Lancaster New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)

a the a it SIXTEEN LANCASTER NEW ERA-Lancaster's Most Widely Consulted Columns- MONDAY AUGUST 27, 1923 Phones: Bell 3300-Ind. 134. MOTORCYCLE IS HIT BY ENGINE Two Columbia Men Have Close Call at Railroad Crossing Sunday Morning. COLUMBIA, Aug. Kissinger and Joseph Eckman, employed in Union Street Rolling mill, had miraculous escape from death under the wheels of the locomotive drawing the Pennsylvania passenger train due here at 7:45 o'clock Sunday morning.

The men had just finished some work in the mill and mounting a motoreyele started up Union street. As they reached the railroad crossing the flagman was in his position with his stop signal. The men either did not see the watchman or ignored his warning as they kept going at a rapid rate. As they reached the westbound track the passenger train came along, the cylinder of the enstriking the front wheel of the gine motorcycle shoving the machine aside. Both men were thrown from the wheel.

They escaped with a few lacerations. The engineers did not see the wheelmen and he evidently did not know that the machine had been hit as the train kept on going until it came to a stop at the passenger station. A number of people were standing about the crossing at the time an dexpected the men would be killed. EXECUTIONS ISSUED. Morris Canan has issued an execution against Albin Nixon, also known as Charles A.

Nixon, of Sadsbury township, for $3,800. Mary A. Bair, has issued an execution for $1,000 against Martin Bair, of Earl township. HEARS CHURCH BELL RING ONCE AGAIN Was Growing More Rapidly Deaf Each Day From Catarrh Trouble. PRAISING PLANT JUICE Explains How the Herbal Remedy Quickly Cleared Up Her Catarrh.

"I was growing more rapidly deaf from catarrh every day but Plant Juice has cleared up the trouble to such an extent that once again I can hear St. Mary's Church bell ring and the clock strike." MRS. J. W. GOOLEY.

This remarkable statement was made by Mrs. J. W. Gooley, of 901 La Grange Street, Toledo, Ohio, during a conversation with The Plant Juice Man at that city recently. Continuing Mrs.

Gooley said: "In addition to the catarrhal trouble, I suffered from awful pains in my back and side and my stomach was in terrible condition. bloated so badly that I be compelled to unloosen my clothing to ease the pain and suffering. "Since I have taken Plant Juice those awful pains in my back and have entirely disappeared. In fact, Plant Juice has improved me generally but the most surprising. thing is the way it has relieved my catarrh.

I was growing more rapidly deaf each day but one day, a short time after I started taking Plant Juice, I was suddenly startled and surprised to hear St. Mary's Church bells ringing something I had not been able to hear for long, long time--and then, after that, I could also hear the clock strike. am so thankful to Plant Juice and I gladly recommend to everybody who suffers as I did as a wonderful medicine and one that does all and more than is claimed for it." Plant Juice is sold in Lancaster at The Imperial drug store, cor. North Queen and Chestnut streets: in Ephrata by G. S.

Royer; in Columbia at T. D. Alexander's Cut Rate Store; In Lititz by Curtis Hensel; in Strasburg by Wilmer Weaver; in Manheim by George L. Heiges; Ensminger's drug store and H. F.

Ruhl, druggist. -Adv. Court Oreilles tribe of Chippewa Indians from Hayward, made Alvin M. Owsley, national commander of the American Legion, a chief. He's Cheif -Be, which means "the beautifying bird," in Chippewa language.

This is the first time in history a white man has been 80 honored by the Chippewas. Big Chief Owsley Haskell Sees Russia Recovered From Famine MOSCOW, Aug. 22-Watch Colonel Haskell. America will hear from him; he's one of her biggest men. That's what you hear in Russia, where millions of people think Colonel William N.

Haskell is the greatest man in the world. He is on his way home after completing the biggest relief job in history. Haskell, as head of the American Relief Administration, fed 10,600,000 people a meal a day. Now he is returning home simply As a colonel of the army. Yet at 45 his name is known throughout Europe for his work as chief of operations of the Second United in France, director of States American Army relief in Rumania, allied high commissioner for America, director of relief in Russia, and European commissioner of the American Red Cross.

