted

lo m a k e a te s t th is y e a r o f possible . b eneflU to be de rived th ro u g h use of

" •* D eep C re e k w a te r ih -supp lem cn llng th e , •B alm o»»-fllver-w aK r supply . "T hU Will ' be a f lu sh y e a r ; th e snow a lre ad y is in th e m o u n ta in s to a ssu re nn nbundn lit >

, w a te r supply , n n d beyond question th is * , a d d itio n a l w ater will be of im m ense

b e n e f it lo th e p ro jec t.” Ju d g e B othw elldeclar ed. __________________________ __

' C h a rre * Bond H o ld e n C on tro lR e fe rrin g to h is s ta te m e n t to reso-

------------ lu tJ o n s-la le iy a d o p te d - b y - th e Salm onR iv er bonrd declu rlng th n t th e lease a n d op llo n ng reem en t m ig h t be term * Inn ied o t Uie e x p ira tio n of n n y of th e 10 years fo r w h ich th e a g re em e n t w as to ru n a n d a n n ouncing pu rpose to sub ­m it th e proiiosiU on to vo le o f tlie s tockholders. J . W. P o r te r o f counsel

t l i a l th o p r o p o ^ re fe ren d u m vole 3 w ould be o f no value.

•T lie S a lm on Illve r C a n a l com pony.", M r. P o r te r decla red . "Is con tro lled by----------M u rra y -S ro o k n ta n -n n d -h lA -a a s o e ln te s ••. of th e bondho lde rs com m ittee , succes­

so rs to th e la n d nnd w a te r com pany .' T h ey ho ld o r contro l n m a jo r ity of th e I s tock a n d they e lec t a s d irec to rs th e .

m e n th e y see f i t to elect, to th n t a vote “ o f th e s tockho lde rs w ould hnvc a s im - - • lla r re su l t a s n vo te o f th e d ir e c to r s .- -

E. L . R a y b u rn wan associa ted w ith M r. P o r te r In p rese n ta tio n of th e case fo r Uie RettIe^^• g roup.

• :------T h e-h car1n g-w ay -l3 rgely -n ttcnacd~ br~S a lm o n R iv er p ro jec t se tU ers n n d o th e r In tere sted persons, n e a r ly 200 persons occupy ing se a ts in th e courtroom Ih ro u g h o u t th e proceedings. |

________ T L c .D U A R T _\V A V E .-lhe p e rm a n e n l tw ith r in g le t end.-u U er W ind B eau , iidv I

B nn ions b n r t? P h o n e D r. F o ite r , MO. a d r

Saturday Special I

x - f ? tS s o r t c ( i T a f f i e s ,

15c LB. IS a t u r d a y O n ly ‘

~ ~Varney’s |T H E LIV E CANDY MAN’


______ _ g p n i o r 3 r d a n d S h o f lh o n e ~ ~

Lvscb a t TamejB

L f - - : - - :

“ j ( r —I i' A BIRDSEYI~ ip rrw iN “Fi

ST j Review of Cunrnt. Paft} { • hiRpr.c.tmn of

•H -i ■ 15V T m k 'N rv

c.- A' I* —I SPniN G ■ KPOUTKU'KAR

■■ ! Sportswear .covers a muitllntir- ol i castunie types and .style.s. Since Uie

-‘l l j-aft«m oon-dress 1« no longer m isld - ! ered related lo Uie .street or sporls frock, stylo creators have allowed ihelr

■ct- ImiiRlnntlon-sto run rloi. luid have given ur^ iL’c - l iKCoiiwuueiiLT .' 11 v»ilet> -» f -w s* riy tunics Wider thc head of .sporta wear, lier -A n cw charoc te r Is irlven ihe .sports Ihe caslume con.'ilsUng of wtwlen coal. fuH- Ltl- iengUi. acvcn*elghts or iliree-quartcr. ind with u two-piece fia : cri'ix- dreiw. or a Ion skirl of the coat fab ric’and .illk over- yo- blou-sc. Tliese caitunu-s aro of the "soft

