Common Facilities District Center (2024)

  • Common Facilities District Center
  • Crescent Lakes CFD
  • Indian Creek CFD
  • Indian Point CFD
  • Indian Ridge Villas CFD
  • Dissolved CFDs

Common Facilities District Contact

M - F: 8am - 5pm




1 Courthouse Square,
Suite 2100

Kissimmee, FL 34741

Contact Us

A common facilities district is a government entity under the jurisdiction of Osceola County and the laws of the State of Florida. These CFDs are made up of homeowners of their defined areas. They are tasked with enhancing the standard of living for their residents and maintaining their common grounds and facilities.

The following are a list of common facilities district websites that have been created to help local residents learn more about their own CFD.

  • Crescent Lakes CFD
  • Indian Creek CFD
  • Indian Point CFD
  • Indian Ridge Villas CFD

Master Documents

CFD Master Ordinance 2014-124-Aug 4, 2014

CFD Master Ordinance No. 12-17-Aug 7, 2014

CFD Master Ordinance No. 11-03-Aug 7, 2014

CFD Master Ordinance No. 08-13-Aug 7, 2014

CFD Master Ordinance No. 07-27-Aug 7, 2014

CFD Master Ordinance No. 08-10-Aug 7, 2014

CFD Master Ordinance 06-44-Aug 7, 2014

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Locations List

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Locations Map

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Common Facilities District Center (2024)


What is CFD zoning in Florida? ›

A common facilities district is a government entity under the jurisdiction of Osceola County and the laws of the State of Florida. These CFDs are made up of homeowners of their defined areas. They are tasked with enhancing the standard of living for their residents and maintaining their common grounds and facilities.

What is a community facilities district in Arizona? ›

Introduction. A Community Facilities District (CFD) is a special taxing district that allows the financing of the installation, operation and maintenance of public improvements such as roads, water and wastewater facilities, flood control and drainage projects that benefit a specified area.

What is CFD environment? ›

Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) is a powerful analytical tool for design and engineering teams. Many manufacturing and operations teams leverage the power of CFD to experiment with equipment and process modifications in a simulated environment to validate their capital investments prior to purchase.

What are the three most common zoning designations? ›

There are, essentially, three basic zoning categories: residential, commercial, and industrial. Agricultural land is typically the least regulated and usually exists outside municipal boundaries.

What does CFD mean in housing? ›

Mello-Roos community facilities districts (CFDs) are a type of special tax district formed when property owners within a geographic area agree to impose a tax on property in order to fund infrastructure improvements or services.

How do community facilities districts work? ›

These Community Facilities Districts ( CFD s) seek public financing through the sale of bonds for the purpose of financing public improvements and services. These services may include streets, water, sewage and drainage, electricity, infrastructure, schools, parks, and police protection to newly developing areas.

Who creates community facilities districts CFDs? ›

They were created by and named after Senator Henry Mello and Assemblyman Mike Roos, who authored the legislation, in response to Prop 13, which limited local government entities and special districts from being able to access certain funding opportunities for new facilities.

Can you live in a commercial property Florida? ›

Now, delving into the legalities, it's typically illegal to reside in a property zoned as commercial. This is often due to health and safety codes that commercial properties don't align with. However, there might be exceptions if a commercial building gets zoned for residential use through a variance process.

What is CN zoning in Florida? ›

CN (Neighborhood Commercial) District. The CN zoning district provides areas for convenient neighborhood access to daily goods and services. Typical uses include grocery stores, banks, dry cleaners, and restaurants.

What zoning allows manufactured homes in Florida? ›

Generally speaking, mobile homes are allowed in most residential zoning districts in Florida. That means you could be living the mobile life alongside single-family homes and apartments (think eclectic neighborhood with a touch of vintage charm).

What does zoning PD mean in Florida? ›

Planned Development Districts:​​

The general purpose of both types of zoning districts is to implement the goals, objectives, and policies of the L​ee Plan, as well as to provide protection to the public health, safety and welfare through the regulation of land use.


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Author: Rubie Ullrich

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Author information

Name: Rubie Ullrich

Birthday: 1998-02-02

Address: 743 Stoltenberg Center, Genovevaville, NJ 59925-3119

Phone: +2202978377583

Job: Administration Engineer

Hobby: Surfing, Sailing, Listening to music, Web surfing, Kitesurfing, Geocaching, Backpacking

Introduction: My name is Rubie Ullrich, I am a enthusiastic, perfect, tender, vivacious, talented, famous, delightful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.