Haskell sees Russia, now recovered from famine, as a nation with possibilities second only to the United States. "Russia has to be a great, important nation some day," he says. "I'd like to see it in my lifetime--but I won't unless foreign capital gets busy quickly; and of course foreign capital can't come in while the Soviet goverment takes its present position on foreign trade." This is the picture of Russia that Haskell sees now: "There is no famine. There is suffering due largely to poverty, ployment and the dislocation of life inevitable after war, revolution and starvation. But this suffering will not end until normal conditions are restored and Russia's trade revived sufficiently to permit her people to acquire what they need for the ordinary purposes of life." Here's a tip he gives, perhaps for busiess men and diplomats as well: DUNDEE-WAGNER BATTLE TONIGHT Courageous Scotch Wop Now Featherweight Champion Will Receive Big Ovation in Phila.

Tonight within a ring pitched at Shetzline base ball park, Philadelphia, upon which will be focussed 20,000 pairs of eyes, Johnny Dundee, featherweight champion of the world, will make his first appearance in the squared circle since that now historic night at the Polo Grounds when he snatched the title from the hands of Gene Criqui, and sent that noble gladiator back to his native Paris with his hands empty of a championship, but around his head a halo of pugilistic glory. Dundee's appearance tonight under the auspices of Max Hoff, Philadelphia's noted sportsman and distinguished promoter will be as much a ceremony as a pugilistic spectacle. He is the master boxer of the decade, the courageous little man who struggled through thirteen years of discouragement before he was able to get a chance at the title he knew should rightfully be his. Then came golden opportunity, the game Criqui, conqueror of Kilbane, helpless and outclassed, and the goal WaS won. Small wonder then, that an army of Dundee's countrymen and as many more sportsmen who admire a man who won't be downed, are waiting this morning to acclaim Johnny Dun- IDEAS THAT BUILD BUSINESS Follow Your Ideals First make sure your ideals are worthy, then follow them like a shadow.

Ideals are the lights which brighten the highway of success. False ideals are flickering lights which sputter and go out, leaving you in utter darkness. True ideals shine with a permanent brilliance. To let an ideal slip away from you is the moral equivalent of losing a limb. Keep up with your ideals.

Do not run ahead of them or falter and stumble be815 hind. The man with useless ideals is a ship without a rudder. The man without any ideals at all is a ship without sails or propeller. Ideals lead are in and reality practical toward things. They one on on, greater success at all times.

He who follows his ideals is a leader. (Copyright, 1923) A Read Today's "A-B-C" Classified Ads Sale Record. On Tuesday, August 28, 1923, at 1:30 P. on the premises, one mile north of Bareville a tract of land containing 98 seres, with improvements. By Wayne It.

Groff, Executor of Christian W. Groff, deceased. On Thursday, September 1923, 1:30 P. on the premises in Pequea Township, on the road leading from Willow Street to Linestown, about one mile south of the former, a tract of land containing 45 acres. with a story dwelling and other improvements.

Also at same time and place a lot of household goods. By William Charles, Trustee to sell Real Estate of Joseph Charles, deceased, and Administrator of Elizabeth Charles, deceased. On Saturday, September 8, 1923, at 2 P. on the premises in East Hempfleld and Manor Townships, the following real estate: No. 1 a tract of 26 acres, with improvements, on the north side of the Lincoln Highway in East Hempfleld Township, about miles west of Lancaster City, No.

2. A tract of 2 acres with improvements, on the south side of the Lincoln Highway, In Manor Township. By Jonas E. Miller and Simon E. Miller, Executors of drew G.

Miller, deceased. RECORD OF SALES On Wednesday, September 12, 1923, at 2 P. on the premises in Paradise Township, Lancaster County, niong the Strasburg Road, 3 miles east of Strasburg, a farm of 89 acres, with Improvements. Also 5 acres of woodland in same township, near Smelting Works By Enos J. Hershey, Executor of Pete: Hershey, deceased.