I f:i)ortj/ 'type.- Tlie coat Lt usually ;.iinp- nol ly tailored, and th c 'd re .w s have ;iofl- In jcnnlK scarf and bow trentnienis. while

e r mnny of the blouses aro more elnbor- lii- :uU- with frlllnd Jabots and cnmpllcatcd ler ! nL'ckllne.s. Suclt costflJne.-i arc usually In ;lie j ;,ofl coluriiigs. Ondamoii.-»n crepe Is nn I'C- ouLstanilinK .fabric ond Jersey Ls al!;o

I Javorcd- All thc woolens are lightlie weicht;--------------------------------------- ------he • _____

T hen too.' thc tuck*ln ha.s become firmly e.stablLihcd. and upiM-nr.i even In formal eii.iemble2i. Tlie newest sItlrLi

I -iliow n’ tendency to cet awny from Uir lyoke style, and may be finlshwl slmp-

- i l y ^ ’llbA..bclt^OE-lH- liiuilt: l im c i i i uvm I fn.’ililoii.

ml II A mast nttm ctlve ensemble of Ihis

ch I O’pe I found In one of the shops wns of f.. [ a .soft crey knslia and grey .satin crcpe.

I The tailored coat nnd wrap-over .skirt n l ' were of the wool, while the wilh or a self Uc d l the V ncck. and Uie lining

of the eoat. were of thc .satin ---------se F nr trimming In cn.semblcs Ln rare. tK5 itn n y of the contHHave ’.ong scarf col- t- lars,"or r.eparalc slllc scarfs.ViS . ______ilt j Separote conta j ire In the new rlrh- U I e r = ! = = e = s a a * = = = i . s , _

R a d i o P r o g r a m s i

I ' . CTwJn Falls Time)

i‘ DAILY N ODM PltnAT>rAST-------u»e ‘ TONIGHT 11It i 7:30*10:30 P . M.—Buhl biL-iketball Inur-!, )- I ney. :a i 10:30* 1:15 A. M,—Frolic featnrlni: old j I- time music. |

10:00-^0:3a-Prclude Period in 10:30-lI:3i>-Ml8s Tlirlfty'a Hour r* n:30*ia;00-Form crs- Topicsra ■I3:00ijl:00-Merchnntfl‘. Hout__________Jid l:M -2 :00—Aftemoon Variety P rogram ' l !- . DAILY KVBNING HOUR :r r 5IOO^fl:t»-iAinalcur and Children’s i ?r Period

Kiddle* Klub on Mondays, Wwlnes- r. day and FridayIt StlNOAY. TUESDAT. THURSDAY d AND SATURDAY 1« 7:30-8:00—Town 'Crier ‘ 8 :00- 10:00—Studlo-

10:00*11:00—Classical and Seml-Claa- ,1 1 sicnl Program t 11:00-13:30—Popular DcTtCB-Program ^ 13:30*2:OC^Mldnlght ProUc (Saturday e only) iII Note: Sundays exceptional—O ff air- only fo ro n e houT7:I3 to 8:15T>.‘M. "

March 3n -------tB y The-Assoclnted Press) - lfl 233i»—KYW Chicago—1020* Or^Oa—Church 8er\'lcese 4:30—Antlo Persians; Features 6:15—Talk; S tring Ensemble 1* S :30-A l the Pianoe 0:00—Mrlodles: Magazine Hourll J:l& —Father Pernin: Orchestra______

e 370J~-WCCOMlnneapolls-SI. Paul—810 1 0:45a—Church Scrvlccs

" 0:00—Irene Bordoni y 0:30—On Tours ••7:00—Theatrt-of-the-A lr---------------- r- 8:00—Minneapolis Symphony •

454J—WEAF New York—CCO e 5:00—Songnloguee ■— _e ------------------------- ------------------------------ ----

Meat Sj----------------------------------------- — f o

V 1

Satu]Tv e a l

j S h o u ld e r O A y » R o a s U .........................

i ^ a 7 = : : ; : - : - 2 2 c - ^: ............1 2 V 2 CI n p p p _______________

i P o t R oa .sU ._________[ p o u n d . ........................ ^ U . C- — R o u nd -a n d S ir lo in — -------I S te a k , p o u n d .......... O U C

H a m b u r j r e r S te a k , O A .a p o u n d ..................... Z v C

-Central •P h o n e 3 11-312

r t ) A T t Y m w s r m m


" ; 9*Glcfiiird From an

i f Local- Firuifi . •—JRWS SnpiTnic *

colorod tweeds. In fact. In fnbricji ol there Is a rlc lin ra of color, cven 'the

belKe tones, whioli aro greatly In evl- j . dcnce. liitVe a rosy or yellow cast to take - .5 them oul of ilie rciutrnl doss.

cn Checked fiibrlc.s are good, especially in '

nlr of Jaiiniy youttifulness th a t Ls most •altna-tive. --'- '

Ir tn silk;i for sportswear, tw n- 'rt piece model;! lire favored,-"ihoURli’ the '

f . one-piece b<'lt<'<| model Ifl newer and 'lfi smarter. Montone flat crepe.H nre beliiK ;IJ- shown In'briglil colons or grayed shade.>. it . with print;; In slliihtly le.w favor. Skirl;; J,](. have all-around box or knife pleats. |r . flare.'* are mostly to bc seen in o n e -!

piece frock.s.I„ In the primed frock charcoal prints

are wood, niukon the whole, there f:i le.s.s.;o of Ih t bold ftiotl)'riil:!tlc type of printjji and more of a iri'iiri toward liinall neat.

Colton frocks are especially good tliLs i I season. Sleevclrvi (rocks in linen, plain • ^ and |>rinte<l ]>ic)iu'. orgai)dy nnd glnii- j

ham nre new amt attractive. -A-m on-- olone Irish linen. slrevcle.s.s. w ith notch-

.* ed collar, vesie.", patch pocket and but-" TonfitW lt m i t he iif<r7,imae faf P W ffy printed pJfiin- Jn oniiiBC and white. In ii , basque model, with flared circular .skirt bordered with orange, and bolted wilh

’* black suede, a white organdie nnd cot- ton print in Jade and white. Bcemed to , me to b<- by far Ihe ?nd n m l ,

■' attractive.K ______ I

But Uie very best wtLs a «lim. youth- I ful en;*mble of goyti red flat crcpe.

t<. a .slecvele.s;;,.one-pleee dre.M, with n V I- nec): and a w hite'suece 'ik U. .under a i

white fla t crepe unllned, -full length eoat. with pen.sant em broidery'nl the

.- cuffs and nbout the cpilnr.

r ftTa’n—T hcatr^Fam lly I 7:00—D. Lawrence; A. K. Hour I (1:15—Champions

D:4&—Slnglni: School303.»-KI)KA PUUburgh—980v

. 0:00-Melodii-s; Onclc Hcnry'.t Mng. • . iTM RW ubllee Singers; El Tango^_____ j

; lOlfiOa—Church Sefvice.H- : ■J»:00--Feaiure; At the Pinno

! 0:15—Uncle Henry's Mngnzine ,,J 7 :15-A . K, Hour j

I 0:l5 -^hnm pion .i; Singing School

7:lf>-A.' K. ^n:15—Champions; Melodies . | 0 :0 0 -sto ry Hour

__l0;t)0-*Bridgc; ,.PjiycliQlociat;_VarlcU’___1 ' 11:00—Donee Orcheslra •

sj rJ:00—Church ScPi'iccs 7;00 -T alk ; Dr. Able

- 0 :00-W ord nnd Muslc_0:00—Church; M aster

310.S-KGO OaklamI—790 12:00—Church Scrvlccs 7:15—A. K. Hour

.8:15—Clianiplons; Melodies 0: oo-^hur{ff _8en-iccs

7 :0 (^T hco tre of thc Air '6:00—Musical Progrnms; Sketch '.I

' 0:30—Salon Orchestro 11:00—Showboat Frolic

>■-___ 2CJJ-*KSL-BaU iJ ik r Clty-^liao-.......7:15-A . K. Hour 8:00—church Services