On Thursday, September 20, 1923, at 2 P. on the premises of No. 2, about one-half mile from Conestoga Center, the following real estate: No. 1--A tract of one acre, on which is erected a story frame dwelling house and other improvements. No, 2-A farm of 146 acres, on which is erected a stone dwelling house, bank barn and other improvements.

By John H. Hess and David W. Hess, Trustees to sell Real Estate of David S. Hess, deceased. Too Late for Classification EMPLOYMENT Help Wanted 32 SOLICITOR wanted at once.

Woman to work Lancaster County soliciting advertisem*nts for annual publication. Only few weeks work. Good pay. Address Box 338 Lancaster New Era. AUCTIONS--LEGALS Auction 1cs 90 PUBLIC SALE OF REAL ESTATE-TUESDAY, SEPT.

18, 1923- A lot of ground in the Borough of Manheim, containing in front on the east side of S. Charlotte Street sixtyfive feet, more or less, and extending in depth along the right of way of the Reading and Columbia Railroad two hundred and thirty feet, more or less, to East Charlotte Street. The improvements thereon erected are a large three-story brick building known as the American House, containing twenty rooms, large frame stable, barber shop and other buildings. This property is well located, enjoys a large patronage and is well adapted for boarding house purposes. Sale to commence at 2:00 o'clock on Tuesday, September 18, 1923, when terms and conditions will be made known by EMMA FREY.

Executrix of Henry M. Frey, deceased. B. W. STONER, Auct.

W. A. Ensminger, Clerk. M. G.

Schaeffer, Atty. CLASSIFIED DISPLAY LIVE STOCK BIG COW SALE-AT STRASBURGON FRIDAY, AUG. 31,1923 I will sell at Public Sale at my sales stables, Strasburg, Lancaster the following: carload Bradford Co. cows; carloads York Co. cows; 25 River Hills cows.

The Bradford Co. cows were bought by Herbert Mowrery, All Holsteins. Herbert says it is the best lot he has shipped this year. Special mention is made of 5 Holsteins that will make 70 lbs. a day.

A. Peach load of cows. One of the York county loads was bought by Frank R. Mowrery. He says they are an extra good lot of milk and butter cows.

The other load was bought by myself and they have all the marks they should have for good milk cows Come and see them sold. Sale must start strictly at 1:30 o'clock. B. F. MOWRERY.

The Lancaster New Era la a mem. ber of The Association of Newspaper classified Advertising Managers, which includes leading newspapers throughout the country and has for its aim the elimination of fraudulent and misleading classifled advertising. The Lancater New Era as well as every other member of the endeavors to print orly ful Want-ads and will appreciate having its attention called to any advertisem*nt not conforming to the highest standards of honesty. LANCASTER NEW ERA CLASSIFICATIONS The following headInge appear in this newspaper in the numerical order here given, closely allied classification being grouped together. individual advertisem*nts are arranged under these headings In alphabetical order for quick ence.

LANCASTER NEW ERA CLASSIFICATIONS Indexed for QUICK REFERENCE ANNOUNCEMENTS. 1-Deaths. 2-Cards of Thanks. 3--In Memoriam. 3A-Tributes of Respect.

4-Flowers and Mourning Goods. 5-Funeral Directors. 6-Lost and Found. 7-Monuments and Cemetery Lots. 8-Personals.

9-Religious and Social Events. 10-Societies and Lodges. AUTOMOTIVE A -Automobile Agencies. 11-Automobiles ho. dale.

12-Auto Trucks For Sale. 13-Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts. Bobbed Hair Going Out Of ADENOID SOURGRAPES I THINK WOMEN'S ONLY IDEA IN FUSSING WITH THEIR HAIR IS TO ATTRACT MEN THE SUBJECT DOESN'T INTEREST -MY ONLY FRIEND IS MY DOG AND HE'D LOVE ME JUST THE SAME IF I WERE BALD. -Garages -Autos For Hire 16 -Motorcycles and Bicycles. 16 Service Stations.

-Wanted Automotive. BUSINESS SERVICE. -Business Services Offered, 19-Bullding and Contracting. 19-Electrical Contractors, 20-Cleaning, Dyeing, Renovating. -Dressmaking and Millinery.

-Heating, Plumbing, Roofing. -Insurance and Surety Bonds. Laundering. -Moving, Trucking, Storage, 26 -Painting. Papering, Decorating.

-Printing. Engraving. Binding. -Professional 29-Repairing and Refinishing. 29A-Shoe Repairing.

30-Talloring and Pressing. 31-Wanted-Business Service. EMPLOYMENT. 32-Help Wanted--Female. 83-Help Wanted -Help--Male and Female.

85-Salesmen, Canvassers, Agents. 86-Situations Wanted--Female. 87-Situationa Wanted FINANCIAL. 38-Bushess Opportunities. 39-Investments, Stocks, Bonds.

40-Money to Loan--Mortgages. 41-Wanted-To Borrow. INSTRUCTION. Courses. 43-Local Instruction Classes.

44-Musical, Dancing, Dramatic. 45-Private Instruction. 46-Wanted-Instruction. LIVE STOCK. 47-Dogs.

Cats, Other Pets. 18-Horses, Cattle, Vehicles. 49-Poultry and Supplies. -Bees, Apiaries. 50-Wanted-Live Stock.

MERCHANDISE. 51-Articles for Sale. 51A-Barter and Exchange. 52-Boats and Accessories. 63-Building Materials.

54-Business Equipment. 65A--Farm Equipment. 56-Fuel, Feed, Fertilizers. 57-Good Thi. gs to Eat.

68-Homa-made 'Things. 59-Household Goods. 69A-Electrical Sweepers Washers 60-Jewelry, Watches. Diamonds. 61-Machinery and Tools.

62-Musical Merchandise. 62A--Radio Equipment. 63-Seeds, Plants, Flowers. 64-Specials at the Stores. 65-Wearing Apparel.

66-Wanted-To Buy. ROOMS AND BOARD. 67- -Rooms With Board. 68- -Rooms Without Board. 69-kocms for Housekeeping.

70-Vacation. Piaces. 71-Where to Eat, 72-Where to Stop in Town. 73-Wanted Rooms or Board. REAL ESTATE FOR RENT.

74-Apartments for Rent. 75-Business Places For Rent, 15A-Garages for Rent. 16-Farms and Land For Rent. 17-Houses For Rent. 78-Offices and Desk Room.

79-Shore and Mountain--For Rent. 80-Suburban For Rent. 81-Wanted-To Rent. REAL ESTATE: FOR SALE. R-Brokere in Real Estate.

83-Farms 82-Business and Property Land For For Sale. 84-Houses For Sale. 85-Lots For Sale. 86-Shore and -For Sale. 87-Suburban For Sale.

88-To Exchange-Real Estate. 89-Wanted--Real Estate. -LEGALS. 90-Auction Sales. 91-Legal Notices.

ANNOUNCEMENTS Death HELFRICH-Entered into rest in IronAugust 26, 1923, Mrs. Sarah ville, on R. Helfrich, wife of Fred S. Helfrich, in her 67th year. The relatives and friends are respectfully invited to attend brief funeral services from her late home at Ironville on Wednesday afternoon, at 2:00 o'clock and further services from the Ironville U.

B. Church at 2:30 o'clock. Interment in the adjoining cemetery. Flowers Mourning Goods 4 BARR'S FLOWERS- Choice cut flowers high grade floral work, at prices. F.

Barr 116 N. Queen. FLORISTS--Fred Ruof Son, 619 S. Queen St. flowers.

plants and funeral work. Bell 2344M. FLOWERS AND PLANTS Bell 3640J. Bauman Caldwell, Florists, 835 Highland Avenue. Cards of Thanks 2 Mr.

and Mrs. J. Z. Beiler, of wish announce to their mer, many friends that they are recovering rapidly from their injuries sustained in an automobile accident, which occurred a few weeks ago, when they were thrown from their team. They also wish to thank their many fronds and neighbors for the sympathy and help during their affliction.