440.9—KPO San Francisco—C8010;45n—Church Services .......... ...... -7:15—A. K. Hour 8 :1 5 -Champions; Melwlles 9:00—Talk; Concert Orchcstm

10:00—String Quartet309.1->KJR Seattle—f)70

' 7:tM>r-Theatrc of thc Air i6:00—Musical Programs; Sketch (

» 11 ;00-Showboot Prollc

MARCELLING 50e La. Faye Beauty Parlor. - Phone 593- 1

R l l . ndv------------------------ ------------------- 1

EVERYTHING CHEAPER BLvwnnctte’3 A rt Shcp. odv 1

ipeclals II

irday jPT5RK \

G rain Fed \

Shou lder O A .0 ’- -^RoiUMta^...:.-.-::........... ^ U C — \

Shou lder 0 0 .^ \S te a k s ............... Z iiC jP ork S ausage , |2 pound .s ................. O O C i "

------------ LARD- ,------- \

IK)unda ..............T. “ 6 5 T r ] [ i

gound, ..... $1.25 j

M a i d i e t - i !We Dtliver i \

-------- -----------------------------II)

FALLS, I D A H O . S / ^ T U I t t

" !| Wiffie WillisH I. By BOBg g r Q U n i P ^ _


nil "Papa , sa id ho was coin’ to wnank mt oht the nex t time 1 slid down Pog’s roof,

■ but thc doctor promised lo tell hlna where he h a d lo lake fq^itiUtches."

vn- ; ------ - --------- —•• - . — . . . —

uul ’ I . . ■ nM

JS; y ^ i h e f i o t e l .iLs. j 1 - •

" ‘•‘' PARK—H. L. Ford. W.' A. W ard rT : f " IC. Ualley. Pocatelln: I.- E. Harrington

and wife. E. R. KiilKht, aeorge W. Brim. J im Neuley, IXcker Little. S. W. Morrlsion, Jr., SaU U-il:o City: EUiyl V. Reid, Mr. ond Mr;;. W. P. Hcnimlng-

I way, J. M .f^iller. Jack Soren.son. Tlioni- ;a;i Holbrook, A. E. Cook. R. H.

“t* I Morrill, Seattle; A. 1’. Boker, A. B.~7topkln. Ogdcn: A. T, Fox. Blackfool;

' ‘* H. A. Baker, J . H. niandford. Rupert;

' “ ■Mra. Tlios. HaVklii'i. Jack Ifompton, San Prancisco; Charles L, Marlow. Philip s . Bame.s. Mr. and Mrs, Dave Wilson, Los Angeli's: Mr. nnd Mrs. D. C. Fleming, PltUiburKh.

i ROGERSON — Tlioma-s R. Curran, ,, I Son Francisco: O. D. Sherman, Salt “ ■ . Lake City; W olter h. Schmidt. Denver; V I La Downa Bowen. New York City: John ,, B. Hoynal, L. L. Dixon, James Huifine.

,^!SeoU le; K. Luduim er.'st. Louls|.,Jda L,. Mnn.son, Burley: F. M. l^eepinn. O. D.

Chalmers. Pocatcllo; -tohn T. Mont­gomery. H. C. Seth. Uol«o: W. L. Wnlli-r.

* J. G. King, Nampa; Paul T. Lirsen, ■Eden'i ^Irrnn'dTitrsTFranK VcdnsrHar-- elton: Mildred Nickerson, Dorothy

, Mttchell, Jerome. |

PERRINE--W . L Wll-son, Clilcnco; ' ■ J. D. Dade. Mrs. F. E. Hoffman. Frank

a rice . S olsc: Donald Orlfflth. Mr. and ' — T ln T B ert^n n iT r'lC T e jT M rT n

J. B. Wilson. Pocatello; H, T. Tiiomp-; son and son. Roger.':oii; C. L. Reynolds,;

1 Salt Lake City: L. M. Stigcr, C. O. Jones, i j William r\)wler, S t. Louls; Horry Samp- .'.on. Montrose, Colorodo;.W. E. Wood,,

-^ •R u p c rt^ J^J^V a!t/>rs_IlA ilali..Orccm i-

Atwood Goes to SeattleHarry D. At (T>od has severed con­

nection wiUi Uib Aubuni.tiale.s cotn­pany hero lo take charge of nn Auburn ngcncy In Seattle, it wns nnnounced 1 ycaterdny, Herbert sloluuon succeetlw > Mx. Atwood ns m anager of the com­pany herc. Mr, Atwood left yesterday for i ScatUe. Mr. Atwood was one of the o r­ganizers of thc Aubum Soles company here nnd has been m anager .siiirc Its

. orRonigation. i

FUNERALS.......“ ■LEW IS^^meral services for Wllllom

Lewis, resident of Idaho and Oregon fo r 15 yeon pa.*it whose d ^ t h occurrcd here lasl Tuevlay, will bc held In Twin

- Fnlfi) ccmetery n l 2-P.-M.-to<!ny, - - -----

OIrl Rescrcv Cooked food sale ol Al- ; vord M otfs today, adv

1 IP E A W fe2 M O N T H L Y 'S T ’) ^ P R O G R A IV 1

S------------------------------------ —J T h e A v a l o n e x p2 a c h i e v e m e n t i n c i

| S p o r tr a y s i n a n elcJ — :-----------s t y le ■ t r en d - fo r - t h e.W___________ H i - A r c h K a r r o wy mtnduce ic as ourj i B U ck P a t c i t L e a th e rm heel with Novelty lea:5 He^ Ua in f l o o r s h c

D A T H D B M i^ G i i r A 'Re

I i i i i i ij i s - F i j y jPioneer Citizen arid 'P r ■ m inen t L eader F irs t W

' m an C andidate Fni' Po

Interested ciiizenc hnvc selected M H. W,' Clouchck. pioneer resident a prominent cJub woman, to represent t womanhood of Twin FoILs In the mui clpal ndminlstmUon. and her nomlr .Uotv-foF-drrJ,lnn-tO-lhC-g.Q!?ncll n ^ l

, city election April 3. Ls to bc fllctriodi H-Wflfi-n*K’yr<BinCd-lP'^ nvmlng

• There has novcr before been ti wot ™ nn candidate for member of Twin Pn *: city council, allhough there Ims be = u woman member of the board of tru.' I V(-rof"TwIrrPnli.n'nrdcik'ndcnt ncht

tlLstrict for sevcrnl years pa-si..T im e lim it for filliw; of nomlnatio

for the municipal election will e.xpl nt m idnight tonlcht. The mayor ni

J Iwo councilman are to be clcctcd.■ R. E. Bobler. mayor for two yeors p a

haa becu nomiimttOJor.rcrclccUon. nl there are three cnndldntcs for councl men. They a re T. J^ o n g ln s , cnndlda for re-elecUon: S. 3. All. fowner mer

V ber of Uie council, aiid-ThQinaa.Sandc

■- _ _ _ _ i-

tl B ro th e rs in Law suit [i O ver Claim to Croj'rf" ------------- ----------- -r •

] yi*iL iii5iiiiii<i»i" bj*“ T 'w r “ iiitrw I, (igulnst hfft broUier W. L. Hansen, ii 1-. volving dispute over crops grown In e yenr on fnrm land rented by Pred Hai ). froni A. F. Craven. Hollbter. wi

brought to trlnl before Judge W. . Bol>co*ck in dLslrlct court here ycste dny. PrcM ntntlon of evidence wns ni

;t completed, b u t Is to be re.sumcd today.