They also wish to announce, the Fed eral Indemnity Exchange, Reading, Pa, with offices at 54 N. Queen Lancaster, who carry the insurance on the automobile that collided with their team, have reimbursed them for their expenditure and damages growing out of the accident, it is with great pleasure that they make this know to the public on account of the very courteous treatment by this insurance company. J. Z. KATIE BEILER.

Funeral Directors GROFF- -Fred F. Funeral Director, 234 W. Orange St. phone 827. Ind.

phone 406. Lost and Found AUTOMOBILE tire and rim lost. Reward if returned to Edw. 1. Noble, 145 N.

Duke. BAR PIN with jade stone lost Friday afternoon. Reward. Return to 407 W. Chestnut.

BEADED BAG---Black, containing lady's gold watch, between Tabernacle at Williamson's Park and trolley station, Reward. Return to 316 S. Christian. FUR NECKPIECE lost between E. King, Williamson Park or Duke St.

Reward if returned tO owner, 687 New Holland Ave. Bell 1513M. GLASSES- -Pair of glasses lost Saturday, either on East King Bair Witmer Store, or Donovan's. Finder please return to 2nd floor, Conestoga Bldg. KEYS- Bunch of keys lost Saturday either on way to and from Williamson's Park or at the park.


Lost and Found CHILD'S SILK BONNET lost Saturday afternoon at Rocky Springs near bathIng pool. Reward. Return to Mrs. H. C.

Kaufman, Strasburg, Pa. Monuments and Cemetery Lots MONUMENTS- Order now for Fall Spring delivery, A. G. H. Kreider, W.

Vine St. Personals DENTIST- Richard McCaskey, Better a tooth out than always aching. placements. Missing "cause wrinkles. HORSEBACK RIDING- With well gaited horses and comfortable saddles.

Call Lancaster Riding School, 301 S. Ann, Bell 1735J. MOVED 136 East King St. RHOADS' UMBRELLA STORE MR. MUSICIAN buy on the easy payment plan your Saxophone, Trumpet, Banjo, Violin or Drum at Burger's Music House, 6 N.

Prince. SADDLE HORSES for hire, 1 real sadfor sale, Myers, 440 N. Queen. Bell 3362R. SINGLEFOOT, easy gaited riding horses brought to your home, free instructions.

Otia Ogburn, trainer and professional rider. 240 E. Frederick. 1032R. THE WHITE FLAG -BY Gene Stratton Porter, now on hand.

Barr Book Shop, 24 W. Orange. AUTOMOTIVE. Automobile Agencies BUICK--The Standard of Comparison. Temporarily at Hotel St.

George, 33 W. King St. CADILLAC -Standard of the world. Cadillac of Lancaster, 214 North Duke, St. Bell Phone 3312.

CASE--The Sturdy Car. B. Franklin Futer, Western Market Garage, 520 W. Orange St. CHEVROLET--FOr economical trans- portation.

John F. Longenecker, Lititz and Lancaster. Show rooms, Corner East King and Duke Sts. DODGE BROTHERS MOTOR CARLancaster Automobile 234 W. King St.

FORDS- Garden Spot Motor New Ford Agency. Garage now being erected, Prince and James strets. Temporary office, 39 Grant 3rd 11001. Bell 'Phone 355J. FRANKLIN--No water to boil or freeze Sales Service.

C. Allen DePugh Motor 324 N. Queen St. ANNOUNCEMENTS GARDNER- -The guaranteed car, bearing crank shaft, Sales and Service. J.

Milton Glouner, 128 N. Cherwy, Lancaster. Also Konks, Pa. HAYNES CAR- America's first car, City Garage, sole distributor for Lancaster 126 E. King St.

MACK TRUCKS- "Performance Counts' Lancaster Mack Sales de Service, 214 W. Orange St. MOON- The car of ten proven units. Lancaster Moon Motor Car 16 S. Lime St.

Bell 7031. NASH WILLS ST. CLAIREHERR 218 W. Orange. OAKLAND- -The Finest Light Six.

Sales and Service. Buckwalter Sweigart Lemon Mary Sts. OVERLAND WILLYS-KNIGHT-Brinkman 39-41 N. Water St. Temporary location.

PACKARD the Man Who Owns One. Motor Co. of Lancaster, 2.. W. King St.

PAIGE- The Most Beautiful Car in Paige Motor Car of Lancaster, 327-329 E. King St. REO-You can do it with a Reo. Siegler's Garage, Liberty St. Lititz Pike.

Both phones. RICKENBACKER--The car with the vibrationless motor and the four wheel brakes Kauffman Motor 317 N. Queen. Bell phone. STANLEY STEAMER--Sales and Service.

M. S. Hurst, 53 N. Duke St. STUTZ--Motor Car Co.

of Lancaster. Sales Service Station. Engleside Motor R. K. Herr, Manager.

Bell 2005R. Ind. 774Z. WHITE TRUCKS--Siegier Garage, Liberty Street and Lititz Pike. Both phones.

AGENCY FOR CHALMERS, WELL PEERLESS. G. S. Burkholder, 701 Columbia Ave. Both phones THIS IS STUDEBAKER year.

Studebaker cars sold by H. M. Vondersmith, 38 S. Queen St. Auto.nobiles tor Sale 11 BUICK-1920, 5-passenger touring.

Fine order. A good buy. Rosey's, Auto Exchange, Orange Water. BUICK-6 cylinder touring. Gocd as new.

Very good tires, 2 spares. This is a real bargain at $375. Bell 356R5. Nissley's Garage, Neffsville. CLEVELAND ROADSTER- -Repainted and thoroughly overhauled.

Like new. A very good car. Rosey's, Orange Water. COLE TOURING 1921, must be sold by Thursday; inspect car and make offer. Call Bell phone 3122.

DURANT 5-passenger sedan. Brand new. Only used two months. Good reason for selling. 549 W.

Orange St. ESSEX-1920 touring, A good looking car at a low price. Rosey's. FORD AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY insurance, $13.00 for six months. Henry Howell, rear of Post Office.

FORD--Brand new touring, $430. Chevrolet Associate Dealers, Stehman Salunga, Bell 82R. FORD COUPE-1920. In excellent condition throughout. Price is right.

Rosey's, Orange Water. FORD roadsters. Late 1922 models. One equipped starter and cord tires. Price $250.

The other in first class mechanical condition, without starter. Especially adapted to place box body 011 rear. Price $225. These are indeed bargains. John F.

Longenecker, Duke E. King Lancaster, Pa. FORD SEDAN-1922 model, mechanical condition, paint and upholstery fine. 5 good cord tires. 410 John St.

FORD 1920 sedan. Good condition. Good tires, extras. A bargain. Apply 141 N.

Duke St. FORD-1921 touring. Starter and demountables, good rubber. A-1 condition, $275. Garber's Garage, Elizabethtown.

HUDSON SEDAN- Westinghouse shock absorbers. Good looking. A-1 shape. Rosey's, Orange Water. MAXWELL 1922, 4-passenger coupe.

Equipped. Best of condition, A wonderful bargain. Apply 249 W. Chestnut. 1923, by Goldberg.

AMANDA MSCLOUD SAYS I DON'T CARE IF THEY WEAR IT BOBBED OR LONG HAVEN'T SEEN MY OWN HAIR IN FORTY YEARS. pal 0 MeNaught Syndicate, N. V. Automobiles for Sale MITCHELL-7-passenger touring. 1921 in very good condition.

A bargain. Rosey'8, Orange Water. OLDSMOBILE ROADSTER for sale. Attractive price to quick buyer, In good mechanical condition. Address box 335, Lancaster New Era.

OVERLAND-1918 5-passenger touring car. Good running order. Apply to Wm. Pitz, 640 Lafayette St. OVERLAND- a new Overland, 8224 down and $37 a month.

JOHNSON-BRINKMAN MOTOR 39-41 N. Water Pa. NASH 1943, cylinder Cariole, fully equipped with all extras, run 3000 miles. Car in same condition as new. Good reason for selling.