" Boise M an Confesses' i>u...-,KiBossesslon o f Liquo

Charles (Budt Buck. BoLsc, in pn " bate court hero yesLerdny plendt j-_UUiUi’_loJUcgaLpoxseKiion4iUvflnlIon4 „ -modnshlHc wlil.skey lh a l iwllce office

j reiwrU?d they had found in hls nuU I mobile on Main avenue north n sho:

. : tlmo previously. Sentence will be pn (. nounced by Judi;e C. A. Bnllcy today,Ji '■ ---------------- •n — ----------FARMER-HANGED --------. ; AMITE, La. March 1 Cigc. Wa , 5C-ytar-old •'fhrmcr, was honged hei

; j lodoy for the m urder of Percy Robert J 18. W hen commutnlion of sentence wj I sought before the Louisiana pardo .'! board. Wnll clnimed lie killed fhi>ynnt

, he had refu.sed to marry . dnuchtcr. .

C --------------------------.SLOAN OFF TO EUROPE

1 NEW YORIC, (Saturday Monilnj * 1 Mnrch 2 W'.—Atfre«l P. Slona. Jr.. presl ■jduni of Uie OHicrol Motors corporc ] ]tlon. j.-nllod for Europe corly lodoy-o i 'llie liner Ilc dc Froncc. on o plcosuj » 'lrli).


f Rudolph Krng, who spent 40 of h 5 7fl.yrars tn tho service of three Oermo

I koL^crs as chef, died today. • • ------

1 * SPECIMEN ROSES . I I fs ft privilese to buy strong speciol

■ grown Hybrcd buslies th e result of thli n j ty-elght years of study ond cxperlem n I of Mr. Benedict of the Benedict Nui d series. None b e tte r /o r any home beoi n tlflcatlon program, adv

i Hoga ore getUng scarce, .but U - j Fanner's Store Imve plenty of the)

.to .sell in chunks, odv

® ^ A \ v a i u d f A ^ \

wA\r ..........................................._ - .-5

----------------1presses the highest Icraftsmanship and kloquent fashion the ^i -iSfrTfng- mode t r a ---------- 1

Heel Shoe f r W e ________ ^r latest creation. - . ^

’r V a m p , Q u a r t e r a n d . Ia t h c r t r i m - - S p a n i s h I[eel , JlOE DEPARTMENT J

E|( B R E V IT li, | f l " o n BuslncM .Trip -^ohn W. O J h - hart-ft-ent-to-Pocatello laal-evcnlnRIU L buj QC-ss.

T5„ « Prcd-Ba.<^at. Olcnn's Ferry, were r 1 0 - ‘Twin Falls on business yesierdoy..

W o - • (lotn (o Join H usband-M rs. W., E)ecker left lost evening for Los t

P o .s t geles to Join Mr. Decker, who lias cepte<l a position there.

d Mrs, Central Stales—Mr, tIt nnrl Mrc. F. H. Wiiislcr hove returned oi

,»,« a three months' visit wllh relativesmiml- Colorado.

a ^ th e Belum From Orefon—Dr. and A 'tScInir C rA rEm es-retum ed to Twin Falls y

■ tcrday from Hot Loke. Oregon, whiiiu jr s p c n n n n iiB n ra iiy s -------------

I Palls ■I been ' Home From Long Beach—Mr. 0 trust* Pringle have rctum ed frnchool- Long Bench. ,whoro-Uioy, visltcd-Ui

daugliter. Mrs. T. O. Boyd. Jr.

exnlre Retorns to ' hom*o—J:- W, Bclmrr ’ and rclurnctl to his hod laat night a fte r a visit with his dnujI ter, Mrs. A. E. Larsen. Hollister.

Mnrn'*' —Vlsitr-Salt Lake Olty—Asher B. W Vm . flon Pocatcllo-yesterday •21°*^ biislnes.s. He was Joined last evening

Mrs. Wll.'<iri and boUi will go to B U k e City for n short visit. . .