Price will be right. Call 128 N. Cherry. DAVIS touring. HUDSON touring.

STUDEBAKER sedan. CITY GARAGE, 126 East King Street. BUICK 1919 touring FORD 1920, 1922 sedans FORD 1922 coupe FORD 1918, 1921 tourings CHESTER E. GROFF, 229 N. Queen St.


Queen. GOOD USED FORDSFORD tourings (2), starters, $225. FORD, 1920 roadsters, (2), $200. FORD tourings, (4), 1917. $75.

KENNEL BROTHERS, HONEY BROOK, PA. Both Phones RUPMOBILE 1923, California top, run 4000 miles. HUPMOBILE, 1923 touring. Run 1900 miles. LEXINGTON, 1923 touring.

$1000. FORD touring. SIEGLER'S GARAGE REPAIR SHOP Lititz Pike Liberty St. USED CARSFORD 1919 touring, starter. FORD 1917 touring.

FORD 1920 roadster, str. dem. FORD 1921 roadster. Ton truck, 1919, solid tires $150. FORD roadster, $75.

OVERLAND touring, Model 75. SAUDER BROS. GARAGE, New Holland, Pa. SOME REAL BARGAINSFORD touring 1918, good condition. Good tires, shock absorbers, $135.

FORD coupe, 1921, A-1 condition, lot of extras, cord tires. CHEVROLET sedan in A-1 condition, good in paint and tires, this car has been well taken care of, only $195. BUICK light six, good running condition. Only $190. Some further real bargains.

See us. USED FORD SALES AGENCY, N. S. MYERS, 72 E. Main Lititz, Pa.

Bell 36 Ind. 189 USED CARS FOR SALE- AUTOMOTIVE Lincoln 7 passenger, demonstator Lincoln sedan Cadillac coupe Cadillac passenger touring Peerless 7 passegner touring Oldsmobile, 7 passenger touring Oakland, 6 passenger touring Maxwell, 5 passenger touring Light Conestoga truck Oakland sedan and coupe (new) at reduced prices B. FRANKLIN FUTER. 520-30 West Orange St. Lancaster, Pa.

Bell CARS OF KNOWN VALUESeripps-Booth touring Hupmobile 1920 touring Mitchell six touring roadster Ford coupe, sedan and touring Chalmers six coupe Durant 1922 sedan and touring Maxwell roadster and touring Reo coupe Liberty touring Overland and Star sedans Paige-66 sport, 1922 Any automobile, whether bought, sold or exchanged by us, bears the stamp of a reliable dealer and is a car of known value. OPEN EVENINGS UNTIL 8:30 H. J. RICHARDSON, Arcade Garage USED CARS ON SALEDodge Brothers coupe Dodge Brothers touring Dodge Brothers screen commercial Chevrolet. light delivery Ford coupe Ford sedan.

Ford light delivery Ford one ton truck Hudson touring Detroit electric Overland touring Overland light delivery Nash roadster Nash touring Nash sedan Vim truck Atlas truck Republic one ton truck LANCASTER AUTOMOBILE 234 West King St. CADILLAC-1916 touring in absolutely first class condition. Fine tires, good paint. CADILLAC-1919 touring. Wonderful shape.

Completely rebuilt and repainted. A kind of used car you seldom get a chance to buy. CADILLAC-1921 touring. Excellent condition. Overhauled and repainted.

A dandy car. CADILLAC-61-4 pass. Victoria. PresA buy for someone. PEERLESS-1919 touring car.

In fine condition. Good paint. Nearly new tires. A snap at the price. All the above cars, at the prices we ask for them, represent unusual values.

We would be glad to show them, and will arrange terms to suit. OF LANCASTER, Duke St. Auto Trucks tor Sale 12 A BARGAIN in a truck. 1923 Ford One Ton Truck with 6-post express body. This car is almost like new.

You cannot tell it was ever used. It is equipped with cord tires and two brand new cord tires to go with it. Our price is a sacrifice. Call at once and see it. John F.

Longenecker, Duke and King streets, Lancaster, Pa. PRUDENT PEOPLE profit by classified ad perusal. AUTOMOTIVE. Auto Trucks for Sale 12 WHITE 34-TON TRUCKINTERNATIONAL speed wagon, brand new, $1200 complete. DODGE light delivery truck.

SIEGLER'S A GARAGE REPAIR SHOP Litita Pike Liberty St. Auto Accessories, Tires, Parts 13 AUTO PARTS at a big saving. Miller Accessory Repair Shop, Prince St. AUTO PARTS--New and used at a saving of almost half. We have parta for any make car, 500 us first.

N. Market rear of Reilly Bros. bought and sold. Rosey's, 40-44 Raub. DAYTON- Thorobred cords.

Built for underinflation. P. W. Graybill, 61 W. Chestnut St.

Bell 699R. MOHAWK quality cords. can prove their worth, H. 1. Mellinger, 335 N.

Queen St. NEW AND USED AUTO PARTS- Cars bought and sold. Penn Auto Wrecking Florin, Pa. PIONEER BATTERIES -Now 11 plate. 1 year guarantee, $16.

Red Rose Gar age, 45 S. Queen. Garages- Autos for Hire STORAGE -For 50 automobiles. $3.00 per month each. Bell Phone 2575R or call at 623 S.

Prince St. 7-PASSENGER Hudson autos for hire. Reasonable rates, experienced drivers. Call J. K.

Stotizfus. Bell 3136M. Motorcycles and Bicycles HARLEY-DAVIDSON 1919 motorcycle for sale. Bargain at $50. Call 909 N.

Prince St. Repairing--Service Stations 16 ALL MAKES of cars repaired, washed, simonized and oiled. Penn. Auto Garage, 218 S. Christian.

Bell 3392M. A AUTO RADIATOR REPAIRING--EXperts in recoring and fender work. The M. A. Shop, 38 N.

Market St. AUTO REPAIRING--Expert repairing. all make of cars. Reasonable rates. Chas.

Back, 13 N. Mary. AUTO REPAIRING High grade work at reasonable a rates. Lincoln Highway Garage, 425 King. BRAKES RELINED while you wait, by latest improved method.

We give you satisfaction. Let us inspect your brakes and if necessary, adjust them. Queen Battery Ing. Brunswick Garage, Bell 3342, Ind. 452.

RADIATOR REPAIRING- -By experts who know Radiator 34 N. Market St. REPAINTING- Satisfaction assured. Auto tops, slip covers, upholstering. G.

Howard Sherts, 512 E. Mifflin St. SEAT COVERS- -Save the upholstering Estimates cheerfully given. John M. Suttie, Arcade Garage.

SPEEDOMETERS REPAIRED- -Prompt and guaranteed service. Reasonable charges, Hershey 409 N. Water Bell 2090W. WELDING--and welding supplies. Frames and axles straightened.

Auto Weld 226 N. Arch St. Wanted -Automotive 17 100 AUTOS wanted in running condition. Will pay the highest cash prices. Call at S.

Dunie Sons, 348 North St. Bell 2629. Ind. 260Y. BUSINESS SERVICE Business Service Offered 18 DRAIN HOLES and cess pools dug anywhere by new quick process.

Expensive drain pipes and ditching not necessary. Can save at least $50. For particulars write P. O. Box 396, Lancaster.

COLONEL WILLIAM N. HASKELL AND HIS DOG MASCOT "NEFSKY," MOST FAMOUS DOG IN RUSSIA. "Russians are a very difficult people to understand. Usually it takes from two to three years to get on to their mentality. You must know when to jolly them and when to bully them.

Bullying them all the time won't get you anywhere. Besides, you make bad friends. easier to to do business, anyway, when make good friends. dee tonight at Shetzline Park. His reception as he enters the ring will be the culmination of the most remarkable ovation ever lavished on a boxer in Philadelphia- LANCASTER NEW ERA CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Indexed for quick reference.

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Prompt, reliable service. S. S. BERTZ 213 W. Lemon Bell 770, Ind.


Lancaster New Era from Lancaster, Pennsylvania (2024)


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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.