Will Attend M eeUng-M r. and A: W, A. Thompson left lasl evening S alt Lake City, where Mr. Thompt will attend a meeting of th e Eqv

r o p s (ible Life Insurance company.

1, in- from Pocatello wMch failed to a rr\ lost Wcdncsdoy or Thursday cnme inHon- lt:IO P. M. Friday, obout an hour a . was minutes late owing to rond conditio

» tc^ - Back From Rochester—Ernest Kc g not returned from Rochester. M^nr j[jy solo, where hc spent five weeks' a

where he underw ent’an opemtion Moyo brothers’ hospital. Hc h grci ly improved.

lU O r Uniitrgoes Opemtion—Mrs. Cllffe Emcrick. a pnUent a t the county ge

pro- eral hospital, was reported to be rccc eaded erlng satlsfactorUy following anopci lon^)!- tioiiJoLflppgididUs-lo^Klilchjhc-Sii fleers mitted Wedne.sdoy,

short Back From Wbconsln—MlMt .Hci pi.„. Havens returned Thursdoy from Mo<

lay • son. Wisconsin yhere she has be , ■ for Uie winter. On lier return trip s----------v i£lt«d-friends-and-roUU ves-ln-Ka

sas, Denver 'dnd Salt Lake City.

hl'rM Advance Closing Honr—Effective P , day the hour of closing the Wesie

Union Telegraph compnny offices h( was advanced from 11:30 P. M. lo

• r^ fl P."Tvrrcuttlng-Dff onc-and-a-half-hoi ' .* from thc daily schedule. Opening Ut

remained unchanged a t 7:30 A. M.

nlnirf “ No Schedule Change—No word lv *5* been received here yesterday relative

change in e l lh u sUge fares ov schedi [v .an Incident to Uic transfer of the manog Mure ment of the Blue Line stages to t

Columbia Oorge system onnounced take placc Marcli 1, tt was stated by

. C. Sorenson, lo u l agent, last evenln

f ^ * ^ MeeUng Lacks Quorum—Due to fal rman ure of ft quorum of stockholders of U___ __Twin RftlLs Ba.s<>ball 'e lu trto ‘l>e-prese:

• either in person o f by proxy 'at am ce ing called last, evening to m eet a t hea<

clally quarters of the Twin Palls Chamber th lr - -Commorcc.-Uio-board-of-direclors-vo

ience cd to adjourn to meet n t the coll of U Nur- president. Dr. D. L. Alcxondcr.

beau- —' ....—"Becomes Store Manager—E. E. Hool

; Uie them

___ ( /farfat

- V -----HAMS----


rS " O R ^t h a l f ■ i l m

^ “ M y ! T h a t m a k e s m ( J 2 h a s a b i g r o a s t o f :

M e a t ' M a r '

j SPEC^ M U k F e d V e a l .

S S h o u ld e r O O ^ 1 R o asta ....................

4“S .::::.:. 15c

i ;

( Independent------------------------------------------f f j n

f i . m Mmiii A rt. N. i i l ■■■I

E FIKIiTUEllSJlSEiEJIIiMI)second annlvcrsaty f t the organliaUw

ly o f Uie NaUona! Parent-Teoeher a.v» ciation wa.-: observed Thursday with t

m Q program a t th e Lincoln school by Uu os An Lincoln ouoclaUon, presided over by Uu lis ac- president, Mrs. Roy Evans. Reporu

were received from Mrs. W. B. Smltli chairm an of the mlllc committee,' nnii

Ir and Mrs. H. W. Clouchck. In behalf of the d 'o fw r ch lld 'study class. Mrs. Smith slated Ives in th a t 513 paid botUcs and 374 free bot­

tles of mlllc had been distributed. Tlm child study closs will meet In the Oirl

d Mrs Reserve room In th e Junior high school lls yos- ,P._.M,_Wednesdoys ond a t tho

where Twin Pall.n public lifirarjr wedncsdava----- — ot.;g.-30J-J>T,onf1 TirJdays nt

with Mrs.- O. W;-Brblond In chanie nt , th e school.nnd Mrs. .Clouchek o t llie r. and ^ '? Mr. j . H. B am ts spoke' on plans fori-uic-c. o fganm nguhorm onlctrclub n tth e Lin­

coln school. Talks relatlnu to Uie na- •,in tlonoI organization ond iUt founders [ home N- Terry imd Mrs.dnuoh Oconte Ebeling. An anniversary blrth-

“ day candle ceremony in which 32 glrl.s took port followed, under Uie dlrecUon

3 w n . Zbliss.lncz Adams. o.snlsted bv Mrs.Prank'W . Slack and Mrs. O. E. Weldon,

ling b v ^ e v . C. P. Rlstow. pastor of UieMetho- Lo Bnll Eolscopal church, spoke on Uie sub­

jec t -Training for CIU2cnsliIp Throueh th e Church.” The program closcd with

d Mrs. piano solo bv Miss Virginia Doss and n ng for vocal solo by Mrs. Morse Roberts, impson . — .

W’endeh Raises Rate

arrive ------- *in n l WENDELL.' March 1—U’ntler an or*

ur and dinonce made cffecUvc today Wcndeil lllions. tininicipal wotcrworkn minimum rale

lias been advanced from $2 to 53J0 per Kocli nionUi. Thc minimum water consum-

klinnc- ptlon also has been advanced from 750 a* and gallons under the old rate to 2250 gal­lon a t Ions under tho now raU?. AnUclpated great- increase in revenues under thc new rate

Ls to bc used In reUring watcrworkrf bonds which begin to bccomc due next

llfford yc“ r.y gen- •rccov- j • PAY ROLL CLERK SLAIN

' PHILADELPHIA. Mnrcli.1 MV-Harrv ^ ^ “‘'-|-Pnu.sbcnnerr32.-pay 'roirclerIc"for-dn-

upholstery mill, was sliot to deoth to- Helen resLsting three robbers nenrM ndi. Fourth and Somer.sct strecu. Thc men : ^ n 5J300,ip she I --------------------------K an-J_____AEEROVEJCELLOGC J»ACX____

COPENHAGEN, Denmark. Morch 1 I (/»■>—The Risdag today ratified adher- I Kellogg pact outinwlng war.

*to 'lO " ROUSLINIAN BANKS FAIL-hour»i__ B.U.CHAREST, Rouninnla. Mnrch 1I Ume —The Mercury bonk ond 'ilic Cre3Ii M. bank of Temesvor todny declared

themselves Insolvent.

Uve to ADHERE TO PEACE PACT tiedu^£^.,TUB HAGUE, Holland, March 1 M-)mage- —^xhe second chomber of the states-:o the general todoy adopted n b u ro f odher- ced to cnce to the Kellogg pact for renuncla*by.W. Uon of war.enlng. s ^ - - —

> foil- er, em ploy^ for two years past a t the o f th e Tlngwall department store here and resent previously-advertising monoger for Uie meet*- Oolden Rule store here for four yeors, head* h as returned to his former home in Mr of Amerlcon Palls to become monoger of s-vot- the-Evons MerCanUlc-company‘8 store of the there.

News W ant Ads rcach thc people you Hook* wish’to attract.

f y t r e p o r A - La a * /

J ^B A C O N —



h a l f


me hungiy. I hope Max'tha if pork from Independent arket tonight.”— .

ugday-C I A L S

All Young Pork

I c .............. : 2 2 c .

> e - i S " : . . . . : ....2 5 c -

> c [ ^ L ^ r . . : .... w

it Meat MarketK U tlU V E R--------- :------- ----------

Phone* 162-16S.

Tl OUNTT E TW: ALLS DAI] · A ir p la n e T o w s G l i d e r Ush> ' I ago LONG BCACH. March 1 tn — yna* Drake's ttsy glidrr,. - [PDF Document] (2024)


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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Author information

Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.